Ted Cruz leaves the race

THAT'S ALL FOLKSLeaving Donald John Trump.

We are well and truly fucked as a country.

Hillary Clinton is going to win unless Trump pulls out a Talking Points Strategy Memo from God.

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilisations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.



Tales from a Communist

Obama In Cuba with Che Guevara BehindAmerica is turning Communist.

And no one recognizes a Communist like another Communist, or one living or having lived under a Communist regime.

From the DailyCaller.com:

Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

by Ginni Thomas

Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

Correct.  Because each new advocate of Socialism or Communism believes fervently in his or her heart that he or she can truly make it work, if only they were given their own opportunity.  They could “do it better than the last guy” if only they were provided the chance.   Despite what history tells us, and in consideration of the definition of insanity.  They are like their own personal vision of Reddy Kilowatt.  Reddy Kilowatt

In this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

For Blazquez, watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural Marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional.

Now, however, it is bad for America to be “exceptional.”  That is judgmental.  America is no better than any other country and is frequently — almost always — worse than any other country.  Just ask a Leftist.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is part and parcel of precisely why Leftists more and more not only want but command the meanings of words to change.  It is about control, nothing but control.

Not control by the people.  Oh no.

Control by the government.  Leftists wish the government to be the ultimate arbiter in everyone’s life.  Der Regierung.

No one knows how to run your life like a Leftist or the government as far as they are concerned.  Your silly-assed views about “what you want” don’t count.  Proles, groundlings, serfs.  STFU and step aside.  Concede your sins and repent, apostate.

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PURPOSEEnter Orwell’s 1984, written in 1948.  Numerical transposition?  If you have not yet read it, by all means, drop everything and acquire a copy.  Do that now.  Read it.  The similarities to the UK, Europe and now the US are startling.

Millennials do not embrace privacy.  They do not embrace independence.  They embrace babysitting, hand-holding and Free Cheese.

Listen up:

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.”

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”

Meaning: words are mouth diapers to be changed whenever convenience beckons?  Like babies who shit their drawers?

[Note: BZ’s Axiom is: whoever controls SCOTUS and education controls the US.”]

Watching President Barack Obama travel to Cuba, he says, made him “want to throw up.” This was a “betrayal to victims of communism,” the filmmaker of “Covering Cuba” says. Blazquez adds there are “so many [Nelson] Mandelas” in Cuban prisons, who are tortured, denied medical attention and abused. Yet, prominent black elites from America, including most incredibly to him, the Congressional Black Caucus, are wined and dined by the political elites but are blind to their “betrayal of blacks in Cuba.”

Barack Hussein Obaka was wined and dined by the Castros and was dared by Raul Castro to name anyone held illegally in a Cuban prison.  Did Obaka perform the obvious resultant task and pull out his phone and Google “Cuban political prisoner names” as would any other logical thinking human being with technology at their fingertips these days?

Of course not.  Obaka was too busy concentrating on the sucking of Cuban cock.  For his legacy, you see.  He’d been practicing for years on Cuban cigars, available as they were for our elite political class despite their proscription.

As the “fundamental transformation of America” continues under Obama’s governance, Blazquez warns that elites in America are in a precarious situation. Their privileges, rights and property could evaporate fast with America’s trend towards erosion of liberties. “Wake up, America!” the Cuban-American proclaims.

This of course hearkens me to a perfect Animal Farm quote with regard to the application of government in America:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Listen to this author, America.



Let us not forget Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

“Community, Identity, Stability,” Soma and Feelies.

Obama Che

Leftists riot in Burlingame over Trump

At the California GOP Convention in Burlingame.

Mexico Wants US AgainWhat Mexican Leftists want, paraded in front of Mexican flag in Burlingame.

And all of it FUNDED by GEORGE SOROS.

None of this was spontaneous.  It was well funded and well planned.

The American people have grown fat, lazy and stupid.  They don’t care about freedom any more, they don’t care about privacy, they don’t care about responsibility or accountability.  All they care about is Free Cheese and what the government can do for them.   People today cannot handle real, actual, freedom.  And they don’t want to be responsible.  Americans aren’t smart enough to realize this because they have been brainwashed by “educators” and the American Media Maggots.  Patriotism is now “jingoism.”  Independence is considered vulgar and anathema.

But Burlingame wasn’t just a simple protest.  It was a riot and an assault on the First Amendment.

Leftists couldn’t give a fuck about the First Amendment, as witnessed by our pussified willting sensitive little Millennial flowers in universities across the nation.

Look.  Let’s get something straight up front.  I don’t like Donald Trump.  He’s not “my guy.”  I advocate and have contributed to Ted Cruz, who is an actual Conservative and has fought in our Supreme Court for conservative values, including gun rights and a refusal to accept amnesty for illegal aliens.  When John Boehner called Ted Cruz “Lucifer” I took that as a feather in the cap of Cruz.  Because John Boehner is a simpering, tearful fuckwit whose over-bronzed persona found little fault in most everything the Demorats proposed.  He frequently did his level best to suck Barack Hussein Obama’s political cock.  Anyone who is an enemy of John Boehner is a friend of mine.

When Republicans bent, America broke.  And America is broken.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a Johnny-Come-Lately and a self-serving individual whose philosophies change with his personal self interests.  He cannot provide serious details about his positions and wishes to actually expand government and increase taxes.

I know where he came from.  I know why he emerged.  The GOP let everyone down time after time after time.  People got tired of the GOP and Trump resonated because he said, initially, what many people themselves were thinking and feeling.

That said, he’s not my guy.  He’s too coarse and unspecific for me.  He is too unfamiliar with vastly important topics critical in today’s global scheme.

Fine.  He is still resonating with Americans and he appears to be chosen by quite a number of Americans.  Therefore, he is deserving of his own freedoms.  The freedom to make speeches, the freedom to appear at various locales, the freedom to not have his thoughts and expressions suppressed.

Trump Protest Burlingame

Trump protest Burlingame. Mexican flags predominate. La Raza’s reconquista.

George Soros, the Leftist billionaire, doesn’t believe in America.  He doesn’t believe in our Founding Fathers, he doesn’t believe in the US Constitution, he doesn’t believe in our Bill of Rights.  This doddering Greek motherfucker believes in turning America into Europe.

But what is revealed is even more foundational.  Yes, this is a rally — a riot, really — against Donald Trump.  But at its core this is an anti-American spasm.  Rioters burned the American flag and held the Mexican flag up high.

This is what Trump supporters had to endure just to get inside the convention.

This is what occurred to another person who simply wanted to attend the convention.

Sacramento’s very own Leftist Maile Hampton, a wonderful Islamist, led the flag burning in Burlingame.

Leftists cannot stomach opposition.  They cannot stomach mere protests.  Now it must be violent.

Stationed at the California GOP convention outside the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport in Burlingame, reporters documented the moment angry demonstrators set Old Glory ablaze while labeling it a symbol of “genocide.”

“Fuck colonialism, fuck genocide, fuck slavery. That’s what the American flag stands for,” yelled a woman with a bullhorn. “We don’t stand for that shit.”

Free Tit LeftistsThe wacky Free Tit Leftists had to weigh in as well.

Good to know that Mexicans couldn’t care less for American laws.

A few words to that Mexican cunt.  First, I thank you.  I thank you for your clarity and your honesty.  You’ve outed yourself and your other “reconquista” La Raza adherents as the baldly-naked racists you areLa Raza means “the race.”  Not just any race.  The race.

I guess I need to go “bottom line.”

The bottom line is this.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, I will vote for Donald John Trump.

Because that is how much I hate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

And fuckwit Leftists.



“Justice involved individuals”

Obama RiotousAnd with that, more WORD PABLUM from our federal Department of Justice under Obama-appointed Leftist Loretta Lynch — an incredible plus for Obama as she is a she and she is black.  The best of all possible worlds.  She only lacks a lesbian bent.  (You can’t have everything.)

What is the issue?

The federal DOJ has now decided to call convicted criminals “justice involved individuals.”

Mouth pablum, euphemisms, verbal drivel, word salad.

The federal DOJ will now call convicted criminals “justice involved individuals.”

Is there a reason?

Oh, yes there is.  Votes.  Felon voters.  Just look at Virginia.

The original DOJ release is here.

More focused is Breitbart.com:

DOJ Coins New Term for Convicted Criminals: ‘Justice-Involved Individuals’

by Katie McHugh

Barack Obama’s Department of Justice is deploying a new term for convicted criminals: “justice-involved individuals.”

“In an effort to help young people involved in the justice system find jobs and housing, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced $1.75 million for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and nonprofit legal service organizations to address the challenges justice-involved individuals face when trying to find work and a place to call home,” a statement from the Department of Justice reads.

Lynch’s statement came during National Reentry Week,” where the Obama administration works to soften or eliminate the consequences of committing serious crimes and ensure ex-cons are given the same advantages as lifelong, law-abiding citizens.

So there we go.  In Obama’s world, a convicted criminal is now a “justice-involved individual.”  Not a convicted criminal.  Not a suspect.

Just as Obama decided that a terrorist can’t be called a terrorist, and words don’t have real meanings any more, Obama’s rogue states have become “outliers” and pablum like “overseas contingency operations,” “man-caused disasters,” “countering violent extremism” and “kinetic military action” are the norm.  It should be no shock, then, that Obama’s DOJ now calls convicted felons “justice involved individuals”

On that note, cops could be “justice involved individuals” as are judges, the bailiff, law clerks, probation officers and people who file legal records are “justice involved individuals.”

Word pablum.

Now in Obaka’s World, crime now means “justice.”

George Orwell would be proud.