US govt incompetent: you want MORE Syrians?

The US government under Obama (and with guidance and edicts from Mr Obama) cannot and will not fully and properly vet persons seeking entry into the United States.

Witness, for example, Tashfeen Malik.  Witness the US government massively incompetent.

Witness, for example, US Representative Jason Chaffetz (3rd, UT) take apart various US government drones who admit: they know nothing and, further, they don’t care.

The Obama administration cannot be sure of the whereabouts of thousands of foreigners in the U.S. who had their visas revoked over terror concerns and other reasons, a State Department official acknowledged Thursday.

The admission, made at a House oversight hearing examining immigrant vetting in the wake of major terror attacks, drew a sharp rebuke from the committee chairman.

“You don’t have a clue do you?” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs.

Correct.  Your US government doesn’t have a clue.  It couldn’t care less.

Check out this headline from

Feds can’t say whereabouts of those whose visas were revoked over terror threat

That says it all.  After having watched the video, can you draw any conclusions?

I certainly can:

  • The Obama administration isn’t concerned about US security
  • Obama favors Islam over Christianity
  • Obama’s minions fear being “offensive” in the face of terror
  • Obama refuses to name terror because he believes the US is too strong and needs to be taken down; it is responsible for what is bad in the world and needs to make amends, have its power diminished

Each government drone you watched in the video knows they will not be held accountable, they will not be fired, and they will continue to collect their paychecks and enjoy a glorious retirement that you will not experience.


Remember: Obama wants to purposely import over one hundred thousand Syrians into the United States.

Read this:

“Ninety percent of Syrian refugee cases are being approved,” Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian told the panel. “The average worldwide is 80 percent. How stringent of a vetting process can it be if 90 percent are being approved?”

Europe is already doomed.  Angela Merkel helped to doom the bulk of Europe with a flood of Muslims and Paris has just begun to pay the price.

If we don’t wise up, this country faces the same plight.



Crafting shit in the dead of night: WHY?

Ryan & ObamaThe only answer?

Because there are things in bills that their authors don’t want you to immediately knowThings you would object to.  They would either be embarrassed or guilty if they were caught.  And politicians know the American public is ignorant and possessed of no memory.

Unfortunately, it appears this isn’t just the beginning of a trend, it’s now the norm.

Just as the new 2,000+ -page omnibus budget bill was crafted in secrecy this week.

The Demorats started it.  Now the Republicans want to sign off on it.


Who Wrote the Omnibus? Four Lawmakers, Many Lobbyists

by Peter Schweizer

The ugly work that went into the massive pork-filled omnibus spending bill snaking its way through congress is now starting to be exposed.

And it’s not for the faint at heart. Members of congress had little input in the bill and didn’t even in many cases know what was in it.

Read that line over again: members of congress had little input in the bill and didn’t even in many cases know what was in it.

“No member of even the House and Senate knew what was going on,” he (Senator Jeff Sessions, R-AL) told Portland, Oregon talk show host Lars Larson. “Special interests did because we heard from lobbyists what some things were being considered.”

Sessions went on to note that basically four members of congress put the deal together without consulting their colleagues. “It’s not right for ultimately four members, in secret — for reasons we have no understanding of — to make critical decisions on things,” he said.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, shit crafted in secrecy and by a cabal of limited persons.


There are things in the bill yet undiscovered.

The new normal.

Do you like that?



American workers hosed once more?

Disney WorkersBills move in mysterious ways.  Sometimes they move in the dark of night and contain over 2,000+ pages of written gurp.

Such is the bill that erupted from Paul Ryan’s orifice, in the darkness, earlier this week, in a fashion not-so-dissimilar from that of John Boehner on occasion.  This proposed $1.1 TRILLION dollar omnibus budget deal increases the deficit by billions more,

And Paul Ryan doesn’t see much wrong with the bill.  From

The Paul Ryan Compromise

by Jim Newell

The new speaker’s first big deal is just like all of the ones that infuriated conservatives under Boehner.

When Paul Ryan was handed the speaker’s gavel in late October, he pledged to restore normal order to the People’s House and eliminate the sort of backroom deals that rank-and-file members complain are shoved down their throats at the 11th hour. So, late Tuesday night, Ryan unveiled a few thousand pages of consequential tax, spending, and regulatory legislation costing roughly $2 trillion and gave Congress and the public two whole days to review everything.

Even wackier, the bulk of the GOP — the people who complain about stuff like this — well, apparently, they don’t mind the bill so much.  From

Conservatives give Ryan a pass on budget deal they despise

by Anna Palmer and Lauren French

‘The end product here is just cleaning the barn, it’s a disaster,’ one Freedom Caucus member complains.

The House Freedom Caucus hates the massive government-funding bill: Spending levels are billions of dollars higher than what conservatives wanted, and at least two top policy priorities — language addressing Syrian refugees and so-called sanctity of life — were cut.

But unlike past fiscal battles, when lawmakers took shots at GOP leaders and tried to tank bills, this time conservatives are largely holding their fire. Even as they vow to oppose the package, many are still praising Speaker Paul Ryan’s handling of the $1.1 trillion spending bill and $680 billion in tax breaks.

But wait; there’s more.  Workers in America are going to hosed even more than they are now.  Check out

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

by Alexander Bolton

The $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill includes language that would dramatically increase the number of visas available for foreign workers, setting off alarm bells among conservatives and labor unions. 

Congressional leaders quietly slipped the provision into the 2,009-page funding bill, with rank-and-file lawmakers only discovering it Wednesday morning. The move immediately sparked protests from across the political spectrum.

The provision could more than triple the number of H-2B visas for foreign workers seeking jobs at hotels, theme parks, ski resorts, golf courses, landscaping businesses, restaurants and bars. The move is intended to boost the supply of non-agricultural seasonal workers.

“These foreign workers are brought in exclusively to fill blue collar non-farm jobs in hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations sought by millions of Americans,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of President Obama’s immigration policies, in a statement.

“The GOP-led Congress is about to deliver Obama a four-fold increase to one of the most controversial foreign worker programs. The result? Higher unemployment and lower wages for Americans,” he said.

Good little Leftist Disney corporation sacked its American employees in October, hired foreign workers, and made those getting pink slips train their replacements.  Because their replacements were cheaper.

Just as I documented here.

This isn’t outsourcing.  This is reverse-insourcing.  This is Disney hiring people with H1B visas who have not been vetted by the federal government because the federal government is lazy, incompetent, overfed, bloated and uncaring.  The federal government has no idea who is truly behind each visa settling, now, into the US and taking the jobs of US workers.  With the efficacy and concern the US government vetted Tashfeen Malik.

And the GOPEE — the GOP Establishment Elite — wonder why Conservatives are disturbed with the GOPEE, angry with the GOPEE, furious with the GOPEE?  They wonder why Trump is resonating despite his frequently being a screwball?  Oh my God, yes, the GOPEE IS in fact that obtuse.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.



Tuesday night’s GOP debate

Hugh Hewitt & Donald TrumpCNN hosted the final Republican debate of 2015, Tuesday, December 15th.  Once again Hugh Hewitt was one of the questioners, and Wolf Blitzer was the moderator.

GOP Debate 12-15-2015First Debate:

Consisting of George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Lindsay Graham and Mike Huckabee, Huckabee appeared the most relaxed and easily spoken, whilst Graham was the most contentious but most emotive and passionate of the bunch, making some points as well.  In my mind, Graham was the winner though I certainly did not agree on all of his points.  The bottom line is this: the GOP could do without all of those persons clotting the ranks.  They should all move on.  They are yesterday’s news.

Second Debate:

The “prime” debate consisted of John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Ron Paul.

Rand Paul was obnoxious, Trump neither won nor lost and, to my mind, it was a toss-up between Cruz and Rubio.  Though, I must say, Christie did in fact score some serious points.

Ben Carson was massively unimpressive; a manikin could have been substituted with equal efficacy.  Carson isn’t ready for much of anything political.  Yes, no argument, Carson is the quintessential nice and good man.  He is not a politician and not ready for a position like this at all.  I should submit he’d best stick with his day job and, at most, local politics.

Kasich was also obnoxious.  He always has been.  There is a certain “something” about Kasich that simply rubs me the wrong way.

Fiorina spoke well but no one seems interested in listening to her. Her campaign appears to be, however, run by morons who have no idea how to market her.

Bush tried massively to be what he is not: overbearing, pushy, contentious — and it doesn’t play well with him because that’s not his nature.  Most everyone can tell it’s a FALSE persona, apparently shoved onto him by his handlers.  It’s fallacious and duplicitous and even 5-year-olds can see through it.  Bush is done, stick a fork in him.  He’s not the future of the GOP.  This proves Bush will do anything to win the presidency.  Things that are so incredibly removed from his comfort factor.

We see you, Jeb.  We know who you are and who you aren’t.

Since writing this a few hours ago, I have some further input.

Upon further consideration, Cruz and Rubio disappoint.

It is Christie who, frankly, appears more presidential and not so navel-gazing.