Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

Gun-ControlFrom the

A contingent of liberal Democrats in Congress is proposing a new federal gun control idea: mandatory liability insurance for gun owners.

When New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney introduced the legislation last month with eight other Democrats, she boasted that it is “the first bill to require liability insurance of gun buyers nationwide.”

It also calls for the federal government to impose a fine as much as $10,000 if a gun owner doesn’t have insurance on a firearm purchased after the bill goes into effect.

It doesn’t take much more than a fourth grader — yes, even a public school-educated fourth grader — to realize that this is a brain-glazingly idiotic idea.

It’s as idiotic as the rest of the gun-grabbing laws that affect only law abiding citizens.  Actual citizens, actual taxpayers, will be the sole individuals hurt by this and similar laws.  For one very obvious reason:

The vast, vast bulk of gun crime is committed by purposeful criminals, who have records, who have likely been in jail or prison any number of times, who have violated parole any number of times as well.

Because they are criminals.  It’s what they do.  It’s in their genes, it’s outlined in their job description.  I know.  I’ve dealt with criminals for 42 years.  I know them, I sense them, I can smell them, see them, recognize them from afar.

Here’s what’s coming: your homeowners’ insurance will require a separate policy for every firearm owned.  Extra money.  And an accounting.  To the insurance agency and then from them to the government because the government will want the information and the statistics.  Then your ammunition will be limited and riders will be required as well, mandating the same things again: more cash, more regulations, more reports to your agent and thusly to the federal government.

This law and laws like it don’t hurt criminals and it won’t curb so-called “gun crime.”  The mentally deranged are already out there, and many of them are already criminals because the “system” knows not how to deal with the insane and the mentally misadjusted.  Those persons — at least in Fornicalia — get dumped into the criminal justice system and then spend time incarcerated in jails and prisons.  They have criminal and/or violent tendencies and they commit crimes.

Therefore, only the law-abiding are penalized.  Criminals couldn’t care less, and the mentally deranged lack the capacity to want to care at all.

Power and control.  It’s about power and control and ideology.  Leftism.  Socialism.

Because, once completely disarmed, the government can do, literally, anything it wants at any time for any reason with its “citizens” who, by that point, are nothing more than Serfs and Proles and Groundlings.

Check your history.


Gun Control, Switzerland

And here’s the BIG difference: more guns in the hands of LAWFUL American citizen taxpayers — not criminals.  But the Obaka Administration adamantly refuses to make that distinction, placing American gun owners into the SAME category as common criminals.


Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban ‘Just the Beginning’

From Breitbart’s Big Government:

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership in the House of Representatives, suggested to Jason Mattera at a Feb. 13 women’s rights rally that plans for an assault weapons ban and private-sales background checks were only the beginning of a broader gun control agenda extending to handguns as well.

Schakowsky evidently did not recognize Mattera, a conservative video journalist and senior investigative reporter for Talk Radio Network, who infamously confronted Vice President Joe Biden in the Capitol. (Mattera introduced himself to Schakowsky by name but did not indicate that he was filming or that he is conservative.) She spoke to Mattera as if he were a fellow gun control enthusiast–and Mattera played along, eliciting answers about Schakowsky’s enthusiasm for gun control.

It’s no surprise that Demorats, Leftists, Progressives and the Obama Regime wish to abrogate the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd Amendment because — once the 2nd falls — the 1st Amendment is up for bid.

And then the individual has no control, and Government ultimate control.  One then becomes a Prole, a Groundling, a Serf, a Subject to the King.

In the exchange:

Schakowsky: We’re on a roll now, and I think we’ve got to take the–you know, we’re gonna push as hard as we can and as far as we can.

Mattera: So the assault weapons ban is just the beginning?

Schakowsky: Oh absolutely. I mean, I’m against handguns. We have, in Illinois, the Council Against Handgun… something [Violence]. Yeah, I’m a member of that. So, absolutely.

Mattera: We’ll never get a handgun ban with the Second Amendment as stated.

Schakowsky: I don’t know. I don’t know that we can’t. And there may be an allowance, once again, for communities–I have communities in my district that prohibited handguns within their borders. The rights of municipalities and states to view that as a sensible way to keep people safe–I don’t think it’s precluded.

Clear evidence, in my book.

This is nothing new.  Mr Obama himself quite clearly stated that no one should own firearms.

From Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr. at

In his new book, At the Brink, economist and author John R. Lott Jr., assesses the presidency of Barack Obama and recalls conversations regarding gun laws they had while working at the University of Chicago.

In Chapter Three, Mr. Lott discusses gun-control and takes the reader back to his time at the University of Chicago, where he and then-professor Barack Obama spoke on numerous occasions about guns in America.

“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns,” Obama told Lott one day at the University of Chicago Law School.

(A) chapter (of the book) documents the actions that Obama has taken on guns, citing the following:

  • In 1996, Obama supported a ban on handguns
  • In 1998, he supported a ban on the sale of all semi-automatic guns
  • In 2004, he advocated banning gun sales within five miles of a school or park, which would have shut down nearly all gun stores

Mr Obama has spoken many times.  His original words are clear and undiluted: he’s coming for your American rights.  He fervently believes that no individual should own any kind of firearm.

As far as Mr Obama in concerned: no American civilian is responsible or can be trusted.  No one.  Not you.  Not me.




Bill Whittle: “virtual State of the Union,” 2013, involving firearms

“Truth is to Demorats as light is to vampires.”
— BZ


Dear Readers: today is a commute day.  My wife and I are driving to the northern Fornicalia coast near Ft Bragg to stay in a rental house for the next ten days.  I’ll be blogging, of course, as I usually do.  I just may not have a particularly timely post for tomorrow.  At this time of year, where we’re going, the crabbing and whale-watching is usually very good and I hope to acquire some crab in the gullet and some whales in camera and on video.



Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers

Audrey Gibson, FL SenatorYes.  You read that correctly.  You don’t need glasses.  You damned near need a new country, however.


A Florida legislator wants anyone trying to buy ammunition to complete an anger management program first, in what critics say is the latest example of local lawmakers reaching for constitutionally-dubious solutions to the problem of gun violence.

The bill filed Saturday by state Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, would require a three-day waiting period for the sale of any firearm and the sale of ammunition to anyone who has not completed anger management courses. The proposal would require ammo buyers to take the anger management courses every 10 years.

“This is not about guns,” Gibson said. “This is about ammunition and not only for the safety of the general community, but also for the safety of law enforcement.”

Gibson said she’s concerned with citizens stockpiling ammunition, potentially creating dangerous situations should those individuals ever come in contact with law enforcement agencies or criminals.

“It’s about getting people to think, really, about how much ammunition they need,” Gibson said. “It’s a step, I think, in a safer direction. It’s about getting people to think before they buy.”

First, let me state the obvious: this excrement is coming from a black female Demorat.  That’s essentially all you need to know.  I’d wager this empty suit is public-school educated, though Wikipedia claims she acquired a BA in Criminology from Florida State.

Allow me to proffer some more issues in “obviosity” (just made that up): I’m a cop.  And I don’t fear people who may stockpile ammunition.  These days I’d simply call them honest, good and true Americans responding to their corruptors in DC.

Apparently, however, her classes neglected to take American history into account and she resoundingly failed to read any of our nation’s foundational documents; you know, the basic ones: the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights.  The Federalist Papers?  She likely thinks those are what you roll around your dope for a nice, fat joint.

Though I’m not a fan of Michael Savage, he had it right back in 2005 when he stated, before anyone else, that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

There is no cure.  And the disease becomes more rampant.  The mentally ill, Demorats, Liberals, Progressives, Leftists — their mental disorders cannot be “cured.”  It only becomes more catching, like a virulent bubonic plague, when Free Cheese is added to the mix.

As I’ve said many times, you simply cannot make crap like this up.  Just when you think you’ve seen or heard the sickest of ideas from the Left, they manage to outdo themselves.  It’s as though they not only possess what I call Historical Alzheimers — I’d submit purposely so — but they go out of their way to top each other, weekly, in terms of the most daft, inane, brain-dead, illogical, illegal and outright stupid ideas to craft into some form of law whose sole purpose is to remove more of your freedoms.

I’m guessing that Senator Gibson isn’t a “bad person” per se; she likely doesn’t set stray kittens on fire.  But the Demorat culture and Leftism has clearly lobotomized her to the point where she cannot even recognize the documents that created this country.  She needs a refresher course in BZ 101 in re the US Constitution and the real purpose behind its creation — positive vs negative rights.

A very brief review of my post:

Our current Constitution frames much of what we value in terms of what the government cannot do.
– The government cannot engage in unreasonable searches and seizures
– It cannot inflict cruel and unusual punishment


Thomas Jefferson said: When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.

Let that sink in and then percolate for a bit.




There is a “direct correlation between gun control and black people control”

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a video that not only haven’t you seen but one that you purposely will NEVER see on ANY so-called “mainstream media” channels, outlets or venues.  And for obvious reasons: here are blacks supporting the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution but not the Demorats, Mr Barack Hussein Obama or his policies.

Please listen closely to the words of the last man speaking, the Reverend William Owens Jr., founder of God, Guns & the Constitution:

“This current administration is far from the truth.  This agenda is becoming more and more obvious to all.  That it’s a distraction, it’s a reason, it’s an excuse, to carry out an ideology that is more evident every day and every week that goes by, that it is anti-American.  And when you touch the Second Amendment, you can’t become more anti-American — because America would not be without her guns, and guns would not be necessary without her God.  We call upon Americans, both black, white, hispanics, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and even those who are not of our faith to agree upon this: without God, without guns, without the Constitution, America’s end will come with haste.  For when they change our Constitution, they will take our guns.  And when they take our guns they will also seek to take our God.  That’s when Americans will fight back.”

Rev. Owens, I would say you are quite correct.