Coronavirus Update for March, 2021

I suppose I could sum things up this way: lies, more lies, and damned lies.

Where everything BUT “the science” is being followed.

Instead — of course — it’s all about money, money and power, money and power and control. With politics being at the center.

“The science” itself can go straight to hell.

Because, throughout all of this, guess what hasn’t changed from the CDC?

And isn’t it odd that the CDC absolutely must be followed — until the CDC doesn’t need to be granted any veritas because it conflicts with things like Leftist politicians and teachers/ unions.

But before we begin with the facts and alternative thoughts and suggestions (which are so terribly despised by Leftists), I just have to show you this again because it’s, well, funny. Remember: humor is only funny because it contains elements of truth.

As we all know, social media and the American Media Maggots, in concert with the Demorats and Leftists, have done their level best to ensure that you, the average American citizen and — most importantly — taxpayer, has been treated like the average mushroom: kept in the dark, fed shit, and expected to produce nevertheless.

So let’s review, because so much more information has been revealed, and let’s examine this a bit chronologically, shall we, since my last communique on January 26th.

And on January 26th, the CDC made a statement.

CDC officials say schools can re-open during pandemic — but precautions are crucial

by Denise Chow, 1-26-21

Schools should reopen as soon as possible if social distancing and mask-wearing can be maintained to keep in-person learning safe, health officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a study published Tuesday.

The research, published online in the journal JAMA, provides a framework for how to open schools safely while limiting the spread of Covid-19. Research supports “a path forward to maintain or return primarily or fully to in-person instructional delivery,” according to the study.

The recommendations provide some clarity about a contentious topic and offer much-needed guidance for local officials, school administrators and parents.

And while your children were still not in school, the Chicago Teachers Union decided to make an emotive dance video expressing — what exactly, I’m not sure.

“Safe return or no return” the CTU says, because as we all know, teachers are more important than emergency responders, firefighters, law enforcement, paramedics, truck drivers, clerks, mechanics, railroad workers, roofers, restaurant servers, cooks, maintenance workers, plumbers, electricians, contractors, Uber drivers, couriers, bus drivers, fast food workers, utility workers, street pavers, refuse and sanitation workers, signal maintainers, etc. I could go on and on.

The answer is: no they’re not.

We’re also discovering the incredibly corrupt actions and subsequent coverup involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his nursing home orders, also involving, we’ve since discovered, mental health facilities.

New York AG probe prompts Cuomo team to release nursing home COVID death data

by Denis Slattery, 1-28-21

ALBANY — Attorney General Letitia James accused the Cuomo administration Thursday of undercounting COVID nursing home fatalities by as much as 50% in a bombshell report — prompting state officials to finally release long-sought data on deaths.

Following the release of the 76-page report, which also found many elder care facilities failed to protect vulnerable seniors from the deadly virus, state Health Commissioner Howard Zucker provided a breakdown of nursing home deaths.

The new data includes residents who died after being taken to a hospital — information that reporters, advocates and lawmakers have been requesting for months.

This hasn’t stopped either, because students are not back in school for the most part.

Suburban College Student Dies by Suicide After Struggling With Isolation

by Regina Waldrop, 12-11-21

Childrens’ emergency room visits related to mental health have increased significantly during the pandemic, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

An 18-year-old University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign freshman died by suicide in October while grappling with isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, his family said.

Now, his mother is sharing her family’s tragic story in hope of sparing others from similar heartbreak.

Trevor Till, who was from suburban Seneca, excelled in the classroom at Seneca High School and in activities including marching band and cross country.

This parent speaks for most every parent: stop killing our kids and do your jobs..

Of course no one in the American Media Maggots mentioned what Dr Simone Gold pointed out — “Facebook just announced it “made a mistake” when it censored studies showing HCQ saves lives. Censorship is never “a mistake.”  Tech executives repeatedly made a calculated decision, month after month, silencing physicians worldwide.”

The Lancet also retracted an article delineating what it believed were the “disadvantages” of hydroxychloroquine. Imagine that. At least it had the guts to do so.

Governor Cuomo continued to be smug, dismissive and sanctimonious.

Cuomo Dismisses Nursing Home Death Criticism, Tells Critics to ‘Talk to the Federal Government’

Amid criticism that New York underreported deaths from COVID-19 in nursing homes, Governor Andrew Cuomo defended his state’s response and encouraged those who felt there were mistakes made to “talk to the federal government.”

Cuomo’s already taken heat for implementing policies that fostered the spread of the new coronavirus in nursing homes, where some of the most vulnerable people live. Those attacks reignited in the wake of a report from state Attorney General Letitia James that found officials undercounted the number of deaths among seniors by “as much as 50 percent.”

January was also when Juan Williams said “hydroxychloroquine, that’s no hope.”

Then, as now, Leftists like him would rather see people die than admit Trump was correct about that drug, and studies are proving him correct.

We’ll later determine, I predict, that we could have saved thousands and thousands of lives had hydroxychloroquine been utilized prophylactically.

Then vaccines began to emerge and, simultaneously, stories about said vaccines came to light, this first from the UK.

UK Nursing Home: 24 Residents (One Third) Died In 3 Weeks After Experimental MRNA COVID Injections

by Brian Shilhavy, 1-29-21

In what is becoming almost a daily report of massive nursing home deaths following injections of experimental mRNA COVID shots, a nursing home in the U.K. is reporting over one third of their residents have died after receiving the mRNA experimental COVID injections.

You weren’t supposed to hear or read that, of course.

Something strange occurred three days prior to that.

Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines — Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover

by Steve Watson, 1-26-21

Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing antibodies.

The company announced that the shots V590 and V591 were ‘well tolerated’ by test patients, however they generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection.

The company stated that instead it will focus on research into therapeutic drugs labeled as MK-7110 and MK-4482.

We also discovered this, regarding China — which should come as no surprise to thinking and cognizant American citizens.

China is collecting the world’s DNA and the reason is sinister: Gordon Chang

by Tony Sahakian, 12-4-20

Gordon Chang warns next disease could be far more deadly than COVID-19

The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has been collecting people’s DNA for years, and according to Gordon Chang, author of ‘The Coming Collapse of China,’ the country’s sinister motivations should be of great concern to the United States.

With over 80 million health profiles, China has the largest DNA database in the world, and growing. In an interview with Fox News, Chang warned that China plans to use this information to create bioweapons designed to target specific ethnic groups.

“The coronavirus is not the last pathogen that will be generated from Chinese soil. And so we’ve got to be concerned that the next disease is more transmissible and more deadly than the novel coronavirus,” said Chang.

China reportedly collects the DNA of its own citizens for purposes of law enforcement, tracking down dissidents, and forming a tightly controlled surveillance state.

They have also found ways to obtain the DNA of foreigners, including Americans.

How exactly do they get this sensitive information?

“Buying American companies which have DNA profiles, subsidizing DNA analysis for ancestry companies, and hacking,” said Chang.

Let me be blunt: targeting certain ethnicities whilst simultaneously excluding the Chinese themselves. Very specifically-targeted bioweapons — far beyond the “enhancing” done currently to the Coronavirus in Wuhan.

Regarding school closures, the Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter, wrote a letter to California Superintendents which read, in part:

As the world learns to navigate COVID-19, opening schools safely is in everyone’s best interest. We have learned some California public school districts, such as LAUSD, and the California Department of Education (CDE) intend to mandate frequent Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) testing¹ on students and, when investigational COVID-19 vaccines are available to children, intend to mandate students and employees be vaccinated before they can return to campus. We are also monitoring CDE efforts to set up testing and vaccination centers on campuses.

Protracted school closures have created an educational and mental health emergency among students, due to learning loss from remote learning and isolation from their peers, sports, cultural activities, jobs and other support systems. Teen suicides are at an all-time high. One of many tragic losses, teenager Dylan Buckner had “depression worsen significantly after COVID hit,” which led to his suicide. His father stated, “The family believes that had COVID not happened, or the country’s response to COVID had been more effective, Dylan would still be alive today.”³ In contrast, we invite you to learn more about how Alsea School Superintendent Marc Thielman opened schools in an Oregon county in Fall 2020 without incident.

Doctors practice medicine. It’s called “practice” for a reason. That is why you may go from one doctor to another in order to “get a second opinion.” But according to Leftists you should never acquire another opinion that somehow manages to be counter to “theirs.” Well, here’s another doctor’s opinion.

We also know this as well, because I have a history of speaking and writing plainly regarding my thoughts and opinions.

President Trump would have acquired a second term if not for Wuhan-19. The Demorats and Leftists realize it, the American Media Maggots realize it, and China, Russia, North Korea and the bulk of Europe know it as well.

Autopsy Report: Coronavirus Cost Donald Trump Reelection

by Charlie Spierling, 2-2-21

An autopsy report on former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign demonstrates that voters’ perception of his coronavirus response affected his support in key swing states he won in 2016 but lost in 2020.

The report, which Trump’s chief campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio drafted, shows the coronavirus was the most important issue of the 2020 election.

Moving along, we discovered more about Governor Cuomo’s nursing home tragedy and the coverup that came along with it.

NY Senate Democrats block subpoena for COVID-19 nursing home death data

by Carl Campanile and Bernadette Hogan

Democrats who control the state Senate blocked a motion Monday to subpoena records of the Cuomo administration seeking a fuller accounting of nursing home residents who died from the coronavirus.

The motion was made by Sen. Thomas O’Mara, the ranking Republican on the Investigations Committee panel during a virtual meeting

The GOP motion to compel the state Health Department to release records came just days after Attorney General Letitia James issued a blistering report that found Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his health agency withheld an accurate count of the number of nursing home residents who died from COVID-19 by some 50 percent by excluding residents who died after being take to hospitals.

Then something big dropped from the CDC that, clearly, the Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots hadn’t anticipated.

CDC director says schools can safely reopen without vaccinating teachers

by Berkeley Lovelace Jr, 2-3-21

Teachers do not need to get vaccinated against Covid-19 before schools can safely reopen, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday.

“There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told reporters during a White House news briefing on Covid-19.

“Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite for safely reopening schools,” she added.

During a press briefing later Wednesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki walked back Walensky’s comments, saying that they were not “official guidance” from the CDC.

Except that, well, the comments came from the very Director of the CDC, herself. I guess that’s not official.

Bloomberg even posed an interesting question.

When Will Life Return to Normal? In 7 Years at Today’s Vaccine Rates

by Tom Randall, 2-5-21

When will the pandemic end? It’s the question hanging over just about everything since Covid-19 took over the world last year. The answer can be measured in vaccinations.

Bloomberg has built the biggest database of Covid-19 shots given around the world, with more than 119 million doses administered worldwide. U.S. science officials such as Anthony Fauci have suggested it will take 70% to 85% coverage of the population for things to return to normal. Bloomberg’s Vaccine Tracker shows that some countries are making far more rapid progress than others, using 75% coverage with a two-dose vaccine as a target.

Israel, the country with the highest vaccination rate in the world, is headed for 75% coverage in just two months. The U.S. will get there just in time to ring in the 2022 New Year (though North Dakota could get there six months sooner than Texas). With vaccinations happening more rapidly in richer Western countries than the rest of the globe, it will take the world as a whole seven years at the current pace.

The Epoch Times editorial board nailed it with this op-ed piece.

Editorial: Giving the Right Name to the Virus Causing a Worldwide Pandemic


There has been controversy recently about what to call the virus that has unleashed a worldwide pandemic. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prefers “novel coronavirus.” Others have referred to it as the “Wuhan virus,” after its place of origin, as is common in naming diseases.

The Epoch Times suggests a more accurate name is the “CCP virus,” and calls upon others to join us in adopting this name.

The name holds the CCP accountable for its wanton disregard of human life and consequent spawning of a pandemic that has put untold numbers in countries around the world at risk, while creating widespread fear and devastating the economies of nations trying to cope with this disease.

After all, CCP officials knew in early December that the virus had appeared in Wuhan, but they sat on the information for six weeks. They arrested those who tried to warn of the danger, accusing them of spreading “rumors,” and employed the regime’s rigorous censorship to prevent media coverage and to delete any mentions of it from social media.

What might have been contained was allowed silently to spread, showing up in all of China. Individuals who might have protected themselves became victims, in numbers far greater than the CCP has admitted. By late January, there were reports that all of the crematoria in Wuhan were operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deal with the crush of dead bodies.

And still, China has yet to pay any sort of significant price for dropping this little bomb not on just their own nation, but the rest of the planet. Why? Because the rest of the planet, with a few exceptions, fears China. President Trump didn’t. President Biden and his sycophants do.

Meanwhile, the measures taken to quarantine and treat the population of Wuhan were grotesquely inhumane. Apartment buildings were welded shut. Temporary “hospitals” were created that actually served as jails for those believed to be sick with the virus. Locked into these places with no medical treatment and little food, the unfortunates were trapped there until death.

In lying about the danger facing China, the CCP was acting according to its usual script. The CCP’s dominant narrative is that the Party is “great, glorious, and correct.” The presence of the deadly CCP virus in Wuhan, or, in 2003, of the SARS virus, doesn’t fit the script. As with SARS, the first response was denial.

Let us not forget that China also stated it could easily hold the US and the world hostage should it decide to withhold medicines, antibiotics and PPE — should we get out of line, you see.

And this points out why the name “CCP virus” is needed, to distinguish the victims from the victimizer. The people of Wuhan and of China are the victims of the CCP’s arrogance and incompetence, expressed in this viral pandemic.

The name CCP virus also sounds a warning: Those nations and individuals close to the CCP are the ones suffering the worst effects from this virus, as is seen in the raging infections in the CCP’s close ally Iran and in Italy, the only G-7 nation to sign onto the Belt and Road Initiative. Taiwan and Hong Kong, which have rejected the CCP—Taiwan in a recent landslide national election and Hong Kong in months of massive demonstrations—have had relatively few infections.

Finally, the CCP virus reminds the people of the world that the source of the virus is itself evil. This is a communist virus, and with the name CCP virus, The Epoch Times reminds the world of the cure: ending the CCP.

And because Leftists and Americans have such short memories, yes, we have historically named viruses and diseases after people and places.

Here are 17 other diseases named after populations or places, by Tristan Justice at The Federalist on 3-13-20

  • West Nile Virus

Named after the West Nile District of Uganda discovered in 1937.

  • Guinea Worm

Named by European explorers for the Guinea coast of West Africa in the 1600s.

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Named after the mountain range spreading across western North America first recognized first in 1896 in Idaho.

  • Lyme Disease

Named after a large outbreak of the disease occurred in Lyme and Old Lyme, Connecticut in the 1970s.

  • Ross River Fever

Named after a mosquito found to cause the disease in the Ross River of Queensland, Australia by the 1960s. The first major outbreak occurred in 1928.

  • Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever

Named after its 1940s discovery in Omsk, Russia.

  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

Named in 1976 for the Ebola River in Zaire located in central Africa.

  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

Also known as “camel flu,” MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and all cases are linked to those who traveled to the Middle Eastern peninsula.

  • Valley Fever

Valley Fever earned its nickname from a 1930s outbreak San Joaquin Valley of California, though its first case came from Argentina.

  • Marburg Virus Disease

Named after Marburg, Germany in 1967.

  • Norovirus

Named after Norwalk, Ohio after an outbreak in 1968.

  • Zika Fever

First discovered in 1947 and named after the Zika Forest in Uganda.

  • Japanese Encephalitis

Named after its first case in Japan in 1871.

  • German Measles 

Named after the German doctors who first described it in the 18th century. The disease is also sometimes referred to as “Rubella.”

  • Spanish Flu

While the true origins of the Spanish Flu remain unknown, the disease earned its name after Spain began to report deaths from the flu in its newspapers.

  • Lassa Fever

Named after the being found in Lassa, Nigeria in 1969.

  • Legionnaire’s Disease

Named in 1976 following an outbreak of people contracting the lung infection after attending an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.

Just as we can’t have Gina Carano, Dr Seuss, Pepe Le Pew, Speedy Gonzalez and Spider Monkeys, we can’t have diseases named after their points of origin.

Kalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom locked the state down with glee though he dined at The French Laundry in Napa, one of the most expensive restaurants in the state, racking up a $12,000 liquor bill — but did receive one rebuke in February.


by Dale Kasler, 2-5-21

In a ruling that could hamper California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s efforts to enforce COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, the U.S. Supreme Court has knocked down the state’s prohibition on indoor church services.

Late Friday, the court ruled 6-3 in favor of South Bay United Pentecostal Church, near San Diego, which has been fighting in court for months for the right to hold indoor services. The court’s majority said Newsom’s order violated the Constitution’s protection of the free exercise of religion.

Under California’s tiered protocols, indoor church services are prohibited in regions of the state in the purple tier, where the coronavirus is designated as “widespread.”

Then a little vaccine pushback began.

Nearly Half of Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Deputies and Staff Decline Vaccine: Report

by Ian Cull, 2-5-21

As Santa Clara County works to boost its COVID-19 vaccinations by expanding sites to get a shot, information released during a Public Safety meeting this week shows that of the sheriff’s deputies and staff, 48% declined the vaccine when asked. 

“Mind-boggling number,” said Supervisor Susan Ellenberg, who was shocked because it includes a large chunk of deputies working in the jail system. 

“I am a little bit speechless,” she said. “We can’t significantly reduce or eliminate outbreaks in the jail if every day we have people coming into the jail who haven’t been vaccinated.” 

Axios examined the costs of lockdowns on schools.

The high cost of missed school

by Erica Pandrey, 2-7-21

The pandemic’s disruption of in-person school is causing headaches for students, parents and teachers. But it’ll also trigger long-term economic consequences to the tune of trillions of dollars.

The big picture: The U.S. economy could take a $14 trillion to $28 trillion blow in the long run due to coronavirus-induced learning loss, according to economists’ projections. And the longer the pandemic keeps kids out of classrooms, the higher that number will climb.

  • “Nobody’s paying attention to this absolutely stunningly large economic cost that just keeps piling up,” says Eric Hanushek, a Stanford economist and one of the architects of an OECD analysis of the economic impact of COVID-19 learning loss.

On average, American students from kindergarten to fifth grade have missed out on 20% of the reading and 33% of the math skills they would have learned in normal times, according to a McKinsey report that analyzed diagnostic test scores across the country.

  • And the learning loss isn’t equal, says Jimmy Sarakatsannis, one of the authors of McKinsey’s report. When looking just at students of color, those numbers go up to 23% and 41% for reading and math, respectively.

  • That’s because students of color are more likely to be in resource-strapped school districts with poor remote learning infrastructure. They’re also far more likely to lack steady access to devices or the internet.

The number of high school dropouts is also projected to spike as a result of the pandemic, he notes.

Plus the mental, physical and sociological affects on children.

So where did this virus come from — in terms of motivation or need? From what is called “gain of function” research.

US officials revisit rules for disclosing risky disease experiments

by Nidhi Subbaraman

An expert panel is considering how much to reveal about a largely secret review process of ‘gain-of-function’ research.

US disease researchers are pushing the government to be more transparent about federally funded research that involves making pathogens more deadly or more transmissible.

Several disease researchers who attended a recent meeting to discuss transparency around such studies say the US government should offer a public explanation when it approves such ‘gain-of-function’ experiments, disclose who made the decision to fund them and make a broad public announcement when a study begins. Others argued that greater transparency could make it harder to approve necessary research.

“Gain Of Function” virology research needs to be made ILLEGAL. GOF is “federally funded research that involves making pathogens more deadly or more transmissible.” It should be ILLEGAL WORLDWIDE. Unless we’re just really enjoying Wuhan-19.

Speaking of great laboratories, lets examine a not-so-great lab.

Asleep At Lab: Whistleblower Allegations From Inside CA’s Billion-Dollar COVID Lab

by Julie Watts, 2-8-21

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Lab techs sleeping while processing COVID samples for testing. COVID test swabs found in the restrooms. These are just two of the concerning allegations from whistleblowers about what’s happening inside the state’s new billion-dollar COVID testing lab.

CBS13 uncovered thousands of inconclusive test results coming out of the state’s new lab late last year, now whistleblowers want the public to know what’s really going on inside.

I’m sure you heard and read about this. No? I wonder why not?

CBS13 has interviewed more than half a dozen whistleblowers and obtained dozens of internal records and quality control reports.

The documents detail problems ranging from contamination causing inconclusive results to swapped samples and inaccurate results sent to patients.

Records indicate that employees handling patient specimens had not been signed off for competency on crucial skills. Documented competency is required under federal law.

We saw this in January.

CDC Expands Negative COVID-19 Test Requirement to All Air Passengers Entering the United States

From CDC Newroom, 1-12-21

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expanding the requirement for a negative COVID-19 test to all air passengers entering the United States.  Testing before and after travel is a critical layer to slow the introduction and spread of COVID-19. This strategy is consistent with the current phase of the pandemic and more efficiently protects the health of Americans.

Variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus continue to emerge in countries around the world, and there is evidence of increased transmissibility of some of these variants.  With the US already in surge status, the testing requirement for air passengers will help slow the spread of the virus as we work to vaccinate the American public.

This of course doesn’t count when you walk illegally into the nation however.

If you have the temerity to insist on your kids going back to school, you could perhaps use this article and its studies as evidence of “the science.” It won’t be considered, though.

Three studies highlight low COVID risk of in-person school

by Mary von Buesekom, CIDRAP News

A trio of new studies demonstrate low risk of COVID-19 infection and spread in schools, including limited in-school COVID-19 transmission in North Carolina, few cases of the coronavirus-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) in Swedish schools, and minimal spread of the virus from primary school students in Norway.

Click here for the studies.

Consideration is now being given to requiring tests prior to board national air flights.

US considers Covid-19 testing requirement for domestic air travel

by Marnie Hunter, 2-9-21

The Biden administration is considering a rule that would require negative Covid-19 test results for domestic air travel”, according to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg mentioned the possible testing requirement for air travelers within the United States.

“There’s an active conversation with the CDC right now,” Buttigieg told Axios. “What I can tell you is, it’s going to be guided by data, by science, by medicine, and by the input of the people who are actually going to have to carry this out.”

It was no shock that this came from the WHO, the World Health Organization, owned and operated as a subsidiary of the China Communist Corporation, managed by Dr Tedros, nothing more than a bought-and-paid-for Chinese puppet.

Covid: WHO says ‘extremely unlikely’ virus leaked from lab in China

BBC, 2-9-21

Peter Ben Embarek, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) mission, said it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus spread from a lab leak in the city of Wuhan.

He said more work was needed to identify the source of the virus.

The investigation could now focus on South East Asia, one expert said.

The WHO team are currently at the end of their investigation mission.

Wuhan, in China’s central Hubei province, is the first place in the world that the virus was detected in 2019. Since then, more than 106 million cases and 2.3 million deaths have been reported worldwide.

Dr Embarek told a press conference the investigation had uncovered new information but had not dramatically changed the picture of the outbreak.

Experts believe the virus is likely to have originated in animals before spreading to humans, but they are not sure how.

Which is really odd, you see, when former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently said that US intelligence indicated that, yes, Wuhan-19 did indeed come from a lab in Wuhan.

Then the New York Post broke the news about Governor Andrew Cuomo and his now-outed coverup.

Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out

by Bernadette Hogan, Carl Campanile and Bruce Golding, 2-11-21

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, The Post has learned.

The stunning admission of a coverup was made by secretary to the governor Melissa DeRosa during a video conference call with state Democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because “right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football,” according to an audio recording of the two-hour-plus meeting.

“He starts tweeting that we killed everyone in nursing homes,” DeRosa said. “He starts going after [New Jersey Gov. Phil] Murphy, starts going after [California Gov. Gavin] Newsom, starts going after [Michigan Gov.] Gretchen Whitmer.”

In addition to attacking Cuomo’s fellow Democratic governors, DeRosa said, Trump “directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us.”

“And basically, we froze,” she told the lawmakers on the call.

Usually, the coverup is worse than the scandal. In this case, we’re talking about 15,000 deaths in the state of New York due to Governor Cuomo’s order to send hot Wuhan-19 patients into nursing homes and mental care facilities.

“Because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation.”

DeRosa added: “That played a very large role into this.”

And what we suspected all along was confirmed. Cuomo lied all along. That’s called “consciousness of guilt” and, in my mind, lends credence to a criminal prosecution for murder. You can’t tell me a good attorney couldn’t prove, with this fact pattern and others, that there was no malice aforethought.

You have to understand, Governor Cuomo had NOTHING to do with FIFTEEN THOUSAND DEATHS in NY nursing facilities. Just because he sent the order, doubled down on the order, covered it up, took money from nursing companies, cooked the numbers and books — well, that really means nothing.

The AP published this also on February 11th.

AP: Over 9,000 virus patients sent into NY nursing homes

by Bernard Condon and Jennifer Pelz, 2-11-21

More than 9,000 recovering coronavirus patients in New York state were released from hospitals into nursing homes early in the pandemic under a controversial directive that was scrapped amid criticism it accelerated outbreaks, according to new records obtained by The Associated Press.

The new number of 9,056 recovering patients sent to hundreds of nursing homes is more than 40% higher than what the state health department previously released. And it raises new questions as to whether a March 25 directive from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration helped spread sickness and death among residents, a charge the state disputes.

“The lack of transparency and the meting out of bits of important data has undermined our ability to both recognize the scope and severity of what’s going on” and address it, said Richard Mollot, the executive director of the Long Term Care Community Coalition, a residents advocacy group.

The new figures come as the Cuomo administration has been forced in recent weeks to acknowledge it has been underreporting the overall number of COVID-19 deaths among long-term care residents. It is now nearly 15,000 up from the 8,500 previously disclosed.

The Cuomo administration’s March 25 directive barred nursing homes from refusing people just because they had COVID-19. It was intended to free up space in hospitals swamped in the early days of the pandemic. It came under criticism from advocates for nursing home residents and their relatives, who said it had the potential to spread the virus in a state that at the time already had the nation’s highest nursing home death toll.

Dr Stella Immanuel stepped back into the light, as well she should have.

Because they were wrong, and she was correct.

Oh, wait. The CDC sending another mixed message.

As the year advanced, more focus was placed on the various vaccines. The Pentagon became concerned.

One-Third of Troops Turning Down CCP Virus Vaccine: Pentagon

by Jack Phillips, 2-17-21

About one-third of U.S. military troops have turned down the vaccine for the CCP virus, or the novel coronavirus, said the Pentagon on Wednesday.

Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro, a top official in the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the military has a two-thirds acceptance rate for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccine.

“Our initial look—and this is of course very early data—is acceptance rates are somewhere in the two-thirds territory,” Taliaferro said in a hearing. “And of course, it varies by different groups.”

Notice that no real reason is given, according to the Pentagon.

A spokesman for the agency, John Kirby told Politico and other news outlets on Wednesday that the DOD doesn’t have a system in place to track vaccinations among troops. He dispelled the idea that the Pentagon is withholding information from news outlets and the public.

“Nobody is hiding data,” Kirby said. “We don’t have a system in place across the services to specifically track data with respect to those individuals who for whatever reason are declining.”

But the truly important paragraph is right here.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for the CCP virus are under emergency-use authorization by the FDA. It means the agency has not fully cleared their usage.

Hold that thought. The confusion isn’t over yet.

Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says

by Caitlin Yilek, 2-17-21

A third dose of coronavirus vaccine may be needed to prevent serious cases of new variants of the disease, Bill Gates said Tuesday. The billionaire philanthropist’s comments come amid to the growing concern that current vaccines are less effective against the South African and Brazilian variants.

“The discussion now is do we just need to get a super high coverage of the current vaccine, or do we need a third dose that’s just the same, or do we need a modified vaccine?” Gates told “CBS Evening News” anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell.

“All five of the companies that have U.S. vaccines are looking at making that modification and adding that in so that people who’ve already had two shots might need to get a third shot,” he said. “I think it’s reasonably likely that we will have a tuned vaccine just to make absolutely sure that as these variants hit the U.S. that they’re not escaping from vaccine protection.” 

So just how complicated is this going to get? And how tolerant is the American public going to be?

And more vaccine stories began trickling in.

Spain: Second Pfizer Shots Halted After 46 Nursing Home Residents Die After The First Shot

HAF, 2-18-21

LOS BARRIOS, SPAIN — The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home is reeling due to mass deaths after mRNA inoculations.

All residents and workers at the facility received the first dose of Pfizer mRNA in early January, according to Spain mainstream media outlet ABC de Sevilla.

The Andalusian Health Service reported that at least 46 residents have died since January. For perspective, Our Lady has a maximum capacity of 145 residents.

The Junta de Andalucía (regional government) intervened in early February to curtail the death count. But people continued dying. Spain’s Ministry of Health is now in charge of mitigation.

The Ministry said in a statement:

“In view of the imminent risk to public health, and in particular for the [residents] and workers of this center, as the current protocol for disinfection and isolation of positive cases cannot be guaranteed.”

The situation remains dire, as at least 28 residents and 12 staff members were COVID-19 positive last week. Health officials halted all further mRNA shots as a result.

Ever the eternal pessimist, Dr Fauci weighs in.

Fauci: Americans may be wearing masks into 2022

by Nextstar Media, 2-21-21

The nation’s leading infectious disease expert said Sunday that it’s “possible” Americans will need to continue wearing masks into 2022 to protect against COVID-19.

Asked by CNN’s Dana Bash whether Americans will need to continue masking into next year, Dr. Anthony Fauci responded: “I think it’s possible that that’s the case.”

Fauci went on to predict when the U.S. will see a degree of “normality.”

“I think we’ll have a significant degree of normality…as we get into the fall and winter by the end of the year,” he said.

Mixed messages. Every month. Every week. But here is something that isn’t mixed — and is highly important, as it makes the difference between a Fear Porn subject and an informed individual.

Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA

by Aaron Siri, 2-23-21

Ever since the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization for two new vaccines, employers, schools, and other organizations are grappling with whether to require Covid-19 vaccination.

While organizations are certainly free to encourage their employees, students, and other members to be vaccinated, federal law provides that, at least until the vaccine is licensed, individuals must have the option to accept or decline to be vaccinated.

Knowing what an organization can or cannot do with respect to Covid-19 vaccines can help them keep their employees, students, and members safe and also save the them from costly and time-consuming litigation.

Remember this. Mark this down.

Even though the FDA granted emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in December 2020, the clinical trials the FDA will rely upon to ultimately decide whether to license these vaccines are still underway and are designed to last for approximately twoyears to collect adequate data to establish if these vaccines are safe and effective enough for the FDA to license.

The abbreviated timelines for the emergency use applications and authorizations means there is much the FDAdoesnotknow about these products even as it authorizes them for emergency use, including their effectiveness against asymptomatic infection, death, and transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease.

Given the uncertainty about the two vaccines, their EUAs are explicit that each is “an investigational vaccine not licensed for any indication” and require that all “promotional material relating to the Covid-19 Vaccine clearly and conspicuously … state that this product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA” (emphasis added).

EUAs are clear: getting these vaccines is voluntary.

The same section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that authorizes the FDA to grant emergency use authorization also requires the secretary of Health and Human Services to “ensure that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed … of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product.”

Likewise, the FDA’s guidance on emergency use authorization of medical products requires the FDA to “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances … That they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product …”

It’s an EUA — Emergency Use Authorization.

When the FDA grants emergency use authorization for a vaccine, many questions about the product cannot be answered. Given the open questions, when Congress granted the authority to issue EUAs, it chose to require that every individual should be allowed to decide for himself or herself whether or not to receive an EUA product. The FDA and CDC apparently consider this fundamental requirement of choice important enough that even during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic they reinforced that policy decision when issuing their guidance related to the Covid-19 vaccines.

That means: know the law. And know your rights.

This means that an organization will likely be at odds with federal law if it requires its employees, students or other members to get a Covid-19 vaccine that is being distributed under emergency use authorization.

The American Media Maggots won’t admit it, and never will, but Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had the right idea all along: protect the elderly, quarantine people with the greatest potential for exposure, and let everyone else be adults. Imagine that. And his infection rates, with one of the highest percentile of elderly in the nation, are less than that of New York and many other states.

The nutcases also emerged as well.

School Board Member Compares Reopening Schools Before Teachers Are Vaccinated To ‘Slavery’ And ‘White Supremacist Ideology’

by Marlo Safi, 2-24-21

A board member of a San Diego public school district claimed that reopening schools for in-person instruction was “white supremacist ideology” and told fellow board members to check their privilege when they discussed potential reopening dates.

According to radio 600 KOGO News Radio, Chardá Bell-Fontenot, the Vice President of La Mesa-Spring Valley Schools, told board members that “forcing” teachers to return to classrooms when they don’t want to was “slavery” after another board member said that the district’s plans shouldn’t solely revolve around vaccination.

What is it about teachers and Wuhan-19 that brings out the racists?

Then we have Dr Michael Yeadon, former CSO at Pfizer, who weighs in.

Meanwhile, as teachers scream about not having safety in schools and refusing to return to the classroom, we have this Leftist scrote.

Berkeley teachers’ union president caught dropping off kid at in-person private school despite fighting against reopening schools

by Chris Enloe, 3-1-21

Matt Meyer is the president of the Berkeley Federation of Teachers, the union that represents public educators in the notoriously liberal city, and has staunchly fought against reopening schools until all teachers have received the coronavirus vaccine.

But that has not stopped Meyer from taking his own daughter to a private school operating in person.

“Do what I say, I’m better than you, smarter than you, I’m in charge, I have power — the power to tell you what to do — and my words never apply to myself.”

So while you’re locked up, your friends are locked up, your kids are locked up — Leftists and illegals are free to do what they wish.

108 illegal immigrants in Texas who tested positive for COVID reportedly released

by Mark Moore, 3-3-21

​More than 100 illegal immigrants who tested positive for the coronavirus — after their arrival in Texas ​​since late January — have been released by the Border Patrol into the Lone Star State ​and are free to travel to other parts of the US, according to reports.

Felipe Romero, a spokesman for the border city of Brownsville, told Fox News that they are telling the migrants who tested positive to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to quarantine and maintain social distance, but that Brownsville doesn’t have the authority to stop them from traveling to the rest of the country.

He said the 108 positives account for 6.3 percent of the total migrants who received rapid tests at the city’s main bus terminal, a program that began on Jan. 25.

This is the part where I say “But wait; there’s more.” Thousands more. Perhaps tens of thousands more.

What about tuberculosis? What about measles? Chicken pox? Hepatitus? Who needs enemies when one has Joe Biden?

More about Governor Cuomo.

Top Cuomo aides said to have altered report on nursing home deaths totals

CBS, 3-5-21

Top aides to Gov. Andrew Cuomo altered a state Health Department report to obscure the true number of people killed by COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported late Thursday.

The aides, including the secretary to the governor, Melissa DeRosa, pushed state health officials to edit the July report so only residents who died inside long-term care facilities, and not those who became ill there and later died at a hospital, were counted, the newspapers reported, citing documents and people with knowledge of the administration’s internal discussions.

The report was designed and released to rebut criticism of Cuomo over a March 25 directive that barred nursing homes from rejecting recovering coronavirus patients being discharged from hospitals. Some nursing homes complained at the time that the policy could help spread the virus. The report concluded the policy played no role in spreading infection.

And remember that WHO report? Did it pass your “smell test”? It didn’t mine.

WHO halts interim report on coronavirus origins amid growing pushback

by Caitlin McFall, 3-4-21

The WHO investigation was first questioned over a finding that escape by the virus from a lab was ‘extremely unlikely’

An interim report by the World Health Organization (WHO) summarizing the investigation into the origin of the coronavirus outbreak in China has been dropped, reported the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

Fox News could not immediately reach the WHO, but top scientists on the investigative team said the public’s demand for answers was too great to be supported in an interim report.

“By definition, a summary report does not have all the details,” Peter Ben Embarek told the New York-based publication. “So since there [is] so much interest in this report, a summary only would not satisfy the curiosity of the readers.”

I speak Leftist, so I’ll translate. “We got caught fellating China, people actually saw what we did there, so maybe it’s time to rethink this conclusion.”

Here is Alexandria City Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Gregory Hutchings telling you the CDC says he can’t put children back in classrooms. Do you believe him?

I repeat, for those of you who just tuned in, that it’s okay for truckers, firefighters, clerks, Uber drivers, grocers, law enforcement, fast food employees, janitorial staff, servers, cooks, mechanics, delivery drivers, electricians, plumbers, contractors, barbers, utility workers, to go to work. Just not teachers.

And if you still have confidence in government.

Thousands at Oakland Coliseum received wrong vaccine dosage, medical staff say

Thousands of people who visited the mass vaccination site at the Oakland Coliseum received the wrong vaccine dosages this week, raising questions about the effectiveness of the medication, according to two medical workers who contacted KTVU.

People who received too little of the Pfizer doses received their vaccines on Monday before 2 p.m. But at that point, the issue was identified and was stopped by that evening, according to the EMTs, who asked to remain anonymous in order to keep their jobs, and which was confirmed by state officials. That is the only day and time period in question.

So listen to Dr Carrie Madej.

This is the science. First, children are not at significant risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19. As of Tuesday, 288 children have died from the disease in the United States, compared with more than 500,000 adults. While the death of any child is devastating, this is similar to the number who dies from influenza each year.

And yet, truly, who knows where we’ll be in a month from now?

Arizona Hospital Worker Says Nearly All of New COVID Cases are Illegal Aliens

Imagine that.

Professor Dolores Cahill also presents information.

So this bombshell dropped, from the Epoch Times.

The Biggest COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics? Front-Line Health Care Workers

by Lawrence Solomon, 3-11-21

What do front-line health care workers and first responders know about COVID-19 vaccines that politicians and their public health advisers don’t?

According to a January analysis by Gallup, 51 percent of health care workers and first responders polled in December 2020 were unconvinced of the merits of getting vaccinated, even if the vaccine “was free, available, FDA approved and 90% effective.”

Gallup found these results especially concerning since those at highest risk of exposure to COVID-19—the professionals required to meet America’s health, safety, and critical economic needs and whom the National Academies of Engineering, Science and Medicine defines as “Tier 1A workers”—were the likeliest to refuse vaccination (34 percent).

The front-line workers proved to be as defiant as Gallup’s survey of their intentions anticipated. In California, more than half of Tehama County’s hospital workers at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital, an estimated 50 percent of front-line workers in Riverside County, and 20 percent to 40 percent in Los Angeles County refused the vaccine, according to a report in the L.A. Times.

And if you aren’t sufficiently disgusted, there’s this in Kalifornia.

California schools use COVID relief payments for teacher bonuses

by Adam Schrader, Daily Mail, 3-14-21

California schools are using COVID relief payments for teacher bonuses and a union has jokingly requested a trip to Hawaii using the money – even as classrooms are still closed, internal memos have revealed. 

The memos, shared online by the group Reopen California Schools, appear to show that some school districts have been using state and federal COVID relief money on educator bonuses instead of getting kids back into classrooms. 

‘I’ve been inundated with reports of school districts spending state and federal COVID relief money on substantial one-time bonuses to teachers and administrators instead of spending them on getting kids back in classrooms or to curb learning loss,’ the group tweeted.

So have we been lied to all along?

So you want to know what kids really want? They want to go back to school.

And you know what adults need?

To know the difference between an Emergency Use Authorization, and EUA, and a fully licensed vaccine.

Be informed. Be smart.




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 3-16-21: “The Biden Republicans”

Hours 1 and 2: BZ talked about the “Biden Republicans” — and how the American Media Maggots are disseminating stories that the “Biden Republicans” are the next step of the GOP. Or is it the Trump Republicans? I think you know the answer.

PLUS: BZ was notified that his program, BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, made #18 in the top 75 late night podcasts for 2021!

Go here to check that out!

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 3-16-21: Biden Republicans or Trump Republicans?” on Spreaker.

If you want to watch on YouTube, click the red arrow below. You realize you can watch the Zeppmeister on YouTube or Facebook LIVE right on your huge TV screen, right?

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 3-11-21, with co-host LONNIE POINDEXTER and guest JACK ALEXANDER

Hours 1 and 2: BZ and co-host LONNIE POINDEXTER talked about a plethora of Happy Stories, and JACK ALEXANDER addressed the conundrum of being asked by medical personnel, prior to an X-ray, if he identified as a pregnant Boeing 707. Which he did not, of course, as he was never manufactured in Everett, Washington.

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 3-11-21, w/LONNIE POINDEXTER and JACK ALEXANDER” on Spreaker.

If you want to watch on YouTube, click the red arrow below. You realize you can watch the Zeppmeister on YouTube or Facebook LIVE right on your huge TV screen, right?

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 3-9-21, with LARRY LAIRD, USMC VMO-3 Vietnam Veteran Huey Crew Chief

Hours 1 and 2: BZ had the honor and pleasure of speaking to LARRY LAIRD, Vietnam veteran, who was the crew chief of USMC VMO-3 Huey helicopter gunships, as we discussed Vietnam, helicopters, law enforcement, and law enforcement helo flying.

Larry Laird in Vietnam, ca 1967, with belt-fed M60 machine gun, rocket pod, and handgun shoulder holster, on Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter.

LARRY was one of BZ’s supervisory deputies when he was a reserve officer in the 1970s, and hadn’t seen LARRY LAIRD in at least 30 years! What a great reunion, with great stories and tales!

BZ with first reserve deputy TO, Hugh McGraw. 1975.

Ah, we were so young then.

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 3-9-21, w/Vietnam Veteran LARRY LAIRD” on Spreaker.

If you want to watch on YouTube, click the red arrow below. You realize you can watch the Zeppmeister on YouTube or Facebook LIVE right on your huge TV screen, right?

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 2-25-21, with LONNIE POINDEXTER On Race, Family and Division

Hours 1 and 2: BZ and LONNIE POINDEXTER addressed today’s schism in race, noting that the division between races is purposeful and taught to our young by Demorats and those on the Left who profit, monetarily and politically, by said division — which only serves to make Conservatives easier to suppress and destroy.

Tonight we had two men, one black, one white (and only mentioned because Leftists couch everything in terms of race or sex or both), whom Leftists insist should have nothing in common — only to clearly display they have everything in common.

They are Conservatives.

Their only difference? Paint jobs. And that means nothing.

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 2-25-21, w/LONNIE POINDEXTER” on Spreaker.

If you want to watch on YouTube, click the red arrow below. You realize you can watch the Zeppmeister on YouTube or Facebook LIVE right on your huge TV screen, right?

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”