Why Obama stopped “wet-foot/dry-foot” Cuba policy

First, the story, from CNN.com:

US ending ‘wet foot, dry foot’ policy for Cubans

by Elise Labott, Kevin Liptak, & Patrick Oppmann

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama is ending the longstanding “wet foot, dry foot” policy that allows Cubans who arrive in the United States without a visa to become permanent residents, the administration announced Thursday.

The move, which wasn’t previously outlined and is likely one of the final foreign policy decisions of Obama’s term, terminates a decades-long policy that many argued amounted to preferential treatment for a single group of migrants.
“By taking this step, we are treating Cuban migrants the same way we treat migrants from other countries,” Obama wrote in a statement Thursday.

Cubans, as you might expect, are not entirely pleased that the 1995 policy is stopping. From the ManilaTimes.net:

Obama ‘screwed’ us, angry Cuban migrants say

PANAMA CITY: “Obama has screwed all Cubans,” Yadiel Cruz, a Cuban in Panama bitterly told Agence France-Presse on Thursday upon learning the US president has suddenly made it tougher for migrants like him to get into America.

The 33-year-old summed up what many compatriots were feeling as they digested the news in a Catholic shelter in Panama’s capital, a waypoint on their overland trek to the United States.

Ulises Ferrer, a carpenter from Havana, said: “We don’t know what we’re going to do now. But what we’re certain of is that we’re not going back to Cuba unless we’re dead.”

There is always a reason for policy change. It is this:

Cubans are not a monolithic voting bloc like blacks or Mexicans. In fact, Cuban-Americans voted for Trump at a higher rate than “white Americans.”

The reason distills down to political payback. Favoring the “underdogs” oppressed by America, and providing punishment to those Cuban-Americans who voted Trump. As far as Obama is concerned, the best of both worlds.

Once again, clear and obvious proof that Barack Hussein Obama embraces evil — in the guise of the Castros — and eschews good, because Cubans aren’t “his people.” He is supporting Raul Castro and not the Cubans who wish to leave.

Obama is doing this because 1. He can, and 2. He is leaving. Again, defecating on the American people before exiting the presidency.

It’s no more complicated than that.



The Trump Derangement Syndrome of John Lewis

Representative John Lewis (D-GA), believes that Trump is an illegitimate president-elect, despite the election, despite the electoral college, and despite Vice President Joe Biden’s declaration that the election is over and Donald Trump won.

From the WashingtonPost.com:

John Lewis doesn’t think Donald Trump is a legitimate president

by Aaron Blake

For the first time, a leading Democrat has called into question Donald Trump’s legitimacy as president.

Rep. John Lewis, a Democratic congressman from Georgia and civil-rights icon, told NBC’s Chuck Todd in an interview for Sunday’s “Meet the Press” that he believes Russia’s alleged hacking aimed at helping Trump in the 2016 race makes Trump an illegitimate president.

Asked whether he would forge a relationship with President-elect Trump, Lewis said, “It’s going to be very difficult. I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president.”

He added: “I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.” Lewis called it a “conspiracy” and added: “That’s not right. That’s not fair. That’s not the open democratic process.”

TDS doesn’t stop there. Former press secretary for Hillary Clinton, Brian Fallon, in an interview with CNN, also said Trump isn’t legitimate.

“Every day there are new developments, new shoes dropping so to speak that call into question the legitimacy of his win.”

Just as Obama has defecated on America in his last days, the Demorats and Leftists are leaving as many of their own proverbial land mines in the way of Donald Trump quite purposefully.

The conflict will not diminish. Demorats are seeing to that.

Note to the GOP: you’d best get your arses together and support Trump’s work.

Having Paul Ryan say on Friday that Trump’s lobbying ban is “dangerous” tells me that he too has sloshed down too much of the DC fruity juice.

Be very careful, Paul Ryan and the GOP.



California wants a law about “fake news”

And no, I am not kidding.

As California’s debt explodes, businesses flee, illegals drain and trash the state and are encouraged to vote illegally, as San Francisco is turned into a piss-and-shite-filled excrement dump and Los Angeles borders on bankruptcy due to its policies and the lawsuits filed against it (wait, I thought LA was Leftist Central and violated no one’s rights), Sacramento decides that this issue demands its immediate and pointed focus.

From the Guardian.com:

California lawmakers propose bills to teach students to identify ‘fake news’

by Alan Yuhas in San Francisco

The bills aim to teach high school students how to detect misleading, fabricated or inaccurate reports in the wake of the 2016 US election

Two California lawmakers have proposed bills to fight “fake news” by teaching high school students how to detect misleading, fabricated or inaccurate reports in the waves of information flooding into their daily lives.

“The rise of fake and misleading news is deeply concerning,” Dodd said in a statement. “Even more concerning is the lack of education provided to ensure people can distinguish what is fact and what’s not.”

“By giving students the proper tools to analyze the media they consume, we can empower them to make informed decisions,” he added.

But wait; let’s hearken back to this incredibly insightful and correct quote by Josef Stalin.

Because, after all, who determines an election? Who decides whom is insane? Who decides what is fake news?

Tessa Jolls, president of the nonprofit and nonpartisan Center for Media Literacy, said that such measures were long overdue. “Now that powers have shifted, with citizens as producers [of information], people are suddenly saying, ‘Oh wow, this is something we need.’”

Well just hold on there, cowgirl. Perhaps you ought to go back and evaluate the origin of “fake news,” why and when the meme was created. And who determines “fake news.”

“Fake news” didn’t exist when NBC, ABC, CBS and other “mainstream media” sites were historically lying their arses off to the American public. They were and are what I term the American Media Maggots, for obvious reasons.

Fake rape stories on any number of occasions, AMM? Cars that tip over, AMM? Dan Rather lying about George Bush? Hundreds of false discrimination stories? Rick Jones? Sharmeka Moffitt? Reza Aslan? Tahera Ahmad? Anti-gay tip receipt? Duke University? Michael Nifong? Oberlin KKK hoax? Tawana Brawley? Grand Valley State University black chick? Rolling Stone magazine? Joseph Baken? CAIR’s staged videos? CNN interviewing their own cameraman, claiming it was an anti-Trump protester on Don Lemon? “Trumpers violent” when it was in fact Leftists who burned, hit, stabbed, cut, destroyed property around the US? HRC having a “98% chance of winning”?

Buzzfeed? CNN?

The “Fourth Estate” exists only as, now, a PR firm for Leftists and Demorats. We’re on to you. You are in fact naked.

How shallow be thy memory, American Media Maggots. Where an anti-conservative meme exists, you jump on it and provide vast amounts of time, headline space and copy inches. Because you have an anti-conservative theme to catch.

More importantly, just who fact checks the “fact checkers”? Were you, my dear readers, cognizant that the staff of Snopes.com is comprised primarily of Leftists? Would you even remotely be shocked? What about Facebook?

Facebook routinely buried conservative news and topics from trending on the site and artificially made liberal topics part of the national discussion, former Facebook employees admitted last May. TheDC previously reported that the former Facebook trending news team was filled by liberals. It has since automated the Trending Topics section of its page.

Jolls makes an admirable statement:

“What we want is skepticism, not cynicism,” she said. “Cynicism is when you don’t believe anything. Skepticism is when you have discernment, judgment you can rely on.”

In a vacuum, the quote is sensible. In reality, I go back to my Josef Stalin quote.

Just who determines what is what?

In Fornicalia, come on.

I think you know that answer.

I say: go ahead. Prove to me you’re not insane.

By what standards?

Ultimately: who creates and holds those standards?

Fornicalia is as impartial as a Chinese judge at the Beijing Olympics.



Obama builds his own wall

Figure 1. This is a bad wall, because it protects America.

You’ve heard Demorats, Leftists, Progressives and the like — including Mr Obama — say that building a wall on our southern border is evil, mean, judgmental, harsh, insensitive, not inclusive, off-putting.

However, Mr Obama and family plan to live in a Kalorama rental mansion, a snooty DC neighborhood — well, let’s just say it’s a very wealthy neighborhood — when they step away from the White House. In anticipation of that glorious event, there is something occurring to the front of that rental mansion. Take a peek at the photograph.

Figure 2. This is a good wall, because it protects a Leftist.

Yes. A wall.

The goal, of course, is to keep unwanted people off the property. You know, the rabble, the commoners, serfs, proles, groundlings like you and me. The “less elite.” The “less wealthy.”

Hypocrisy, thy name is Barack Hussein Obama.



Figure 3. These are bad guns. They protect individual Americans.

Figure 4. These are good guns. They protect Barack Hussein Obama.


CIA to Trump: we have you in our gunsights

As with many things in politics, you have to possess the ability to read between the lines. A new story from the WaPo made me conduct such an examination.

First, the story from the WashingtonPost.com:

Intelligence chiefs briefed Trump and Obama on unconfirmed claims Russia has compromising information on president-elect

by Greg Miller

A classified report delivered to President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump last week included a section summarizing allegations that Russian intelligence services have compromising material and information on Trump’s personal life and finances, U.S. officials said.

The officials said that U.S. intelligence agencies have not corroborated those allegations, but believed that the sources involved in the reporting were credible enough to warrant inclusion of their claims in the highly classified report on Russian interference in the presidential campaign.

If true, the information suggests that Moscow has assembled damaging information — known in espionage circles by the Russian term “kompromat” — that conceivably could be used to coerce the next occupant of the White House. The claims were presented in a two-page summary attached to the full report, an addendum that also included allegations of ongoing contact between members of Trump’s inner circle and representatives of Moscow.

I recommend you read the rest of the article. The information being revealed between the lines of the story indicates, to me, a rocky road coming for President-elect Trump.

Some history, then a conclusion.

It’s no surprise that I remain skeptical concerning the “Russian hacking” of the American election, resulting in the defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Demorats tried throwing every excuse imaginable onto the political wall in order to see what would stick, to include recounts for Hillary Clinton under the pretext of their being for Jill Stein, talk radio and Fox News, the Electoral College, FBI Director James Comey, misogyny on the part of females (of all things), and fake news — to encompass the Drudge Report, which is nothing more than an aggregator of news and frequently features sites such as CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, LA Times and more. If Drudge is “fake” then most certainly those other outlets are as well. They have also been saying “Russia Russia Russia” every day since November 8th.

The corollary glory of it all is that, particularly with regard to fake news, much of it has blossomed in the other direction. Time and again the true purveyors of fake news have been proven to be the American Media Maggots and not alternative news sources. The AMM have lost their “gatekeeper” status and desperately seek to lock it back up. They are quaking and frightened to their very core because they are losing control and cash.

That said, the theme that somehow Russia hacked the election and not only favored but enabled Donald Trump to win has its proponents and its detractors. Proponents would obviously include Hillary Clinton, Demorats and the American Media Maggots because, in their minds, it certainly had nothing to do with the quality of the candidate herself or the way the campaign was managed.

Detractors or skeptics would include myself and, well, a few other tens of thousands of persons.

First, I developed information from one source (corroborated by a similar intelligence source on the opposite coast) that the NSA was responsible (read here please) for the hacks, and this was supported by Judge Andrew Napolitano — from HRC’s mishandling of GAMMA class intelligence. Read this.

Then Julian Assange (he of Wikileaks creation) came out and straight-up stated that Russia was not connected to the hacking of the DNC and Podesta’s emails at all. Assange, being the recipient of the trove of materials should, one may conclude, know. The release of the information appealed to Assange because, after all, Hillary Rodham Clinton stated she would like to have had him killed with a drone strike. That would certainly seem sufficient to take HRC off Assange’s Christmas card list.

The FBI said the Russians were not responsible. Then Obama said the Russians were not responsible. A UK diplomat said it wasn’t the Russians. Who to believe?

Now they are responsible. The party line is that “17 intelligence agencies say Russia was the source.” With, again, little or no clear evidence to back up the claims.

There was another person along the way with a healthy skepticism about the Russians being involved in the DNC hack and the hacking of the US presidential election. Donald Trump.

The meme is that the CIA, the DNI and the rest of the US Intelligence Community would not politicize intelligence except that, well, yes they would. And have. All the time. This is not finger-pointing at the line-level agents, processors or analysts. This is finger-pointing at the upper echelons of the Intelligence Community. As in: they decide what information to release to those who base policy and decisions upon intelligence take.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump has angered the lofty halls of the US Intelligence Community. They don’t care to have their character or their veracity questioned or second-guessed.

So Tuesday’s WaPo article — which contained, they admit, much speculation and little fact, could be a cautionary tale, a little sub-frequency IC message to President-elect Donald Trump: you’re in our gunsights.

One has to think that the source of whatever information “Russia may possess” about Trump personally could be the USIC itself.

Charles Krauthammer said on Tuesday:

“When you get these spy-vs-spy leaks, you can’t believe anybody because they’re all lying and that’s what they do for a living, so you never know which side is lying. But I think that the very fact this story has surfaced, is a way for the CIA to be telling Trump: you mess with us, we have a lot of information we can mess with you.”

Then, for God’s sake, there is this.

The bottom line is: there are so many political machinations on so many levels for so many mixed and cross-purposed reasons that it is all very clear.

As clear as mud.

Still and all: Donald Trump, beware.