You can’t trust Hillary; can you even trust the vote?

Hacking Voting Systems in USThis week I showed you two examples of Hillary voter fraud, here and here.

I showed you how Google skews search results in order to protect Hillary Clinton.

Now, the FBI says our election systems have been hacked.

From the

Hackers attack Arizona and Illinois election computer systems

by Geoff Dyer

The FBI is investigating the suspected hacking of the election computer systems in at least two US states by a foreign agent and has warned other states to watch out for potential intrusions.

Officials in Arizona and Illinois confirmed that their systems had been the subject of cyber attacks in July, with information about as many as 200,000 voters hacked in Illinois.

The intrusion comes after the alleged Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee which led to the leak of thousands of emails discussing the election campaign.

The warning by the FBI has highlighted concerns that the computer systems that are now central to the infrastructure of managing elections in the US could be vulnerable to hacking, including by foreign actors.

The Washington Post points out:

Until now, countries such as Russia and China have shown little interest in voting systems in the United States. But experts said that if a foreign government gained the ability to tamper with voter data — for instance by deleting registration records — such a hack could cast doubt on the legitimacy of U.S. elections.

The DNC, as we already know, was penetrated and hacked by Russians.  This resulted in the “stepping down” (firing) of Debbie Wassermann Schultz as DNC chair and the subsequent rapid hiring of DWS by Hillary Clinton in order to more closely keep Hillary’s secrets secret — as in, emails.

Politico emphasizes that the hacking in Arizona and Illinois is no laughing matter.

One person who works with state election officials called the FBI’s memo “completely unprecedented.”

“There’s never been an alert like that before that we know of,” said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss sensitive intergovernmental conversations.

Cory Bennett and Eric Geller rightly point out:

While such thefts could be the work of ordinary criminals, these same experts explained that Russian cyber gangs often act at the behest of the Kremlin, either directly or indirectly. In exchange, these groups receive immunity from prosecution and “maintain their untouchable status,” said Kellermann, of Cybersecurity Strategic Ventures.

If this is indeed the case with the recent intrusions of state voter registration databases, Kellermann believes the suspected campaign to undermine the U.S. election process is “reaching a tipping point.”

“It’s high time that the U.S. government took off its own gloves,” he said.

Translated: it’s past time to begin hacking the shite out of anyone who is found doing this to the United States.

A very simple point: it is rather clear this scheme won’t occur under Obama and likely not under Hillary Clinton or any other Leftist Demorat who believes in extending hands across the water in grand Chamberlain-like conciliatory gestures of pants-shitting hysteria in fear of offending other countries.

I say: time for good old paper ballots nationally.



In case you think this is much ado about nothing, cast your eyes upon this from CBS:


Hillary: change voting just for ME

Hillary GlassesHer Imperial Majesty, Queen Shrillary, wants to change the way America votes so that it can be manipulated to her benefit.

First, she had to put up with lowly Proles.

Now, she has to figure out how to cheat in plain sight.

Hillary 2016 GraphicWon’t anyone cut her a break?  Coronate her and be done with it!

From the

Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide

by Anne Gearan

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state’s address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.


Things need to change, but only for The Hillary.



With all the good this does, my blog, Twitter, my various inclinations, I’m simply pissing into the wind and enjoying the warmth of my own urine, truly.


Bill Clinton has bills

Bill Clinton FeaturedProving that even “great communicators” die in their dotage.

The Clintons, Bill and Hill, don’t deserve a thing, yet they still scare up millions and millions and millions of dollars from those persons who want the Clintons to peddle influence.  Look: there is no other logical reason to throw dollars at the CankleMeister or the AgingSexAddict.  People don’t throw cash at the Clintons out of inherent goodness.  They expect a quid pro quo.

Bill said:

FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: I don’t think there is anything sinister in trying to get wealthy people in countries which are seriously involved in development to spend their money wisely in a way that helps poor people, and lifts them up, I don’t think there is anything bad about it. I think it is good!

There has been a very deliberate attempt effort to take the Foundation down. And there are almost no new fact that is known now…

I don’t think I did anything that was against the interests of the U.S.

QUESTION: Do you understand though, the perception itself is the problem. You don’t?

No. I don’t want to get into the weeds here. I’m not responsible for anybody else’s perception. I asked Hillary and she said that no one has ever tried to influence me by helping you. No one has even suggested they have a shred of evidence about that.

Because, as Bill says, he still has “bills to pay.”

Oh yeah.  Horrible, horrible bills.

“I gotta pay our bills. And I also give a lot of it to the foundation every year.”

Right.  That’s Bill paying Bill, because Bill happens to write it off courtesy of the IRS.

But Bill Clinton says he’s not worried about the criticism, brushing it off as “political.” He quoted his wife as telling him: “No one has ever tried to influence me by helping you.”

He claimed there has been a “very concerted effort to bring the foundation down” and said he might even step down as its head if his wife is elected.

“I might if I were asked to do something in the public interest that I had an obligation to do. Or I might take less of an executive role,” he said. “But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

One thing he won’t stop doing: giving high-priced speeches, even though he acknowledges being a wealthy man these days, reportedly worth tens of millions of dollars.

“I gotta pay our bills,” he said. “And I also give a lot of it to the foundation every year.”

The fees — $500,000 or more for 11 speeches while his wife was Secretary of State — are justified, he insisted.

“I spend a couple of hours a day just doing the research. People like to hear me speak,” he said.

“We do our best to vet them,” he said of the groups that pay for his talks. “And I have turned down a lot of them. If I think there’s something wrong with it, I don’t take it.”

He also says he has turned down donations to the foundation — though he won’t say from where.

Ah yes, those poor Clintons — poor in terms of cash, and poor in terms of people trying to drive them down.

I feel so sorry for them.

Don’t you?