BZ’s radio show: the Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Thursday, 2-23-17

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, as well as appear on the Sackheads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Thursday, 2-23-17” on Spreaker.

On Thursday night’s show, “The Aftermath,” I did something heretofore unencountered: I went into overtime. In order to fit all the information applicable, the show ran to 2.5 hours instead of the standard two. We covered:

  • Marine Le Pen destroys Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande;
  • Maxine Waters destroys herself;
  • California kills cops;
  • Local CHP officer killed;
  • The Swamp Strikes Back;
  • John McCain disgusts thinking people

I quantify The Aftermath as “all the stuff I couldn’t fit into the Tuesday show.”

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

Also check @BZep on Twitter and Gab to see if The Aftermath is scheduled for each Thursday at the same bat time, the same bat channel.

My guest, Pat Dollard, couldn’t make it tonight but we’ve rescheduled the show for next Tuesday, February 28th, at 11 PM Eastern and 8 PM Pacific. Come listen to the eclectic and irascible Pat Dollard — he’ll open your mind like a bad can of cat food.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.


The swamp strikes back

In an absolutely unprecedented series of moves by most every element in not only DC but the northeastern US — as well as across the nation — forces have been arrayed against one man in the White House for the purposes of his utter ruination.

Those forces seek the destruction of Donald Trump. That a person can exist in this kind of toxic environment and then not only survive but thrive speaks greatly to the strength of that individual.

Most every newsroom across the US and a good portion of the globe is against Donald Trump. His intelligence agencies certainly are. From the

Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump on Leak Concerns

by Shane Harris & Carol E. Lee

Decision to withhold information underscores deep mistrust between intelligence community and president

U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.

The officials’ decision to keep information from Mr. Trump underscores the deep mistrust that has developed between the intelligence community and the president over his team’s contacts with the Russian government, as well as the enmity he has shown toward US spy agencies.

On Wednesday, Mr Trump accused the agencies of leaking information to undermine him.

In some of these cases of withheld information, officials have decided not to show Mr Trump the sources and methods that the intelligence agencies use to collect information, the current and former officials said. Those sources and methods could include, for instance, the means that an agency uses to spy on a foreign government.

First “who” are the “leak concerns”? They are. The “deep state.” I asked the question again and again: where is the proof that the Russians hacked the US election and were out to force Trump into the presidency? Answer: “uh, no real proof, you’ll just have to believe us.” You know, us. The intelligence agencies who swear they have no political agendas when in fact that’s all they have. Lt Col Tony Shaffer weighs in:

They continue to fail to realize they exist to serve the president, not to hold sway over him. They hate that Trump is skeptical — amongst other things.

We know all the Demorats are, as well as their linked cabal of Leftists and outright anarchists and what I term the Religious Left — that is to say, those to whom it’s all about emotions and faith, the facts be damned.

Even a substantial portion of the GOP is after Trump’s head, to include Lindsay Graham and those too afraid to be outed in public but are working sub rosa to sever Trump’s achilles tendon, like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. Establishment Republicans and Republican pundits hate Trump because they have been made immaterial by him. They no longer matter. They’re having a more difficult time getting a seat for lunch at the Old Ebbitt Grill. The Ruling Class GOP has declared war on Trump. How dare he interfere with their importance? How dare he bypass them and fail to kiss the rings? Worse yet: Trump isn’t hiring any of them. What a shock. They excoriated him then expected him to forget their disdain?

Those Republicans who hate Trump hate Trump because he has removed their influence. Period. They can only be redeemed if Trump implodes in a huge way. Therefore.  .  .

None are working harder against Trump, however, than John McCain.

Listen to McCain continue on and on with the “new world order.”

Remember, it was John McCain who purposely leaked the so-called dossier about Russia “cultivating” Donald Trump. Please read my article here so that you can fully understand the despicable depths to which McCain will sink in order to torpedo the administration of President Trump.

In addition, Bill Kristol has completely delaminated, having said “Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.” That said everything you need to know about Kristol and others like him. Kristol also wrote “Idea for : Replace the Trump & Milo CPAC sessions by one with Bannon. Why listen to the marionettes when you can get the puppeteer?” Also: “Honest Q for conservatives who aren’t just working with or around Trump, but rationalizing him: In your heart, don’t you know you’re wrong?” And: “It’s not “The Southern White House.” It’s a fancy if vulgar country club.” Just come out and say it, Kristol: “he’s not my president.”

Let’s not forget Kristol’s “I’ll be unembarrassedly old-fashioned here: it is profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim “America First.”

So that we keep our terms identified, the “deep state” is that which is considered to be the quasi-hidden horde of faceless bureaucrats, elitists, officials, retired officials, legislators, contractors and American Media Maggots who support and defend everything “establishment” about the US government and its policies. They cannot bear change. I’ll get to why later.

Tony Shaffer thinks these people are behind the Michael Flynn leaks.

Hell, let me just explain the bottom line up front: Trump cannot be allowed to succeed under any circumstance. Successes from him, no matter how they may benefit the people of the United States, repudiate the thoughts, philosophies and the entire belief systems of the very people out to assassinate him at every political turn. That’s the point.

When the American Media Maggots were absolutely up in arms and livid that the DNC and Podesta emails hit the ether via Wikileaks, they are now beside themselves with glee because of leaks in the Trump administration. Verified sources be damned; the AMM is in love with “anonymous” sources.

Let’s use the Michael Flynn situation as an example and, for that, I’ll cut to the chase and make things simple. The truth is that the AMM and the public don’t know for sure what Michael Flynn said to the Russian ambassador. The truth is that the AMM and the public don’t know for sure if the Trump campaign had significant contact with the Russian government. But that is apparently immaterial.

Al “Pay Your Taxes” Sharpton stated on last Wednesday’s Tom Joyner radio show:

If there was dialogue and negotiations with the Russians, with the Russians, which is clearly against the law and clearly an act that cannot be pardoned. If the president knew while it was going on and did not stop it or in some way authorized it, that can be impeachable.”

Uh, wrong, Al. It’s not illegal to speak to the Russians. It is only illegal to negotiate with foreign powers on behalf of the United States when you are not so authorized and you are formally attempting to undermine. Michael Flynn was a citizen when the call with the Russian ambassador occurred at the end of the Obama administration. Did Flynn lie to the FBI when contacted? Again, no one yet knows. The end game is to subvert and delegitimize the Trump presidency in any way possible.

Michael Walsh of PJMedia calls the situation a “rolling coup attempt.”

“.  .  .organized by elements of the intelligence community, particularly CIA and NSA, abetted by Obama-era holdovers in the understaffed Justice Department (Sally Yates, take a bow) and the lickspittles of the leftist media, all of whom have signed on with the “Resistance” in order to overturn the results of the November election.”

Walsh continues and nails the bullet points:

Now, up is down, black is white, and in is out. This is, of course, how you play the game, to keep everyone in a state of maximum confusion. So let’s cut to Main Narrative, as retailed by the MSM, with timely encouragement from the CIA and Democrat operatives masquerading as journalists:

  • Trump is unfit to be president. Plus, Hillary is unbeatable, so give up already.
  • Oops — Trump wins.
  • The Russians stole the election.
  • Trump is too cozy with the Russians.
  • Trump’s people are too cozy with the Russians.
  • No wonder the Russians stole the election for Trump.
  • Flynn called the Russian ambassador — and lied about it!
  • The coverup is always worse than the crime! Flynn must go!
  • Flynn’s gone — but here comes the ghost of Howard Baker —
  • “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
  • Trump is doomed.

Enter now the usual sycophants and deracinated old men, such as war hero John McCain, his lovely sidekick Lindsey Graham and various other useful idiots, adding their capon voices to the leftist choir: let freedom ring!

Please fully read the rest of Walsh’s article.

Victor Davis Hanson writes in the National Review:

Seven Days in February

Trumps’ critics, left and right, aim to bring about the cataclysm they predicted.

A 1964 political melodrama, Seven Days in May, envisioned a futuristic (1970s) failed military cabal that sought to sideline the president of the United States over his proposed nuclear-disarmament treaty with the Soviets.

Fake news proliferates. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Elijah Cummings recently attacked departing national-security advisor Michael Flynn by reading a supposed Flynn tweet that was a pure invention. Nor did Trump, as reported, have a serious plan to mobilize “100,000” National Guard troops to enforce deportations.

Other false stories claimed that Trump had pondered invading Mexico, that his lawyer had gone to Prague to meet with the Russians, and that he had removed from the Oval Office a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. — sure proof of Trump’s racism. Journalists — including even “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post — reposted fake news reports that Trump’s father had run a campaign for the New York mayorship during which he’d aired racist TV ads.

Here is where Hanson focuses like the proverbial laser beam and exposes the soft white underbelly of the frothing DC banana slugs who can readily be found by simply following their signature trail of slime.

1) As we saw from his recent free-wheeling press conference, Trump’s loud, take-no-prisoners style is certainly anti-Washington, anti-media, anti-elite, and anti-liberal. He often unsettles reporters with bombast and invective, when most are accustomed to dealing with career politicians or fellow liberal officeholders who share their same beliefs. As part of Trump’s art-of-the-deal tactics, he often blusters, rails, and asks for three times what he might eventually settle for, on the expectation that critics of his style will be soon silenced by the undeniable upside of his eventual achievements. This is a long-term strategy that in the short term allows journalists to fault the present means rather than the future ends. Trump’s unconventional bluster, not his record so far, fuels the animosity of elites who seek to delegitimize him and fear that their reputations and careers can be rendered irrelevant by his roughshod populism. He also has reminded the country that some of the mainstream media and Washington–New York elite are often mediocre and boring.

And here you see the spark. That spark of one thing: naked fear.

2) The Democratic party has been absorbed by its left wing and is beginning to resemble the impotent British Labour party. Certainly it no longer is a national party. Mostly it’s a local and municipal coastal force, galvanized to promote a race and gender agenda and opposed to conservatism yet without a pragmatic alternative vision. Its dilemma is largely due to the personal success but presidential failure of Barack Obama, who moved the party leftward and yet bequeathed an electoral matrix that will deprive future national candidates of swing-state constituencies without compensating for that downside with massive minority turnouts, which were unique to Obama’s candidacy. The Democratic party bites its tail in endless paroxysms of electoral frustration — given that the medicine of broadening support to win back the white poor and working classes is deemed worse than the disease of losing the state governorships and legislatures, the Congress, the presidency, and the Supreme Court.

There is no more telling an indicator of this than the DNC pulling hard to elect Keith Ellison as its chairman.

3) Usually conservative pundits and journalists would push back against this extraordinary effort to delegitimize a Republican president. But due to a year of Never Trump politicking and opposition, and Trump’s own in-your-face, unorthodox style and grating temperament, hundreds of Republican intellectuals and journalists, former officeholders and current politicians — who shared a common belief that Trump had no chance of winning and thus could be safely written off — find themselves without influence in either the White House or indeed in their own party, over 90 percent of which voted for Trump. In other words, the Right ruling class is still in a civil war of sorts.

But wait! There’s more!

For some, the best pathway to redemption is apparently to criticize Trump to such an extent that their prior prophecies of his preordained failure in the election will be partially redeemed by an imploding presidency. It is no accident that many of those calling for his resignation or removal are frustrated that, for the first time in a generation, they will have no influence in a Republican administration or indeed among most Republicans. Yet, in private, they accept that Trump’s actual appointments, executive orders, and announced policies are mostly orthodox conservative — a fact that was supposed to have been impossible.

I repeat: fear. Naked fear.

4) Since 2000, what might have been seen as irrational and abnormal has become institutionalized and commonplace: record U.S. debt approaching $20 trillion, chronic trade deficits, an often destructive globalization, Hoover-era anemic economic growth, polarizing racial identity politics, open borders, steady growth in the size of government, sanctuary cities, unmet NATO obligations abroad, crumbling faith that the European Union is sustainable and democratic, and a gradual symbiosis between the two parties, both of which ignored the working classes as either demographically doomed or as a spent force of deplorables and irredeemables (or both).

Please read the full article of Victor Davis Hanson.

An important corollary question is this: do we still have a free press? In one way yes, in another way no.

Yes, we have a free press in terms of their ability to write anything they wish for any reason they wish with very little blowback. No, in terms of their interest in the truth or even the half-hearted possession a slightly curious mind. They are fundamentally lazy, incurious and exist as the propaganda wing for Demorats and Leftists. They’ve been so for years now but only recently been called on the carpet by an individual whom they cannot really damage, but not for lack of trying every hour of every day.

90+% of every newsroom consists of registered Demorats. It is thought that, in the AMM, there is a ten-to-one alignment of liberals to conservatives in the industry. The American Media Maggots constantly bleat about the need for adversarial qualities in any free press. But those adversarial qualities are applied in an unfair fashion and only against those persons with whom they philosophically disagree — conservatives, Republicans to a degree and those who believe in smaller government. If newsrooms question a Demorat or a Leftist the puffy softballs emerge and they place Nerf suits on those they interview so feathers remain in place and unruffled.

In other words, objectivity is gone.

The entire discussion begs this question: what has Trump done in his first four weeks? He has installed people in cabinet positions that will tend to remove the Draconian rules and regulations in, say, the EPA and education. He has cleared the way for the Keystone XL and Dakota access pipelines in an attempt to make the US more energy independent and less dependent on what I term blood or conflict oil from the Middle East. He is attempting to stabilize medical care. He has undone regulations imposed by the Obama administration. He has made an excellent Supreme Court nomination. And he has mostly guaranteed roughly $78 billion dollars of American business commitment to the United States that wasn’t there under Obama. Trump also has about a 55% approval rating. It is trending up. Slowly. But up.

Truly, though, what’s it all about?

What is it ever about? Power and money, money and power. Mostly power. And the fear engendered with the actual and perceived loss of power.

People who have great jobs, usually for life, producing little work, not subject to election, making fabulous salaries, being treated with deference and living in stellar homes — their incomes and perks having risen whilst the average American’s wages have stagnated or dropped. They possess great healthcare. They have wonderful retirements. Their neighborhoods and schools are fabulous, untouched by gangbangers or gunshots or filthy immigrants or the homeless pissing on their front steps. They have great gyms, pristine jogging paths, espresso machines that sound like you’re hocking the ultimate loogie, vegan beer, quinoa, gluten-free gluten, and the newest Porsche Cayenne for the mommies.

“The spice must flow!”

Yet: they are the underminers and obstructionists — in both parties — because, finally, the focus is now on them. And they don’t like it one bit.

Those are the people who live here, around the DC Beltway, which is one of the richest and most expansive, desired places in the US. Above is some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Why do you suppose that might be?

The final question for purposes of this post is: What can be done?

First, he must continue on the current path of acquiring his cabinet and his various government appointments. He must fight like hell for Judge Gorsuch and the next SCOTUS vacancy because, after all, there will be another opening if not more during the next four years.

He must next direct his applicable beleaguered cabinet members to fire and eliminate wholesale as much of the upper and middle-management staff as humanly possible, because this is the true locus of hate, discontent and dissent in each agency. He has to continue or should begin to assume that opsec is prime. Mellow the rhetoric. Make your plans in private and not so public. Keep your cards close to your vest. Fire all the US attorneys in every district — they’re all Obama appointees. Fill all those mounting court vacancies by “recess appointing” judges on March 21st.


What if Trump kicks the country up to 3% + GDP growth? What if he brings more jobs to the US? What if he actually begins to bring jobs to the inner cities? What if he strengthens our military? What if he begins to make America energy independent? What if he begins to reduce waste in government? What if he reduces the size of government? What about those seats in 2018?

In four words: what if Trump succeeds?

Demorats and Leftists know: they’ll be irrelevant.



California kills cops

I can think of no other way to phrase this post. Because I know the truth.

I know the truth about AB 109, realignment, Prop 47 and Prop 57. California, I know your dirty little secrets, your dirty little lies.

All of those things are Leftist proposals that have rendered the state of California less safe, more in danger, with climbing crime rates and with an absolute indifference to public safety by state Demorats and Leftists — in order to prove some kind of Grande Experimente that lives in their heads but is not grounded in reality, gladly signed-off by the dementia-ridden Governor Jerry Brown. I am not kidding. Dementia-ridden. As in: we can only let him out in public with care lest the rabble discover his true condition. We cannot afford to have him remotely compared to Ronald Reagan.

Let me be blunt: Whittier Police Officer Keith Wayne Boyer was killed by the callous indifference of the State of California.

No more, no less. But hey, to quote a movie: “sacrifices have to be made, mister.” That would be the mantra of California state government officials. Oh well. Meh. Another cop killed. He likely didn’t mean anything to anyone outside of a small circle of friends. And certainly he means nothing in Sacramento.

Let’s admit, he’s the easiest to disregard: Caucasoid, male, and a cop. No one will miss an overbearing, racist, sexist, older member of the diminishing authority. He is one of the most easily cast aside. Because, after all, he was a cop for 30 years.

Whittier PD Officer Keith Wayne Boyer was sacrificed on the altar of California Political Correctness. All hail Jerry Brown. Huzzah huzzah.

From the

Gunman who killed Whittier officer had fatally shot cousin hours earlier, police say

by Tony Barboza, Richard Winton & Maya Lau

One officer was killed and a second injured in a shootout with a gang member who was wounded in a Monday morning altercation in Whittier, authorities said.

Three Whittier Police Department officers were responding to the scene of a traffic collision about 8 a.m. when a 26-year-old, recently paroled man driving a stolen car opened fire with a semiautomatic pistol, said Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lt. John Corina.

Detectives said the alleged gunman, who is expected to survive, is also a suspect in homicide that occurred in East Los Angeles. They believe he stole a vehicle Sunday morning after killing a man, his cousin, then drove into Whittier, where he encountered the police.

The slain officer was identified as Keith Boyer, a 27-year veteran of the department.

Likely, however, the suspect was nothing more than another forthright, ignored, misunderstood Mexican male who had rights and simply stood up to The Man because he was downtrodden and subject to years of oppression and racism.

Those were, after all, crocodile tears exhibited simply for the gullible press.

Except that the suspect was in fact released earlier from parole than normal because of California laws. Leftists will tell you, of course, that the suspect complied with all laws extant. Of course he did. Until he didn’t.


Whittier Police Chief takes aim at California laws allowing early release of convicted criminals

by Pete Carrillo

Parolee who was released is suspected in earlier homicide and auto theft prior to shooting and killing Officer Boyer and wounding a second officer

The officer who was shot and killed was Keith Wayne Boyer. Boyer joined the force in 1989 and became a full-time police officer in 1990, Whittier police Chief Jeff Piper told reporters today at a news conference outside the  Whittier police station.

The wounded officer was identified as Patrick Hazel, a three-year department veteran, Piper said.

He last was reported in stable condition. Boyer was a divorced father of grown children, a drummer who played in bands for non-profit events and a “personal friend of mine for 25 years,” Piper said.

“He was the best of the best,” Piper said. “He was humble, smiling, positive. He was a great guy and recently talked to me about retiring.”

He could be me. I could be him. It is customary for cops to take their 20 and leave. Boyer gave another 50% because, clearly, he felt motivated to do so. As did I with my 41 years in law enforcement.

Mejia, who was shot by officers in the deadly gunfight that claimed Boyer’s life and left Officer Patrick Hazell wounded, has been arrested and jailed for short stints several times since July. State officials said he was on probation and under the supervision of the L.A. County Probation Department.

I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked. Because apparently no one in the County of Los Angeles could take a peek at this tattooed piece of gangbanging Mexican shit and deduce that he was bad news for cops and civilians due to his violent background. And to be “under the supervision of the L.A. County Probation Department” means this: he was an ignored folder in a voluminous case file.

I mean, when you or I want to be known as peaceful and tolerant, the first thing we do is tattoo our faces, right?

Boyer’s body was taken from UCI Medical Center to the Orange County Coroner’s Office this afternoon in a 10-minute motorcade surrounded by police cars and other public safety officers showing their respect.

Thank you so very much.

State of California.



Reacting to the Ninth Circuit opinion

Following an unsatisfactory ruling by Judge Robart in the state of Washington and an equally dissatisfying opinion from the Night District Court of Appeals in San Francisco, analyses have to be made and new plans created.

The Ninth and Robart’s court essentially gave due process rights to people in Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. People outside this country possess no constitutional rights whatsoever. Additionally, despite that, 77% of refugees arriving in the US since the travel stay suspension have been from those seven enumerated countries. One-third of that 77% are from Syria alone.

Even Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is telling us the obvious.

Dr John Eastman, a constitutional law scholar, law professor and former Dean at Chapman University School of Law in Orange, California weighed in on the Ninth’s opinion.

9th Circuit court’s coup d’etat flouts immigration law, precedent


Like it or not, Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States on Nov. 8, 2016, and sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2017.  He won the election, in significant part, because he promised to enforce our nation’s immigration laws more vigorously and to enhance significantly the vetting of refugees and other aliens seeking admission to the United States, in order to ensure to the extent possible that terrorists were not coming to our shores.

Nevertheless, there is now a concerted effort by many on the left (and even some on the “Never Trump” right) to block President Trump at every turn in order to prevent him from implementing the agenda on which he was elected.

For instance, according to

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009. 

Senate Republican leaders asserted this week that — based on numbers provided by the Partnership for Public Service, Plum Book, and — Trump has the fewest Cabinet secretaries confirmed at this point in the presidency of any incoming president since George Washington. 

Continuing with Dr Eastman:

Regrettably, that effort now seems to include using the courts to achieve political ends that could not be achieved through the electoral process.

The 9th Circuit’s order upholding Judge Robart’s nationwide temporary restraining order (TRO) is nearly as bereft of legal analysis as was the original TRO.

For example, in determining whether Trump was likely to succeed on the merits, one might have expected some discussion of the relevant statute that unambiguously gives the president the authority to do what he did here (and what President Carter, in response to the Iranian take-over of our embassy in Tehran, did back in 1979).

That statute, Section 1182(f) of Title 8, provides:

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restriction he may deem to be appropriate.”

If you are a reader of this blog and a listener to my radio show, I suspect some of this information is beginning to sound repetitive. 8 USC 1182? President Carter?

It does not get much clearer than that, yet the 9th Circuit does not even cite, much less explain away, that statute.

Why? Why not refer to the obvious? Because, after all, Leftists absolutely insist there are no agendas whatsoever entering into the lives or opinions of federal judges, right? Except that Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants to change the Electoral College most recently.

Nor did the 9th Circuit cite the language in controlling Supreme Court precedent that makes unmistakably clear that the decision whether or not to admit aliens or any class of aliens is an inherent aspect of sovereignty vested by our Constitution in the legislative and executive branches of our government that is “largely immune from judicial control.”

Instead, the 9th Circuit held that the denial of visas to foreign nationals from countries that President Obama himself had certified as being hotbeds of terrorism likely violated the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, despite the fact that another controlling decision of the Supreme Court has quite clearly held that foreign nationals have no right whatsoever to enter the United States, and hence no property or liberty interest that is subject to the Due Process clause.  

Again, does this not sound familiar to you? Dr Eastman summarizes wonderfully.

Whether or not a particular judge or panel of judges likes the policy judgment made by the president, it is the president, not the judge, who was elected to make that decision.  

Indeed, the notion that a single federal trial court judge can take it upon himself to determine national security and immigration policy, in the face of explicit determinations made by the president with the full support of law actually adopted by Congress, is so far beyond the judicial role as to pose a serious threat, not just to our national security, but to the rule of law.  

That a panel of the 9th Circuit affirmed the order does not place it on more solid footing but rather merely expands the lawlessness to a higher court.  One can only hope that the Supreme Court will put a stop to this usurpation, and quickly.  

Otherwise, we as a nation have a much bigger problem to confront than terrorists seeking entry to the United States.

Some have distilled the decision to some solid bullet points, like Ben Shapiro.

1. States Suffer “Concrete and Particularized Injury” If Aliens Can’t Come To University Classes.This is absolutely absurd. It would strike down virtually any immigration law. All immigration laws restrict classes of people from entering, numbers of people from entering. Some of those people would undoubtedly go to university, or teach there. Does this mean that states can now sue to overturn all immigration laws?

2. The Federal Government Doesn’t Suffer “Irreparable Injury” If The Courts Overrule Immigration Policy. The court casually states that while the government has an interest in combatting terrorism, the “Government has done little more than reiterate that fact.” The executive branch didn’t explain sufficiently to the judiciary why the executive order needed to be put into effect, and so the executive branch has to go home emptyhanded. Again, this is ridiculous. Are we supposed to wait to be hit? Would the judiciary apply this same standard to, say, gun control laws?

3. Everybody Has Due Process Rights. This is perhaps the craziest element of the ruling: the statement that everyone from lawful permanent residents to aliens with a visa traveling abroad has due process rights. The court even says that illegal aliens have due process rights. The Constitution isn’t just for citizens anymore – which begs the question as to why anyone would bother applying for citizenship.

4. Courts Can Look To Motive Rather Than Text. The court said that they could look at Donald Trump’s statements during the campaign about a Muslim ban in order to evaluate this executive order. This is dangerous. Attempting to read the minds of those who put together laws is far more arbitrary than reading the text or looking at the application of the law. It’s also amazing that the Ninth Circuit would say this now, but that the Supreme Court would ignore President Obama saying for YEARS that Obamacare was not a tax, then rule that Obamacare was indeed a tax.

5. The Court Refuses To Strike Down Portions. Normally, the court works to avoid striking down entire laws or staying entire executive orders. Instead, the court just threw up its hands and suggested that it had done its best, but it couldn’t bother doing a close read.

First, a brief bit of truth about the Middle East.

Second, an interview by Tucker Carlson of the District of Columbia (DC) Attorney General (AG), Karl Racine, who allows us to peek briefly into the minds of the Cabal of Black Robes.

Please note Tucker extrapolating the argument, doing what I call the “logical extension,” as if it hadn’t occurred to an attorney and — perhaps it didn’t. Which in and of itself is a massively short-sighted and extremely troubling issue, particularly when unseen by a highly educated individual like AG Racine.

What Tucker has exposed if you’re reading between his questions is the insular and inbred fashion in which the law exists today via the manner in which it is interpreted by Left-leaning judges.

AG Racine, however, does provide some light, some very noteworthy light, in his response to Tucker’s questions about “what next”?

The government argued that Trump’s executive orders were “unreviewable.” I’m going to go out on a limb a bit and say 1) that was a major tactical error on behalf of the government, because 2) human nature became involved, meaning 3) the judges got pissed off and reacted viscerally — as in “oh really? We shall now show you what is ‘unreviewable.’ ”

AG Racine made one incredibly-important point by intimating the government had not done its homework, when it could not provide one instance in which a refugee had been arrested or charged with terror in the US. Judge Robart said that was because there were none to cite, which is a lie. Racine made the point, however: the government was ill prepared. I cited numerous cases here, however.

Tucker then brought up the issue of Soviet Jews who were allowed into the US up until 1988 simply because of their persecution due to religion — clearly a “religious test.” Again, upon which AG Racine was caught flat-footed in response. Being a student of Paul Ekman and Sgt Carl Stincelli, I noted during the formulation of Carlson’s question the darting concern in the eyes of Racine as he either consulted notes or accessed spheres in his brain from which to respond.

AG Racine then made more interesting points when he said the words of Trump and his aides essentially came back to bite them. Yet Tucker perseveres with the truth when he factually refers to US law having been predicated upon “country of origin.”

However, AG Racine once more provides illumination to Tucker Carlson.

  1. “Your department of justice did not make any of the arguments you made.”
  2. “They found the government’s arguments were unavailing.”

The underlying subtext being: had the government made those arguments, would they have prevailed?

Moreover: why did the government not provide those arguments?

Then let us listen to Newt Gingrich bring some history into view with regard to federal judges.

It was Judge Andrew Napolitano who initially thought the Ninth Circuit might overturn Judge Robart.

Now, Judge Napolitano suggests a different strategy.

That tactic is: “Rescind the executive order and issue a new one.” As of this writing there are 48 lawsuits against President Trump; Napolitano believes that, if the case does hit the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Roberts will consolidate all of them.

Or: “if you don’t succeed, try, try again.” President Trump stated:

“We are going to keep our country safe. So we’ll be doing something very rapidly, having to do with additional security for our country. You’ll be seeing that sometime next week.”

What went wrong? I think we’re starting to see.

Leftists, Demorats and the courts insist that politics play no part in the decisions handed down. I humbly suggest that politics play most every part in the decisions handed down if one is, of course, cognizant of history and the past actions of, say, Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter.

It is, considering history, acceptable for both of those persons to have stopped immigration for a period of time, referencing this post for Obama and this post for Jimmy Carter.

The only difference? Truly, the only difference?

Trump has an (R) behind his name.



Dershowitz: if DNC elects Ellison I’m leaving the Democrats

The Democratic National Committee (DNC), will elect a new chair the weekend of the 23rd to the 26th.

The DNC fell apart when emails revealed massive corruption and favoritism as leadership pulled out all the knives in order to eviscerate Bernie Sanders in clear support of Hillary Clinton. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was thusly forced to resign as DNC chair (fear not; her corruptive skills were purchased by the HRC campaign), subsequently followed by the equally-corrupt Donna Brazile who colluded with CNN in order to pitch HRC softballs when she didn’t already have the questions CNN provided to Brazile.

Brazile was temporary pending the DNC election. Candidates officially include:

  • Sally Boynton Brown, Idaho;
  • Keith Ellison, Minnesota Representative;
  • Ray Buckley, NH;
  • Thomas Perez, Maryland;
  • Pete Buttigieg, Indiana;
  • Jaime Harrison, South Carolina
  • Jehmu Greene, Texas

In the most recent development, Buckley has since exited and thrown his support to Keith Ellison. Ellison is a front runner along with Tom Perez. The NEA and SEIU support Ellison. Apparently, noted attorney Alan Derschowitz does not.


In December, emeritus law professor at Harvard University, author and Orthodox Jew Alan Dershowitz, said if Ellison is elected as DNC chair he would resign from the Democratic Party. Dershowitz said in an interview on Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria Bartiromo:

If they now appoint Keith Ellison, who worked with Farrakhan, to be chairman of the DNC, you’re going to see a lot of people leave. I’m going to tell you right here on this show, and this is news, if they appoint Keith Ellison to be chairman of the Democratic party, I will resign my membership to the Democratic party after 50 years of being a loyal Democrat. I will still vote my conscience and mostly I will vote for Democrats, but I will not be a member of a party that represents itself through a chairman like Keith Ellison, and through policies like that espoused by John Kerry and Barack Obama.

It’s no surprise to know that the hard-left progressive side of the Demorats is pushing hard to Keith Ellison. Ellison is a Muslim who was sworn in on a Koran and has ties to terror links CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. You already know how I respect the so-called “religion of peace.”

I say: please, please, oh please, DNC, please elect Ellison as your DNC chair. There is nothing like doubling down on stupid and adding an extra layer of Muslim appeal for that extra buttery nutjob Demorat goodness.

It will go so incredibly well for you.