BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 11-1-18, with KARI BAXTER DONOVAN

This was the last show before the midterms next Tuesday, five days away.

So make no mistake: until November 6th, I’ll be doing my best to point out the obvious: there is great news out there for Conservatives. We must remain positive, and we must get out and vote.

We cannot afford to be smug or complacent with the win involving Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This is the time to double down on resolution, to commit to supporting anything and everything that isn’t a Demorat, a Leftist or the American Media Maggots.

We can’t afford to listen to the bad news Leftists are going to ratchet up and continue to spew about Conservatives and our chances in November. We know they lie, they are biased and they publish falsehoods with impunity. The American Media Maggots are nothing more than the publishing arm of Demorats and Leftists.

We have to vote red in November. We have to keep the House, and we have to keep the Senate. We must mail in our absentee ballots. We can let nothing deter us from appearing at the polls on November 6th, no matter the circumstances, no matter the weather.

Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots want to destroy Conservatives and Conservatism, eliminate us, hurt us both politically and, these days, physically as well. We cannot let this stand.

Commitment. Resolution. Fortitude. Stand up for America and for the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Because if you don’t?

No one else will.

Hour 1: BZ spoke with KARI BAXTER DONOVAN of Populist.Media about the interview with Mike Moore and his new book PAINE: HOW WE DISMANTLED THE FBI IN OUR PAJAMAS, along with social media, Leftists and the upcoming midterms!

If you’d like to watch my interview with Mike Moore from Tuesday, October 30th, click here and enjoy a full hour with the author of PAINE.

Hour 2: BZ had his final shot at convincing people to VOTE RED NEXT TUESDAY, using numerous examples of Leftist bias, idiocy and violence. Can we keep the House? Can we keep the Senate? Listen in Tuesday night as we provide the SHR Special Report: Midterm Election Results 2018!

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

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You can watch the show here on the SHR Media Facebook page. SHR has also associated itself with Periscope and with Google Play. Watch the show on Periscope here.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Democrats: the original and continuing party of racism

Who were the original KKK members in the south?

Correct. Demorats.

Who voted against freeing the slaves during Lincoln’s presidency?

Correct. Demorats. Demorats voted against every single piece of civil rights legislation in Congress. Demorats voted against the 13th Amendment — except for four.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson is known to have said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years.” Snopes, a Leftist site, denies this, but a person very close to LBJ, Robert MacMillin — an Air Force One steward — said LBJ made the comment to two governors during a conversation regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Of this conversation there is no doubt.

And of this Hillary Clinton quote there is no doubt.

Why should we let Hillary Clinton, a white female Demorat, “get away” with saying that? Can you imagine had a white female Republican made the same statement?

Kevin at Kevin’s Corner replies:

And of this Don Lemon quote there is no doubt.

And of this Senator Joe Donnelly quote there is no doubt.

You wonder why there’s #WalkAway? You wonder why there’s #BLEXIT? You want a testimonial? Try this on for size.

You wonder why there’s #WalkAway? I think you can wonder no more.

If you remain unconvinced, let’s pull up some Bill Whittle for a 12-minute history refresher on the real Demorat Party.

To me it’s pretty clear which party has been historically and is currently the oppressor in both deeds and words. We need to VOTE RED ON TUESDAY.

We can keep the House, and we can keep the Senate. As my Civics teacher, Mr Helms, told me in high school: “Democrats don’t win elections. Republicans lose them.”

With that in mind — the power is in our hands, not those of the Demorats.

PLEASE: you need to mail in or physically present your absentee ballots, and ensure that you get to the polls, vote early, and VOTE RED NEXT TUESDAY the 6th.



Ron Dermer, Israeli Ambassador to the US, shuts down CNN

Because, ask any and every Leftist, Demorat and all the American Media Maggots, it’s clear that President Trump was literally inviting the slaughter of Jews and the actions of Robert Bowers due to his historic anti-Semitism. Truly, the killing of 11 Jews is Trump’s responsibility. CNN thinks so.

Ambassador Ron Dermer sets the record straight with CNN.

Here, a CNN shill attempts to get Rabbi Jeffrey Myers from the Tree of Life synagogue to blame President Trump or Conservatives for the attack. He refused to accommodate her. Of course these deaths must be politicized and they must be politicized now.

Let us also remember that it was President Trump who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. Not Barack Obama. Not Bill Clinton. Not any other Republican president.

And people wonder why CNN is labeled Fake News due to its rampant and continuing bias?




TONIGHT, on BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, there will be a very important SHR Media Special Report.

MIKE MOORE aka Thomas Paine @Thomas1774Paine, will be LIVE on BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show Tuesday night, October 30th, in order to talk about Moore’s new book PAINE: HOW WE DISMANTLED THE FBI IN OUR PAJAMAS.

Broadcasting at 11 PM Eastern, 8 PM Pacific, 10 PM Central, everyone is cordially invited to please join us for this landmark interview with MIKE MOORE of

You can listen and simultaneously engage with lots of great people in the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM.

You can also watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page, the SHR Media YouTube channel or on the SHR Media Group Periscope page.

Again, please make sure you check out TRUEPUNDIT.COM.

Want to hear the truth about the Deep State, the FBI and other alphabet agencies — and more? Want to hear how your country really works? Want to find out what it’s like to be targeted by the US government and have your life ruined for political purposes?

Join BZ and Mike Moore TONIGHT, as we discuss Mr Moore’s book “PAINE: HOW WE DISMANTLED THE FBI IN OUR PAJAMAS.”

Listen to an exclusive interview with a man who paid a shockingly-high personal price in today’s tumultuous and chaotic political environment.

You are all graciously invited! Tell a friend!


Thanks to Kari Baxter Donovan for all the arrangements with Mike Moore.


So, you want to install Andrew Gillum as Florida governor?

You might want to rethink that position because, well, he’ll have ready police protection to defend himself. But you won’t. Law enforcement won’t either.

From the

Gillum: Police Are Going ‘Too Far’ if They Pull Out Gun, Baton, Taser in Line of Duty

by Cameron Cawthorne

Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee in Florida’s gubernatorial race, said Wednesday that police are going “too far” if they have to pull out a gun, baton, or taser when approaching a potential suspect.

Gillum made the comment on the liberal podcast “Pod Save America,” where he pushed back against his Republican critics who believe he is an anti-police candidate.

Here’s the money quote, right off the bat.

“All this stuff that they say, I’ve got to let them know, anti-police? No. I’m for police accountability, but law enforcement society cannot work and, quite frankly, law enforcement cannot do its job if it does not have a trusting relationship with the community,” Gillum said.

“At the time that a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a taser, then they have already have to go too far by their very presence,” he continued. “By the very trust that they inspire in community and in society, they are supposed to be able to bring most situations to heel.”

Because kind, loving and softly-spoken words work so well in any given critical incident.

Let’s listen to Gillum:

Let us not forget this is the same Andrew Gillum referenced in an article from

Gillum’s Anti-Law Enforcement Agenda for Florida

by Steve Hantler

The past several years have witnessed the radical left using law enforcement as a political target, which has increased the risks for those in uniform and hurt public safety.  Andrew Gillum, the so-called “democratic socialist” candidate for governor of Florida, represents the triumph of the progressive left’s approach to law enforcement, and a victory by him in November would lead to a statewide increase in crime.

That Florida would see such a rise under Gillum is not fanciful speculation but an obvious inference from his tenure as mayor of Tallahassee.  On his watch, the city/Leon County metro area has had the highest crime rate in the state for four years running.

Stop. Let’s read that again.

On his watch, the city/Leon County metro area has had the highest crime rate in the state for four years running.  Last year, Tallahassee had the highest number of murders in the city’s history. 

Then, in a wee bit of irony and what I can “schadenfreude,” there was this:

Incredibly, Gillum’s former chief of staff, Dustin Daniels, who is running to succeed him as mayor, is campaigning aggressively against Gillum’s failed leadership.  “Tallahassee had the highest number of murders in history last year,” Daniels wrote in a campaign mailer, “and we top the state for the highest crime rate. WE MUST DO BETTER.” 

Look, if you can’t sit on the bank of the river and watch the bodies of your enemy float serenely by, then what’s the point of any victory?

It is simply inarguable that Gillum has failed to keep the city of Tallahassee safe.    

Given his ideological radicalism, it is not surprising that he has failed so spectacularly.  In fact, Gillum is the most anti-law-enforcement candidate to be nominated by a major party in modern Florida history.

But wait; there’s more as BZ is wont to say.

Take, for example, his strong support for the radical group Dream Defenders.  During a Democratic gubernatorial primary debate, Gillum endorsed the agenda of the Dream Defenders from the stage, gushing that he was “pleased and proud” to “stand up for” and “stand beside” the group, which has, among other stances, likened Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the apartheid system.

Gillum received the endorsement of the Dream Defenders and  promised to support the group’s manifesto, The Freedom Papers, which denounce law enforcement as “racist” and liken the police to “slave catchers.”  The manifesto calls for the abolishment of the police and prisons, asserting that “police and prisons have no place in ‘justice.’”  Accordingly, the Freedom Papers call for a radical reduction in law enforcement funding, demanding “reinvestment … into social services in our community.”   

I say to the state of Florida: if you want your state to be devoid of taxpayers and normal people, keep this up. Regular humans are fleeing the state if for no other reason that all of Florida’s animals seem to wish to kill humans — its snakes, alligators, constrictors and the like — and the weather exists to wipe everyone out.

This manifesto slanders all those in Florida who don the uniform to protect and serve their communities, which, of course, includes law enforcement personnel of all races, colors and creeds.  By sliming law enforcement as racist and by likening police officers to slave catchers, the Gillum-endorsed Freedom Papers place a target on the backs of officers.

What’s more, enacting the call for massive reductions in funding for law enforcement would virtually guarantee a crime wave in Florida.  Outside of Tallahassee, crime has dropped dramatically in the state over that past 20 years, yet this decline was achieved through hard work and support for law enforcement by elected officials.  Combining funding cuts with a governor who is antagonistic to law enforcement would spell disaster for the safety of Florida’s communities. 

Add that Andrew Gillum wants to kill you if you’re Conservative or a Caucasoid? Pull the ripcord. He’s not speaking to you Caspars. He’s speaking to followers of Ray Nagin.

Of course, Gillum not only supports the “abolish ICE” movement but would make Florida, like California, a sanctuary state.  He has pledged not to cooperate with the Trump administration regarding the removal of illegal aliens from the state, which will place the people of Florida at risk of criminal activity committed by illegal aliens who should have been removed from the United States.  This will only lead to the creation of more “angel moms” – mothers who have lost children to illegal alien crime.

Andrew Gillum is another in a continuing series of boring racist progressive Socialist yada yada yada black men who, well, hate Caucasoids but couch their ranguage in gutterspeak, pablumspeak, racespeak and simpspeak.

As opposed to perhaps some other Republicans, I’m not remotely interested in attempting to “reason” with Gillum or “reach across the aisle” to him.

Oh no. I’m here to demolish him and his ideologies.

There’s no reasoning with insanity and frothing sociopathic word bubbles.

Make no mistake. I couldn’t proffer one fresh, steaming turd about Gillum’s melanin count. I only care that he’s dangerously stupid and, frankly, insane.

Disarming law enforcement. Now there’s a great idea.

The LDAMM understand only one thing:

Power. Naked power.

Let’s show them that on November 6th.

This election is ours to lose, not theirs to win.



Oh wait. With one tiny exception: the detail that protects Andrew Gillum himself. They’ll still be keeping their firearms and Tasers.