Hillary took millions from the Middle East

Hillary Clinton OVERBITEAnd somehow that’s not massive news?

And somehow that’s not plastered across every newspaper above the fold for days and days all across the nation?

Can you say: the American Media Maggots “in the tank” for the Clintons and a Demorat presidential candidate?

From the DailyCaller.com:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million

by Richard Pollock

A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders, potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary’s claim she can carry out independent Middle East policies.

As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is “simply unprecedented,” says national security analyst Patrick Poole.

To wit: over $100 million dollars.

The Middle East states are buying the Clintons.  And the Clintons don’t mind being bought.

“These regimes are buying access. You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension,” Poole told TheDCNF in an interview.

$100 million dollars paid to the Clinton Foundation from Muslim states in the Middle East — they aren’t doing this because of altruism.  Mother Teresa was altruistic.  And Catholic.  These gulf states are not.  They expect favors for cash.  Quid pro quo.

But wait; there’s more:

The FBI has reportedly launched a second investigation of the former secretary in addition to its probe of her private email server.  This investigation is looking into “political corruption” and is seeking evidence where former Secretary Clinton may have offered official government favors to foundation donors.

Most troubling for Hillary, however, could be Bill’s personal, five-year business partnership with Dubai’s authoritarian ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin-Rashid al-Maktoum and his overall friendship with the rulers of the United Arab Emirates — a confederation of states that includes Dubai.

Again I ask: these headlines splashed across the top of newspapers across the country?

You know the answer to that.  The American Media Maggots, complicit in corruption — participating in it instead of investigating and revealing it.

The only hope for any amount of truthnfulness lies with the FBI and Director James Comey.



And you wonder why Conservatives HATE the GOP?

OBAMA RYAN McCONNELLWonder no more.  And NOT covered by the Drudge Report.

From DailySignal.com:

First Senate Appropriations Bill Passed Spends More Than Obama Requested

by Phillip Wegmann

The U.S. Senate’s first spending bill of 2016 spends more than President Barack Obama requested and lacks significant conservative amendments, but it still sailed to passage in the Republican-led Senate Thursday.

An overwhelming number of U.S. senators on both sides of the aisle approved the energy and water development appropriations bill by a vote of 90-8. Conservatives had objected to the higher spending levels and lack of policy riders in the weeks leading up to the vote.

In the end, it didn’t seem to matter.

Of course.  It never matters.  Not when consistent Republican jobs are on the line.  Jobs like those of, say, Mitch McConnell.  Paul Ryan.  Obama should get more cash than he originally requested because the GOP can’t wait to fellate His Imperial Member.

Leftists still mention the TEA Party.  The TEA Party died a few years ago.  It gets mentioned only by those who want to use it as a prop for power.  But the TEA Party has no power because it doesn’t exist as any form of cohesive unit today.  Leftists know this.  But they still utilize the phrase.  Because they have more balls than the GOP.

Moving legislation and avoiding fights has been a top election year priority for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Kentucky Republican wants the GOP Senate to prove that Republicans can govern by avoiding a one-and-done omnibus spending package at the end of the year.

GOP InvertebrateRight.  #BecauseSpineless

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Alexander were the only Republicans to vote against the amendment. Neither responded to multiple comment requests by The Daily Signal.

“McConnell said the ‘Senate is open for business’ and if you’re a K Street lobbyist of Democrat interest group that’s definitely true,” the aide said. “But Harry Reid and the Democrats have made it abundantly clear that conservatives policies will not be tolerated in the appropriations process.”

Good to know that the GOP in DC continue to give the Demorats everything they want and then some.



Bad news for Ryan and the GOP

GOP Fat Cat Old Guard EstablishmentDon’t get me wrong.

I think Paul Ryan is a very smart man.  With regard to budgets, he gots skills.  He gots game.

But as far as being an actual Conservative, Paul Ryan leaves me quite tepid.

From TheHill.com:

Poll: Nearly half of GOP voters disapprove of Ryan

by Harper Neidig

Nearly half of Republican voters disapprove of Paul Ryan’s performance as House speaker, according to a new poll released Wednesday by Public Policy Polling.

Only 40 percent of GOP voters are happy with Ryan’s stint as speaker so far, while 44 percent disapprove. Those numbers worsen among all voters, with just 30 percent approval and 48 percent disapproval.

Many establishment Republicans have looked to Ryan unify the party, and speculation has grown as to whether he would mount his own last-ditch candidacy to attempt to block presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

For those who are actually Conservative, with a capital “C,” this comes as little surprise.  The GOP has a history of betrayal and backstabbing.  But instead of words like “betrayal” and “backstabbing” and “treachery” and “duplicity” and “perfidy,” the GOP embraces words like “conciliatory” and “compromise” and “bi-partisanship.”  I tend to think of the GOP as the graphic below illustrates.

GOP InvertebrateThere’s a reason for this.

Look, it’s no secret that I’m on the downslope of life.  I’m one of those terrible Caucasoid males the Leftists warn Millennials about.  But at my age I must admit that I have run out of patience.  I would also submit that, after contributing over a MILLION DOLLARS in taxes (yes, I figured it out), I “get” to run out of patience.  After all, I’ve paid for that potential privilege.  My “patience reservoir” is right out.

In my 60s, imagine that.

Because, you see, I’ve absolutely NO say with what happens to my hard-earned cash.  I have had an official job requiring a social security number (in addition to mowing lawns) since I was 14.  I know this because Social Security sends me a summary statement periodically.  Yes.  All the way back to the 60s when I started throwing papers for both of my then-local newspapers — one at 4 AM, and the other at 3 PM.  I worked not just because I wanted the money but also because it’s what you did back then.  You worked.  I had papers dumped at the end of my parents’ driveway in a bundle, and it was up to me to roll them, band them, stuff them into the packs on my bicycle and then ride / throw them onto the porch of each house.  If I failed to hit the porch closest, my customers complained.

They complained if I was “late” and they complained if I threw too short and they had to walk a few feet more down their driveway.  They complained if I was a few more feet away from their front door.

Back to Paul Ryan.

And with that, back to Donald John Trump because, after all, who is Left besides Hillary and Bernie?

This poll?  It’s nothing more than a dipstick into the engine block of the GOP.

Guess what?



Oil: the difference between Clinton & Trump

TRUMP CATFrom MarketWatch.com:

Difference between Trump and Clinton as president: One million barrels of oil a day

by Sara Sjolin

U.S. oil production is bound for a significant shake up after the presidential election in November, says a senior editor at energy-information provider Platts.

“This election is going to have a major impact on the direction of U.S. and, possibly, global oil supply. Maybe the most significant impact of any election in U.S. history,” said Brian Scheid, senior oil editor at Platts, at the Platts Crude Oil Summit in London on Tuesday.

Looking at a worst case/best case scenario worked out between several analysts in Washington, he estimated that with a Republican win, U.S. oil production could jump by as much as 500,000 barrels a day. If the Democrats win, there could be a decline of 500,000 barrels a day, Scheid said.

I’ll say this again for those of you may just have tuned in.

I am not a Trump guy.  I was a Ted Cruz guy.

But when Hillary is the opponent, I’ll go with anyone who essentially isn’t Hillary.  And though it will make the enamel fleck off my teeth to do so, I will vote for Donald Trump.  This may be another reason.



Hillary wins West Virginia tonight, right? Wrong. Oh no!

Watch this.

Because “we’re gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”

We already know what Mr Obaka thinks of the coal industry.  Like Khrushchev, he will bury them.

Then Hillary drove into coal country today.

So: does Hillary beat Bernie in West Virginia?

Uh, no.