High wattage Democrat hypocrisy

Jabba or Jerry? Which is the true Hutt?

Either unfortunately or thankfully the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots seem to forget that something called the “internet” exists.

Despite their best intentions and the focus of Google and other fact-eliminating social media Mega-Censors, some videos and facts have managed to escape complete and utter digital liquidation.

You see, it would appear that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry “The Hutt” Nadler has called for and acquired committee contempt orders for Attorney General William Barr despite those orders being illegal and, well, in direct contravention of what he precisely wanted in a prior situation involving a Demorat.

Let’s check our internet on this for comparison, shall we? Because, as we shall hear, “flip-flopping for abject political line purposes, thy name is Nadler.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, thankfully the genius named Hank Johnson weighed in and revealed the true intentions of the Demorats, Leftists and American Media Maggots. By the way, what the hell happened to Johnson’s lower jaw? Bad gauze? A serious Band-Aid accident? Shaving?

Just asking: did Hank Johnson happen to pass a few years ago, and was subsequently replaced by a Disney Audioanimatronics robot that still somehow can’t pronounce the English ranguage or, minimally, the word “obfuscation”?

Let’s not forget that this is the same Hank Johnson who called President Trump a white supremacist, a Nazi, and compared him to Hitler.

And let us not forget that this is the same Hank Johnson who — thank God — forewarned us about the island nation of Guam because he was sniffing paint out of a paper bag that day.

And who could forget this wonderful HJ video (H/T to Rick!) about helium:

So please, let’s attempt to acquire a semblance of a perspective. It is the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots who couldn’t care less about

  • Facts
  • Logic
  • Rationality
  • Prorportion
  • Common sense
  • Context, or
  • History

Until it uplifts and furthers their own narrative. Period.

It seldom, if ever, does.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 5-9-19, with guest MICHAEL JONES and an SHR Media Special Report: “FOOTSTEPS: The Specter of William Barr”

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Apparently this was Tongue-Tied Thursday.

Hour 1BZ spoke with The Underground Professor, MICHAEL JONES, about teaching Constitutional Law, stare decisis, the purposeful failure to teach the history of the US Constitution in ConLaw classes, the Second Amendment and much more.

Hour 2: BZ offered an in-depth SHR Media Network Special Report: “FOOTSTEPS: The Specter of William Barr.” Many on the Demorat and Leftist side are hearing footsteps approach as the noose begins to tighten around those responsible for the soft coup against an American citizen — a presidential nominee, a president-elect and then a sitting president. The footsteps can be heard, the PSH is redolent as is the stench of fear emitted from those higher-ups in the 44 Presidency. History will clearly adjudge that to be one of if not the most corrupt in US history.

If you want to listen to the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

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Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

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I can hear them. Can’t you?

I’ll wager there are any number of persons in DC, Brandywine, Alexandria, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Falls Church, Reston, Rockville, College Park, Great Falls, McLean, Chevy Chase, North Arlington and Georgetown — amongst many, many other locales –whose personal radar has emerged and is sounding bells and klaxons in a fashion heretofore never experienced.

I can hear them. And I think they can too: footsteps.

Furthermore, the smell of fear — sweaty, clammy, dripping rivulets of fear coursing down the small of a back, staining the armpits, moistening the crotch, invading the breath, gathering on a forehead — is becoming endemic in the northeast. It’s a sour smell, cloying, inescapable, permeating the offices of many bureaucrats in DC, male and female. It’s the abject smell of fear. And it’s also the smell of emptying bowels and a mad rush to cover up and bury evidence.

Who knows? Who knows what? And who could potentially or will likely “roll” on others in order to save themselves? Who will cut a deal? More importantly: who will cut a deal first?

Yes, it’s the “beginning of the end.” But for whom?

Attorney General William Barr is now the most dangerous man in the United States of America.

Listen to how they must denigrate him. Listen to how they must minimize him. Listen to how they must utilize every device, word, phrase, pejorative, in order to derail his future work and to absolutely destroy his credibility and destroy him as a human being.

Because here is what an actual Attorney General of the United States sounds like:

  • “I’m not going to discuss my decision, I will lay it out after the report is out.”
  • “I’m not going to characterize or discuss the contents of the report.”

This is Demorat Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland trying to get information out of AG Barr prior to the release of the report a few weeks ago. This is called sticking to your guns.

The Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots clearly recognize that AG William Barr is a DC veteran and doesn’t buy very many political narratives. He’s seen most everything and seems to be afraid of little. He appears to be primarily interested in the law, and said this three weeks ago:

And there is more that he said in the Senate Judiciary Committee:

This was sufficient to raise Demorat hackles and cause immediate concern, as in “Is this guy not going to play along?”

Three weeks ago, AG Barr caused sphincters all across DC to either slam shut or empty their watery contents when he related the following:

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”

“I think spying did occur.”

The words that loosened thousands of sets of bowels in the northeast.

And with that, the gloves were off. William Barr had to be destroyed by any means necessary or available. It was clear that he was no limp-wristed, wimpy-voiced, diaper-wearing Jeff Sessions — but an actual adult who could think for himself and recognized his duties and responsibilities as Attorney General of the United States.

He also knows what he will and will not do. And what is lawfully obligated to do or not do. AG William Barr is essentially setting behavior parameters for the children.

A single word: “No.” Then: “Why should you have them?”

Hence these unfettered, unreasonable and baseless attacks. Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots know precisely what William Barr will do or is already doing. He is going to walk backwards in time to determine how the FISA warrant was acquired,

Lindsay Graham nails the primary issue here on the Sean Hannity Show. As an aside, it’s interesting how it’s the third time I’ve had to find this video you YouTube, their having shut down and eliminated two other prior videos.

What was so terrible about this video according to YouTube?

A truth too close to the bone?

Perhaps the LDAMM — Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots think that, instead of “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” they believe Attorney General William Barr said “cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!”

Because: make no mistake, this is war. Leftists and Demorats are fighting to ensure that the entire 44th presidency doesn’t explode into the face of Barack Hussein Obama and, moreover, that those persons operating the pedals and levers — such as Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Nellie Ohn, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and many, many others — aren’t themselves placed under indictment, arrest and perhaps even sentencing in a federal facility.

Because I firmly believe now as two years ago when I made this statement, that what we are seeing is a soft coup — simply not an active utilization of the US military might — against a citizen of the United States. It was a soft coup against a presidential nominee, a president-elect, and then a sitting President of the United States.

The heat is on. The persons I enumerated are hearing footsteps and the stench of fear is thick. Here are a number of revelations recently discovered involving the FBI, CIA and many other individuals in the systemic focus on removing Donald Trump by any means necessary, legal or illegal.

First, isn’t it interesting that this occurs. To me, call me wacky, the timing seems a bit suspicious:

NSA recommends dropping controversial mass surveillance program, report says

by Christopher Carbone

The National Security Agency has reportedly recommended that the White House abandon a controversial surveillance program that collects vast amounts of information about Americans’ phone calls and text messages, claiming the legal and logistical burdens of maintaining it outweigh its benefits to the intelligence community.

The recommendation, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal and involved input from NSA, the FBI and the Department of Justice, appears to represent an about-face regarding a program – long criticized by privacy advocates – that federal officials previously said was vital to finding and disrupting terrorist plots against the United States.

The once-secret program known as Stellarwind, which was revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and has been seen as not viable for some time now, is now seen as something that provides limited intelligence to the U.S., according to the Journal.

This emerged April 18th from the WashingtonFreeBeacon.com:

U.S. Intelligence Institutionally Politicized Toward Democrats

Former CIA analyst says agencies dominated by liberals

by Bill Gertz

The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies have become bastions of political liberals and the pro-Democratic Party views of intelligence personnel have increased under President Donald Trump, according to a journal article by a former CIA analyst.

John Gentry, who spent 12 years as a CIA analyst, criticized former senior intelligence leaders, including CIA Director John Brenan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former deputy CIA director Michael Morell, along with former analyst Paul Pillar, for breaking decades-long prohibitions of publicly airing their liberal political views in attacking Trump.

The institutional bias outlined in a lengthy article in the quarterly International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence risks undermining the role of intelligence in support of government leaders charged with making policy decisions.

Gentry stopped short of saying the widespread liberal bias of intelligence officials has influenced intelligence reports and products. However, he concludes that “bias may have crept into CIA analyses.”

Facts in evidence. Didn’t we all already inherently intuit this?

But wait; wasn’t it the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots — to include Jimmy “The Leak” Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper — who absolutely insisted that the alphabet agencies were entirely apolitical and unbiased?

We discovered this, from TheFederalist.com:

Obama’s Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Secretly Paid Fusion GPS In 2016

by Sean Davis

Since April of 2016, Obama’s campaign organization has paid nearly a million dollars to the law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS to compile a dossier of unverified allegations against Donald Trump.

Former president Barack Obama’s official campaign organization has directed nearly a million dollars to the same law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous Steele dossier. Since April of 2016, Obama For America (OFA) has paid over $972,000 to Perkins Coie, records filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show.

The Washington Post reported last week that Perkins Coie, an international law firm, was directed by both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to retain Fusion GPS in April of 2016 to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump. Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier’s allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.

We also discovered a line of email evidence leading directly into the Oval Office of Barack Hussein Obama:

FBI found Hillary Clinton’s emails in Obama White House, former top official says

by Daniel Chaitin, 4-23-19

A former top FBI official said a repository of Hillary Clinton’s emails was obtained by the Obama White House.

As part of a court-ordered discovery related to Clinton’s unauthorized email server, Bill Priestap was asked by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to identify representatives of Clinton, her State Department staff, and government agencies from which “email repositories were obtained” by the FBI.

He divulged a nonexhaustive list, which included the Executive Office of the President.

Stop. Do you doubt for even a microsecond that Barack Obama had no idea what was being done to Trump and his campaign by a host of persons and the alphabet agencies? Can you really believe Obama was and is that ignorant of politics?

Other people mentioned were former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, Jacob Sullivan, and Justin Cooper, former Clinton information technology staffer Bryan Pagliano, the State Department, Secret Service, and Washington-based law firm Williams and Connolly.

Priestep answered questions in writing and under oath as part of U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth’s ruling earlier this year that discovery could commence examining the former secretary of state’s use of the server, encompassing Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as Priestap.

Even more important:

Judicial Watch shared Priestep’s recent testimony on Tuesday, at a time when Republican allies of President Trump, as well as the Justice Department and its inspector general, are looking into possible misconduct by top DOJ and FBI officials stemming back to the Obama administration to undermine Trump as a candidate and president.

“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated — Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”

B I N G O .

We also know this, from the WashingtonExaminer.com:

DOJ inspector general ‘homing in on’ FBI’s use of unverified Steele dossier

by Jerry Dunleavy, 5-8-19

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is investigating the FBI’s reliance on the unverified dossier produced by British ex-spy Christopher Steele in the surveillance of a Trump campaign associate “despite questions about [Steele’s] credibility.”

Citing unnamed sources, the Wall Street Journal reports Horowitz “is homing in on” and “has been asking witnesses about” the FBI’s “treatment of information” provided by Steele, described as a “key source”, who was used to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page.

This is part of Horowitz’s broad investigation into alleged FISA abuse and more.

Drops of sweat. Footsteps. More underarm deodorant required.

Steele’s dossier was funded in part by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign through the Perkins Coie law firm and opposition research group Fusion GPS, which had reached out to and contracted Steele. 

The new Wall Street Journal report says the inspector general’s office “has been asking why the FBI continued to cite Steele as a credible source in the renewal applications.” And a specific focus of Horowitz’s team is apparently “a news report cited extensively in the [FISA] applications that appeared to bolster Steele’s credibility… [which] said U.S. intelligence officials were investigating allegations similar to those Steele had raised.”

As you already know. See above. You clearly wouldn’t want to any of Jimmy “The Leak” Comey’s shirts these days.

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

by Kevin R. Brock, 5-7-19

James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barr’s emissions are the suspected cause.  

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on Twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy. 

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.

And so we’ve seen Comey get real busy lately. First he penned a curious op-ed in The New York Times. Then a Times reporter, with whom Comey has cooperated in the past, wrote a news article exposing an early, controversial investigative technique against the Trump campaign in an attempt to get out front and excuse it. Next, Comey is scheduled to be encouraged on a friendly cable news “town hall.”  

In the op-ed, Comey trotted out his now-familiar St. James schtick, freely pronouncing on the morality of others. He sees himself as a kind of Pontiff-of-the-Potomac working his beads, but comes across more like an unraveling Captain Queeg working his ball bearings.  

Jimmy “The Leak” hears footsteps. James Clapper hears footsteps, from TheFederalist.com:

James Clapper Knew There Was No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion In 2016

by H.A. Goodman, 4-24-19

President Obama’s top intelligence official stated categorically that no evidence existed of Trump-Russia collusion. So why did Rosenstein appoint Mueller two months later?

Long before the special counsel probe ended in confirming there was no collusion between President Trump and Russia, the U.S. government knew there was no evidence of a vast conspiracy between Trump and a foreign power.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate “ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials” on May 17, 2017. President Obama’s director of national intelligence James Clapper had access and was privy to all the “evidence” the U.S. government collected since the Russia investigation began in July 2016.

From July 2016 until Clapper’s appearance on “Meet the Press” in March 2017, not one shred of evidence linked anyone in Trump’s campaign to allegations listed in the Christopher Steele dossier or Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos’s meeting with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer. Clapper stated to Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on March 5, 2017 that the National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Central Intelligence Agency had collected “no evidence” regarding “improper contacts” between Trump and Russia.

Speaking of more alphabet agencies, veteran journalist Bob Woodward is getting into the act, from DailyCaller.com:


by Chuck Ross, 4-22-19

Legendary reporter Bob Woodward said Sunday that the FBI and CIA’s reliance on the Steele dossier “needs to be investigated” now that the Mueller report has undercut many of the salacious document’s claims.

Woodward reiterated in an interview with Fox News’s Chris Wallace his past statements that the dossier “has got a lot of garbage in it.”

Woodward said that he recently learned that the CIA included outtakes from the dossier in a draft of the January 2017 intelligence community assessment that laid out Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

“What I found out recently, which was really quite surprising, the dossier, which really has got a lot of garbage in it and Mueller found that to be the case, early in building the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference, in an early draft, they actually put the dossier on page two in kind of a breakout box.”

But wait; listen to this:

“I think it was the CIA pushing this. Real intelligence experts looked at this and said no, this is not intelligence, this is garbage and they took it out,” said Woodward.

Again, from the DailyCaller.com:


by Chuck Ross, 5-6-19

Peter Strzok suspected CIA employees were behind inaccurate leaks to the press regarding possible Trump campaign contacts with Russia, according to an email the former FBI counterintelligence official sent to colleagues in April 2017.

“I’m beginning to think the agency got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us. Might explain all these weird/seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some of the leaks,” Strzok wrote in an email to FBI colleagues on April 13, 2017.

Cue Dan Bongino: (Start at 3:10 — end at 11:00).

But where do we go? Where do we start? Rep Jim Jordan nails it.

Of course, Jerry “The Hutt” Nadler held a vote in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, May 8th which, in a completely partisan fashion of 24 to 16, found AG Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over the unredacted version of the Mueller report.

President Trump then claimed executive privilege over said unredacted report.

Trump asserts executive privilege to keep full Mueller report SECRET from Congress as his AG Bill Barr is held in CONTEMPT for refusing to hand it over

by Emily Goodin, 5-8-19

  • House Democrats voted to find Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to hand over the material
  • The vote in the House Judiciary Committee was along partisan lines: 24 to 16
  • The final vote came after a 6 and a half hour hearing on the contempt citation
  • It now goes to the House floor for a vote by the full chamber 
  • President Donald Trump claimed executive privilege over the full, unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller 
  • ‘The President has no other option than to make a protective assertion of executive privilege,’ White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said
  • House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler slammed the move, calling it ‘a clear escalation in the Trump administration’s blanket defiance’ of Congress  

President Donald Trump on Wednesday claimed executive privilege over the full, unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and House Democrats found Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand it over. 

The vote to on contempt charges, held in the House Judiciary Committee, was along partisan lines – 24 Democrats versus 16 Republican – and now goes before the full House chamber for a vote, where Democrats hold a 38-seat majority.

After the full House votes the issue is expected to end up in the courts.

But wait. This is all predicated on a falsehood. An offer was already made to the Demorats to view a much less redacted version. They adamantly refused to even to that. From Politico.com:

Dems reject Barr’s offer to view a less-redacted Mueller report

by Kyle Cheney & Andrew Desiderio, 4-19-19

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are rejecting an offer from Attorney General William Barr to view a significantly less-redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, contending that Barr is too severely limiting the number of lawmakers who can view it.

“Given the comprehensive factual findings presented by the special counsel’s report, some of which will only be fully understood with access to the redacted material, we cannot agree to the conditions you are placing on our access to the full report,” Pelosi, Schumer and other House and Senate Democratic committee chairs wrote in a letter to Barr on Friday.

But you had the opportunity. You still have the opportunity. From NationalReview.com:

Top Dems Now Have Access to All But Two Full, Seven Partial Lines of Mueller’s Obstruction Report

by Jack Crowe, May 8, 2019

As Congressional Democrats prepare to hold attorney general William Barr in contempt over his supposed lack of transparency, its worth remembering that he has made available to top Democrats the entirety of volume II of the Mueller report, save for two full and seven partial lines, which were redacted to protect grand jury secrecy in keeping with federal law.

In order to provide lawmakers with greater transparency into special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, the Department of Justice placed a less-redacted version of his report in a secure room on Capitol Hill, and granted access to that room to congressional leaders of both parties, as well as the chairmen and ranking members of intelligence and judiciary committees in the House and Senate.

As of this writing, not one of the six Democrats granted access to what amounts to 99.9 percent of volume II of the Mueller report, which details the president’s behavior as it relates to obstruction of justice, have taken the opportunity to examine it. If they had, they could have viewed the entirety of Mueller’s obstruction case against Trump except for the following seven redactions, two of which are applied to footnotes.

Here is what those redactions physically look like. These black marks are to what Jerry “The Hutt” Nadler is objecting. Look very closely.

And there are two very important reasons why conditions were placed.

The Democrats say Barr’s offer, which would allow just 12 senior lawmakers and certain staffers to see the fuller version of the report, also fails to guarantee lawmakers access to grand jury material. They say they’re open to “discussing a reasonable accommodation” but that members of investigative committees — such as the Judiciary Committee and Intelligence Committee in each chamber — require access as well.

  1. Once taken out of a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) the contents will be leaked by Demorats, period.
  2. Grand Jury information cannot be made public. From the Criminal Resources Manual, the US Department of Justice, Rule 6(e)(2), Fed.R.Crim.P., prohibits “an attorney for the government” from disclosing matters occurring before a grand jury, except as otherwise provided in the rules.

Sebastian Gorka addresses that very issue here.

Further, Rep Jim Jordan reveals it’s all a political ploy by Jerry The Hutt and the Demorats anyway.

Can you imagine being a member of the Leftists, Demorats or American Media Maggots today?

First, you lost the presidency to Orange Man Bad. Despite the numerous illegal, corrupt tricks you pulled involving the FBI, CIA, NSA and the FISA court. Then the OMB started to do precisely what he said he was going to do. He made two SCOTUS appointments, reduced regulations, eliminated positions and brought a lot of manufacturing back to the United States. He has kept us as safe on the border as federal courts would allow. Black and Hispanic unemployment is at its lowest rate in roughly FIFTY years. The economy is doing very well.

Then you banked on Robert Mueller coming back with Kill Recommendations against Donald John Trump, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head. $25 million dollars and two years later, utilizing an attorney staff comprised of nothing but Demorats, Mueller couldn’t make that conclusion. No connection between Trump, Russia, elections and whatnot. No outright charge of obstruction.

Now it’s time to attack new Attorney General William Barr because he’s making noise like he’s going to do what any real AG would do: look into the dossier, the FISA warrant and spying in general against an American citizen. Yes. SPYING.

Harmeet Dhillon wrote:

Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Department of Justice’s investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election, and his refusal to testify before House Judiciary Thursday, both revealed much about the new attorney general and the Democrats who sought to question him.

At their heart, clownish performances aside, the hearings confirmed what we already knew: President Trump was legitimately elected, despite President Obama’s knowledge of Russian interference attempts, and Democrats still can’t come to grips with this reality, two and a half years later.

She nailed it here:

Democrats are so afraid of an attorney general – finally – manifestly willing to do his duty to expose the rot, corruption, mendacity, and betrayals in our law enforcement apparatus working hand in hand with political partisans in the media and in elected government, that they are taking ever-riskier gambles.

It’s time to ask these questions:

What if powerful people — Leftists, Demorats — fall?

What if find collusion, corruption and conspiracy between Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, Steele, and many others? What if it leads as I fully believe it does, right up to and into the Oval Office of Barack Hussein Obama himself?

Isn’t it odd how we’re discovering, with each passing day, that the very things Demorats are accusing Trump of, they themselves are guilty of — and he isn’t?

How will this affect Demorats in their 2020 presidential travails?

It ain’t gonna be pretty.

There’s a Bad Moon On the Rise.



** PSH = Pants Shitting Hysteria.


Leftists: “It’s the worst time in US history!”

Just ask the LDAMM — the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots. They’re all colluding and have been doing so, ever more cemented than before, since November 9th of 2016, when the worst calamity in the history of history occurred: Hillary Clinton was not elected as 45th president of the United States.

Despite every possible lever having been thrown, every shitty deal cut, every corner clipped, every US counterintelligence agency up and alerted then thrown against the OMB himself: the Orange Man Bad. Yes. Despite all that, Hillary Clinton was not anointed president, as was her official right. After all, it was “her turn.” Don’t you guys get that?

He should never have won. Ever. You know, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head: Donald John Trump.

The mantra now, besides the explosion of every -ist, -ism and -obe on the planet laid at the feet of Donald Trump, is that the United States is clearly plummeting towards doom.

With, eh, a couple of exceptions.

From CNSNews.com:

Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April

by Craig Bannister

The national seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos in the U.S. labor force fell to a record low of 4.2% in April, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released Friday show.

In April, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos, aged 16 and up, was 4.2%, down from 4.7% in March – breaking the record low of 4.3% set two months earlier in February. BLS began tracking Hispanic-Latino employment data in 1973.

The number of unemployed Hispanics fell to 1,198,000 – the fewest unemployed since August of 2007 (1,190,000) and a decline of 165,000 from 1,363,000 in March of 2019.

The number of Hispanics employed fell to 27,348,000 from 27,566,000 in March and off from its record high of 27,701,000 in December 2018. The number of Hispanics participating in the workplace increased as Hispanics’ labor force participation rate fell to 65.9% from 67.0% in March.

Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz says Hispanics’ job opportunites have benefited greatly from President Donald Trump’s pro-business policies:

“One of the biggest beneficiaries of the Trump economy has been Hispanics, whose entrepreneurial talents have been harnessed in this climate of deregulation and tax cuts. While Democrats play class warfare and identity politics, President Trump’s policies are creating a booming economy that is lifting all boats.”

Some more numbers?

Hispanic-Latino employment statistics for February 2019:

  • Unemployment rate: 4.2%, down from 4.7% in March.
  • Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population (16+ years old): 43,289,000 up from 43,205,000 in March.
  • Number Participating in Labor Force: 28,546,000 down from 28,929,000 in March.
  • Labor Force Participation: 65.9, down from 67.0% in March.
  • Number Employed: 27,348,000 down from 27,566,000 in March.
  • Number Unemployed: 1,198,000, down from 1,363,000 in March.

From Breitbart.com:

Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953

by John Carney

The unemployment rate for women in the U.S. workforce fell to 3.4 percent in April, the lowest rate since September 1953.

The unemployment for women fell below 4 percent in March 2018 for the first time since the dot com boom in 2000. It has remained below 4 percent in 12 out of the last 13 months.

The longest streak of below 4 percent unemployment was 18 months starting in 1952. The record low was 2.7 percent in May 1952.

Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, cited a slightly different statistic that is also at the lowest level in over 60 years. Unemployment for women over 20 years old fell to 3.1 percent.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor’s degrees in April

by Joseph Lawler

Unemployment for workers without bachelor’s degrees fell to the lowest rate in 19 years in April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, a sign the recovery is benefiting the people most in need of help as it stretches toward a 10th year.

Unemployment for workers without four-year or graduate degrees fell to just 3.5% in April, the lowest such mark since the 3.4% rate in April 2000, which was the lowest recorded, with data going back to 1992.

That statistic, which is adjusted for seasonal variations, represents workers above the age of 25 without associate’s degrees or who didn’t finish college, people with only high school degrees, and high school dropouts. Those groups generally have much higher unemployment rates.

From the Associated Press:

Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

by Christopher Rugaber

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hiring accelerated and pay rose at a solid pace in April, setting the stage for healthy U.S. economic growth to endure despite fears of a slowdown earlier this year.

Employers added 263,000 jobs, with the unemployment rate dropping to a five-decade low of 3.6% from 3.8%, though that drop partly reflected an increase in the number of Americans who stopped looking for work. Average hourly pay rose 3.2% from 12 months earlier, matching March’s year-over-year increase.

Friday’s jobs report from the government showed that economic growth remains brisk enough to encourage strong hiring nearly a decade into the economy’s recovery from the Great Recession. The economic expansion, which has fueled 103 straight months of hiring, is set to become the longest in history in July.

“All of the recession talk earlier in the spring was much ado about nothing,” said Gus Faucher, chief economist at PNC.

Read that again. You know, the crap that exited the pie-holes of the LDAMM. “Recession recession recession.” Except:

“All of the recession talk earlier in the spring was much ado about nothing,” said Gus Faucher, chief economist at PNC.

From CNBC.com:

Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969

by Jeff Cox

  • The U.S. added 263,000 new hires in April, easily beating Wall Street expectations of 190,000.
  • The unemployment rate fell to 3.6% vs. 3.8% expected and the lowest since December 1969.

The U.S. jobs machine kept humming along in April, adding a robust 263,000 new hires while the unemployment rate fell to 3.6%, the lowest in a generation, the Labor Department reported Friday.

Nonfarm payroll growth easily beat Wall Street expectations of 190,000 and a 3.8% jobless rate.

Average hourly earnings growth held at 3.2% over the past year, a notch below Dow Jones estimates of 3.3%. The monthly gain was 0.2%, below the expected 0.3% increase, bringing the average to $27.77. The average work week also dropped 0.1 hours to 34.4 hours.

Unemployment was last this low in December 1969 when it hit 3.5%. At a time when many economists see a tight labor market, big job growth continues as the economic expansion is just a few months away from being the longest in history.

From RasmussenReports.com:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

ABC kept the good news pretty much quiet. Can you blame them? Everything else Leftist is falling down around Demorat heads.

Bad News for Liberals? ABC Can Barely Speak of 50-Year Low in Unemployment

by Tim Graham

The news was shocking on Friday morning when the Labor Department reported the economy added 263,000 new jobs — higher than expected — lowering the unemployment rate to 3.6 percent, the lowest in fifty years. Would the networks acknowledge this news, or try to dodge it like last Friday’s surprisingly strong 3.2 percent growth in GDP? ABC and CBS skipped that, and NBC gave it ten seconds. This Friday, Curtis Houck noted on Twitter that CBS and NBC had full reports on Friday night, but ABC’s World News Tonight was done with it in 18 seconds. 

Nah. No bias there. Uh-oh. Neil Irwin of the New York Times said:

After more than two years of the Trump administration, warnings that trade wars and erratic management style would throw the economy off course have proved wrong so far, and tax cuts and deregulation are most likely part of the reason for the strong growth rates in 2018 and the beginning of 2019 (though most forecasts envision a slowing in the coming quarters as the impact of tax cuts fades).

In particular, it now appears that recession fears that emerged at the end of 2018 were misguided — especially once the Fed backed off its campaign of rate increases at the start of 2019.

But beyond the assigning of credit or blame, there’s a bigger lesson in the job market’s remarkably strong performance: about the limits of knowledge when it comes to something as complex as the $20 trillion U.S. economy.

He’s clearly going to Leftist Hell. At minimum, he’ll be receiving no more Christmas cards. Oh wait. The New York Times doesn’t believe in Christmas. Or is it that Christ doesn’t believe in the New York Times?

And that from just one day’s news this past week.

Question: did you hear this good news hammered home by the American Media Maggots? CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC? Of course you didn’t. Why? Because it would tend to make President Trump look good — and none of those outlets can afford to allow President Trump to look good. They run in lockstep with the Demorats and the DNC. The Demorats and DNC cannot allow President Trump to look good.

You didn’t hear about this story either, from Investors Business Daily, did you?

Media Bias: Pretty Much All Of Journalism Now Leans Left, Study Shows

Media Bias: Ask journalists, and they’ll likely tell you they play things right down the middle. They strive to be “fair.” They’re “centrists.” Sorry, not true. The profound leftward ideological bias of the Big Media is the main reason why America now seems saturated with “fake news.” Journalists, besotted with their own ideology, are no longer able to recognize their own bias.

If you ask “journalists” how they voted, well, they won’t tell you. They’ll fall back on

  • What does that matter, and
  • We can do our jobs in a vacuum.

Except they can’t. And yes, it matters greatly. Because the bulk of them are Leftists.

Despite journalists’ denials, it’s now pretty much a fact that journalism is one of the most left-wing of all professions. But until recently, that wasn’t thought to be true of financial journalists — who have a reputation for being the most right-leaning and free-market-oriented among mainstream journalists.

If that was ever true, it sure isn’t today, a new study  suggests.

Researchers from Arizona State University and Texas A&M University questioned 462 financial journalists around the country. They followed up with 18 additional interviews. The journalists worked for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press and a number of other newspapers.

From the DailyWire.com:

462 Financial Journalists Were Asked Their Political Leanings. Guess How Many Said They Were Conservative.

by Ashe Schow

“First, financial journalists have stronger incentives to produce original information and analysis than to disseminate information already in the public domain, and they rely heavily on private communication with company management for information. Second, sell-side analysts play an important role in informing financial journalists, many of whom lack financial sophistication. Third, the incentives for sensationalism in the business press assumed in prior research are dominated by incentives for accurate, timely, in-depth, and informative reporting, while the quid pro quo incentives assumed in prior literature (e.g., putting a positive spin on company news to maintain access to inside sources) are substantial.”

Let’s translate the pablum speech.

Get that? Journalists covering the financial industry don’t know the industry and give favorable coverage to keep access. Sounds like pretty much every other type of journalist.

Here’s the crux of the biscuit:

The journalists surveyed by the scholars come from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Associated Press, Washington Post and other highly respected outlets, as well as other smaller outlets.

One other thing the researchers found was that the surveyed journalists overwhelmingly described themselves as liberal. Of those surveyed, 17.63% said they were “very liberal,” and 40.84% said they were “somewhat liberal,” for a total of 58.47% saying they lean left.

On the other side of the spectrum, just 0.46% said they were “very conservative” and 3.94% described themselves as “somewhat conservative,” for a total of 4.4% of respondents leaning right. The other 37.12% said they were moderate.

“Moderate.” I suppose like a “moderate Muslim.” Or “kinda pregnant.” Or “I had part of a colonoscopy.”

Simultaneously, from Newsbusters.org:

Journalism Institute Poynter Tries to ‘Blacklist’ 29 Conservative Outlets as ‘UnNews’

by Corinne Weaver

The attack on the conservative internet has reached a new low.

Poynter, the journalism institute responsible for training writers and reporters, decided to promote a left-wing smear of conservative groups online. The result was a hit job written by someone who works for the anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center for a journalism organization funded by prominent liberal billionaires such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar.

Poynter, which has started the International Fact-Checking Network, shared the new report and dataset called “UnNews,” declaring at least 29 right-leaning news outlets and organizations to be “unreliable news websites.”

Report author and SPLC producer Barrett Golding combined five major lists of websites marked “unreliable.” That result, which consisted of 515 names, included many prominent conservative sites —  Breitbart, CNSNews.com, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, Drudge Report, Free Beacon, Judicial Watch, LifeNews, LifeSiteNews, LifeZette, LiveAction News, the Media Research Center, PJ Media, Project Veritas, Red State, The Blaze, Twitchy, and the Washington Examiner.

Let’s stop here for a moment. The microsecond I see the DRUDGE REPORT on ANY Leftist list I know they’re ignorant and lying. Why? Because the DR doesn’t write any content whatsoever. Matt Drudge hasn’t written a word on his site for years. The DR is nothing more than an aggregator of news. It carries stories written by other outlets and frequently includes New York Times, LA Times, CNN and other Leftist stories. Every. Day.

Judicial Watch is a site that essentially sues for information via FOIA requests and, AGAIN, doesn’t create original content. It only publishes what the government releases.

Project Veritas has video to back up every claim it makes.

The Washington Examiner has been part of the DC scene for literally decades.

This where we are today.

But remember: it’s all about footsteps.

I can hear them.

Can’t you?



Behind last Thursday’s scenes at the SHR Media studios

The SHR Media Network studio set up for BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon.

So there I was.

Fed, fueled, show prep in place, laptop tabs all lined up.

Last Thursday night, April 25th, I was about to produce a fabulous Bloviating Zeppelin’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show — live and direct from the sumptuous and palatial SHR Media Studios, a mere two miles east of the locus of evil on the entire west coast, the Bill Mill, the capitol building at 10th and L Streets in downtown Sacramento, Kalifornia where, late at night, you can hear the keening screams from the death of common sense and, upon conclusion of the show and leaving the studio, one can smell the odiferous stench of sulphur and brimstone emitted from that black-hearted edifice.

All was connected, the lava lamp was lighted, ON AIR sign activated, Bluetooth checked for connectivity so that I could speak to the Underground Professor, Michael Jones (my guest for the night), laptop levels checked, my Electrovoice RE20 tested for levels. All appeared nominal to that point.

It was time to activate XSplit — the program we use to handle our video output — and to ramp up Spreaker, the program we use for audio broadcast only, specifically to the SHR Media Network web site at SHRMedia.com.

A brief aside.

When I arrived at SHR, the audio output from the studio ranged, let’s be honest, from minimally-acceptable to absolutely execrable. Voice levels were too low or too hot, and the intros and promos were almost inaudible. If there’s nothing I learned from being in early 1970s professional terrestrial radio — having worked at KFBK amongst many other stations — it’s that sound is everything.

Marshall McLuhan once wrote that the “medium is the message.”

He was right. You can have the greatest message in the world — the greatest radio show content in the world — but unless it’s excellent sound, no one will listen. That’s true no matter where you go.

How many times have you visited a show and really tried to like it — except that the voices are muddy or unclear or breaking or low in volume? Too many times, I’d wager.

So if there’s one thing of which I’m especially proud, it’s the fact that I brought SHR studio sound quality up to that of many other professional studios. That’s because I bought the same equipment. Upgraded the laptops and programs. Purchased a hefty and dedicated custom desktop confuser to run all the new stuff.

And we’ve stayed with Spreaker. We discovered that the sound just isn’t good enough on Blogtalk. Yes, you can have great call-in phone systems on Blogtalk as opposed to Spreaker. But we’re slowly getting there on SHR. Sound quality first and foremost. We’re in the process of upgrading the phones, trying to avoid $5,000 phone systems.

For the studio, I first brought in my old RCA 74B from KFBK and hooked it up. Then I brought in my Shure 55SH Classic with red foam. Next, I upgraded the main mic to a Shure SM7B (which is now mic #2, used primarily by Clint), then installed an Electrovoice RE20 for the new main mic, the one I now use on the show.

Yeah. Good luck trying to figure out that board on the left.

The original SHR Media board. We used about 4 inputs out of the 87,953 available.

Along the way, I made sure we changed out our wildly-confusing Behringer Xenyx X2222 USB mixer (holy crap, take a look at that thing above) and went for something a wee bit less confusing. But a lot more expensive and proprietary. The Arrakis ARC Talk Blue board.

SHR’s Arrakis board: simpler, cleaner, more useful and infinitely more expensive.

Built like a tank, the Arrakis board is simpler but heavier. I’m really hoping it’s bordering on indestructible.

And now, for the “rest of the story.”

Having sat down on Thursday evening, I opened Spreaker and that started a feedback loop that wouldn’t stop. It simply built and built. Thank God I wasn’t wearing headphones at the time but it was so loud that the headphones themselves, less than two feet from me, became shockingly loud.

The mic on the desk hid the fact that I had the PC/USB slider open and up. It took me almost 45 seconds to locate the source of the loop and break the circuit. Too late.

By then I had fried two sets of headphones and, as it turned out, blew out the multi-plug headphone jack amp as well. This was only about 15 minutes before I was supposed to be live and on the air.

I tried everything I could think of but the headphones were toast. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hear myself and also wouldn’t be able to hear any audio cuts I played, much less my intro and outro music. I was boned.

For penance I’ll have to bring in an extra set of personal headphones from home. I also ordered a set of Sony MDR-7506 Professional headphones as main desk replacements, and an ART HeadAMP4 Eight Output Stereo Headphone Amplifier to replace the one I turned to infinite feedback loop puree.

So with no way of hearing the show, I had to cancel the entire event.

That was about a $200 mistake. So far.