Cowardly Leftists implode

donald-trump-hated-and-promotedIt’s called reality. It’s also called Democracy in action. Trump was elected president, little boys and little girls, because he won 270 electoral votes first, and also won the popular vote.

When the Left implodes as I clarify below, it illustrates two points: 1) It’s good for conservatives and the GOP, and 2) It shows just why Trump won.

not-my-presidentFirst up: Van Jones lets us know he’ll continue as a racial polemicist utilizing racial polarization. Why unite? Let’s just continue to divide. It worked for Obama. Except, Mr Jones, you’re no Obama.

Perhaps an excellent time for this reminder, as an older Caucasoid male gets beaten and has his car stolen by urban black males who — shock — dislike Donald Trump. If the guy’s white, he must be a Trump supporter, right?

All you infantile morons rioting and trashing downtown Portland made me quite happy; in fact I was larfing out loud as I watched little puerile Caucasoid never-weened T-Ball, PlaySkool cowards — who love public transit — smashing public transit benches and monitors and — who love the earth — setting trees on fire. Good times. Note to Leftist mommies and daddies: yeah, maybe you really should have aborted these kids.

One interesting point about Portland and the riots: these baboons had apparently never considered that there isn’t a Republican or Conservative within 45 miles of the place — and that the businesses they were smashing were owned by locals, gays, LGBTQ persons, people who are — sorry, were — literally invested in the community.

It’s no secret the “spontaneous protests” were professionally organized, funded by Hungarian George Soros. Note the extensive line of buses utilized to bring protesters into Austin, as documented below.

donald-trump-protests-2-buses-in-austindonald-trump-protests-aaron-black-from-james-okeefe-videosAlso note that the above photo is that of Aaron Black, professionally-paid organizer who has been featured in Project Veritas videos from James O’Keefe.

Further, these Soros-funded rioters are — I’m sorry, I simply cannot contain my glee — taking down the infrastructure of SANCTUARY cities administered by Leftists. And for you illegals taking part in these riots, what did Donald Trump say? Yes, he said he’s going to deport illegal criminals. If you got arrested for rioting and you’re an illegal, guess what?

I have houseplants that are smarter than all of you.

Trump rioters in LA vandalize vehicles on camera. Right. On camera. As if nothing is immured on video now and forever. Hashtag #YouMorons.

Here’s a bit of the truth you can’t abide. The video nails it.

Staged. Produced. Run according to plan with mass rental of buses across the country. Organized before and after by the same personnel.

Do Leftists forget we all have video these days?

Please note: Demorats are saying — following the election — that they should “stop being so nice.” Bill Maher says they were bringing “knives to a gunfight.”

Apparently Maher hasn’t been listening or monitoring the GOP or Republicans in general, which is why the GOP and Republicans got Donald Trump in the first place, as they were too compliant, too “nice,” too interested in “compromise” and “bipartisanship.”

Because, after all, true “compromise” and “bipartisanship” always had to occur on the side of the GOP, never the Demorats.

Listen up, Conservatives: “THE DEMOCRATS HAVE TO STOP BEING SO NICE.” That is called a clue. When you thought Demorats were being “oppressive,” they perceived it as being “nice.” Here are more Demorats being “nice.”

donald-trump-rape-melania-sign donald-trump-riots-1 donald-trump-riots-2 donald-trump-riots-3 donald-trump-sign donald-trump-supporter-2At the same time Republicans were actually worried about being liked. Are you getting this through your thick heads?

Hello RINOs, newsflash: people like you when you provide them with unending Free Cheese, free schooling, free tuitions, hot-and-cold running abortions, and you never say the word NO.


All else is judgmental.

But you still haven’t and may not ever learn that vitally-important lesson regarding Free Cheese. Too many people are sufficiently stupid to think that “free” actually means free.


Also amusing are the reactions from our dainty snowflake, safe space “college students” from around the country:

  •  The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach.

Reince Priebus seems to have gotten that message but many of you have not. Priebus is a survivor and may become a loyalista; who knows? But to those #NeverTrumpers like George Will and Michael Medved and others?

  1. You were proven wrong, and
  2. You were proven wrong, and
  3. You can throw out as many phrases as you want, to include “Alt-Right”
  4. All your Pepe are belong to us
  5. The Republicans will not save you

Now more than ever, it’s time to re-dedicate yourself to getting some form of control from the chaos created during the past eight years under Obama.

This is not the time to rest; this is the time to redouble efforts.

The Demorats are.



Pushing The Envelope: hopping trains 2016 style

The human being has always pushed the envelope into and beyond the realms of danger. This is another in a continuing series of occasional weekend postings displaying how restless Man is with the mundane and how he purposely crosses the threshold into danger willingly — and sometimes unwillingly. – BZ

Ah yes, hopping trains 2016 style and — well — getting caught hopping trains 2016 style.

At least this guy, Jeff Seal, has a good sense of humor and, frankly, the video made me larf out loud a number of times.

Kids, don’t try this at home. On the tracks, that’s another story. More info here.



Please check out these other pulse-pounding Pushing The Envelope BZ Faves: other episodes 6 here and 7 here and 8 here and 9 here and 10 here and 11 here and 12 here.and 13 here and 14 here and 15 here and 16 here. Please check each and every one.  You will find them fascinating. Trust me on this.


The insanity of Leftists on Trump’s win

This video is almost too much to watch all the way through. But it’s illustrative of the length to which some people will go to demonize conservatives, the GOP or anyone who isn’t a Demorat.

This is simple insanity but important to show because Demorats and blacks are self-enforcing in terms of their insistence on being monolithic. Some day black Americans will learn that Demorats have been, historically as now, their worst slave-masters.

One reaction to the release of the video is this:

“Apparently, she thought it would be clever to videotape herself abusing him and kicking him out of her home. The cries and pleas from this little boy to his ‘mother’ begging her to let him stay are absolutely heartbreaking! Hopefully, this video will help the proper authorities to identify her and help her young son to find a safe and hate-free environment in which to live.”

The video has, not surprisingly, gone viral. A somewhat similar situation occurred following a school election in Texas.

Leftists have no shame, few values, no moral compass, no sense of proportion, no rationality, no conscience, no logic and little sense of direction save perhaps that of nihilism or base anarchy simply for its appeal, comfort and mob popularity. We get this because few people in life have ever told these people NO, up to and including their parents (if even both parents exist in the same household) and law enforcement.

Concurrently, there have been overt Donald Trump assassination advocates on social media, to include Twitter, who have attached their names to their threats. Some of the ones I encountered were forwarded, rightly so, to the US Secret Service. Others include:

ta-1 ta-2 ta-3 ta-4 ta-5 ta-6 ta-7 ta-8 ta-9 ta-10 ta-11 ta-12 ta-13 ta-14 ta-15This is but a brief smattering of what you’ll find on the internet: the outright advocacy of Trump’s assassination.

Riots began in Oakland following Trump’s election and they have continued nightly throughout the Big City Rat Cages run by Demorats and, now, raided by organized and well-funded Leftists. Paid to riot and destroy.

leftist-conspiracy-hiringEveryone except Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots realize and recognize the violence that exists historically as now has not been on the right, it has been and is now from Leftists.

george-soros-quoteThere were no riots following the Rodney King jury nullification verdict in 1992 and there were no riots when America elected the first black president, Barack Hussein Obama. Twice.

Additionally, in that peaceful, tolerant, all-inclusive northwestern enclave of mostly-Caucasoid Portland, Oregon, its resident Leftists thought it would be an excellent idea to terrorize lone women in cars in order to demonstrate their hostility to the election of Donald Trump. She had a nice car and obviously a job, so it was her turn to take the brunt of violent impulses from petulant Leftists (where was Portland PD?). Watch:

Mr Obama needs to step in and step up, telling these rioters and felons that they are accomplishing nothing and that, should they choose not to stop, the National Guard will be called for each affected city. But of course he will not because he fundamentally believes that America deserves all of this and more. This goes far beyond simple free speech, protest and the exercising of one’s rights. This was and is organized anarchy.

Enough, Leftists, enough.

Be advised: you’re not far from getting a reaction you’re not about to enjoy.



Here is how urban blacks win hearts and minds


“You voted Trump,” the mob screams, “You gonna pay for that shit.”

Another woman shouts “beat his ass,” while another man is heard laughing before remarking, “Don’t vote Trump.”

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is a crime in progress heavily documented by the suspects themselves, young black urban males. See the photograph above. In California this would be 211 PC – Robbery, and 215 PC – Carjacking. Both are felonies. Information indicates this occurred Wednesday in Chicago.

Here is the evidence. Now it is up to the local police jurisdictions to investigate, as well as the FBI and DOJ for the concomitant hate crimes involved. It is also up to the American Media Maggots to place this video on television, newspapers and the internet in order to bring the suspects to justice for the felonious hate crimes. Here is the original Facebook URL, as I provide the first clues:

What? Do I hear crickets chirping? Because blacks can’t be racist, right?

Now you know why Americans hate the media, distrust the FBI and the DOJ, and know the game is rigged for Leftists and the politically correct elites. Now you know why Donald Trump was elected. You also know why the above incident occurred on Wednesday.

Imagine if this were your father, your cousin, your brother, your uncle, your grandfather.

Racism is a two-way street. And no one is equal until all are equal.