Hispandering: el Debate Democrata

UNIVISION MEXICAN RACISTSIn case you didn’t watch — and I’m guessing you didn’t — you missed out on the Wednesday night Univision/Washington Post Demorat debate, the 8th in the series of Demorat debates.

Held in Miami, Univision took over and broadcast most everything in Spanish on CNN, under “el Debate Democrata, conversacion politica.”

Right.  Because Mexican women are talking about economia numero uno, religion numero dos, and aborto numero tres.

Mexican men are concerned about etica gubernamental numero uno, problemas raciales numero dos, and economia numero tres.

Good of CNN to turn themselves completely over to Univision so that actual Americans who speak English were at a complete disadvantage.

The moderators were the racists Jorge Ramos, Maria Elena Salinas and token female Caucasoid journalista Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post, who mostly remained silent.

Jorge Ramos hammered Hillary Clinton on Obama’s having deported more than 2.5 million ILLEGAL immigrants (most Mexicans) during his tenure.  He called her potentially the next Deporter In Chief.  “Can you promise you won’t deport children and you won’t deport immigrants with no criminal record?  Can I get a yes or no answer?”

Clinton said, “yes, you can.”  Hillary wants to change the laws and “stop the raids, stop the roundups, stop the deporting of people who are living here, doing their lives, doing their jobs and that’s my priority.”

The racist Jorge Ramos had kittens in response and asked the question again and again.  Sanders promised too, of course.

There you go.  Once again Leftists and Demorats deciding just which laws they will or will not enforce, which laws illegals must or must not obey.

If only that mindset translated over to actual living, breathing, lawful American Taxpayers — you know, that 55% of persons in the US who are still stupid enough and cowed enough to pay taxes — as opposed to the 45% who do not.

That was enough for me.  The entire purpose of the Univision debate was to ensure that there was a Demorat confirmation to fellate the Hispanic willy.

I have to hand it to Bernie Sanders.  He is a known quantity and hasn’t much changed his tune for decades.  He is truly a Democratic Socialist.  I can respect Sanders for that.  He’ll tell you what he is and you know what his stances are and will be.  Props to Sanders for having the stones to be honest.

Hillary Clinton was braced with being an lying untrustworthy bitch to the tune of a 37% believability rate.  In response Clinton proffered verbal effluvium, as per normal.

Let me be clear: these two Mexican racists — with their little biclavial token journalista GOWP female sitting next to them — existed in space on Wednesday night only to make sure their Mexican “needs” were met.  In a word: Hispandering.

Why are they racist?  Supremely easy to answer: either everyone is equal or no one is equal.

Aztlan-La-RazaWhen these two racists sit at a moderator’s panel and push agendas specific to only one race — Hispanics (God I hate that word) — and the name of La Raza (translated: The Race, which advocates “reconquista“) even escapes their lips, I know they are racists.

Reverse it: imagine there was a Caucasoid Channel sponsoring the GOP debates and moderators were asking what the candidates could do for whites?

Bernie Sanders is at least honest.  He is what he is.

Hillary Clinton is a lying, plotting, calculating snake of a politician who exists only to line her own pockets and those of her family.  Everyone else — and I mean everyone else — can go to hell.

She will say and do whatever it takes to feather her personal bed.  If that happens to benefit the Demorats, so be it.  But her allegiance lies much more inwards, much more centrally-focused.

I can understand why Hillary is seen as the Establishment candidate and Bernie as the outsider, despite a lengthy career in politics.

For those whose comments will include “I wouldn’t have wasted my time,” I say: never ignore your enemy.

Know your enemy.

Besides: I watched so you wouldn’t have to.


Not one mention of the national debt.  Not one mention of how the policies will be paid for other than to “tax the one per-cent.”

As if money simply gets created if one but simply wills it into existence.

Oh, wait; government simply makes the money.


Mitt Romney is “in” just in case?

Meb Bushney 2016Listen up, ladies and gentlemen.

Just when you thought it was safe to eschew establishment GOP candidates, it appears that “someone” is waiting in the wings, “just in case.”

And he may run as a third party candidate, as an independent.

From Townhall.com:

Oh My: Romney For President Paperwork Was Filed With The FEC Last Month

by Katie Pavlich

Former Massachusetts Governor and GOP Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney insists he isn’t running for President of the United States in 2016, even to stop Donald Trump. 

“I’m not running and I’m not going to be running,” Romney said on NBC over the weekend while keeping the door open should he be named at a brokered convention in July. 

Uh-huh.  Except: see the paperwork he filed here.

Mitt Romney FEC PaperworkBut according to paperwork filed with the Federal Elections Commission last month, a Romney presidential run isn’t being completely ruled out.

Under what circumstances would Mitt Romney step onstage?

I think you can suss that out for yourself.

Question to those whose trust was betrayed by Mitt Romney last time: just what makes you think that Romney “means it” more this time than last time — in light of the fact that his campaign was tepid at best — and his son Tag said Mitt wasn’t much interested in running for president in the first place?

Sorry, not falling for that one twice.


Unless, of course, it’s false to begin with, as Conservtive LA was kind enough to point out.  From Twitchy.com:

No, this FEC form doesn’t mean Mitt Romney is running for president

The form was filed because of an address change for the political consulting firm, Red Curve Solutions, LLC. See the “X” in the box marked “Check if address is changed”?

Bombs In Bomb Bay of B-17All right, I guess I can close the bomb bay doors now.



Second Super Tuesday

Trump, Cruz, RubioToday, four states vote: Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan and Mississippi.

So far, the delegate count is (1,237 needed to win nomination):

  • Donald Trump, 384
  • Ted Cruz, 300
  • Marco Rubio, 151
  • John Kasich, 37

On the Demorat side the count is:

  • Hillary Clinton, 672
  • Bernie Sanders, 477


  • Clinton, 458
  • Sanders, 22

Next up on March 12th is the DC (District of Columbia) Republican Convention, the Guam Republican Convention and the Wyoming Republican Convention.

On March 15th are the GOP “winner take all” states of Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio.