Subpoena issued to Peter Strzok. LET THE GAMES BEGIN

First, from

House Judiciary Committee subpoenas FBI agent who sent anti-Trump texts

by John Bowden

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) issued a subpoena on Friday commanding FBI agent Peter Strzok to testify before the committee next week, despite Strzok’s offer to testify voluntarily.

Strzok’s testimony is scheduled to take place on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., according to a press release from the Judiciary Committee.

“The Committees have repeatedly requested to interview Mr. Strzok regarding his role in certain decisions, but he has yet to appear,” the statement said. The committee was referring to the joint investigation between the Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee examining the FBI’s conduct during the 2016 presidential election.

Strzok was one of two FBI officials removed from special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia after it was revealed that he and his colleague, Lisa Page, had sent text messages that were highly critical of then-candidate Trump.

Here’s what’s happening and why I like it. The tables have turned. Rep Goodlatte is doing to Strzok what Mueller did and is doing to those coming before the Special Counsel: squeezing their spleens until they start to fall all over each other in an attempt to cut the first and best deal. Andrew McCabe has already said that if he goes down others go down. Andrew McCabe has already accused Jimmy “The Leak” Comey of lying.

Then there may actually be a squalor, like pigs, of federal government officials such as Strzok and McCabe and Comey and Moyer and Kleinsmith and Lynch and Page and Rosenstein all vying to fellate those with the power of the subpoena.

Let the bodies hit the floor.




The deadline is past for DOJ to produce demanded documents

So: what happens on Monday?

What has occurred to the DOJ? Where is Jeff Sessions? Who actually runs the US Department of Justice? Because, at this point, it appears to be Rod Rosenstein. Why is that?

How is it, also, that the DOJ and the FBI — any number of other Alphabet Agencies for that matter — seemingly possess the power to refuse demands by Congress to produce documents? By Congressmen and -women who do in fact hold the requisite security clearances to see and possess such information?

Alan Dershowitz is consulted.

This can be interpreted as nothing more than the DOJ demanding to be completely unaccountable to Congress and by dint of that the American People. Lawful subpoenas were issued by Congress. DOJ is ignoring these legal demands. Congress has been waiting altogether too long. They have been altogether too patient. Now Congress must act.

The DOJ and — yes, let’s admit it — the FBI are now both nothing more than rogue agencies. The bias is rampant, the politicization is rampant — no matter what any talking heads at the DOJ or FBI say. The culture of both of these organizations comes from the top. Whatever the top addresses or doesn’t address or tacitly or quietly condones becomes the environment in which that agency operates.

I’ve said for some time that there is a crash coming and with it — now — a mandatory crisis of confidence. There must be a crisis of confidence. I do not believe the FBI, mostly, now. I do not believe the DOJ, mostly, now. I didn’t start out that way. I used to work for the FBI. I went to Quantico. But I have been dragged kicking and screaming into this current mindset.

We as Americans cannot continue to allow the DOJ and the FBI to operate in this dismissive, haughty, arrogant, irresponsible and unanswerable fashion. They believe that Americans and Congress answer to them, not the other way around.

That cannot stand.

If that means that we impeach DOJ and/or FBI officials, then so be it.

And if that means we rip these agencies apart, then so be it.



Texas EMT writes the truth about what’s happening with border children

This is from, written by Matthew Lee Whitt, 39, of Texas. Matthew worked as a flight paramedic for Air Evac Lifeteam which covers the Texas/Mexico border in order to treat and transport critically ill patients from the area to larger facilities in San Antonio.

“So I am going to break a self rule about not posting in regards to work and politics. Well, I am actually going to stand by my rule because what I am really doing is coming to the defense of the US Border Patrol and Customs, Texas DPS, and MYSELF since we were all part of the separation of children from their parents on the border.

Yes. You read that correctly. I was a part of the ‘human rights violations’ taking place on the border. Through the course of my career I have spent, off and on, 15 years working as a medic on the border. I’ve worked everywhere in Texas from Brewster and Presidio Counties, Eagle Pass, Del Rio, and Laredo. I know several Texas EMS paramedics that are deployed by the state and federal government to these “camps” running from El Paso to Houston currently.

Rarely do I ever speak or write about what I see as a paramedic. Most of the time I never say anything to my wife Natalee or my family and I never comment, post, or talk about the graphic stuff I have seen in my career to people other than my colleagues. That is going to change with this post so if you think you might have a problem with graphic details please stop reading.

I flew for Air Evac which has more border bases than any other air medical services in Texas. I was based out of South Texas and often covered shifts that were within viewing distance of the Mexican border. I love the Mexican people, their culture, and their customs. I married a woman from San Antonio who is of Mexican decent. My sons are half Hispanic. My heart is often broken seeing their plight as they take the ardent journey north for a better life.


There is another side to some of the immigrants that most people don’t witness. Most of the children that started coming across the border 3 or 4 years ago were alone or with smugglers that worked double duty with the cartels. The adults that were with them often lied and said they were the parents which was not true. Even the children that were with their parents or parent were often times in dangerous situations. These children were separated back then and are still separated to this day. It is heartbreaking to see such events unfold and nobody, from the Border Patrol, Texas Law Enforcement or Texas EMS professionals were happy to be tasked with such work. We did not abuse any children. Instead, we cared for them. We fed them and gave them water, clothes, medical care and comfort.

All of these kids were sick or ill. It might be something as simple as dehydration but often times it was more than that. Much more.

Such as the 10-year-old girl that I flew who had been raped no less than 10 times on her journey. Her private parts torn by the continued trauma inflicted each night of her stay in the dessert. Her screams and cries of mistrust still haunt me to this day when I think about it.

Then there was a little boy who was only 5-years-old covered in scabies, flees, and abscesses with a broken jaw from being hit by a smuggler for crying.

There were many kids that were so malnourished and dehydrated that they could not hold any solid food down and were delirious from sun exposure. Most of these kids had never slept under a roof their entire lives. They certainly never slept in a bed as they often slept on the ground with animals in their home countries.

At the centers where these children were housed they cried aloud. Why wouldn’t they? Most had been on a journey that no human should ever go through. Most have never been able to trust a single soul their entire lives, even their parents. They were afraid of the future.

But what these professionals did at the centers was phenomenal work. They fed these kids. They immunized these kids. They LOVE these kids. They have counselors on hand to help with these children. Some of these kids are put into the foster care system which, while not the greatest it could be, is almost certainly better than where they came from and the abuse they have suffered at the hand of cutthroats and drug cartels.

The people that are actually working this crisis are good people. In fact, they are better than most people. They put their lives on hold to help children that they don’t even know while spending months at a time without seeing their own families. These people probably save more lives than anyone else in the US right now.

So I encourage you all to look at all sides of this situation. There are no winners but please don’t take up an opinion that comes from a media source that only has one agenda in mind: to discredit the current president.

Personally I could care less what you think of President Trump but where I draw the line is when we start taking down innocent people and painting them as villains in an effort to destroy someone else. These GOOD POEPLE working on this crisis have done so for the past 15 years without one word from anyone else until just recently.

Ask yourself why?

God Bless you all.”

An amazing and true story. Capped with an excellent question.


Please take the time to read more stories at



Anti-Trump Puerto Rican mayor thick in the midst of corruption

Anyone remember Carmen Yulin Cruz, mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico?

Remember her bleats — because she’s a Leftist after all — that President Trump was discriminating against Puerto Rico following the devastation of Hurricane Maria? That because Puerto Rico consists of little brown people it was being robbed of vital assistance from the Trump administration? She knew that Trump had to be the cause due to his racist tendencies.

This just in from

Administration of Trump-bashing Puerto Rican mayor reportedly facing FBI corruption probe

by Barnini Chakraborty

The administration of the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who shot to international fame after criticizing President Trump for not doing enough to help Hurricane Maria victims, is being investigated by the FBI on corruption charges, according a local news outlet. 

Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and her administration are under fire for allegedly obstructing critical supplies from reaching victims of the category-4 hurricane that leveled much of the tiny U.S. territory nearly nine months ago.

The FBI reportedly launched the investigation following a February lawsuit filed by Yadira Molina, the former director of procurement. Molina claims she was retaliated against for reporting “alleged irregular acts” to the local comptroller.

“On February 21, Molina sued the city council after reporting alleged acts of corruption in the shopping division in the town hall under the administration of Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto,” according to El Vocero de Puerto Rico.

Uh oh. Corruption under Mayor Cruz? A little skimming off the top during a time of terrible crisis, when 64 Puerto Ricans have been killed? Is that not the worst?

The report says Molina claims she was punished for reporting on the allegedly rigged system and that she was blocked from her right “to report wrongdoing in her capacity as a private citizen, not as a public employee.”

Shortly after Cruz became mayor, Molina claims a supply company was granted “preferred supplier” status which paid them more than three times what regular suppliers made. She also alleges that other city officials engaged in a corrupt scheme to steer business the preferred supplier’s way.

Right. The mayor knew nothing of this. The crux of the biscuit?

Concerns about Cruz are not new. There has been a growing backlash from frustrated residents who say they feel forgotten and say the mayor’s personal political ambitions are coming at the expense of the very people she’s supposed to be representing.

For example, at a time when residents needed food, water and shelter, Cruz hired extra photographers to follow her around post-storm.

“She comes out, goes on television and pats herself on the back,” Simon Menendez, a small business owner in San Juan, told Fox News. “It stopped being about us a long time ago.”

Please note this difference: the FBI isn’t investigating the administration of Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rossello. No. The administration of Mayor Carmen Cruz.

Finally, this is all you need to know about Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz of San Juan.

Multiple attempts to reach Cruz were unsuccessful.

Loves the media when it works to her advantage.

Eschews the media when things turn against.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 6-21-18, with guest BIG SARGE

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Tonight it was On A Rant With Robert Brandt, Big Sarge of the Big Sarge Show and owner of the No Apologies Broadcast Network. Sarge is the host from the East Coast. He is on Twitter @MoabRadio101. His No Apologies Broadcasting Network can be found here

NOAB can be found here on Facebook as well. Go to No Apologies Broadcasting on YouTube if you want to watch the shows.

I started off with a tribute to Charles Krauthammer, who passed away on Thursday at the age of 68 from abdominal cancer. Though I didn’t agree with all of his commentary, he was measured, thoughtful, courteous, classy, professional, genteel, kind and informed in a manner so few are today. God bless you sir, you will be greatly missed.

Tonight Big Sarge and BZ talked about:

  • The Inspector General’s report;
  • Trey Gowdy questioning IG Horowitz;
  • The craven cowardice and corruption of the FBI and the DOJ;
  • The “asylum” children issues;
  • And so much more buttery political goodness.

My very emphatic thanks for the gracious donation of the full two hours by Robert Brandt to this show, considering that he lives in Pennsylvania and the show began at 11 PM for him and ended at 1 AM. Incredible indeed.

For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has recently been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-execrable potty-mouthed goodness. When XSplit works.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 6-21-18” on Spreaker.

Unfortunately — because it’s BZ after all — the XSplit technology which runs the SHR Media Network’s Facebook and YouTube video feeds tanked. No workie. Hence, no YouTube or Facebook recommendations. Just listen to the Spreaker feed. Hey. Just like old timey radio used to be.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. If you wish to interact with myself and the bulk of the chatters, I heartily recommend and invite you into the SHR Media page. My thanks to those chatters who have migrated over to the upgraded chat room, thanks for Shaun. Instead of a paltry limit of 10 chatters, we can take up to 100. A bit optimistic, perhaps, but BZ can dream, can’t he?

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  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTube? Go here.
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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”