Leftist Google: coming for your First Amendment

Google Being EvilLorette Lynch, Obama, Demorats and Leftists want to come for your free speech and your First Amendment.

In the guise of curbing “hate speech.”

Who gets to determine what “hate speech” is?

Leftists, of course.

From QZ.com:

Google’s chairman wants algorithms to censor the internet for hate speech

by Hanna Kozlowska

In an op-ed for The New York Times (paywall), Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, inserted himself directly into the middle of a heated debate about the line between fighting terrorism’s online reach and internet censorship.

“It’s our responsibility to demonstrate that stability and free expression go hand in hand,” he writes. “We should build tools to help de-escalate tensions on social media—sort of like spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment.”

His words came just after Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, called on Silicon Valley to “disrupt ISIL” last weekend in Washington DC. Clinton said it is crucial to “deprive jihadists of virtual territory” by shutting off their means of communication.

Isn’t that funny?  Hillary Clinton calls for “disrupting ISIL” and Leftists — GOOGLE — interpret that to mean curbing free speech for everyone on the internet.


Just whose speech do you suppose Google will attempt to curb, if you had to guess?

Michael Moore’s speech, or my speech?  Your speech?  How about the speech of Muslims?

Who gets to determine what is and is not “hate speech”?  Will Conservatives have any input?  I think not.  Leftists will determine those parameters.  Conservatives will be the target.

I think you have your answer.

With the proper Al-Gore-rhythm, I’m sure Google could do just that.


Freedom of Speech, Journalism ProfessorHERE is what Leftists think of your pissy little “freedom of speech.”

Freedom of Speech Removed By Leftists


Duane Patterson HeaderThere is a reason I listen to the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show (HHRS) Monday through Friday, and one of the adjunct important paid subscriber benefits involves being able to listen to and appreciate the After Show provided by HHRS Producer Sir Duane of Patterson.  His one hour summary is worthy of the “price of admission” in and of itself.

Because, if not for Producer Patterson, I would never have learned of Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse.  A very junior but logical individual who, I believe, has a bright future ahead of him.

And I would never have heard this speech on the Senate floor this week.

Please, I beseech, play and listen to the full video.  It is well worth your time.



AG Loretta Lynch: worrying about Muslim blowback

Loretta Lynch DOJ AGAnd Lynch is worrying more about the blowback than what occurred in San Bernardino.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged that the Department of Justice will go after hate speech that might incite violence against the Muslim community, she told a crowd of Muslim-Americans and supporters Thursday night.

“Obviously this is a country that is based on free speech,” Lynch told the audience at the Muslim Advocates dinner in Arlington, VA. “But when that edges towards violence…we will take action.”

But let’s cast a statistical eye on this.

Let’s ask ourselves a very important question: just where is this blowback in the US?  Where are the dead, broken, littered bodies of Muslims all across the United States?

As we all know, if the allegation were true, the American Media Maggots would be all over each and every one of those cases and cover them incessantly for hours and then weeks.

Are we seeing this on our media?  Television?  Cable?  Newspapers?  Internet?

We are not.  Why?  Because it doesn’t exist.

Even after 9/11 it doesn’t exist.

Here are 2014 religious hate crime statistics in the United States, from the FBI, from a total of 1,140 such crimes reported (in percentile):

Muslims                16%
Jews                      57%
Catholics               6%
Protestants           2.5%

Here is the truth: Obama is courting Muslims in the US and from around the world.  He’d like to see their numbers grow in the US, clearly.  He is now pushing Lynch to create this fear-based Straw Man for an idea that doesn’t exist — though both he and she would like to see the problem explode so that, politically, Obama can say “see, I told you it was an issue!”

Look at the stats.  Jews in the United States are at a greater risk than Muslims, by a factor of three and-a-half times.

Where is Mr Obama regarding hate crimes against Jews?  Where is Loretta Lynch regarding hate crimes against Jews?

Further, where is this tsunami of action against Muslims in America?  There is suspicion, yes, as there should be considering events.  But actions?  Obama quite well knows what a “self-fulfilling prophecy” is, and is attempting to do his best to create one, having given his little instructions to AG Lynch, another Obama puppet blessed with the Perfect Melanin Count.

Let’s be frank.  Obama himself is helping ISIS.  Obama is being divisive.  ISIS is saying “yes, you poor disenfranchised Muslims, everyone hates you, the US hates you, you’re different, come to us and wage war against the West and infidels.”  Obama is emphasizing that Muslims — inaccurately — are being separated and disenfranchised when, in fact, Muslims assimilate much more (so far) in the US than they do in Europe.

It’s thought like that which helped to kill the people in San Bernardino.  Yes, again, Obama has American blood on his hands.  His administration, his DOJ, Leftists, Demorats, have created the culture permeating American neighborhoods that kept those surrounding the San Bernardino Jihadists from reporting the obvious.

Those persons have eyes and ears.  They know, for example, that a Muslim kid brought what looks to any rational person like some kind of IED to school and, quite logically, found himself quite obviously questioned and was subsequently arrested.  He’s now demanding $15 million dollars from the City of Irving, Texas, and its school district.

For fuck’s sake, a little white boy can’t crudely fashion a gun out of a Pop Tart without it hitting the national media, and clock boy is suing for millions of dollars.

Seems to me that lesson has been learned and is being learned.

Thanks Mr Obama.



FBI Kabuki Theater

Or Theater of the Absurd.

Kabuki TheatreTake your pick.

In any event, there was an atrocious — I can think of no other word — catastrophe of potentially global implications that occurred in San Bernardino.  This video perhaps illustrates things at their base.

The media was given whole hog access to the terrorist base camp.

And the media just how happened to have had those things opened up to reporters?

As these photos would illustrate?

San Berdoo Scene, AMM In Suspect's Apartment

San Berdoo Scene 2And moreover, why?

Breitbart.com took the obvious bent.

The DailyWire also illustrates:

This Is The Most Insane Thing You Have Ever Seen on Live TV. Seriously. What The Actual F***?

by Ben Shapiro

The media are jackals.

The feds are incompetent.

We’re completely screwed.

That’s the only message we can take from the media’s three-hour tour of the San Bernardino terrorists’ apartment. On Friday, at media request, the landlord of the apartment pried off a board covering the door with a crowbar, and the media, in all of their vulpine glory, rushed forward to feast on material evidence in a terrorism investigation.

That heads are not yet rolling — at least in public — astounds and amazes me.

San Berdoo Scene 3Because mostly all month I have been extolling the independence and competency of FBI Director James Comey, whom I’ve quantified as one of the best directors to sit at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue in some time.

One reporter wrote:

I don’t see any fingerprint dust on the walls where they went in there and checked for fingerprints for other people that might have been connected with these two. You’ve got documents laying all over the place; you’ve got shredded documents…You have passports, you’ve got drivers’ licenses — now you have thousands of fingerprints all over inside this crime scene…I am so shocked, I cannot believe it.

San Berdoo Scene 4Now?  After this?

This is a clusterfuck of staggering proportions.

The UKDailyMail.com reveals:

San Bernardino police defend themselves after terrorists’ landlord allows media unfettered access inside their apartment – but MSNBC apologizes for airing it live

by Chris Spargo

  • The media was allowed unsupervised access into the home of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik on Friday

  • During their live broadcast, MSNBC showed identification cards that should not have been made public

  • ‘We regret that we briefly showed images of photographs and identification cards that should not have been aired without review,’ said MSNBC 

  • The San Bernardino police said it was still an active crime scene Friday morning, but the FBI later said that was not the case 

  • ‘If the police are watching this, they better be on their way down there to stop this from happening,’ said law enforcement specialist Harry Houck 

  • He also noted that it appeared the apartment had at no point been dusted for fingerprints based on what he was seeing 

I most definitely have a “take” on this, and it isn’t against the San Bernardino Police Department.  I find the FBI wholly at fault.  Having worked for the federal system and with local law enforcement for 41 years (and retiring only 5 months ago), here’s why:

The FBI determined the San Bernardino shootings were acts of terror.  Once the names of the suspects were released, anyone with half a nerve ganglion knew it was terror committed in the name of Islam.  It was personal, yes, because of where and whom the suspects targeted, but still Islamic terror, homegrown.

Because of that determination, any and all crime scenes become the charge of the overarching element — terror — and that means the FBI is charged with handling the case, from the crime scenes to the processing and the jurisdictional provenance.

San Berdoo Scene 5Yes, local law enforcement agencies were the first responders, but the FBI is tasked with taking the case, organizing it, investigating it, providing updates to the AG and ultimately to a courtroom should the fact pattern and future discoveries lead there.  It is not impossible the two Muslim suspects were assisted in some fashion and that their plans included any number of soft targets in Southern California.

In other words, the crime scene at the house, in my opinion, wasn’t the San Bernardino Police Department’s baby to rock.  It was the FBI because they will have ultimate authority in terms of potential prosecutions or developments in the future.

Because, physically, the house was within the limits of the City of Redlands.

But I can only conjure a short list of alternatives for this cock-up.

  1. No communications.  The FBI failed to communicate its needs to the other agencies involved.  It wouldn’t be the first time.
  2. Lack of monitoring.  The FBI failed to monitor what was occurring on their crime scene.
  3. A phone call from DC.  The Obama administration is clearly Muslim-friendly.
  4. Overall incompetence or indifference.

No matter, it is CSI Copwork 101 that, in a high-stakes case involving the death of a human being, particularly one of such criticality, you process the scene with unwavering detail, you take everything (because in the early portion of any given case you never truly know where the case will go or what piece of evidence will gain even more importance), nothing remains, because — once released — you can never re-live that scene again.  It will never be the same.

You would never, ever, ever leave any bit of indicia behind at a crime scene of this significance because, as a defense attorney, if and when it comes to that, I will tear you a new asshole on the stand and make you look the complete SCOAMF; a Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.

This is not a small problem; this is potentially a catastrophic problem.  I can’t help siding with Michael Patrick Tracy on this one.

When the American Media Maggots stop to wonder why they were let into a particular scene, you know you have an issue.



14 killed in San Bernardino — motive?

San Berdoo SceneFrom CBSLocal.com:

14 Dead, 14 More Wounded In San Bernardino; As Many As 3 Gunmen Believed To Have Fled Scene

SAN BERNARDINO (CBSLA.com) — Fourteen people were confirmed killed and 14 more wounded in a mass shooting at a San Bernardino community social services building.

“We do have some preliminary numbers of upwards of 14 people that are dead and upwards of 14 people that are injured,” said Chief Jarrod Burguan of San Bernardino Police.

The shooting that was first reported at about 10:59 a.m. at the Inland Regional Center, 1365 South Waterman Avenue. The gunfire erupted in a conference room being rented by an outside group, according to Mary Beth Fields of the Inland Regional Center. She said she was not aware of which outside group, but another worker told reporters he believed the group was a San Bernardino County public agency.

The three gunmen escaped in a GMC Yukon, which was discovered later.

This was a heavily planned, prepared, coordinated and well-thought-out attack.  Why did three armed and masked men with body armor break into a conference room featuring a social services luncheon for the San Bernardino Department of Public Health?

My initial thought?  This isn’t ISIS terror, this is personal.  This stems from a personal predicating event.

There is much more to this than meets the eye.

Much more.

Because so much of it just doesn’t pass the so-called “smell test.”


San Berdoo Shooting