Neil Gorsuch confirmed as SCOTUS associate justice


Gorsuch sworn in as Supreme Court justice ahead of key cases

Justice Neil Gorsuch, vowing to be a “faithful servant” to the Constitution, was sworn in Monday to the Supreme Court, capping a grueling confirmation process and filling the seat once held by the late Antonin Scalia. 

The latest addition to the court was sworn in at a public ceremony in the Rose Garden. Justice Anthony Kennedy – Gorsuch’s former boss – administered the Judicial Oath, the second of two Gorsuch took.

“To the American people, I am humbled by the trust placed in me today,” Gorsuch said after taking the oath. “I will never forget to whom much is given to much will be expected, and I promise you that I will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the Constitution and laws of this great nation.”

At the ceremony, President Trump called Gorsuch a man of “unmatched qualification” and “deeply devoted” to the Constitution.

“I have no doubt you will rise to the occasion, and the decisions you make will protect our Constitution today and for many generations of Americans to come,” he said.

The second of my two primary Trump Voting Factors has occurred. Antonin Scalia’s position on the US Supreme Court has been filled with a Scalia-like jurist.

The writes:

Gorsuch will be put to work immediately. The court meets privately Thursday to consider cases for the next term. On the list is a plea that the court decide whether the Second Amendment grants a right to carry firearms outside the home. Another case asks whether businesses may refuse to provide wedding services to same-sex couples.

Next week, the court begins its last round of oral arguments for the term. Gorsuch, who in the past has defended the rights of religious objectors to laws they say violate their beliefs, could be the deciding vote in a major “separation of church and state” case from Missouri.

The timing is perfect and, for once, I have to tip my hat to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. He persevered in terms of enacting the so-called “Joe Biden Rule” and held his mud against the firestorm that resulted from the Demorats. Let us review the rule:

McConnell took serious heat but kept on track. Further, he displayed spine in terms of activating the nuclear option in the face of the Demorat filibuster.

It is possible the court may reveal that it is deadlocked on several cases it has heard this term. The court, with four liberals nominated by Democratic presidents and four mostly conservative justices picked by Republicans, would schedule rehearings in those cases so Gorsuch could break the ties.

Moreover, one of the most important cases for the GOP and conservatives is just around the corner.

And in a matter of weeks, the court might be called upon to get involved in Trump’s second travel ban targeting refugees and people entering the United States from certain countries.

In some ways, Gorsuch is the prototypical justice. He is the 109th man among the 113 justices in the court’s history. All but two of the men were white. He is a favorite of the conservative legal establishment and has family roots in Republican politics.

Like five of his colleagues, Gorsuch attended Harvard Law School; the others went to Yale. He was hired as a Supreme Court clerk by fellow Coloradan Justice Byron White. Because White had retired by then, Gorsuch was loaned to Kennedy for the 1993-94 term.

He becomes the first former clerk to serve on the court alongside his boss.

GOP 1, Demorats and Leftists, 0.



Fauxcahontas and Google: in good company abusing women

I already wrote about Fauxcahontas, Demorat Senator Elizabeth Warren, screwing over her female staff members by paying them 71% of what an equivalent male staff member makes on the dollar.

As per normal with Demorats, it’s all about “do as I say and not as I do.” 

Now, we have Google tugging on Warren’s coattails.

From the

Google Pays Female Workers Less Than Male Counterparts, Labor Department Says

by Jack Nicas

Department’s claims don’t amount to formal charges; investigation is ongoing

An investigation of Google Inc. has found it systematically pays female employees less than their male counterparts, U.S. Department of Labor officials said, a claim that adds to allegations of gender bias in Silicon Valley.

The Labor Department found the gender-pay gap during a routine probe into whether Google, a federal contractor, is complying with laws that prohibit contractors from discriminating against applicants or employees.

Crushed, I am, to learn that Google is so craven.

What is the motto of Google? “Don’t be evil.”

How can one not be evil — against all Leftist and Demorat philosophies — by conspicuously displaying rampant hypocrisy in the face of demanded equality? This is a fundamental platform on which Demorats and Leftists stand mightily. Or. Maybe they only say they do.

The tech industry has been under fire for years over the large percentage of white and Asian male employees and executives. Tech firms have started initiatives to try to combat the trend, but few have shown much progress.

Stop. Those Evil Caucasoids. Those Evil Asians. For daring to be interested in technology and tech issues more so than, say, females, black gangbangers, illegal Mexicans or crazed Albanian dwarves.

Point made.



Are women inherently paid less than men overall, absent specific life circumstances? Let’s watch and listen.


US government Kabuki Theater, Pt. III

This is the continuation of a series of posts dealing with issues where some individuals in the United States government are attempting to hold at least a portion of the rest of the federal government accountable and responsible for its actions and inactions. The public displays we find, however, are not unlike the most bizarre of Kabuki Theater or Theater of the Absurd.

Here, Trey Gowdy attempts to solicit the slightest bit of humanity from a rather smug Louisiana prosecutor with regard to the results of violent crime.

Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, these are your federal tax dollars either

  1. At work, or
  2. Pissed away with abandon

More to come.



Stupidity comes home to roost in Sweden

The Swedish government has refused to acknowledge the evil that lies under its noses presently, in the form of radical Islam. They minimize its impact, distract inquiries, dodge, block, obfuscate and outright deny that Islam has any sort of deleterious effect whatsoever on the nation.

That’s their story and they’re sticking to it. No matter who gets hurt.

Or killed.

From the

Bloody tire tracks from the truck utilized in the Stockholm terror attack.

Stockholm police make terror arrest: Injured man ‘confesses that he drove hijacked lorry into shoppers’ killing four

by Anthony Bond, Rachel Bishop and Patrick Lion

Swedish police have arrested a man in north Stockholm who has confessed to carrying out a deadly truck attack in the centre of the city, local media reports.

The man has some light injuries and said he was responsible for the attack, Reuters reported quoting local news outlet Aftonbladet.

Senior police officer Mats Lofving said: “We don’t know whether this incident is isolated or whether we can expect more.

“We have police positioned at several strategic places with a particular risk threat.”

Dead Swedish citizens lying in Swedish streets due to a naive Swedish government.

Now this just in:

Stockholm attack: ‘Homemade bomb’ found in lorry used to kill at least four people in Sweden

by Lizzie Dearden

A homemade bomb has reportedly been found in the lorry used to kill at least four people in Stockholm.

Police sources told public broadcaster SVT the device was found in a bag, and had not been detonated, adding that the attacker had “burned himself”.

Forensics officers and bomb disposal squads worked through the night at the site of the massacre in Drottningatan, a busy shopping area of the Swedish capital.

The lorry was left partially embedded in the Ahlens department store after being ploughed into pedestrians on Friday afternoon, killing four people and wounding 15 others.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, although both Isis and al-Qaeda have recently released propaganda calling on followers to carry out vehicle rammings and containing bomb-making instructions.

Lorries were used by Isis supporters in the attacks in Berlin and Nice last year, while cars were used in Westminster and at Ohio State University.

Isis propaganda has continued attempting to incite terror attacks in Europe, the US, Australia and other countries supporting military operations against its fighters. 

An issue of its Rumiyah magazine issued in November advised jihadis to launch vehicle attacks in an article citing the Nice lorry attack that killed 86 people as a “superb demonstration”.

“Having a secondary weapon, such as a gun or a knife, is also a great way to combine a vehicle attack with other forms,” it read.

I think Sweden has a problem.

Remember when President Trump said Sweden had a problem with Islam? It was denied, of course, by the Swedish government and by Leftists, Demorats and GOWPs** the world over.. Two days later there were outright riots conducted by Muslims in Stockholm, Sweden’s capitol. Rather inconvenient for a narrative, eh wot? Now, people and news outlets in the EU are asking: was Trump correct all along?

One of my favorite references, Tucker Carlson, speaks to Nigel Farage about the incident in Sweden and the wake-up call that must accompany the act.

No matter how you deny, no matter how you try, Swedish government, your ignorant and naive views are currently coming back to bite your citizens in their arse. And it’s killing them. Your politically correct views are not only corrosive and corruptive, they are deadly.

When will you start to care?


**GOWP = Guilty Overeducated White Person.

(From the

Sweden will ‘never go back’ to the days of mass immigration after failed asylum seeker launched Friday’s truck attack in Stockholm, says the country’s shell-shocked PM

by Arthur Martin & Mario Ledwith

  • Prime Minister Stefan Löfven pledged to change his country’s liberal attitude

  • It comes after Rakhmat Akilov, from Uzbekistan, killed four in a terror attack

  • He drove a 30-ton truck down into a department store in Stockholm on Friday

  • There are more than 3,000 migrants living unlawfully in Stockholm alone 

The Prime Minister of Sweden has vowed his country will ‘never go back’ to recent levels of mass immigration after it emerged the terrorist who killed four people in a truck attack was a failed asylum seeker.

Stefan Löfven pledged to change his country’s liberal attitude, insisting the massive influx allowed during the 2015 migrant crisis would never happen again.

Rakhmat Akilov, from Uzbekistan, hijacked the lorry and deliberately drove into pedestrians on central Stockholm’s main shopping street on Friday afternoon.

It was a copycat of the attack carried out in London last month, when Khalid Masood killed four pedestrians and injured dozens more with a Hyundai 4×4. Swedish police said there were clear similarities.

Akilov is thought to have carried out reconnaissance along his route days earlier.

Four were killed and 15 injured when he drove a 30-ton truck down a pedestrianised area and smashed into a department store. Chris Bevington, a 41-year-old father-of-two from Britain, was killed close to his office.

But it emerged yesterday Swedish authorities had given Akilov four weeks to leave Sweden after his final asylum appeal failed in December.

He was being sought by police and immigration officials for deportation – but evaded them simply by giving a false address.

‘Sweden will never go back to the [mass migration] we had in autumn 2015, never,’ Mr Löfven said yesterday.

‘Everyone who has been denied a permit should return home.

‘This makes me feel enormously frustrated. If you have been denied a visa you are supposed to leave the country.’

Akilov, 39, had expressed support for Islamic State and world-wide extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, whose UK members included jailed hate preacher Anjem Choudary.

Akilov reportedly told police that he carried out the attack on the orders of Islamic State.

Those people did not have to die.

Are the Swedes actually beginning to understand the significance of the problem they have not only allowed to occur but gone out of their way to promote?


54 to 45: Judge Gorsuch confirmed

Following a filibuster by the Demorats and the subsequent enabling of the “nuclear option” by the GOP on Thursday, Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed as the newest associate justice to the US Supreme Court on Friday, by a Senate vote of 54 to 45.

The installation of Neil Gorsuch removes the confusion experienced by SCOTUS and the confounding issue of cases being returned to their originating DCAs. That is to say, if, during an opinion, SCOTUS had a 4-to-4 tie, the opinion of the lower court held.

This now at least gives the court the ability to reach majority decisions of 4/5, 5/4, a highly important difference.

Judge Gorsuch will be officially sworn in on Monday, April 10th.