Bernie Sanders to go Independent?

Hillary Clinton and Sanders-AThe Demorats are worried.

For obvious server-like reasons.

Bernie Sanders is tending to attract more persons to his rallies than is Hillary Rodham Clinton, despite the fact that she has, at this point, a greater purse.

Yes, there may be trouble in River City, with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Fool.  Okay; maybe that doesn’t completely rhyme.

But it still portends trouble.

Just as Trump is beginning to seriously worry persons in the Old Staid GOP — the RINO RINO Being Walked by Michalle ObamaElement if you will — Bernie Sanders is beginning to worry the DNC.  Because if there’s one thing that Sanders can’t stand, it’s corporatists like Hillary Rodham Clinton, no matter what she says.  Her son-in-law, for example, Marc Mezvinsky, is a hedge fund manager for Eaglevale Partners (which lost its investors 48% last year; that’s called a “massive hedge fund loss”), and he and Chelsea live in a $10.5 million dollar condo in Manhattan.  Paid for by — wait for it — hedge fund profits and the Clinton Foundation.

Sanders makes no bones about his disdain for a capitalistic society, and his equal disdain for all things corporate.

That said, the Demorats profit, truly, more from corporate donations than do Republicans, in a greater dollar amount.  Cut off those donations, as Sanders wants to do, and —

I’m certain you can see the problem.

Bernie Sanders sees the problem as well.

That’s why the Sanders world is quietly abuzz — by those who buzz — about his consideration for going Independent.  He not only doesn’t want to be beholden to corporate interests and payback, he wants to — gulp! — curtail those things altogether, ideally.

[Cue the breast-beating, wailing, tears, floor-stomping by Demorats.]

Not precisely what you wanted to hear or read, Demorats, but there it is.  Now publicly put out into the ether that is the internet.

Bernie Sanders is waiting to see if the Demorats may turn their ship another direction, and just how well — ala Trump — he is treated or mistreated by them.

My my my, how the plot thickens.

And isn’t that just a fine kettle of fish?


Kettle of Fish