Rush Limbaugh is CORRECT about the GOP

In an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, Rush Limbaugh weighed in about the GOP and how they truly are not conservative.

I happened to be watching at the time.

I also happen to agree with Mr Limbaugh.

What the GOP fails to understand is this: conservatives are not going through some kind of “phase” of eschewing GOPEE (GOP Establishment Elite) candidates.

We got rid of Santorum, Graham, Huckabee and Bush, and we sure as hell won’t listen to anything Romney has to say.

This is the New Normal.



Nancy Reagan passes at age 94

Ronald Reagan Funeral Nancy At CasketFrom

(CNN)   Former first lady Nancy Reagan, who joined her husband on a storybook journey from Hollywood to the White House, died Sunday.

She was 94.

Reagan died at her home in Los Angeles of congestive heart failure, according to her spokeswoman, Joanne Drake of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

“Mrs. Reagan will be buried at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, next to her husband, Ronald Wilson Reagan, who died on June 5, 2004. Prior to the funeral service, there will be an opportunity for members of the public to pay their respects at the Library,” Drake said in a statement.

Ronald and Nancy ReaganSay what you will of Nancy Reagan — and the world is filled with her detractors — there was no wife more supportive of a husband than her.  She adored Ronald Reagan with all her might.  It was truly an American love story.

Any husband would be lucky to have a wife so devoted.

Ronald Reagan Uzi Out of BriefcaseIt was this day that hastened the death of Ronald Wilson Reagan.

A bit of Conservatism died with Ronald Reagan in 2004, at the age of 93.  His wife managed to live another year longer than her husband, and another 12 years longer after his passing.

Nancy Reagan is survived by Patti Davis and Ron Reagan — her two children with Ronald Reagan — and Michael Reagan, a son from Ronald Reagan’s first marriage to Jane Wyman. Maureen Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s daughter with Jane Wyman, died in 2001.

Nancy Reagan will be buried alongside her husband at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.



Thursday GOP debate on Fox

GOP DEBATE 3-3-2016How would I summarize last night’s GOP debate on Fox News?  Four words.

An abortion on toast.

What an embarrassing, sad, puerile, unnecessary food fight.  Alleged adults talking about their hands, feet and johnsons.

If you had to craft some kind of answer to the question of “who won,” I would have to answer John Kasich.  He appeared to be the only adult on the stage.  Who also won?  That would have to be Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the Demorats.

On the other hand, the most important question should be: who lost?

I submit: the GOP lost.

Can you imagine trying to convince someone to join the Republican Party, and then having them watch this hot mess?  What could they conclude except that the GOP consists of unbridled goons?

The Demorats were laughing their asses off last night.



Hillary: one step closer to indictment

Hillary Clinton Yelling VerticalBecause the DOJ doesn’t grant immunity for no reason whatsoever.

From the

Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server

by Adam Goldman

The Justice Department has granted immunity to the former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email server as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, according to a senior law enforcement official.

The official said the FBI had secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009.

If you check my blog, you may recall that I said a source indicated Hillary Clinton may in fact be indicted.  The evidence is so overwhelming as to make itself almost too impossible to ignore, even in the current administration.  The reason that Hillary has enjoyed her impervious position is, in my estimation, because Obama fears a revelation about himself.  That would be correct, insofar as a recent email found on Clinton’s server regarding Obama will not be revealed due to security issues.  Imagine that.

Still and all, the Washington Post has made a rather startling revelation.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are still roughly nine months to go.

Much can change.



Super Tuesday results

SUPER TUESDAY STATES WINSSupporters of Donald Trump should be very happy this Wednesday, following Super Tuesday.

SUPER TUESDAY 3-1-2016 RESULTS11 states were up for bid on Super Tuesday, to include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia.

Cruz took Texas — if he hadn’t done that his campaign would have been ended — as well as Oklahoma and Alaska. Marco Rubio won Minnesota.  Kasich and Carson won nothing.

Trump won in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia, Arkansas, Massachusetts and Vermont. It’s interesting to note seeing Chris Christie standing behind Trump on the national news.

Also interesting is that Mike Huckabee was clearly behind Trump this morning on Fox and Friends, saying that the Republicans need to begin to rally around Trump, and that it is now a ridiculous meme about David Duke, as Trump spent the entire weekend disavowing Duke.



  • Trump 285
  • Cruz 161
  • Rubio 87
  • Kasich 25
  • Carson 8

On the Demorat side, Hillary Clinton squished Bernie Sanders, winning 7 states to 4 for Sanders.

Kasich and Carson need to get out and throw some delegates to candidates who can win.  Even if Kasich wins Ohio, what will that do?  What happens if Rubio doesn’t even win Florida?  What will Jeb Bush do?  Who will he endorse?

And what happens when those Republicans who swear not to vote for Trump fail to appear at the polls?

Mississippi and Michigan hold their primaries next Tuesday the 8th, and Ohio’s is on March 15th.

Here’s what Trump needs to do: stop running down Cruz and Rubio.  Focus like a laser beam on Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama.

And here is what conservatives find ever-maddening: the GOP still DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW and WHY Donald Trump resonates.




Chris Christie’s perplexed expressions standing behind Trump were priceless and led to some hilarious Tweets.