1984 in de Blasio’s New York City

1984 - Big BrotherAnd just how prescient was George Orwell?

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

“Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”

“We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them.”
George Orwell, 1984

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

New York businesses face hefty penalties for ‘misgendering’ customers

by Branford Richardson

Greeting customers as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” — or even not using the pronoun “ze” or “zir” — could prove costly for New York City businesses under rules drafted by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s bureaucrats.

But wait.

STOP THE PRESSES 2This is where I ask quite bluntly: what the fuck is a ze or a zir?

Here’s the problem with Leftists.  Force.  Conscription.  Pushing.  Leftists are not satisfied with allowing people to make their own decisions or to leave people alone.  They must, instead, tear down in order to build back up a system that only they can see and understand.  You, as a non-Leftist, do not have the mental capacity to understand their concepts and, as the menial Groundling, Prole or Serf that you are, you must be forced to comply.  Dissent cannot be tolerated.  Differing viewpoints cannot exist.  You have not the capability to perceive their higher-level thinking patterns and, because of this, there is no other option save that of duress, mandatory compulsion, intimidation and, ultimately, the law.  Further: there must be pain.  You must be punished for transgressions.

LEFTIST WORD POLICEPunished by the Leftist Word Police.

The Gotham mayor’s Commission on Human Rights says entities that fail to address customers by their preferred gender pronouns and titles are in violation of the law and could be subject to penalties of up to $250,000.

Correct.  The “wrong words” escaping your lips can subject your business, in New York City, courtesy of and endorsed and pushed by Mayor Bill de Blasio, to a quarter million dollar fine.

The maximum civil fine that the commission may impose upon “misgendering” is $125,000. But when the violation is the “result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct,” the maximum fine can double to $250,000.

And just who determines what is “willful, wanton or malicious”?  A council of non-partisans?  A group of randomly-selected persons?  A committee consisting of an equal amount of liberals and conservatives?  No way.  That would be the very same Leftists who wrote and endorsed the original regulation itself.

Oh but wait — as I customarily say — it gets better.

While businesses are held to a strict standard, the guidance makes clear that the government is exempt from the law in “circumstances where certain federal, state, or local laws require otherwise (e.g., for the purposes of employment eligibility verification with the federal government).”

There you go.  The government itself — the entity placing this onerous harness upon the shoulders of business — is exempt.

“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”
— George Orwell, “Animal Farm”

This is sheer Leftist insanity.  A truly accurate DSM V would in fact list Leftism as a mental disorder.

Which it is.




Transgender bathrooms: the ultimate goal

TRANSGENDER BATHROOM OCCUPANTSWhen the “LGBTQ Community” decided to push transgender bathrooms — on the heels of the sex change of Bruce Jenner, who attracted nationwide attention to the concept — any logical and clear-thinking human being knew there were going to be problems.

But perhaps you didn’t or don’t understand the ultimate goal.  I’ll get to that.

In the meantime, any clear-thinking person could certainly have foreseen this as one of many deleterious outcomes.  From dfwCBSLocal.com:

Shopper Upset Man Allowed To Use Women’s Dressing Room In Ross

by Dan Haggerty

MESQUITE (CBSDFW.COM) A Forney woman says a Ross department store in Mesquite let a man into the women’s dressing room Monday.

“I was in the dressing room, when we heard a man’s voice,” said Lisa Stickles, who says she quickly told a manager.

“She went inside the dressing room, came right back out and called me to the side and told me… he was representing himself as a woman today,” Stickles said.

A customer service representative with Ross would not comment on the alleged incident but said they do not discriminate against the transgender community; adding, customers may use changing rooms that apply to their gender identity.

Leftist translation: “you’re only pretty as you feel,” meaning that you can feel like a female one hour and a male the next hour.  Choose your dressing rooms and your bathrooms depending on just how your libido moves you.  How wonderful.

“What about me? Or my feelings?” said Sickles. “(The manager) told me that if I felt uncomfortable in the dressing room with him there… I’d have to wait until he’s finished.”

Leftist translation: your puny little “standard female” feelings can go straight to hell.  Get over it.

But wait, it gets better — as you knew it would.

Sickles said she waited, and was shocked when she watched the man walk out.

“He was in no way dressed as a woman,” Sickles said. “He had on jeans, a t-shirt, 5 o’clock shadow, very deep voice. He was a man.”

Aw, who cares?  You shouldn’t.  Judgmental = bad.  Besides, college students say there isn’t any difference between men and women anyway.  “Gender is fluid,” say these brain-dead Millennial zombies.

Essentially, Obama and Leftists created a problem where no problem really existed prior.  Before Bruce Jenner and his conversion — which he is now beginning to regret seriously — the issue wasn’t an issue.  I don’t seem to recall hordes of transgenders descending upon bathrooms and cops quick to respond to calls for the invasion.  In fact, I’ll wager I’ve probably been in a men’s bathroom when there was a tranny with me.  I didn’t care because I didn’t know.  The tranny’s job was to blend and apparently they blended.  No harm no foul.

It’s an issue because it has been forced to become an issue, on the heels of the massive Bruce Jenner media coverage.  That was the tipping point.

But that’s the problem with Leftists.  Force.  Conscription.  Pushing.  Leftists are not satisfied with allowing people to make their own decisions or to leave people alone.  They must, instead, tear down in order to build back up a system that only they can see and understand.  You, as a non-Leftist, do not have the mental capacity to understand their concepts and, as the menial Groundling, Prole or Serf that you are, you must be forced to comply.  Dissent cannot be tolerated.  Differing viewpoints cannot exist.  You have not the capability to perceive their higher-level thinking patterns and, because of this, there is no other option save that of duress, mandatory compulsion, intimidation and, ultimately, the law.  Further: there must be pain.  You must be punished for transgressions.  See NY Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s new insane law.

You cannot be trusted to make your own decisions if they are incongruent with Leftists.  Plain and simple.

Here is the ultimate goal of Leftists: the norming of all things sexual.  Following this, there will be a push to legalize multiple wives.  Multiple husbands.  Scratch that.  Just multiple people in marriage.  Polyamory.  Objectum sexuals.  Sex with animals will not be far behind and, of course, the norming of sex with children.

If you doubt me, stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you wish to see how pederasts truly operate, go to AbsoluteZeroUnited — where I used to write — and check the archived posts by myself and the other warriors for children.  Guaranteed, unless you’re a NAMBLA member, you’ll throw up.  I was a detective for a major California department in the Child Abuse Bureau.  I know how pederasts think and operate.  I put them in jail for decades.  I would commonly acquire much greater sentences for my suspects in Child Abuse than I did when I worked Homicide.  I am proud of my work as a defender of the defenseless.

The norming of all things sexual.

Coming soon.

Don’t doubt me for a moment.



Leftist LIES

Jordan's LYING TWEETJordan Brown’s Tweet, attempting to disparage Whole Foods.  Wrong.  It is YOU who LIED and are FALSE, Jordan Brown.  You are a LIAR before God.  You are no pastor.

1. FAG

Marcus Owens LOVE WINS FAGFrom the WashingtonTimes.com:

Austin gay pastor apologizes for making up hoax, drops suit about cake with homophobic slur

by Kelly Riddell

The openly-gay pastor in Austin, Texas, who said Whole Foods wrote a homophobic slur on his cake, has now dropped his lawsuit and said the company “did nothing wrong.”

Jordan Brown, who made the allegations a month ago, said at the time he ordered a cake with the writing “Love Wins” and received a cake that said “Love Wins Fag.”

Mr. Brown sued Whole Foods alleging discrimination, hoping to shed light on his cause. Whole Foods vigorously denied the claim and said the team member who prepared the cake for Mr. Brown was, in fact, an LGBTQ member of the community herself. Whole Foods, in return, sued Mr. Brown.

On Monday, according to the local television station KVUE News, Mr. Brown said in a statement he was “wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story.”

“I want to apologize to Whole Foods and its team members for questioning the company’s commitment to its values, and especially the baker associate who I understand was put in a terrible position because of my actions,” Mr. Brown said in his statement Monday. “I apologize to the LGBT community for diverting attention from real issues. I also want to apologize to my partner, my family, my church family, and my attorney.”

And you’re somehow still a pastor?

Apparently you have no shame whatsoever.


Marcus Owens RACIST LIARFrom the DailyCaller.com:

Black Iowa Student Starts Fight, Loses, Makes Up Hate Crime, Gets Caught

by Blake Neff

A savage hate crime at the University of Iowa that sent shockwaves across campus turned out to be just another hoax, police said Tuesday.

The case of Marcus Owens caused a deluge of outrage when it first emerged in early May. Owens claimed on the night of April 30 he was attacked, out of nowhere and without provocation, by three white college-age men, who beat him bloody while screaming racial slurs and landed him in the hospital.

Beating and screaming racial slurs.  Just like the slur above.


Owens isn’t the first college student in 2016 to try spinning a run-of-the-mill fight as a violent hate crime. Three University at Albany students claimed they were attacked by a white mob on a bus in January, only to have police conclude they were the actual aggressors. Those students have been kicked out of school and hit with an array of criminal charges.

Good to know that Jordan Brown is a sexist and that Marcus Owens is a racist.

But even more, what do both persons have in common?

They are both LIARS whose stories have been debunked and recanted.  Their stories are baseless and fact-free.

Because this current PC society rewards victims and victimhood.

You are nothing any more, unless you are a victim.

And white males are always responsible.

I’m sick and tired of it.



Gen Chuck Yeager, 89, in F-15 Eagle

General Chuck Yeager, at the ripe old age of 89 years, boards an F-15 Eagle at Nellis AFB as part of an honor flight. The flight was conducted in recognition of the first manned supersonic flight 65 years prior, when Yeager broke the sound barrier in an experimental Bell X-1 aircraft on October 14, 1947. Filmed on October 14, 2012.


For those who don’t know, Chuck Yeager is the man who first broke the supersonic flight sound barrier on October of 1947 at California’s Muroc Desert Test Center (now known as Edwards AFB) with a speed of 660 mph at 35,000 feet, in the Bell XS-1 rocket-powered aircraft named “Glamorous Glennis” (after Yeager’s wife).  With enough fuel for a 2 1/2 minute flight, technicians and engineers were unsure just what would occur at the sound barrier.  Would the wings fall off?  Could the human body take the stress or would the transition to supersonic speed kill the pilot?  No one knew.

Yet there he is, at the age of 89 in the year 2012, strapped into the back seat of a McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle, a twin-engine fighter first introduced into USAF service in 1976, in order to commemorate the 65th anniversary of Yeager’s having broken the sound barrier.

I’m sure a number of AF officers were thinking: “oh please, don’t let General Yeager get killed on my watch.”

Still and all, an amazing feat.

Brigadier General Yeager, 93, lives with his second wife Victoria, 57, in Penn Valley, California, just off Highway 20 and west of Grass Valley.  Beale AFB, former home of the SR-71 and current home of the TR-1, is nearby.