69 Democrat crybabies

This cartoon says it all. I simply could not pass it up because it so aptly underscores the silliness of the 69 whining Democrat crybabies who refused to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump. A respectful transition of power? Not on your life, according to the Demorats.

The Demorats are in the wilderness at this point, still navel-gazing, and still completely unable to understand just why they lost the House, the Senate and the White House.



Metro DC Police: body cams OFF at inauguration

That is by order of a rather ridiculous DC law and the ACLU themselves.

Let’s start with an article from Breitbart.com:

ACLU Warns Police to Turn Body Cams Off During Inauguration Protests but Encourages Activists to Video Cops

by Warner Todd Huston

As the nation prepares for the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, activists and anarchists flooding Washington D.C. are preparing to do all in their power to destroy the historic day. But even as they encourage anarchists to video police, the ACLU has issued warnings to police to be sure to turn body cameras off during the protests.

Was this accurate? The ACLU says no. From the ACLU.org:

Why Are DC Police Keeping Their Body Cameras Off During Inauguration and the Women’s March?

by Jay Stanley

A lot of social media activity has come to our attention questioning why the DC police have been instructed NOT to turn their body cameras on during the president’s inauguration and the following day’s “Million Women March.” Many people seem puzzled by this.

It’s DC. Not too difficult to suss out the various reasons. Please.

It’s not an ACLU “demand,” it’s actually DC law. True, the ACLU of DC supported and encouraged adoption of that law, but the wider District of Columbia community as represented by its city council agreed with us. And that law is not absolute; in its full form it says that:

First, the ACLU’s convenient “out.”

MPD officers may record First Amendment assemblies for the purpose of documenting violations of law and police actions, as an aid to future coordination and deployment of law enforcement units, and for training purposes; provided, that recording First Amendment assemblies shall not be conducted for the purpose of identifying and recording the presence of individual participants who are not engaged in unlawful conduct.

Right. It’s all DC Metro’s problem.

We supported that law for very good reasons. There is a long history of law enforcement compiling dossiers on peaceful activists exercising their First Amendment rights in public marches and protests, and using cameras to send an intimidating message to such protesters: “we are WATCHING YOU and will REMEMBER your presence at this event.” For a vivid picture of how photography can create chilling effects, recall the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery Alabama in 1965, when Alabama state troopers viciously attacked and beat peaceful protesters.

That was then. Now, it is demanded by many community groups, agencies, authorities, cities and counties that law enforcement officers wear body cameras.

Note to the ACLU, Leftists, Demorats, liberal law enforcement administrators: you can’t have it both ways. You either have body cameras activated to record the activity of the police or you don’t. You don’t get to summarily pick-and-choose what activities shall be video’d or not, particularly in consideration of the fact that you are clearly biased towards activities where citizens potentially engaging in illegal activities could be hoisted on petards of their own making.

Let’s look at it this way. Historically, the past year, the bulk of the violence involved in the months leading to the presidential election, and beyond to today, has been committed by Leftists. Leftists wish to video what they wish when they wish, and further seek to handcuff law enforcement when it comes to their doing the same thing in public areas.

This is not like a sea of police officers walking into a call of domestic violence or child abuse and taking video of private events in private homes. These are officers, in open public spaces, ostensibly taking video of events occurring in the public. It’s lawful for the protesters to video law enforcement. The reverse should be true as well. And it is.

Therefore it is not unlawful for law enforcement to video their surroundings as, of course, this very act has been demanded of them nationwide. Advocates say it will keep cops honest and document their actions and the actions of those surrounding them.

I agree. Particularly in this instance.

Having been in law enforcement for 41 years, recently retired, I support law enforcement. I am a Sheepdog and always will be. But when cops are not logical or base their conduct upon political correctness I will call them out.

Interim MPDC Chief Peter Newsham, you have been provided a lawful exemption/opening as illustrated above by the ACLU. You are refusing to take advantage of same.

You, sir, should be ashamed of yourself, by placing your very own officers in harm’s way whilst simultaneously robbing them of an important modern law enforcement tool that, truly, groups nationwide insist they possess and could protect them — and your department — on many levels.

You sir, are a quisling.



A portion of Barack Obama’s true legacy

Citizens of Chicago have summed up one important aspect.

Barack Hussein Obama will not disappear into that good night. Oh no. He plans to remain on Front Street, front and center, because he is the one true gift to America and the planet.



Former Black Panther Mason Weaver tells the truth about Democrats and John Lewis

Like a lot of people, I’ve been conditioned to think that when I’m about to hear a response from a former Black Panther concerning Georgia’s Representative John Lewis and his labeling of the coming Trump presidency as “illegitimate,” I’m going to witness a polemic about evil Republican Caucasoids.

I couldn’t have been more surprised when Tucker Carlson interviewed former Black Panther Mason Weaver on his Monday show

It would appear that Mr Weaver speaks a closely guarded truth that almost no one, from the Left to some of the Right, wants to hear. Mason Weaver named and shamed, including John Lewis, Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus.

Mason Weaver (@masonweaver) called John Lewis a “civil rights turncoat,” “fraud” and “sellout” who at one point in his early life faced “tear gas and dogs” in black protests alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. — taking a brick in the head on March 7th of 1965 when he and Hosea Williams led 600 marchers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama — but now works for his “oppressor” whom Weaver quantified as the Democrat Party, in alignment with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Mr Weaver said that Lewis has “gotten rich, as black America has gotten more poor. He’s gotten more powerful, as black America has gotten more poor.”

“John Lewis, bless his heart — it took courage to do what he did in his early life. What he has done now, he has turned himself to his enemy.”


Weaver said that Lewis is like “a little girl being beaten by Daddy and joins Daddy,” and “a woman beaten by her husband who joins the husband.”

From the FoxNewsInsider:

Responding to Lewis’ contention that President-elect Donald Trump is “not a legitimate president”, Weaver called Lewis an “illegitimate Congressman.”

Weaver called Lewis a “Civil Rights turncoat” who has “collaborated with the Democratic Party to oppress black America.”

He said the people who beat and ran over Lewis and his fellow marchers that day were Democrats, also pointing to the party affiliation of former Gov. George Wallace (D-Ala.), an avowed segregationist of the time.

“After they beat his behind on that bridge… he got up and joined them,” Weaver said of Lewis. “He joined the oppressors and became a stooge for them.”

Weaver said he could not understand why any African-American could identify as a Democrat, calling them the “party of the Klan” and the “party that went to war to keep slaves.”

“If you’re a real man, John Lewis, you stand up tomorrow and you apologize,” Weaver said.

Just as “only Nixon can go to China,” only Mason Weaver can apparently tell the truth about American blacks and the Demorat party.

Refreshingly honest.

Because you know it’s true.



“Cops as pigs” painting to be removed Tuesday

The absolutely despicable painting, as shown above, has been hanging in the tunnel connecting the Capitol and House office buildings in DC.

Having been taken down, put back, taken down, put back, at one point someone placed a Thin Blue Line American flag above.

As of Tuesday, it will finally be going away.

From TheHill.com:

Cop painting to be removed from Capitol complex next week

by Cristina Marcos

After a week-long tug of war between Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) and House Republicans, a controversial painting depicting police officers as animals displayed in the Capitol complex is coming down for good.

The painting had been displayed in a tunnel connecting the Capitol and two House office buildings as part of an annual high school student art competition. But conservative media outlets only took notice in the last month, leading individual GOP lawmakers to personally remove it from the wall three times over the past week.

Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.), a former sheriff, asked the Architect of the Capitol on Wednesday to review whether the painting violated rules of the student art competition that prohibit “subjects of contemporary political controversy or a sensationalistic or gruesome nature.” The competition guidelines adhere to the policy of the House Office Building Commission, which is currently controlled by GOP leaders.

Something as offensive as the Pulphus painting has no place in the US Capitol, a building which purports to represent all the people. There is only one reason for the Congressional Black Caucus to go out of its way to offend and embarrass law enforcement and then threaten those who had been taking it down: because they can. At one point this was said by a CBC member:

“We may just have to kick somebody’s ass and stop them,” said Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), chairman of the CBC.

I suspect that, under the Trump presidency, something of this nature will not reoccur.