Toronto mass shooting: what you won’t hear from Canada

First, from

A man whose family said he suffered from psychosis and depression fired a handgun into restaurants and cafes in a lively Toronto neighborhood, killing a 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman and wounding 13 others in an attack that has shaken the confidence of many in the normally safe city.

Authorities on Monday evening identified the suspect as Faisal Hussain, 29, of Toronto, who died in an exchange of gunfire with police. It was not immediately clear whether he killed himself or was killed by police.

Update: he did in fact kill himself.

A statement from the family of Hussain said their son had severe mental health challenges, having struggled with psychosis and depression. They said medications did not help him and the interventions of professionals were unsuccessful.

There you go. The poor boy was addled. In today’s world that explains and excuses anything according to Leftists. Particularly regarding police encounters with mentally embattled suspects. Police must be “considerate” and “cautious.”

Uh, no. In the real world where law enforcement operates, that simply means the mentally unbalanced can have no concept of reality and, because no one knows what’s percolating around in the brain housing group of the mentally challenged, I and other law enforcement personnel were and are more likely to consider force against them if necessary than those otherwise based in at least a semblance of reality. Law enforcement doesn’t possess the ability to examine the brain of a suspect or his/her rationale for committing various acts in retrospect.

Police Chief Mark Saunders earlier said he would not speculate on a motive but did not rule out terrorism.

Trust me, after that quote the police chief received one very fucking terse phone call from the mayor for daring to make such a statement.

Toronto’s mayor says the only point at issue is that of firearms. From

After deadly shooting, Toronto wants to ban handgun sales in the city

by Madison Park

Days after a shooting rampage in Toronto killed two people, its city council voted overwhelmingly to urge its federal government to ban the sale of handguns in the city.

The Toronto City Council voted 41-4 on Tuesday to push the Canadian government to ban the sale of handguns and also for the provincial government to ban handgun ammunition sales within the city.

Because firearms laws are so terribly lax in Canada. Right. Lax like in Britain or Chicago or DC or Baltimore or San Francisco or any other Leftist hellhole/shithole you can conjure with skyrocketing crime rates.

There’s just one problem. The killer was a Muslim. Let’s listen to Paul Watson provide some actual facts and background.

Then there was this from the

ISIS claims responsibility for Toronto mass shooting

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the mass shooting in Toronto that left two people dead — including a 10-year-old girl — and 13 injured.

Then this little tidbit at the bottom of the article:

Though mass shootings are rare in Canada’s largest city, Toronto police had deployed dozens of additional officers over the weekend to deal with a recent rise in gun violence. The city has seen 23 gun homicides so far this year, compared to 16 fatal shootings in the first half of 2017.

But wait. I thought any place in Canada was a LUP, a Leftist Unsullied Paradise, completely unsubject to the terrible abrogations and rotten influences of the evil neighbor to its south.

Lesson learned?

Of course not.



TRADE WARS! WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE! Wait. Europe just blinked.

Once again the DTD (Donald Trump Doomsayers) have been proven wrong.

  1. Korea: we’re all gonna die;
  2. Russia: we’re all gonna die;
  3. Environment: we’re all gonna die;
  4. Tax breaks: we’re all gonna die;
  5. Economy: we’re all gonna die.

Uh. No we didn’t. And it appears — gulp! — that the DTDs are in error once again. From the

Trump strikes trade deal with EU

by S.A. Miller

Announcement follows meeting with EU Commission President Juncker

President Trump struck a trade deal Wednesday with the European Union, reaping significant concessions as top EUofficials moved to avoid an escalating tariff war with the U.S.

The agreement seeks to eliminate all tariffs and trade barriers and eliminate all subsidies on non-auto industrial goods, which was the deal pushed by Mr. Trump.

“This was a very big day for free and fair trade,” Mr. Trump said in announcing the deal in the Rose Garden with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker by his side.

Mr. Trump called the deal a “new phase” in the U.S.-E.U. relationship.

The deal also included the E.U. importing more U.S. soybeans, lowering industrial tariffs and working on an agreement to import more liquified natural gas (LNG) from America.

Stop. Isn’t that precisely what President Trump said when he took Germany to task for being beholden to Russia for fuel? Yes. Precisely.

So what was President Trump doing? He was negotiating in plain sight on the world stage, and shaming the shit out of Germany in the process. He was also sub rosa saying: “Hey, check it out: the US can supply natural gas. We have a country jam ge-packed with it.”

As he headed into the meeting, Mr. Trump shrugged off intense criticism from business leaders, farmers and his own GOP lawmakers that he was igniting a trade war that hurts the U.S. economy.

The president said he was fighting to get America a better deal after decades of being taken advantage of by trading partners.

“If we could have no tariffs, and no barriers, and no subsidies, the United States would be extremely pleased,” he said as he met Mr. Juncker in the Oval Office.

Let’s do the math. The US and Europe comprise about 50% of the trade on the entire planet. Right about now China has made a couple of phone calls in a back channel manner and are trying to figure out how they don’t get their asses left behind in trade. Canada isn’t sufficiently intelligent under Trudeau to see what’s in front of its face.

Guess what?




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 7-24-18 with ALLEN THOMAS

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Tonight, it was the very special “End of the World” edition of the Saloon with BZ and the exquisite ALLEN THOMAS of Squatch Zone, in which it is prognosticated that, due to the massive Blood Moon, the world is ending on Friday the 27th at, well, no one quite knows what time exactly. Mark your calendar, though, and buy that quart of ice cream. Got bills or homework outstanding? Fugeddaboudit.

During the show ALLEN THOMAS and BZ talked about the paranormal, Sasquatches, Dogmen, the rare Blood Moon and its concomitant cessation of all life on planet Earth, UFOs, the trouble with Fresno, Kaiser Shuff and what a stellar individual he is, plus anything else that rambled into our collective wheelhouses.

And oh yes: ALLEN THOMAS is going to be speaking at the MOTHER LODE PARAQUEST 2018 Conference, in gorgeous Jackson, California, in the Gold Country foothills. Register here at ALLEN THOMAS may be broadcasting LIVE from the site as well as hosting meet-and-greets. Come and introduce yourself to the finest Sasquatch and paranormal researcher and investigator in the realm.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

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Moreover, if you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here. Kindly LIKE us on Facebook. You can FOLLOW us on Twitter @SHRMediaGroup. Please FOLLOW ol’ BZ @BZep. Thanks so much.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Shock alert: California really IS a shithole

Go ahead. Watch the video.

Then laugh or cry or wail, depending on whether you live in California or, luckily, somewhere else.

California really is the prototypical Leftist Utopian Shithole.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Its ideas cross lines, cross borders and infest Leftist Hive Minds everywhere. We are Leftists. We are Borg.

Unless you have the balls and the temerity and the will to stop it.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
-Edmund Burke

Trust me. Everyone in California will do nothing.



Mueller to give Podesta immunity against Manafort. What bias?

I don’t know. You tell me.

The summary: Robert Mueller as Special Counsel is providing criminal immunity to Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s chief campaign chairman in 2016, John Podesta (he was the one who came out election night to announce HRC would not be appearing to make her concession speech).

Let’s make it clear. Paul Manafort allegedly did the same thing that Tony Podesta did. Yet Podesta will potentially be receiving immunity from prosecution. Paul Manafort, not found guilty of any crime and not even having gone to court, is currently being held in solitary custody and not ADSEG.

That’s the finest example of completely indifference and non-bias on behalf of Robert Mueller that I can envision.

First, from Please note the conspicuous absence of the names of those persons who will be granted immunity? Why would that be? Because the Muller team doesn’t want you to see Tony Podesta amongst those names.

Mueller seeking immunity for up to 5 people to testify in Manafort trial

by John Bowden

Attorneys working with special counsel Robert Mueller on Tuesday submitted a request for immunity for up to five witnesses his team has asked to testify in the trial against Paul Manafort, the former chairman of the Trump campaign.

Mueller made the request in a court filing Tuesday afternoon, which also requests that the identity of the potential witnesses remain under seal.

Information “escapes,” however, and of the escaping names is Tony Podesta.

“The five individuals identified in the motions at issue are third parties who have not been charged in this matter, and who have not been identified publicly with the case,” the filing reads. “Disclosing the motions would reveal those individuals’ involvement in the investigation and the trial, thereby creating the risk of their undue harassment.”

Why would there be “undue harassment” and from whom? Lord knows the harassment wouldn’t be from the American Media Maggots. They’d instead be cheering.

Note this:

Manafort is charged with money laundering and lobbying violations related to his work for pro-Russia parties in Ukraine prior to joining the Trump campaign. He has denied any wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty last year, but a former business associate, Richard Gates, has pleaded guilty to similar charges.

To make things even more specific, here’s an article from the Wait. The Hill loves leaks. Why didn’t we read of this leak covered by The Hill? Easy. Because The Hill leans Left. Why leak something that would further a point by your opposition? I certainly won’t believe that The Hill acquired a terrible, nausea-ridden, joint-aching case of The Ethics overnight. Nah.

Robert Mueller offers Tony Podesta immunity to testify against Paul Manafort: Report

by Daniel Chaitin

Tony Podesta, founder of the now-shuttered Podesta Group and brother to former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, has been offered immunity by special counsel Robert Mueller to testify against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, according to a report.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson announced on his show Thursday evening that two separate sources confirmed the offer.

“In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary’s friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail. Only one of them made the mistake of chairing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Carlson said.

Tucker Carlson:

For a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary’s friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail. Only one of them made the mistake of chairing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

The F.A.R.A. law was passed back in 1938 in order to prevent the government from lobbying in the U.S.,” Carlson explained. “Over a 50 year period from 1966 to 2015, a total of only seven people were criminally charged under F.A.R.A. Many more could have been charged — Washington is brimming with unregistered foreign agents and has been for decades. And yet only seven people were charged over 50 years. In recent months, three people have been charged under F.A.R.A. What do they have in common? You guessed it — some connection to Donald Trump.

The wrote:

Manafort and Podesta’s firms worked together in a public relations campaign for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine nonprofit, which was believed to be backed by the pro-Russian and oligarch-funded Ukrainian political group Party of Regions. Sources who spoke with NBC News in October said the Podesta Group became of significant interest because it may have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA states Americans who lobby for foreign governments, leaders, or political parties must disclose their activities with the Justice Department.


The special counsel’s office declined to comment.

Of course they did.

Roger Stone indicated:


Is the Mueller investigation biased?

Can there be any more clear an indication than what I’ve delineated?

This is partisan politics on steroids, fueled with meth, Swamp, Maker’s Mark, coitus, cheating, cuckolding, billions of dollars, corruption and the stench of fear.