The EU: falling apart?

First, please watch this video regarding Sweden.

Europeans are beginning to find their limit of tolerance, as are persons affected in other countries, such as this US Army veteran. Please watch.

Further, Yahoo News indicates that the EU is on the cusp of chaos.

Europe at risk of collapse; France, Germany must lead – French PM

by Michelle Martin and Joseph Nasr

BERLIN (Reuters) – The European Union is in danger of breaking apart unless France and Germany, in particular, work harder to stimulate growth and employment and heed citizens’ concerns, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in the German capital on Thursday.

Valls said the two countries, for decades the axis around which the EU revolved, had to help refocus the bloc to tackle an immigration crisis, a lack of solidarity between member states, Britain’s looming exit, and terrorism.

“Europe is in danger of falling apart,” Valls said at an event organized by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. “So Germany and France have a huge responsibility.”

But wait. The very reason for leaving the EU is delineated next.

As Britain seeks to negotiate its post-Brexit relationship with the EU, hoping to restrict immigration from the EU while maintaining as much access as possible to the EU single market, Valls said it must be prevented from cherry-picking.

“If they are able to have all the advantages of Europe without the inconveniences, then we are opening a window for others to leave the European Union,” Valls said.

Hello, honesty? That’s the very damned point of it all. The EU is nothing more than welfare for the states of profligate spending. Like Greece. Cyprus.

And yet, when Brussels commanded a week ago, the UK and France decided they would not heed their masters’ call. From the

Britain and France snub EU’s emergency Trump meeting

by Duncan Robinson

Split highlights difficulty EU faces co-ordinating response to US presidential election

Britain and France on Sunday night snubbed a contentious EU emergency meeting to align the bloc’s approach to Donald Trump’s election, exposing rifts in Europe over the US vote.


Hailed by diplomats as a chance to “send a signal of what the EU expects” from Mr Trump, the plan fell into disarray after foreign ministers from the bloc’s two main military powers declined to attend the gathering demanded by Berlin and Brussels.


The split in Europe highlights the difficulties European capitals face in co-ordinating a response to Mr Trump, who has questioned the US’s commitments to Nato and free trade and hinted at seeking a rapprochement with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Let’s let the elitist view weight in.

Other European leaders have openly criticised the incoming president. European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker last week accused Mr Trump of ignorance. “We must teach the president-elect what Europe is and how it works. I believe we’ll have two years of wasted time while Mr Trump tours a world he doesn’t know.”

Right. Because the elitists must “teach” what must be kicked into some thick skulls.

Ignorance? Immigration? Withholding the truth? Overarching EU unelected mandates? Yes. Suppression of the truth. From

EU orders UK press not to report when terrorists are Muslims

by Robert Spencer

The European Union is bent on keeping the people of Britain, and of continental Europe, ignorant and complacent in the face of the advancing jihad. The globalist agenda of erasing all distinctions between nation states must be pursued even to the point of civilizational suicide and continent-wide violence.

“European Union Orders British Press NOT to Report when Terrorists are Muslims,” by Yves Mamou, Gatestone Institute, November 18, 2016:

According the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) — part of the Council of Europe — the British press is to blame for increasing hate speech and racist violence. On October 4, 2016, the ECRI released a report dedicated only to Britain. The report said:

some traditional media, particularly tabloids… are responsible for most of the offensive, discriminatory and provocative terminology. The Sun, for instance, published an article in April 2015 entitled “Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants”, in which the columnist likened migrants to “cockroaches”…

The Sun newspaper has also published inflammatory anti-Muslim headlines, such as its front page of 23 November 2015 which read “1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis”, along with a picture of a masked terrorist wielding a knife…

These are called clues, ladies and gentlemen.



Women who didn’t vote Hillary are “internalized misogynists”

So sayeth former Director of Communications Outreach for the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign, Jess McIntosh.

In other words, Caucasoid women: you hate yourselves and you just don’t realize it, because you are ignorant, uneducated and unenlightened. The Leftists are here to free you from those terrible thoughts. It has nothing to do with philosophy but everything to do with your vagina. You’re just too stupid to see that.


Fmr Clinton Campaign Spox: ‘Internalized Misogyny Is a Real Thing’

by Ian Hanchett

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Jess McIntosh, who was Director of Communications Outreach for Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign responded to Clinton’s showing among white women by stating, “”Internalized misogyny is a real thing,” and “We as a society react poorly to women seeking positions of power. We are uncomfortable about that, and then we seek to justify that uncomfortable feeling because it can’t possibly be because we don’t want to see a woman in that position of power.”

Right. Hillary Clinton lost because of you sexist Caucasoid bitches. You evil bints.

She added, “We as a society react poorly to women seeking positions of power. We are uncomfortable about that, and then we seek to justify that uncomfortable feeling because it can’t possibly be because we don’t want to see a woman in that position of power. We need to, as we go through these numbers, as we figure out exactly what happened with turnout, it seems to be white college-educated women. My guess is that breaks down married/unmarried. My guess is it breaks down older/younger. But we have work to do talking to those women about what happened this year, and why, why why we would vote against our self-interests.”

If only you execrable Caucasoid ignorant whores had voted for the woman, all would be right with the world and war would cease to exist. Purple skies, My Little Pony, safety pins, coloring books and Play-Doh for all.



Let’s not forget what the doddering Madeline Albright said:

Florida citizen with firearm saves officer


Good Guy with a Gun Kills Perp Beating a Cop

by Michael Walsh

A driver who attacked a Florida sheriff’s deputy Monday morning was shot and killed by a bystander who warned him to stop beating the officer, according to a report.

The incident began at around 9:30 a.m. when the Lee County deputy tried to make a traffic stop on Interstate 75 in Estero. Instead of complying, witnesses said the driver took off, reaching speeds of more than 100 miles per hour.

The deputy chased the suspect onto an exit ramp, where a witness said the suspect got out of his car and assaulted his pursuer.

Shanta Holditch told WZVN that the suspect pulled the deputy out of his car and “just kept beating him and beating him … throwing him to the ground and punching him in all different directions.” At that point, WINK reported, another driver got out of his car and ran to the scene. He told the suspect that he’d shoot him if he didn’t stop beating the deputy. “[He] refused to get off the officer and the officer kept yelling, ‘shoot him, shoot him, shoot him,’ Holditch said.

When the suspect didn’t stop his attack, the third man shot him three times. The deputy was not hit. The suspect later died.

Money saved. Plus: that citizen deserves a medal, time and private instruction at the Lee County Sheriff’s Department range and 1,000 free rounds of his choosing.



The Clintons implode; why you didn’t see Hillary election night

hillary-clinton-yellingAnd it couldn’t happen to a nicer, kinder, more humble and self-effacing couple.

First, from the

EXCLUSIVE: Blow up! Days before losing the election Hillary and Bill had a screaming match over who to blame for her flagging campaign – the ex-president so angry he threw his phone off the roof of his Arkansas penthouse

by Ed Klein

  • Bill and Hillary had a vicious fight over the phone over who to blame for her sagging poll numbers, reveals a source close to the ex-president
  • Hillary blamed FBI Director Comey for reopening investigation based on Anthony Weiner’s shared computer with Huma Abedin for her slump 
  • Bill faulted  Robby Mook, John Podesta and Hillary HERSELF
  • He claimed the three were  tone-deaf about the feeble economy and its impact on millions and millions of working-class voters
  • ‘A big part of Bill’s anger toward Hillary was that he was sidelined during the entire campaign by her advisers,’ said the source

In the waning days of the presidential campaign, Bill and Hillary Clinton had a knock-down, drag-out fight about her effort to blame FBI Director James Comey for her slump in the polls and looming danger of defeat.

‘I was with Bill in Little Rock when he had this shouting match with Hillary on the phone and she accused Comey for reviving the investigation into her use of a private email server and reversing her campaign’s momentum,’ said one of Bill Clinton’s closest advisers.

‘Bill didn’t buy the excuse that Comey would cost Hillary the election,’ said the source. ‘As far as he was concerned, all the blame belonged to [campaign manager Robby] Mook, [campaign chairman John] Podesta and Hillary because they displayed a tone-deaf attitude about the feeble economy and its impact on millions and millions of working-class voters.

Once again, Bill displays that his political acumen far surpasses that of Hillary — with some limitations, of course.

‘Bill was so red in the face during his conversation with Hillary that I worried he was going to have a heart attack. He got so angry that he threw his phone off the roof of his penthouse apartment and toward the Arkansas River.’

Here is another truthful tidbit because, well, do you remember this woman, Peggy Joseph? Were the expectations too high, or was Obama just another politician shilling for votes?

‘Bill also said that many African Americans were deeply disappointed with the results of eight years of Obama,’ the source continued.

I’d say those were facts in evidence, were you to ask me.

‘Hillary wouldn’t listen. She told Bill that his ideas were old and that he was out of touch. In the end, there was nothing he could do about it because Hillary and her people weren’t listening to anything he said.’

There was more. From

CONFIRMED: Video confirms Hillary Clinton drunkenly attacks Podesta and Mook on Election Night

My friend is a trustworthy reporter (Oxymoron? -BZ) who often sees anti-Clinton stories spiked. Not everybody at CNN is bad. The leadership is, though.This is a respected neutral who is being silenced – A good friend of mine, sick of CNN suppressing inconvenient stories that hurt the left.

Oh, it gets better, friends.

The few honest MSM reporters have been reduced to leaking info to new media people because their corporate bosses won’t let them report it.

Read that again: MSM reporters have been reduced to leaking info to new media people because their corporate bosses won’t let them report it.

A friend at CNN says Clintonland reports Hillary was in a “psychotic, drunken rage” election night; needed hardcore meds to speak Wednesday.

CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained. Hillary on election night was straight-up Hitler-in-the-bunker shit.  It even included psychotic screaming about “the Russians.”

The doctor helped restrain Hillary when she violently attacked Mook and Podesta at midnight. Gave sedatives, then amphetamines next morning.

You’ll enjoy this.

CNN reporter says Hillary needed so many amphetamines Wed morning she had unexpected nosebleeds all day.  Fear was she’d bleed at concession.

Hmmm. Does that perhaps explain why no one saw Hillary Clinton in public for any form of appearance, much less a concession speech, on election night?

Further, from

Hillary Clinton Screaming Obscenities and Throwing Objects in Election Night Meltdown

by Daniel J. Flynn

The mystery of Hillary Clinton, milk-carton missing on election night, appears solved.

A Tuesday of catharsis for Donald Trump voters turned into an evening of rage for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic presidential nominee, anticipating the postelection reaction of many of her supporters, began shouting profanities, banging tables, and turning objects not nailed down into projectiles.

“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”

“Head home, get some sleep, we’ll have more to say tomorrow,” said John Podesta. That’s called an intensive and obvious clue. There’s more.

Tyrrell’s reporting indicates that Mrs. Clinton’s mental state made it impossible for her to address her supporters on election night as custom requests.

Not just mental; remember the story above.

“Her aides could not allow her to come out in public,” he writes. “It would take her hours to calm down. So Podesta went out and gave his aimless speech. I wish we could report on Bill’s whereabouts but we cannot.”

“People say they’re amazed Bill’s marriage survived,” Tyrrell noted to Breitbart. “I’m amazed Bill survived his marriage.”

It rankled Hillary Clinton that she lost to a black neophyte in 2008. She knew she had no chance against incumbent Obama in 2012. 2016 was to be her year because she was “due” to be president. It was “owed” to her.

Imagine the vast amounts of gin and crank that had to be knocked down when she realized she supported Bill Clinton’s continuing sexual escapades and rape allegations for years and years, only to have the ultimate prize knocked away from her clutching fingers by the unwashed commoners, the proles, the groundlings, the serfs.

As I said, this couldn’t happen to a nice, more humble couple.

As I say now: let the indictments and prosecutions commence.



Leftists: how to get to Canada

Courtesy of Fox23 News traffic reporter:

The only problem is, Canada’s rules for immigrants are — ahem — just a tad bit more stringent than ours in the US where, essentially, all you need is a pulse. And a higher melanin count.


Good news for Fornicalians; the drought is now over courtesy of Leftist tears.


The new requirements for Canadian Citizenship are now in force. The changes to the Canadian Citizenship Act, the most comprehensive in more than 35 years, make it much harder and more costly to become a Citizen of Canada.

One of the most important changes is the requirement that an individual must now physically reside in Canada for 4 years over a 6-year qualifying period.

The fees for obtaining Canadian Citizenship have been increased to $630 per adult application and $200 for a minor.

A summary of the main changes include the following:

  • Applicants must be permanent residents of Canada for at least 1,460 days (four years) during the six years before the date of their application.
  • Applicants must be physically present in Canada for at least 183 days in each of 4-years within the 6-year qualifying period.
  • Applicants are required to provide extensive proof of actual residence in Canada.
  • Applicants between the ages of 14 and 64 must meet basic knowledge and language requirements.
  • Adult applicants must declare their intent to reside in Canada once they become citizens.
  • To help improve program integrity, there are now stronger penalties for fraud and misrepresentation (to a maximum fine of $100,000 and/or up to five years in prison).
  • Only lawyers or notaries (including paralegals and students at law) or members of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), can be paid to provide citizenship applicants with representation or advice.
  • The new law no longer considers time spent in Canada as a non-permanent resident (non-PR) for most applicants.
  • Expansion of criminal prohibitions to bar applicants for crimes committed abroad.
  • Gives the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada the authority to refuse an application if applicant commits fraud.
  • Gives Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada authority to decide on most revocation cases.
  • Complex revocation cases such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, security, other human or international rights violations, and organized criminality will be decided by the Federal Court.
  • Establishes authority to define what constitutes a complete application and what evidence applicants must provide.
  • Changes citizenship to a single-step process for most applications.  CIC aims to reduce duplication and improve processing times.
  • Requires adult applicants to file Canadian income taxes, if required under the Income Tax Act, to be eligible for citizenship.
  • Authority to revoke Canadian citizenship from dual citizens who served as members of an armed force of a country or an organized armed group engaged in armed conflict with Canada.
  • Authority to revoke Canadian citizenship from dual citizens who are convicted of terrorism, high treason, treason, or spying offences, depending on the sentence received.
  • Authority to deny Canadian citizenship to permanent residents who served as members of an armed force of a country or an organized armed group engaged in armed conflict with Canada or who are convicted of terrorism, high treason or spying offenses.
  • Applicants can be refused for misrepresenting or withholding material facts on applications and are subsequently barred from being granted citizenship for five years.
  • Citizenship will be automatically extended to additional “Lost Canadians” effective June 11th 2015, who were born before 1947, and did not become citizens on January 1, 1947 when the first Canadian Citizenship Act came into effect. This will also apply to their children born in the first generation outside Canada.
  • Creates a fast-track mechanism for citizenship for individuals serving or on exchange with the Canadian Armed Forces to honour their service to Canada.

Want to become a Canadian citizen? Take the free online test here to see if you qualify. Maybe you do; maybe you don’t.

Final thought for those fleeing to Canada:

leftist-racist-bastardsDo I detect just a bit of racist elitism within your breasts, Leftists?

Sure do. Just recognize that Carlos Slim Helú already has the Perrier, caviar and 1996 Boerl & Kroff Brut (Drappier) Magnum market all sown up in Mexico.


Not rubbing it in or anything, but:
