DOJ must be gutted: Denver S.O. fined $10K because no illegals hired

denver-sheriff-departmentLadies and gentlemen, if you harbored the slightest doubt that the US Department of Justice must be gutted through-and-through like a rotten fish, that doubt will now be completely erased.

This is not a joke. This is real. Note the phrasing of the top headline.

From the

Denver Sheriff Department penalized for wrongful hiring practices

by Noelle Phillips

The sheriff’s department will pay a $10,000 fine and will have to sort through old applications to identify people who were eliminated from consideration because they were not U.S. citizens

The Denver Sheriff Department has run afoul of the U.S. Department of Justice because it made U.S. citizenship a job requirement for its deputies during a hiring spree in 2015 and early 2016.

The sheriff’s department will pay a $10,000 fine and will have to sort through old applications to identify people who were eliminated from consideration because they were not U.S. citizens, according to a news release from the justice department.

The department must reconsider those applicants for future jobs, the justice department said.

I repeat: this is no joke. The DOJ is saying that foreign nationals must be hired for law enforcement. This is one perfect example of a 1986 federal law that should be re-examined and then scrubbed from the books for any number of reasons. Further, because of Obama and Lynch, the DOJ decided not to simply warn but to outright fine a department that is already struggling financially. That money comes out of the pockets of local taxpayers and — as James Comey pointed out with regard to HRC — the Denver Sheriff had no intention to violate.

Hillary escapes, the Denver Sheriff’s Department does not. Oh, the irony.

First and foremost, these laws should be critically examined under the new Trump Administration if for no other reasons than those of common sense and national sovereignty. Foreign nationals cannot vote in federal elections and many state/local elections, cannot sit on a jury and logically should not hold sway in any fashion over true citizens of this nation by yielding the authority to detain, arrest and possibly take lives through the application of deadly force to non-citizens. I fail to grasp that logic.

Do we really want to continue with the precedent of, essentially, hiring mercenaries as did Rome? Hessians, anyone? Please note this irony as well: the federal government will not allow foreign nationals to be federal officers and work for DHS or USCIS.

Already law enforcement agencies across the nation cannot access the USCIS database:

Sec. 274A. [8 U.S.C. 1324a]  (F) Limited use for law enforcement purposes.-The system may not be used for law enforcement purposes, other than for enforcement of this Act or sections 1001, 1028, 1546, and 1621 of title 18, United States Code.

Many will make the argument that green card holders and those with work authorization are legal under terms and pay taxes — to the extent that illegals walking into a market to purchase a pack of chicken pay taxes. To that I firmly reply: at best, at very best, they should be — in an extremely generous sense — considered last.

The Obama DOJ fined Denver SO for two reasons only: 1) to be punitive, and 2) to make a statement, an example.

This is a perfect time to re-examine most every immigration law on the books and then try to streamline a broken system so that people may become citizens lawfully and in something of a timely fashion. And until they are ultimately sworn in, they should not reap the benefits or largesse of this nation.

Let me also, finally, state the horribly unstateable. Law enforcement finds itself in a terrible bind with regard to hiring these days, due to both the public stigma and the physical crosshairs placed on LE currently. I’ve seen and experienced this situation before personally, as one of my SME venues of expertise was training. Most everything is cyclical in law enforcement and hiring practices are no different.

Because of the desperate need for law enforcement officers across the nation, many agencies are sub rosa having to lower their hiring standards. Any time you relax hiring standards you create a contingent of persons who will yield sub-standard performance. Those persons then become your department’s training officers, its detectives, Sergeants, its Lieutenants, Captains and so on.

At times like these many departments, to its and the community’s detriment, tend to forget the three major axioms of Risk Management altogether: 1) Negligence In Hiring, 2) Negligence In Training, and 3) Negligence In Retention.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you got LAPD’s Rampart scandal in the 90s. Those situations and events were corrected by tightening standards, demanding excellence, and attracting the best candidates possible via “3 At 50” and other incentives.

I’ve seen this before.

I know what I’m talking about.

Because as I’ve always said: “you get the kind of law enforcement you deserve.”

Buck up, citizens.



Best and brightest students at US universities?

Simply two examples of immature, pablum-spewing Leftist mouth-breathing bigots (def: a person intolerant toward those holding differing opinions) whose thoughts have no basis in reality, history or common sense. This, mom and dad, is what your money gets these days. You’ve heard of The Walking Dead? These are The Walking Ignorant. They look like people, but they’re simply pre-programmed.

Thank you, Tucker Carlson. Next up to bat.

Whoever first coined the term “snowflakes” for the current crop of university babies set to “DELICATE” was a branding genius because the word fits so perfectly. Hence, my job being to fundamentally “change” America, one diaper at a time.

Just as Leftists in Europe via Angela Merkel and the the Leftists in DC via Pelosi, Soros and the DNC are all doubling down on ridiculous — clearly they have learned absolutely nothing from their recent experiences — so are Leftists on college campuses and universities, ably abetted by their professors and administrations.

Play the videos and gaze at the results of throwing good money away.



Merkel: you must elect me again


Barack Hussein Obama “manspreading” before German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a clear attempt to sexually manipulate and oppress her.

No one knows the precise attribution, but the definition of insanity continues to logically be “doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Hello, calling Angela Merkel.


Merkel to seek fourth term to defend threatened ‘values’

by Deborah Cole

Berlin (AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday she would seek a fourth term in elections next year to defend democratic principles in the face of looming threats at home and abroad.

Angela, the only looming threat to your country is — wait for ityou.

Predicting her toughest campaign to date, Merkel said the forces of populism as well as the uncertainty created by poll triumphs for Brexit and Donald Trump meant she had a “duty to serve my country”.

Translated: she is compelled to double-down on stupid because of the incessantly-pounding waves of pushback she is receiving regarding her philosophy and policies.

“We are facing struggles in Europe and internationally for our values and our interests and, simply put, for our way of life,” Merkel, 62, told reporters at the headquarters of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

Well, Merkel got that right. Germans are indeed struggling for their values and their interests and way of life. Because you, Merkel, have shot down whatever values once existed a few years ago by allowing your country to be flooded with Muslims who have as much interest in assimilation as the average nematode. Or Muslim.

“This election will be more difficult than any before it, at least not since national reunification” in 1990, she added, citing a strong “polarisation of our society”.

Merkel, the EU’s longest serving leader, said she had “endlessly” weighed her choice and knew that in “distinctly difficult, even insecure times”, many leaders were looking to her as a source of stability.

Leftist GOWP “leaders” looked to her as a source of stability whilst the bulk of the German populace recognize that she is the opposite. She is a guilty follower of Leftist themes.

Please allow me to cut to the proverbial chase. Merkel is, in her mind, doing nothing more than atoning for the abominations of her country in WWII. The “sins of the father” and all. Except that her “atonements” are affecting all of Europe. For that matter, all of Western Civilization.

Let us not forget Deutschland was re-united in 1990 because of the massive ministrations and spending of Ronald Wilson Reagan, who also managed to emasculate and destroy the USSR which — oddly enough — is now known only as Russia.

Please see THE THREAT by Andrew Cockburn.

So, Angela Merkel, to whom do you owe your ability to speak as you do, the freedom to run as you please? Yes, that would be Ronald Wilson Reagan.

You seek to tear down your country, however, just as did Adolf Hitler before you. And for that, it is worth weeping.

Your Leftist leanings precede you.

angela-merkel-naturalistAngela Merkel (L), naturalist.

Never heard of this, never seen the photograph — though had its equivalent existed of, say Reagan or Trump, it would have been plastered across the media for months or years? True, all of that. One must recognize the real Angela Merkel.

“Merkel is the answer to the populism of our time,” said Saxony state premier Stanislaw Tillich of the CDU, welcoming her candidacy.

“She is basically the anti-Trump,” he told the newspaper group Redaktionsnetzwerk.

Whether she is or not — in the light of Brexit — remains to be seen.

Merkel is the person who kept Germany entrenched in capitalism and, is now, easily the world’s most powerful woman, raised under Communism and, as some see, the de facto leader of the EU. Except that her “values” caught up to her, as she originally said in 2010.

“A multicultural society in Germany had “utterly failed”,[49] stating that: “The concept that we are now living side by side and are happy about it” does not work[50] and “we feel attached to the Christian concept of mankind, that is what defines us. Anyone who doesn’t accept that is in the wrong place here.”[51] She continued to say that immigrants should integrate and adopt Germany’s culture and values. This has added to a growing debate within Germany[52] on the levels of immigration, its effect on Germany and the degree to which Muslim immigrants have integrated into German society.

In short, “multi-kulti” was a failure, as I covered here in 2010.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “lmmigrants should learn to speak German.”

What happened?

I submit: she met with the Dalai Lama and her guilt grew beyond human ken. “Deutschland muss bussen.”

Germany slaveringly responded to Brussels.



State Dept & EPA go nuts

donald-trump-back-of-headFirst, from

Trump victory provokes crises in foreign policy

by Michael Crowley

From the Middle East to Eastern Europe to Asia to Mexico, countries brace for major changes.

Donald Trump’s stunning election victory will provoke immediate tensions across several continents, and force Republican foreign policy elites to make quick decisions whether to work for a man most strongly opposed as unqualified, according to foreign policy experts and GOP insiders.

The mere fact of Trump’s election will produce political instability in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, experts say, as world leaders scramble to prepare for potentially radical shifts in American foreign policy and brace for global financial panic.

Aaaargh, the sky is falling! Where are our My Little Ponies, our safety pins, our diapers, our safe spaces, our coloring books, our Play-Doh?

Oh wait. The sky wasn’t falling; in fact, the stock market completely rallied around Donald Trump and produced its first Dow of 18,000.

The sky isn’t falling. Unless you’re Iran.

That agreement was already under pressure in the run-up to Iranian elections early next year and Trump’s victory could deal a blow to moderate supporters of Obama’s signature foreign-policy agreement.

“I don’t actually think he’ll rip up the deal, but I also didn’t think he would win this election,” a senior Obama administration official said late Tuesday night.

Good news. Trump is going to rip the Iran deal a new arshole.

Foreign policy veterans may be in especially high demand at the State Department, where career foreign service officers have talked for months about whether they could serve under a President Donald Trump—a debate many considered academic but which now presents them with a grueling choice between their values and their country.

The prospect of mass resignations “is a real thing,” according to one career diplomat who has had several such conversations with State Department colleagues.

Note to Leftist State Department personnel: don’t let the door smack your betraying asses on the way out. You’re as replaceable as oil filters in a Yugo. There are young bucks who can’t wait to take your spots because, if for no other reason, your federal salaries are grand. Make your hashtag #StateResignationsRUs.

Further — and I simply cannot contain my glee — people at the EPA are likewise coughing up phlegm and new life forms entirely.


Americans cheer as Trump destroys the EPA without even trying

EPA staffers were in panic mode at the news of Donald Trump’s election victory.

In the wake of the president-elect’s promises of sweeping reforms at the bloated federal agency, employees were in tears and were offered counseling, E&E News reported.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, said. The union represents thousands of employees of the Environmental Protection Agency.

“People were crying,” O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago, added. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Your federal tax dollars at work, paying for those amoebic pussies to take time off work. On the other hand, EPA employees taking time off work = saving jobs for ranchers, farmers and people who actually labor for a living.

Trump had vowed to repeal many of the agency’s far-reaching rules enacted under President Obama, including the Clean Power Plan which cuts power plants’ greenhouse gas emissions. Trump’s EPA transition team will be lead by Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a top climate change skeptic.

“If you look at the seven stages of grief, I’m still in denial. I will not look at the news. I will not read the news,” one EPA employee said, according to E&E News.

“I think it’s a sadness and a worry about just how far someone will go, especially when you never believe anything he says,” an Energy Department staffer said. “Many of us have worked in both the Bush and the Obama administrations, and I don’t think that we feel like it will be like just going back to Bush again.”

Right. Because the EPA needs to regulate each and every rain puddle. It needs to regulate who can catch water in a barrel. It needs to regulate everyone for everything.

Uh, not.