Democrats conspire to obstruct Kavanaugh hearing and pay Antifa protesters

And there is evidence to prove it.

Aurally, photographically and otherwise.

But first, this statement: Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed by the Senate.

Beginning, from

Dick Durbin Admits: Democrats Plotted to Disrupt Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Hearing

by Joel B. Pollak

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) admitted Tuesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court that he and other Democrats participated in a conference call on how to disrupt the hearings.

Durbin was responding to a question by Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), who cited an NBC News tweet from earlier in the morning that reported that Senate Democrats had planned over the Labor Day weekend to use protests and interruptions.

The hearing had already been disrupted several times by protesters — led by the anti-Trump and Democrat-aligned Women’s March, which claimed credit — and several senators also interrupted proceedings with interjections.

Senator Tom Tillis from North Carolina asked:

“This is outrageous.” And then Durbin assumes full Deflection Mode.

Then, from

Schumer Plotted Kavanaugh Disruptions in Weekend Call – Including Execution of Mob Tactics

by Cristina Laila

President Trump’s Supreme Court pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning

Democrats and screaming protesters interrupted the hearing for the first half hour.
Judge Kavanaugh has not even been sworn in yet!

It was all planned.

Democrats plotted the coordinated protest over the holiday weekend. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) led a phone call and Committee members are executing now, reported NBC’s Kasie Hunt.

Of course we know the results.

Judge Kavanaugh was heckled by screaming protesters Tuesday morning.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) unleashed on Democrat lawmakers for requesting to delay Kavanaugh’s hearing over ‘withheld documents.’

Kavanaugh gave the Senate Judiciary Committee over 430,000 documents which is two times more than any SCOTUS nominee in US history, but this isn’t good enough for the Democrats.

This occurred the very first day of the hearings last week.

People like this should be led away if for no other reason than their shrill voices break glass and injure the eardrums of small children and animals.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk made some observations about the Kavanaugh protests outside the Capitol. And protesters themselves learned something significant as well: there is a difference between “free speech” on a college campus and free speech in real life. Listen to the purposeful indifference of the police regarding the protester’s umbrage.

But wait; there’s more. Here, the Daily Caller provides an inside peek at the Kavanaugh protests.

So: Antifa and other paid to protest? Naturally.


Doctors claim they saw protesters get paid to disrupt Kavanaugh hearing

by Ronn Blitzer

Judge Brett Kavanaugh‘s Supreme Court confirmation hearing was interrupted several times by protesters who shouted over Senators who were speaking, many of whom were arrested. Now, three men from Texas who were there claim that they saw some of them get paid for their actions.

Video of their comments has been circling in conservative circles, and the men were speaking with Adam Schindler, a digital strategy consultant who is a supporter of President Donald Trump. The doctors’ story has not been verified by any official body, but Schindler has shared photos that appear to back up their claim.

It gets better. Photographically.

In one image that he posted to Twitter, a woman in a black and white top can be seen with a man who appears to be handing her cash. In another photo, an individual who appears to be that same woman is being escorted out of the hearing by officers.

That photo is above. As my professors in college would say, “compare and contrast.”

Same chick, same hair, same ugly dress, getting removed from the Kavanaugh hearing. How about a confirmation photograph?

Check the cash. But why stop there? The article continues:

One of the men, Dr. Tom Schlueter, described one of these alleged transactions.

“One thing was there were people who had come along … who had a bag of money, and people would hand them a piece of paper, and then they would give them money,” he said. “So we know money was exchanged for some of the people to be here, just to protest.”

Schlueter then described instructions that these people supposedly received.

“They were actually told, we heard them say this, ‘when you go in, we want you to yell, to scream, and even possibly to get arrested.’ So that was some of the processes we saw happening,” he recalled.

Good ol’ American grassroots protests. Uh, by people who otherwise wouldn’t be there unless they knew some coin was in the offing. Here is the audio.

Then this from the

CONFIRMED: Organizer Vinay Krishnan Who Was Caught Paying Off Kavanaugh Protesters — Works for Soros-Linked Organization

by Jim Hoft

On Tuesday several Texas doctors attended the Kavanaugh hearing in Washington DC. After the hearing the doctors told reporter Adam Schindler that they witnessed organized activists with a bag of cash paying the rent-a-mob protesters.

So perhaps you’re wondering, “who is Vinay Krishnan”?

Vinay is an organizer of civil disobedience” who works for a George Soros-funded group, the Center for Popular Democracy.

I’d like to end the post with this, in what is likely the most revealing thing said during the Kavanaugh hearings, spoken by young Two-Fer Kamala Harris, a rising star for Demorat consideration in the 2020 presidential election. Listen to this interchange.

“That book that you carry” is only the US Constitution. But who holds that dear? Her? Leftists? Demorats? The American Media Maggots? Of course not. Kamala Harris couldn’t be more smarmy, dismissive, alienating, snide, smug, berating, self-righteous, arrogant and plastered with what she fervently believes is her inherent intellectual superiority.

But four very important bottom lines are these:

  1. President Trump is just that: the President of the United States of America, and
  2. Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sits on the SCOTUS bench, and
  3. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is going to get confirmed as a sitting member of SCOTUS, and
  4. I’ll wager President Trump is going to be afforded the opportunity to nominate a third SCOTUS member before the end of his first term or early in his second term.



FISA court documents about to be declassified?

And it couldn’t come at the worst time for the LDAMM.

Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots.

First, from

Lawmakers Call on Trump to Declassify Carter Page FISA

by Sara A. Carter

Lawmakers are asking for 20 pages of the FISA, along with other classified documents

epublican lawmakers called on President Trump to declassify the highly redacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant that allowed the FBI to spy on a short-term Trump campaign volunteer. They are asking for 20 pages of the FISA, along with other classified documents and footnotes, they say the Department of Justice has withheld from their ongoing investigation into the bureau’s handling of the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The lawmakers are also asking that Trump declassify the DOJ’s Gang of Eight briefing notebook that was presented only to a select group of lawmakers in the Senate and House this summer, who have access to classified material, according to numerous congressional sources. The third bulk of documents consists of 12 interviews the FBI conducted with DOJ official Bruce Ohr in 2016 regarding his communications with former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the anti-Trump unverified dossier. Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for the now embattled research firm Fusion GPS, that was hired by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate alleged ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia. Steele was hired by Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, who among others has testified to Congress about his role.

There aren’t but a handful of actual journalists working today. Sara Carter is one of them, along with my highly-principled advocate Susan Katz Keating. I should also care to include John Solomon, Gregg Jarrett, Catherine Herridge, to name but a very select few. Continuing:

President Trump is expected to declassify the documents within the next several weeks, sources tell On Wednesday this news site reported that Trump is listening to lawmakers who complained the Justice Department has been stonewalling and failing to provide Congress with the documents necessary for appropriate oversight.

With this as well:

Over the past month, lawmakers also discovered that Ohr was a backchannel for Steele, who had been removed as a confidential source by the FBI after it was discovered that he was shopping around his dossier in the summer of 2016 to journalists.

The unverified dossier was used by the FBI as evidence to the secret court to obtain a warrant on Carter Page, the short term volunteer for the Trump campaign. The FBI obtained the initial warrant on Page and then three subsequent renewals, of which the final renewal signed was signed in the Spring of 2017 by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Lawmakers say Rosenstein’s involvement presents a serious issue since he signed off on the final FISA warrant and would have had access to all the previous warrants that failed to provide the secret court with the necessary information and led the court to grant the warrant.

Representatives Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows have asked President Trump to declassify the FISA/Carter Page documents.

This information seems to be mirrored by former US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joseph diGenova, as interviewed by Tucker Carlson last week.

Further, apparently Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — the titular head of the US Department of Justice since Jeff Sessions recused himself back in January of 2017 — is finding himself appropriately under the microscope as well.

This from the Sean Hannity Show, as he discusses the situation with Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett and Joseph diGenova:

Continuing from

But lawmakers, specifically the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, along with the aide of the government watchdog group Judicial Watch discovered among the troves of documents that they have obtained over the past year that the FBI failed to provide significant exculpatory evidence to the FISC judges and other major discrepancies in the application and the way the FBI handled its investigation.

Can you imagine the state of these United States if it is proven, beyond any doubt, that the allegations are correct?

Can you say “soft coup against a presidential candidate, a president-elect and a sitting president?”

I knew you could.


The New York Times “anonymous” hit piece on Trump

It should cease to be a shock to anyone that the threshold for what once was considered to be “good journalism” has crashed through the floor, with the New York Times gladly leading the way. First, the op-ed piece in the New York Times, published Wednesday, September 5th, ascribed to “anonymous”:

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.

It’s not just that the special counsel looms large. Or that the country is bitterly divided over Mr. Trump’s leadership. Or even that his party might well lose the House to an opposition hellbent on his downfall.

The dilemma — which he does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

I would know. I am one of them.

To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.

But we believe our first duty is to this country, and the president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic.

How odd. The anonymous writer embraced by the NYT believes “many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.”

You can read the rest of it at your leisure or utilize the hard copy to line your parakeet cage or Sylvester’s cat box.

People have said that the editorial is of no consequence and really deserves little if any repetition. I would tend to disagree if for no other reason than an illustration of two things:

  1. How desperate the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots are, and
  2. How ineffective their plaintive whinings truly are.

Teflon comes immediately to mind, you see.

Because, at the end of the article, I concluded that the writer was like thousands of others who bitch about their bosses but don’t mind cashing the bonuses at the end of a successful year. “My boss sucks, man,” I’ve heard people say for years. Then they go out and do their jobs. Or they leave.

Mr Anonymous — who may be revealed soon than he thinks, surely believes that “my boss sucks, man.” From Tucker Carlson:

Let’s back that car wash up just a bit. DC and New York — hell, just about the entire northeast — lives in its own little politically-insulated bubbular cocoon and find themselves stepping into nightly bar echo chambers and attending cocktail party echo chambers with those whose job it is to be seen at said alcohol-and-dope-fueled echo chambers. They don’t realize that, for the bulk of Americans, the bulk of journalistas and talking heads are writing and jabbering and pecking away just for themselves. A whole bunch of counties like the hell out of Donald John Trump, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head.

When the article referred to the brilliant, insightful, understanding, loving, accepting arms of the god-like John McCain — peace be with him — I knew precisely who this lop was. Another Deep Statist or RINO with all the colorful, jejune umbrage of a Bill Kristol or a George Will.

Let’s be honest. The “anonymous” author may work in a building for another element of government literally blocks away from the White House. He may have actually seen President Trump passing by as his motorcade — once again — screwed up the already-execrable DC beltway traffic.

Former Trump campaign staffer Michael Caputo says he thinks he knows who the anonymous person is and makes these points.

Another interesting point in concert with the above information comes from the seminal FBI analyst who detailed and revealed information leading to the arrest of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynsky, in 1996 — retired FBI Agent James Fitzgerald. Here he talks about the forensic linguistics featured by the anonymous NYT op-ed author:

I’m about to write heresy. Gird thy loins. What we’re seeing is something that is in the process of “fundamentally transforming America” but in a way that the standard power brokers and EstabliHacks cannot abide: President Trump is making the American Media Maggots and what Christian Whiton terms the “commentariat” completely immaterial and irrelevant. It’s producing PSH and clogging DC sewer systems with other Maryland counties.

The funny thing is this: under the Obama Administration the selfsame ever-fussy and oh-so-trustworthy and yet now-anonymous-embracing New York Times wrote this in March of 2016:

Tightening the screws on anonymous sources

by Margaret Sullivan

After two major front page errors in a six-month period, Times editors are cracking down on the use of anonymous sources.

An email to the newsroom Tuesday morning from Dean Baquet, the executive editor, Matt Purdy, a deputy executive editor, and Philip Corbett, the standards editor, said, in part:

At best, granting anonymity allows us to reveal the atrocities of terror groups, government abuses or other situations where sources may risk their lives, freedoms or careers by talking to us. In sensitive areas like national security reporting, it can be unavoidable. But in other cases, readers question whether anonymity allows unnamed people to skew a story in favor of their own agenda. In rare cases we have published information from anonymous sources without enough questions or skepticism — and it has turned out to be wrong.

Although the policy does not ban anonymity, it is intended to significantly reduce what Mr Purdy characterized as an over-reliance on unnamed sources.

The policy, several months in the making, is the result of newsroom leaders consulting with “a number of our most experienced reporters and editors,” the email said.

But what; where are those much-vaunted and hallowed policies now, when the threat and the goals have changed? The New York Times sought not to take down Barack Hussein Obama; quite the opposite. The enemy is now The Orange One.

The NPR Ethics Handbook says:

Don’t Let Sources Offer Anonymous Opinions of Others

Unidentified sources should rarely be heard at all and should never be heard attacking or praising others in our reports (with the possible rare exceptions of whistleblowers and individuals making allegations of sexual assault; see the longer discussion of anonymous sources in the section on transparency). While we recognize that some valuable information can only be obtained off the record, it is unfair to air a source’s opinion on a subject of coverage when the source’s identity and motives are shielded from scrutiny. And of course, we do not include anonymous attacks posted on the Web in our reports.

Of course not.

In conclusion, let’s apply BZ’s Logical Extension. We already know that certain personnel in the Trump White House entered under false pretenses, intent on subterfuge and undermining Trump’s policies and agenda. Trump is nothing if not consistent: you knew what you were getting when you signed up for him. Either that or you’re a blithering moron. I apologize for insulting morons in this instance.

Let’s do that Logical Extension. Let’s say you elect a certain individual with the understanding that they are going to represent your views, opinions and thoughts better than any other candidate. You place the X in their voting box.

Having won the election and now ensconced in a cushy political chair, they now decide to do, essentially, the exact opposite. They act, lobby or vote for pretty much the polar opposite of what they portrayed during the campaign. How betrayed would you feel? And would you think that it was fundamentally fair that they acquired their office via one set of words and actions, subsequently committing to the opposite words and actions?

Even five-year-olds see my point.

Bottom line? “Anonymous” doesn’t like his boss.

Well, boo-damned-hoo. Stop your whining and go get a real job then, sport.

There’s still real work to be done and you ain’t doin’ it.

The company is profiting. I hope you don’t get your bonus. Perhaps you’ll just get a lump of coal in your stocking come Christmas.

If you’re still employed.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 9-6-18, with KARI BAXTER DONOVAN

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Hour 1: BZ spoke to his East Coast Political Goddess, KARI BAXTER DONOVAN, co-creator and co-owner of Populist Media — whose website has changed to Populist.Media. She weighed in on her populist website and on current political events.

Hour 2: BZ led the hour with numerous Happy Stories, and then transitioned into an SHR MEDIA SPECIAL REPORT: the Intelligentsia Elites. Yes, the show went into overtime by about 10 minutes.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

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Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

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