France first; Europe and UK now igniting

Europe is a hot box of tinder starting to seriously smolder. And the protests, started in France by the Yellow Vests over, originally the fuel tax but, truthfully, the overall oppression by government, are expanding. That was kind of a clumsy sentence but truthful.

Gas riots in France because of taxes? Could that be a fraction of the topics pissing off actual European citizens? Wim Visscher from Holland talked about the real topics at large.


Thousands march in Brussels against U.N. migration pact

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Thousands of people marched in Brussels on Sunday against a U.N. pact aimed at fostering cooperation on migration, eclipsing a smaller demonstration in support of the deal, the signing of which brought down Belgium’s government last week.

Police said some 5,500 people marched in the bigger protest, organized by Flemish right wing parties in the part of the capital where main European Union institutions are located.

Again, it’s about the mass immigration issue with various Western European countries at the core, because those citizens feel, and rightly so, literally invaded by people who appear to have small interest in assimilation — or anything other than appearing insistent on becoming little more than parasites on the host country.

Belgian right-wing N-VA, which is the biggest party in parliament, pulled its ministers from the ruling coalition last week after Prime Minister Charles Michel refused its demand that he not sign the U.N. migration compact in Marrakesh.

The U.N. pact was agreed in July by all 193 U.N. members except the United States, but only 164 formally signed it at the meeting last Monday.

Here’s the part “journalists” of all stripes are failing to cover.

It has run into criticism from European politicians who say it could increase immigration to Europe as the bloc has turned increasingly restrictive on accepting refugees and migrants alike since a 2015 spike in arrivals.

Apparently there are a few intelligent countries left.

Ten countries, mostly in formerly Communist Eastern Europe, have pulled out of the non-binding pact.

Paul Joseph Watson weighs in on the Yellow Vest situation.

Let’s pause for a moment. People made reference to some kind of a UN pact involving migration. What is that about?

From the Express.Co.UK:

PC GONE MAD: Criticising migration could become CRIMINAL offence under new plan

by Thomas Hunt

A leading MEP has warned EU citizens that they could be “jailed” for criticising migration policies if a new United Nations agreement is acted upon.

The United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration seeks to make immigration a universal human right. MEP Marcel de Graaff said: “I would like to say some words on the global compact on migration. On the 10th and 11th of December there will be an international congress in Marrakesh Morocco. The participating countries are set to sign this agreement and although this joint agreement is not binding it is still meant to be the legal framework on which the participating countries commit themselves to build new legislation.

What does this mean?

I will let MEP (Member of European Parliament, from the Netherlands) Marcel de Graaff speak for himself.

This is not a joke.

“One basic element of this new agreement is the extension of the definition of hate speech.

“The agreement wants to criminalise migration speech. Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence.

“Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down.”

I repeat, at the risk of proffering something from the Department of Redundancy Dept: this is not a joke. Quote: “You will be jailed for hate speech.”

For those of you in the UK, you can rest easy knowing that Prime Minister Theresa May plans to sell you completely down the river, prioritizing immigrants legal or otherwise over you.

International Development Minister Alistair Burt said the UK “is supportive” of the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration document which is the subject of a major UK meeting next week.

Mr Burt said: “The UK Government is supportive of the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, both as a step forward in international co-operation to tackle irregular migration and as a framework to help us deliver our commitments under the sustainable development goals.

Perhaps it’s time to insert this timely graphic.

Some European nations are not so keen on the UN compact.

The document, to be signed in Morocco, seeks to make immigration a universal human right and has been met with fury by Italy, a nation that took in the second highest number of asylum seekers behind Germany last year. Italy is boycotting the meeting.

The United States via President Trump has an opinion. From

US leading the charge in pushing back against UN’s migration agenda

by Adam Shaw

Under the Trump administration, the U.S. is leading the charge in pushing back against the U.N.’s migration agenda — a move that is picking up support from other countries and giving political cover to those seeking to join them.

The Trump administration announced last December that it would withdraw from the U.N.’s Global Migration Compact — due to be adopted by an intergovernmental conference in Morocco next month. Then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson argued last year that the compact could undermine America’s right to enforce its immigration laws and secure its borders.

“The United States supports international cooperation on migration issues, but it is the primary responsibility of sovereign states to help ensure that migration is safe, orderly, and legal,” Tillerson said.

The U.S. was the first country to withdraw, but it was soon followed by a stream of other countries pulling out of the non-binding compact, officially called the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.” Hungary, Poland, Austria, Australia and Israel have all since announced they will not sign the accord, citing concerns that it will limit the ability of countries to set and enforce their own immigration policies.

I have five words: God bless President Donald Trump. And thank God that Hillary Clinton or some other politically-correct Leftist Demorat ass-kisser wasn’t anointed.

The UN and the EU don’t care about borders or a nation’s given ability or inability to absorb anyone and everyone they demand be taken. Not assimilated. Taken. There is a massive, massive difference. Perhaps a Teddy Roosevelt quote is appropriate here.

Europe: be afraid. Be very very afraid. Your ruination is in progress, abetted by the guilty, the ignorant, the historically illiterate.

Because, as already indicated, 164 nations formally signed the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration deal in Morocco on Monday, December 10th. Signing their rights away to the United Nations. From

U.N. members adopt global migration pact rejected by U.S. and others

by Ulf Laessing and Andreas Rinke

MARRAKESH, Morocco (Reuters) – U.N. members on Monday adopted a deal aimed at improving the way world copes with rising migration, but almost 30 countries stayed away from the ceremony in Morocco.

The pact, meant to foster cooperation on migration, was agreed in July by all 193 U.N. members except the United States, but only 164 formally signed it at the meeting on Monday.

Ten countries, mostly in formerly Communist Eastern Europe, have pulled out. Six more, among them Israel and Bulgaria, are debating whether to quit, a U.N. spokesman said after the pact was adopted. He did not say whether the rest of the countries absent from the conference in Marrakesh might also pull out.

With a record 21.3 million refugees globally, the United Nations began work on the non-binding pact after more than 1 million people arrived in Europe in 2015, many fleeing civil war in Syria and poverty in Africa.

But President Donald Trump’s administration said the global approach to the issue was not compatible with U.S. sovereignty.


There is still a bit of sanity left in the world. And this sanity is coming to roost in the wheelhouses of those groundlings, proles, commoners, serfs, underlings and vassals who do the bulk of the lifting in various countries, watching their own rights trampled by their various countries in favor of illegal immigrants. They are becoming quite tired of playing second fiddle to nations that do not listen to what they say or how they vote.

The UK, for example, doesn’t think the electorate really meant it when they voted for Brexit. Their “betters” think it’s time for another vote on Brexit because, likely, the vacuous dolts really didn’t mean to vote for Brexit the first time around.

And as you may suspect, the protests didn’t stop in France. From

France’s yellow-vested protests spread to Belgium, the Netherlands

Hundreds of yellow-vested protesters calling for the resignation of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel marched on the European quarter of Brussels Saturday, as the movement that started in France made its mark in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Police used pepper spray and scuffled with a small group of protesters who tried to break through their barricade blocking access to the European Parliament and the European Union’s other main institutions.

The rallies, which started at different locations around the city and converged on the European quarter, have disrupted road and rail traffic on one of the busiest Christmas shopping days of the year.

Walking behind a banner reading “social winter is coming,” the protesters chanted “(French President Emmanuel) Macron, Michel resign.”

And no, it’s not about a fuel tax.

“Our children are hard-working people but they have to pay taxes everywhere. You can’t get housing anymore. It is not going well in Dutch society,” 76-year-old Ieneke Lambermont said. “The social welfare net we grew up with is gone,” she said.

That’s a critical statement. Isn’t that why Leftists, American Socialists and Demorats admire the European Model? Great bennies? Apparently not so much, anymore.

“The government is not there for the people. It is there to protect its own interests,” she said.

Neither Belgium nor the Netherlands has proposed a hike in fuel tax – the catalyst for the massive and destructive demonstrations in France in recent weeks.

Instead, protesters Saturday appeared to hail at least in part from a populist movement that is angry at government policy in general and what it sees as the widening gulf between mainstream politicians and the voters who put them in power.

The Yellow Vests descended upon London, and it wasn’t about any French gas tax, from the UKDailyStar.

Yellow vests shutdown Tower Bridge as protest rages on

by Jamie Micklethwaite, 12-14-18

THE yellow vest protests which caused havoc in Paris have hit the UK with London Bridge at a complete standstill.

The group of yellow vest protesters, believed to be pro-Brexit, completely blocked Westminster Bridge.

The group have now moved down the river and blocked traffic at Tower Bridge, causing havoc in the capital.

They are seen on Facebook Live chanting: “What do we want? Brexit.

“When do we want it? Now?”

A few days later, knowing that her political arse is in serious jeopardy, she made a decision. From

UK PM May says sticking to pledge to reduce annual net migration to tens of thousands

LONDON (Reuters) – Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she was sticking to a pledge to reduce annual net migration to Britain to less than 100,000.

The government is due to publish a long-awaited policy paper on its post-Brexit immigration plans on Wednesday, and interior minister Sajid Javid earlier refused to say whether he was committed to the Conservative Party’s long-standing pledge.

Asked by a lawmaker in parliament if she was sticking to the “tens of thousands” target, May said: “Yes”.

10 Downing Street has another fear. What happens if Brexit somehow stalls? From the UKExpress:

BREXIT WARNING: Hunt fears France-style ‘yellow vest’ RIOTS in UK if Brexit not delivered

by Luke Hawker

Jeremy Hunt has warned Parliament risks causing “real social instability” like the scenes with the Yellow Vest protesters in France in Brexit is not delivered. The Foreign Secretary told MP’s they must be “very careful” not to “get out of step with where the public are on Brexit.”

Mr Hunt urged the commons “not just think about what our own views on Brexit are, but we have to think what is the solution that is going to bring the country together”. Speaking to The Times, he added: “I wouldn’t rule out real social instability in this country.” There has been widespread demonstrations across France including violent clashed with police which will descend into a 5th successive weekend.

Rallies began over controversial plans to increase fuel tax and anger over the rising cost of living in the country but descended into protests against Emmanuel Macron.

Six people have are dead and dozens others injured as France has repeatedly plunged into chaos.

With his popularity plummeting France President finally gave in to the protestors and promised a minimum wage rise and tax concessions.

The unrest has expanded even farther. Not just France. Not just the UK. Not just the Netherlands. And it’s about Populism. And that came from — you guessed it — President Donald John Trump. From

From Italy to Hungary to France, how populist movements in 2018 enveloped Europe

by Lukas Mikelionis

2018 was the year populism went mainstream and beyond the United States and Britain – sweeping Europe with demands for a change in the status quo.

Beset by increasing social and economic problems, exacerbated by the influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, and the dysfunction of the European Union, the continent’s voters went to the voting booths or the streets, increasingly embracing populist ideas.

From Hungary and Austria to France and Italy, populist movements stunned European governments and establishment parties who long had an unchallenged grip on power.


Earlier this summer, anti-establishment populist parties took control of the Italian government, promising a government of change with an ambitious economic program.

The Five Star Movement, headed by Luigi Di Maio, won the election after receiving nearly a third of the votes. It entered into a coalition with the populist right-wing League party, led by Matteo Salvini, which won 18 percent of the vote – a stark jump from four percent of the vote just five years ago.

Both parties came into power as a backlash to the European Union’s push for austerity measures in the country at a dire social cost and the migrant crisis that particularly hit Southern Italy, with hundreds of thousands of migrants arriving since 2014.

Governments in Europe are beside themselves. How dare the proles, the serfs, the commoners, the unwashed, the rabble, the groundlings, the subjects, the peasants push back against their betters? It’s just not done. It’s not appropriate.


Populism also took the reins of power in Austria as well, with 32-year-old Sebastian Kurz becoming the country’s chancellor in December, 2017.

Under the leadership of Kurz, Austrian People’s Party, a traditional center-right political force, adopted the populist platform in the wake of the migrant crisis. He formed a coalition government with the Freedom Party, a hard-right nationalist party whose popularity has skyrocketed since the crisis began.

In October, Austria joined other populist governments in Europe and the United States and refused to sign the United Nations agreement on immigration.

Oh wait. Didn’t hear about that from the American Media Maggots? Of course not. They’d rather you believe the United States stood alone in refusing to approve the obvious. Obvious in their elitist, preening, smug, alienating, arrogant eyes.


The populist movement in Hungary has made significant strides in recent years, culminating in a total victory in April this year, with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party winning the so-called supermajority – two-thirds of seats in the country’s national legislature.

His government repeatedly enacted various measures and legal obstacles in an effort to curb the number of asylum seekers. Since the migrant crisis, Hungary also built a fence on its border with Serbia, where a lot of migrants from the Middle East and Africa traveled, to effectively block illegal entry into the country.

Uh-oh. A wall. Or more accurately a fence. The F Word.


The French government, unlike in some European countries, isn’t led by populists, but is facing the anger of the people not seen in decades.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s victory about two years ago was touted as a win against the rising tide of populism and an example of a centrist politician defeating the narrow-minded populist Marine Le Pen of the National Front.

Fast forward to today and Macron’s presidency is on the verge of collapse as the “Yellow Vests” take to the streets demanding the end of his presidency.

Despite Macron’s submission to protesters’ demand to scrap the gas tax, the “Yellow Vests” are continuing their protests. While being a largely leaderless movement, it has issued demands like a referendum on France’s membership in the European Union, curbing illegal immigration and restoring cuts to the welfare state.

Overarching issues. Not just taxes. But the pressure of migration and illegal immigration.


Many view Germany as bulletproof to populism, claiming the people generally support Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel and her policies concerning refugees – leading the country to welcome over a million of refugees.

But the backlash to the migrant crisis and the social problems that arose from an unprecedented influx of people, made the three-term chancellor toxic to the voters, leading to fewer votes cast for her party and paving way for anti-immigrant parties to gain traction.

Merkel’s Christian Democrats party had to make tough compromises after the 2017 federal election to remain in power, even going into the government with the Bavarian Christian Social Union.

Remember this: it wasn’t that long ago, in 2010, that Angela Merkel was convinced that the theme of what they term “Multi-Kulti” just doesn’t work. From the

Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion in Germany by claiming the country’s attempts to create a multicultural society have “utterly failed”.

Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democratic Union party, Merkel said the idea of people from different cultural backgrounds living happily “side by side” did not work.

She said the onus was on immigrants to do more to integrate into German society.

“This [multicultural] approach has failed, utterly failed,” Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, west of Berlin, yesterday.

Then she changed. Syria. The realization that she could be seen as a Hero in the eyes of her Globalist European peers in Brussels. Playing to her courtesans. And guilt. Metric tonnes of guilt. GOWP guilt. World War II guilt.

The chancellor had to embrace more conservative policies towards immigration amid the surge of the far-right and anti-Islam Alternative for Germany, which became the third-largest party in Germany in the recent election.

In a bid to navigate a tough electoral map, with more Germans embracing the anti-immigration party, she had to adopt several policies that went against Merkel’s earlier policies.

During summer she agreed to create border camps for migrants and enforce tighter border control. Under the proposed policies, Germany would create so-called “transit centers” along the border.

And this huge concession:

All new migrants would have to be screened at the centers and determined if they are eligible to seek asylum in Germany. Any migrant who already applied for asylum in another European country would be rejected and asked to return to the countries where they made the applications.

Astounding for Merkel. But even she can begin to see the writing scrawled on the wall.

But are the riots done in France? The problems stopped? Hardly. From

Chaos on French highways as ‘yellow vests’ torch toll booths

By Geert De Clercq and Gilles Guillaume

PARIS, Dec 18 (Reuters) – French “yellow vest” protesters caused transport chaos on Tuesday after occupying highway toll booths and setting some of them on fire.

France’s biggest toll road operator, Vinci Autoroutes , said demonstrations were under way at some 40 sites in its network and that several highway intersections had been heavily damaged, notably in the south of France.

The ‘yellow vests’ protesters – named after the fluorescent jackets French motorists must have in their cars – have blocked roads and roundabouts across France since mid-November.

But wait, there’s more.

Protesters angry about high fuel costs and new speed limits have also covered, damaged or torched hundreds of traffic radars across France., a site that tracks traffic radars, estimated that by the middle of last week at least 1,600 radars, about half of all French traffic radars, had been damaged. More than 250 have been entirely destroyed, it said.

The French state will also lose several tens of millions of euros in revenues, it said, adding that in 2017 the radars had yielded on average 84 million euros ($96 million) per month.

Perhaps the French are getting tired of being micromanaged and their pockets fleeced for traffic fines?

All those French police. Aren’t they getting a little tired too? From

Macron Losing Police: Interior Minister Meets Unions as Cops Complain of Cuts, Strain, Threaten ‘Go Slow’

PARIS (AP) – France’s interior minister is to meet with representatives of police unions, following complaints about strained resources in the wake of five straight weekends of violent protests.

Two police unions complained Monday about working conditions and strained resources in light of the past few weeks of protests, which have seen officers sent in to clear road blockades and control demonstrations.

The Alliance union has urged the government to invest in law enforcement while calling for a work slowdown Wednesday to protest planned cuts in the national police budget.

Another union, UNSA, said its members would only provide minimum services Tuesday and has asked to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Ooopsie. What happens when you “lose” law enforcement support? Perhaps you have to throw them a French bone?

French govt offers 300-euro bonus to protest-weary police

by Samuel Petrequin

Seeking to soothe police forces demanding improved working conditions, the French government on Tuesday proposed giving 300-euro ($340) bonuses to officers deployed to the aggressive and disruptive protests that started last month.

French President Emmanuel Macron committed to the idea of protest duty pay earlier this month. The government’s offer came a day after two police unions announced work slowdowns to protest staffing and other budget issues.

French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner was to meet with police union representatives later Tuesday. It wasn’t clear if the proposed premiums would calm the growing anger in police ranks.

“We are not for sale and we can’t be bought. It’s certainly not with this bonus that the crisis will be resolved,” said Yves Lefebvre, of the Unite-SG Police FO union.

According to government figures, the bonus will be paid to 111,000 police officers and military personal and will cost 33 million euros ($37.5 million.) The National Assembly is expected to debate it during discussions on the 2019 budget.

But wait. Maybe there really is more — that the French government has been ignoring.

Instead of a bonus, police unions are asking for the payment of thousands of hours of unpaid overtime work that has accumulated over the years.

Yeah. Nothing like taking advantage of the people who protect you. “Shove your bonus. Just pay us what you owe us.”

Further, from

FRANCE CHAOS: Now ‘BLUE VEST’ protestors cause CHAOS as Macron protests spiral

by Ellie Genower

Air passengers have been hit by delays in Paris as French police slowed down passport controls in a protest over overtime pay.

In the “blue vest” protest, the police caused long queues of waiting passengers at Charles de Gaulle airport after deliberately dragging their heels at passport check in. Airport officials said the slow-down was currently only hitting Terminal 1, adding that police were working but taking their time with “deep checks” of passengers. Elsewhere in Paris, some police stations were responding only to emergencies as police continued to negotiate with the government for extra cash for working additional hours at the recent “yellow vest” protests.

Scores of police officers have been injured since the citizen-driven “yellow vest” movement was launched in mid-November, most in violent clashes with anti-government protesters.

Police unions have denounced working conditions and complained about what they said were strained resources as officers have been sent in to clear roadblocks and restrain violent thugs who have joined street demonstrations to stir chaos and provoke police.

This isn’t looking all that great.

Furthermore, the Alliance police union called on police officers across France to handle only emergencies amid negotiations with the Interior Ministry.

The French government proposed giving 300-euro ($£270) bonuses to officers deployed to the protests by the yellow vest movement after French President Emmanuel Macron committed to the idea of protest duty pay earlier this month.

However, police union representatives want more cash along with additional compensation for years of overtime duty never paid out.

Remember, after all, the French people are protected by their own very strong version of our Second Amendment. Should, you know, things like this happen. Let’s also remember: crime never goes on strike or a slowdown.

Wait. Perhaps this is the perfect time to introduce a more pointed and localized question: could this occur in the United States?


Paris Is Burning Over Climate Change Taxes — Is America Next?

by Chuck Devore

The City of Lights, Paris, has been illuminated in recent days by cars set alight by thousands of protesting “Yellow Vests”—largely middle class people who earn their living by driving or who commute to get to work. The cause of their ire is a scheduled 25 cents-per-gallon increase in gas taxes, and about 10 cents on diesel, to fight climate change.

French President Macron, deeply unpopular, just reversed course on the new green tax—Parisians are already paying about $7.06 per gallon for gasoline, almost half of that in taxes.

If Paris streets burned over a proposed 25 cents per gallon climate change tax, imagine the global conflagration over a $49 per gallon tax.

That’s what a United Nations special climate report calls for in 12 years, with a carbon tax of $5,500 per ton—equal to $49 per gallon of gasoline or diesel. That’s about 100 times today’s average state and federal motor fuels tax.

By 2100, the U.N. estimates that a carbon tax of $27,000 per ton is needed—$240 per gallon—to limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

No problemo. I’ll just reach into my limitless American Taxpayer wallet here.  .  .

Here in America, Republicans in Congress passed a resolution against carbon taxes over the summer while Democrats embraced the concept in their party platform. Some incoming members of the new Democratic majority in the House are calling to create a select committee to map out a “Green New Deal” that would move the U.S. toward using 100% renewable energy for the electric grid while guaranteeing jobs for everyone.

In the meantime, opinion polls indicate that 54% of Americans do not believe global warming will cause major problems within their lifetimes.

Hmmm. I think I perceive a winky bit of conflict there.

So how do climate activists get their way? Some openly talk of imposing authoritarian governance to override democratic institutions. Former NASA climate researcher James Hansen suggested in 2007 that “the democratic process does not work.” Other scientists have called the threat of global warming the equivalent of war while calling for the crushing of dissent and the jailing of “deniers.”

I think I’m seeing an even bigger problem. Clash of government vs citizen, anyone? Sound like any kind of reason to remove your Second Amendment rights? Just asking in general terms, you see.

Those who see climate change as a dire and urgent threat have some work to do to convince voters in the Western democracies to give up their way of life in exchange for unspecified benefits of a slightly less warm world—and that’s assuming China, India and over a billion people in Africa can be convinced not to try to pull themselves out of poverty—something that may only be done with greater use of fossil fuels.

Thus, one well-worn tactic employed by those who would presume to tell the rest of us how to live, where to live, and how to work—all of the good of the planet, of course—is the alarmist study, making copious use of lies of omission and commission.

Here we go. Hope you’re sitting down.

An example of the former can be seen in the new National Climate Assessment. The report’s first chapter lists recent natural disasters, citing this summer’s deadly Carr Fire in California as an example. But while the report seeks to link wildfire to climate change, it glosses over the real reason fires have grown in intensity and size: the 30 years of increased environmental restrictions on logging, brush clearance and preventive burns that caused a massive and dangerous fuel buildup—a problem that was predicted years ago and has nothing to do with global warming.

The sin of commission in the service of scaring middle class voters into doing that they’re supposed to can be seen in an economic modeling study paid for by our federal tax dollars as well as underwritten by two billionaires who would be president: Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. Here we’re told that the U.S. economy will take a 10% hit by 2100 unless we reduce our carbon emissions. Two problems, though: the authors assume the worst-case and least likely scenario, with average temperatures more than 14 degrees Fahrenheit hotter by 2100; and they derive two-thirds of their economic losses estimate by claiming a large amount of premature deaths due to the hotter temperatures.

Plus, BZ wants to pee in the punchbowl at about this point. There are already scientists claiming that all the Global Warming bunk is bunk. Some are beginning to think that, because of decreased sunspot activity and solar flares, we’re heading towards a cooling.

And then Devore smacks it outta the park:

The bottom line is this: economic freedom—the kind you get with a large middle class—leads to prosperity, economic growth, and technological innovation. And it’s these three things: wealth, growth and technology, which allows humans to thrive on planet Earth, not $240 per gallon fuel taxes imposed by an elite that cares not for the masses.

Let’s get back to illegal immigration and mass, unchecked migration. A recent Pew Research poll revealed:

Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries

As the number of international migrants reaches new highs, people around the world show little appetite for more migration – both into and out of their countries, according to a Pew Research Center survey of 27 nations conducted in the spring of 2018.

Across the countries surveyed, a median of 45% say fewer or no immigrants should be allowed to move to their country, while 36% say they want about the same number of immigrants. Just 14% say their countries should allow more immigrants. (Those who said no immigrants should be allowed volunteered this response.)

In Europe, majorities in Greece (82%), Hungary (72%), Italy (71%) and Germany (58%) say fewer immigrants or no immigrants at all should be allowed to move to their countries. Each of these countries served as some of the most popular transit or destination countries during Europe’s recent surge in asylum seekers. (In several countries, most disapprove of how the European Union has handled the refugee issue.)

People in other countries around the world hold views similar to those in Europe. Large majorities in Israel (73%), Russia (67%), South Africa (65%) and Argentina (61%) say their countries should let in fewer immigrants. In every country surveyed, less than a third say their nation should allow more immigrants to enter.

So what’s the summary? And how will the US fare?

The issue s clear. People have had enough. The force-feeding of Leftist views is causing indigestion. Here in the US we put immigration on pause from 1924 to 1965. This allowed people to assimilate, learn the language and relax overall. Perhaps another pause is due. Overdue.

But: what will happen next?

My guess is: it might not be so pretty.

Another reason I say: hold onto that Second. It buttresses the First.



What’s so terrible amount Mt Everest?


That being said, Mt Everest needs a break. It is trashed almost beyond repair, with the mountain being littered with dead bodies, oxygen bottles, garbage, equipment and detritus.

How about we give the mountain, say, a ten year break so a concerted effort can be made to at least attempt to bring down the dead and remove the trash?