One armed school that does it right

Second Amendment School SignAs I wrote here, it is time for this blog to take a different tack into the wind.

It is time, in my estimation, to become more strident.  More insistive.  More raucous, grating, shrill.

Because it’s far past time to support what’s right, what’s proper, what’s logical, what’s cogent, what’s proportional, and consider what I call the Logical Extension.

And that’s why you need to know about the Garden Valley School in Idaho.

Because if you’re an armed intruder and aim to harm their kids, they’ll cap your ass.

Demorats, Leftists, Progressives and Obama want “more gun control.”  Despite the fact that all of the weapons involved in the Roseburg school shooting were acquired legally in every way.  So what other kinds or types of gun control can be acquired?

Any and all gun control proposals yet submitted would not have prevented the Roseburg shooting.

Except for two.  Only two.

  1. Guns on campus — eliminating “gun free zones,” and
  2. Complete and utter gun confiscation

What happens when Option One is considered?

And that is where we now check in with the the Garden Valley School in Idaho.

[There isn’t a whit of Constitutionality in the bulk of things that are proposed by Obama and Leftists and Demorats and Progressives.]

Further, this is every Leftist’s nightmare and can easily cause either spontaneous combustion or a cardiac infarction.  That a school should actually embrace firearms for defensive purposes.

From the

by Nicole Hensley

A school isolated by Idaho’s vast landscape has armed members of its faculty with four rifles and 2,000 rounds of ammo fearing a gun attack.

It’s the best security precautions Garden Valley School officials say they can offer 200 of its students in the case of an armed attack since first responders could be at least a half hour away, according to a local report.

Signs will warn dangerous intruders that the tiny elementary, middle and high school “is armed” and they will be met with force while awaiting the nearest law enforcement agency, the Boise County Sheriff’s Office, which is a 50-mile drive from the school and based in Boise.

Clearly, cause for PSH amongst Leftists.  Continuing, from the

Guns installed at isolated Garden Valley School District in effort to deter would-be attackers

by Jennifer Swindell

The isolated Garden Valley School District says it has taken steps to protect its K-12 school by training staff to use the guns in response to an active shooter.

Citing safety reasons, Superintendent Marc Gee won’t say how many guns and safes were installed or where they are located. This summer, the district will post signs warning that the school building has firearms and educators are prepared to defend against violent intruders.

“I can say that we consulted with our certified trainer and legal counsel on the number of and appropriate model of firearms for our situation and we followed those recommendations,” he said.

Garden Valley, a rural district about 60 miles north of Boise, doesn’t have a resource officer on campus. The county’s 11 deputies cover the Garden Valley, Horseshoe Bend and Basin school districts and nearly 2,000 square miles. Boise County has about 7,000 residents.

“Garden Valley is in a unique circumstance,” Boise County Sheriff Ben Roeber said. “Where they are located geographically, we don’t have the staffing size to where we can guarantee safety. The school, knowing they were facing response times of up to 45 minutes, started seeking out different ideas and different options.”

This is called “doing the obvious.”  This is called protecting kids.  This is called making a decision, taking a stand, and not letting unicorns and pink ponies make decisions that adults should be making.

This is called not letting politics get in the way between the safety of kids and a mentally unbalanced criminal.

Unlike Demorats, Leftists, Progressives.  Who couldn’t care less how many children die for their cause, just to prove a point.



California bans “Redskins”

California Thought Police-ALet the navel-gazing continue unabated.

Nope, can’t use that name, wouldn’t be prudent.  Might offend actual humans with what persons call red skins.  Though Caucasoids appear to have white skins, asians something of yellow skins and blacks black skin.  What a shock.


California bans use of ‘Redskins’ as school mascot or team name

by David Siders

Amid national debate about the use of a term many critics call outdated and offensive, Gov. Jerry Brown on Sunday signed legislation banning the use of “Redskins” as a school mascot or team name.

The “Redskins” bill’s enactment comes 11 years after then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed similar legislation. Brown signed the bill without comment.

In the meantime, however, businesses continue to flee Fornicalia, Fornicalia continues to embrace illegal invaders and Sanctuary Cities though those illegal citizens keep racking up the body points, fires ravage the state because state regulations have disallowed the harvesting of downed or dead trees and the deadfall is truly frightening, and there are no plans in place to buttress and support Fornicalia’s water system as our drought worsens.  And just like the federal government, Fornicalia politicians seem to think cash to pay for their pink ponies and unicorns appears out of thin air.  Translated: the people left in Fornicalia who actually pay taxes.

That Redskin naming thingie, that’s so terribly important.  Deck chairs, anyone?  The blue one goes right over there.  Look; it’s got Jerry’s name right on the back.

Oh, how this state does so very much deserve to crash.

You Leftist swine.



NFL films, John Facenda and “The Autumn Wind”

The Autumn Wind is what we officially have now.  It’s football season.

Which reminds me.

Steve & Ed Sabol - A

Steve and Ed Sabol, recipients of an astounding 87 Emmy awards.  Does Steve, at this age, remind anyone besides me of Mark Wahlberg?

Persons of a certain age, myself mostly included, remember the great celluloid created by NFL Films, the brainchild of Ed Sabol and later helmed by his son, Steve Sabol.

Ed recently passed away in February of 2015 at age 98, and his son Steve in 2012 of brain cancer, at age 69.

But most closely associated with NFL Films was “The Voice of God,” that of John Facenda, who passed away in 1984 at the age of 71.

Facenda was associated as narrator of NFL Films as Don LaFontaine was to movie trailers — both voiceover men of extreme talent.

Here, as a memory of days gone by, is The Autumn Wind, written by Steve Sabol in tribute to the football season — and picked up and embraced by the Oakland Raiders as their unofficial team anthem, beloved by Al Davis.  This tribute was produced in 1974.

There will never be another John Facenda or the ground-breaking creativity of NFL Films.



For more memories, let’s try The Power and the Glory by NFL Films and narrated by John Facenda.  Sure to bring back a flood of them.


San Francisco’s Fleet Week

SF Fleet WeekAstounded that SF still allows this to occur, considering its anti-defense and Sanctuary City stance, Fleet Week survives.

Which means that the Blue Angels will still be performing this weekend over San Francisco Bay — at the altitude of a few hundred feet and over the various ships and yachts of those privileged enough to put themselves there.

And that’s where ol” BZ will be, ladies and gentemen.  On a 175-foot yacht in the middle of San Francisco Bay.  And I’ll be there with cameras and video.

I can’t wait.



Drudge: links to be forbidden?

If making links in various blogs were to be forbidden, that would kill the bulk of the internet.

With that, the last thing I would envision would be a Matt Drudge / Alex Jones InfoWars link.

And yet, from

Matt Drudge: Copyright Laws Could Outlaw Linking to Websites

by Paul Joseph Watson

Matt Drudge warns that the very foundation of the free Internet is under severe threat from copyright laws that could ban independent media outlets, revealing that he was told directly by a Supreme Court Justice, “It’s over for me.”

During an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, Drudge asserted that copyright laws which prevent websites from even linking to news stories were being advanced.

“I had a Supreme Court Justice tell me it’s over for me,” said Drudge. “They’ve got the votes now to enforce copyright law, you’re out of there. They’re going to make it so you can’t even use headlines.”

“To have a Supreme Court Justice say to me it’s over, they’ve got the votes, which means time is limited,” he added, noting that a day was coming when simply operating an independent website could be outlawed.

“That will end (it) for me – fine – I’ve had a hell of a run,” said Drudge, adding that web users were being pushed into the cyber “ghettos” of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Watch Drudge on YouTube:

This would severely limit free speech.

But isn’t that the point of America’s thrust now under Leftists?