The distractions of Benghazi, email, servers

Hillary Clinton As Mad Max With Willie JHillary Clinton and her minions insist that the issues of Benghazi and her servers and her email are nothing but distractions, smoke and mirrors attempting to obfuscate from the real issues of homosexuality, increasing the minimum wage, free upper education, more illegals, politically correct speech.  You know, the real issues of the day.

True free-thinking individuals recognize Hillary for what she truly is: a political reptile, as charming as an eastern diamondback rattler and as trustworthy, whose arrogance and sense of entitlement is actually beginning to even stagger the Demorats — to the point where the clouds are parting and Joe Biden is being dusted off in the wings, a top hat clapped on his head.

These days it’s popular to say things matter.  Bill Whittle makes an argument for something else mattering:

Yes, things matter.  Honesty matters.  Fidelity matters.  Character matters.  The truth matters.

And, all things considered, even the Demorats are beginning to realize that Hillary may be doing nothing more than reliving her previous crash in 2008.

Though Hugh Hewitt thought, once, Hillary Clinton was the proverbial “shoe-in,” it would appear that, possibly, no one yet fits Cinderella’s Demorat slipper.

But it’s early.

Why I continue to pound away.



Dr Ben Carson BLASTS Democrats and black community

Finally, a logical, mature black man who dares, truly dares to state the obvious.

Background: Dr Ben Carson, running for president, visited Harlem in New York City on Wednesday.  He said:

“Of course black lives matter.  What I feel, instead of people pointing fingers at each other, and just creating strife, what we need to be talking about is, how do we solve the problem in the black community of murder.

“For a young black male, in the inner city, homicide is the most likely cause of death. That’s ridiculous.

“Most of those occur at the hands of other young black males. We need to be talking about, ‘Why is that occurring?’ We need to be talking about, ‘How do we instill values into people again?’ And those are family and faith.

“I think it’s because the Democrat Party has subscribed to the Lyndon Johnson philosophy.

“Lyndon Johnson said, if you give those ‘n-words’ such and such, they’ll vote for us for the next 200 years.”

The rampant hypocrisy of Leftists, Progressives, Demorats, is exposed by Dr Ben Carson.  He speaks words for which most anyone else would be pilloried by the media at best, and their lives destroyed at the worst.

I wrote before that Demorats and Leftists continuously prove that black lives don’t matter.  And in truth, Demorats and Leftists are the Slavemasters and young urban black males (and others) are the slaves.

Blacks, listen up.