Gun crime has plunged, but Americans think it’s up, says study

Obama-Gun-ConfiscationFrom — of all places — the Los Angeles Times:

Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government data show.

Yet few Americans are aware of the dramatic drop, and more than half believe gun crime has risen, according to a newly released survey by the Pew Research Center.

In less than two decades, the gun murder rate has been nearly cut in half.

For those of you who just tuned in, let’s repeat that last sentence:

In less than two decades, the gun murder rate has been nearly cut in half.


Other gun crimes fell even more sharply, paralleling a broader drop in violent crimes committed with or without guns. Violent crime dropped steeply during the 1990s and has fallen less dramatically since the turn of the millennium.

The number of gun killings dropped 39% between 1993 and 2011, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in a separate report released Wednesday. Gun crimes that weren’t fatal fell by 69%. However, guns still remain the most common murder weapon in the United States, the report noted. Between 1993 and 2011, more than two out of three murders in the U.S. were carried out with guns, the Bureau of Justice Statistics found.

But here come the results of indoctrination by the American Media Maggots, revealed:

Despite the remarkable drop in gun crime, only 12% of Americans surveyed said gun crime had declined compared with two decades ago, according to Pew, which surveyed  more than 900 adults this spring. Twenty-six percent said it had stayed the same, and 56% thought it had increased.

But, from the Department of Redundancy Dept:

Experts debate why overall crime has fallen, attributing the drop to all manner of causes, such as the withering of the crack cocaine market and surging incarceration rates.

Really?  You mean actually putting people in jail may work — ?

Florida already wants to make Anger Management classes mandatory for ammo buyers.

What the Demorats and Leftists don’t want to acknowledge is that there is a definite correlation between gun control and black people control.

Because it’s not about gun control, it’s about People Control.

“We live in a society of wolves.  You do not fight back by creating more sheep.”

I already wrote about “Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs.”  Because I am a sheepdog.

Evidence indicates that guns prevent crime.

My Rules of a Gunfight are here.

To confirm: the number of guns are UP and crime is down here.

The Heller decision here.

US gun-grabbing history here.

How the American Media Maggots view guns.

The UN definitely wants your guns, here.

How to shoot a handgun accurately by Massad Ayoob here.

Finally, a brief summary of federal gun control in the United States here.

So, ask yourself: if the statistics don’t bear out an America Gone Wild in terms of rampant gun violence, then what’s the point of stricter gun control laws?

Correct: because it’s not about gun control, it’s about People Control.




Obama Blames U.S. For Gun Violence In Mexico


“Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States,” President Obama said during a speech at Mexico’s Anthropology Museum.

Unspoken was the fact that those so-called “deadly guns in Mexico” also sourced from the US government itself, via the “Fast & Furious” program under BATFE.  Univision in Mexico also discovered additional information about how the US government more fully armed the Mexican drug cartels.  Thank you, Mr Obaka, for your lies spewed directly upon the sovereign soil of Mexico on Friday.  A refresher for us all:

As with all else on the planet, whatever ill that occurs is the responsibility and fault of the United States of America.
Yes, the US is the root cause of all gang violence in Mexico.  Yes, the US is the root cause of all the gun violence in Mexico.  Yes, the US is the root cause of all the poverty in Mexico.  Yes, the US is the root cause of anyone in Mexico having a firearm in their possession.  If Mexico wanted to stop foreign gun violence, perhaps they should build their own firearms manufacturing facilities.  Then the drug cartels could take over these factories for their own ends and simply cut out the middle man.Let’s take a step back.  Ultimately, what is Mr Obama doing here?  I say it is this:

He is speaking directly to the new voters of the United States.  He is speaking directly to the new Tit-Sucking Underclass about to be created when amnesty occurs, and when Illegal Mexicans are allowed to be seated on juries and decide criminal and civil cases involving their drug-dealing and law-violating friends.

Because, you must ask, just how will these new Mexicans vote when amnesty passes and they remain in the United States, and when Obama and the Demorats continue to provide Free Cheese?  Why yes, that would be correct: Demorat.

Mr Obama was doing nothing more, on Friday in Mexico, than speaking to his newest conglomerate of voters.

More apologism, more breast-beating, more America bashing in order to pander and subjugate the country for the demographically-increasing Mexican Illegal Invader vote.

I feel comforted.

Don’t you?




Biden: ‘The President Is Already Lining Up Some Additional Executive Actions’ for Guns

Obama DictatorBecause all of my readers — but unfortunately the minority of Americans — recognize that the country is already ruled by Obama’s Executive Orders Fiat.

This article only confirms what we know.

From the

Joe Biden says the president of the United States is preparing to take “executive actions” to deal with guns. 

BuzzFeed reports:

Vice President Biden told White House allies in the gun control fight Thursday that President Obama will be announcing new executive actions on gun violence in the days after the Senate voted down a gun violence bill.

On a conference call with “stakeholders,” Biden told gun control advocates that the fight is not over and that eventual action on gun control will come. Press were not invited to the conference call; a participant provided BuzzFeed with access.


“Look I know you’re going to say that I’m just being an optimist and I’m trying to put a good face on this. But you know I’ve been around here a long time and we’ve already done, because of you, some really good things,” Biden said. “Number one, the president is already lining up some additional executive actions he’s going to be taking later this week.”


After the Newtown shootings, Obama took a number of executive actions to expand research into gun violence and other areas favored by the gun control community. He took the actions without Congressional approval, leading to outrage by some conservatives.

At one time, we used to have an actual American Press that would be absolutely SHOCKED that ANY president would rule by EO only.

Now, conspicuously absent, the American Media Maggots continue on their glorious journey of fellating Mr Obama daily and purposely killing or minimizing stories that would place their own guilt in jeopardy.

Because now, ruling by fiat is perfectly A-okay with our press in the United States.

I cannot begin to express my disgust.

But, as my readers, you knew this was only a short matter of time.


AMM - American Media Maggots 1


Senate rejects background checks on gun purchases in 54-46 vote

And Mr Obama throws a hissy-fit in the rose garden.


The Senate delivered a devastating blow to President Obama’s agenda to regulate guns Wednesday by defeating a bipartisan proposal to expand background checks.

It failed by a vote of 54 to 46, with five Democrats voting against it. Only four Republicans supported it.

Democratic Sens. Mark Pryor (Ark.), Max Baucus (Mont.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Mark Begich (Alaska) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) voted against it. Reid supported the measure but voted against it to preserve his ability to bring the measure up again.

GOP Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Susan Collins (Maine), Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Mark Kirk (Ill.) voted “yes.”

Imagine.  The bill was so bad that five Demorat senators actually voted against it.  But fear not, because John McCain (D) voted for the bill.

What appeared to be a likely victory for the president was resoundingly defeated by the Senate as jittery Democrats facing tough reelections next year joined nearly the entire Republican conference.


Defeated and angry — and surrounded by Newtown families, former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and Vice President Joe Biden — Obama vowed to continue the gun control fight as he castigated senators who sank the bipartisan background checks proposal. He walked to the podium with his arm around Giffords, critically wounded in the 2011 mass shooting outside a Tucson supermarket, and hugged relatives of victims of the December Newtown shooting who attended the event.

See the video above.  It was, in a word, demagoguery.

And for roughly the fifth time, let me be perfectly clear with regard to my stance on gun control laws: I will not now, not ever, sacrifice my Second Amendment rights for children.  Not for one child; not for a hundred.  I won’t sacrifice them for me, I won’t sacrifice them for you.

Let’s be frank.  Gun violence deaths predominantly occur in melanin-enhanced communities whose male youths have no regard for themselves or others, or human life in general.  These shootings occur in communities where the populations are shoved into econo-box living circumstances, in urban environments.  These areas are overarchingly Demorat/Leftist controlled politically.  There isn’t a Republican or a Conservative within miles.

The bulk of America, via Gallup, isn’t worried about gun violence (4%).  It’s mostly worried about the economy and about jobs.  It is DC that is making the current Talking Points about guns, because they are taking advantage of the Useful Idiots who would so readily toss away their freedoms for a modicum — and a very poor one at that — of security.

The Obaka Administration operates only via crisis.  It’s this crisis or it’s that crisis.  There is no planning, only Management By Crisis.  And those events portrayed as crises are mostly not.  The “gun issue” is not a crisis.  It is a diversion and it is a naked attempt to reduce the freedoms of citizens and an attempt to corral power and control in DC.

The bombing in Boston?  That is not a crisis.  More people were killed in the two neighboring counties, in one day, in vehicle accidents than at the Boston Marathon.

Yet, because of the Pussification of America, weak-kneed Americans are more than willing to swallow the pill of defeat and demand more cameras, more checks, more abrogations of our Civil Rights, in order to feel “secure.”  FEEL.  The operative word.  Emotions, once again.  But, in truth, what HAS the TSA and Homeland Security done to make us more secure?  Oh yes, except to spend more billions of dollars and to reduce individual freedoms.

Your freedoms are at stake here, ladies and gentlemen.

Today, we “won” one.

But please note who voted to give away your rights.




A Communism Survivor Blasts Salem Oregon Gun Grabbers


Many progressive/Lefty Oregon legislators are currently trying to jam through bills which will infringe on Second Amendment rights.

Listen to the compelling testimony of Manuel Martinez as he powerfully describes the hideous revolution and Marxist dictatorship under Fidel Castro. This video was recorded by citizen journalist, Dan Sandini (Dan had video featured in Andrew Breitbart’s Occupy Unmasked), at hearings in Salem, Oregon, last Friday the 5th.

This is Manuel Martinez, born in Cuba.

And to this I can only annotate:

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”