Tuesday night’s GOP debate

Hugh Hewitt & Donald TrumpCNN hosted the final Republican debate of 2015, Tuesday, December 15th.  Once again Hugh Hewitt was one of the questioners, and Wolf Blitzer was the moderator.

GOP Debate 12-15-2015First Debate:

Consisting of George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Lindsay Graham and Mike Huckabee, Huckabee appeared the most relaxed and easily spoken, whilst Graham was the most contentious but most emotive and passionate of the bunch, making some points as well.  In my mind, Graham was the winner though I certainly did not agree on all of his points.  The bottom line is this: the GOP could do without all of those persons clotting the ranks.  They should all move on.  They are yesterday’s news.

Second Debate:

The “prime” debate consisted of John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Ron Paul.

Rand Paul was obnoxious, Trump neither won nor lost and, to my mind, it was a toss-up between Cruz and Rubio.  Though, I must say, Christie did in fact score some serious points.

Ben Carson was massively unimpressive; a manikin could have been substituted with equal efficacy.  Carson isn’t ready for much of anything political.  Yes, no argument, Carson is the quintessential nice and good man.  He is not a politician and not ready for a position like this at all.  I should submit he’d best stick with his day job and, at most, local politics.

Kasich was also obnoxious.  He always has been.  There is a certain “something” about Kasich that simply rubs me the wrong way.

Fiorina spoke well but no one seems interested in listening to her. Her campaign appears to be, however, run by morons who have no idea how to market her.

Bush tried massively to be what he is not: overbearing, pushy, contentious — and it doesn’t play well with him because that’s not his nature.  Most everyone can tell it’s a FALSE persona, apparently shoved onto him by his handlers.  It’s fallacious and duplicitous and even 5-year-olds can see through it.  Bush is done, stick a fork in him.  He’s not the future of the GOP.  This proves Bush will do anything to win the presidency.  Things that are so incredibly removed from his comfort factor.

We see you, Jeb.  We know who you are and who you aren’t.

Since writing this a few hours ago, I have some further input.

Upon further consideration, Cruz and Rubio disappoint.

It is Christie who, frankly, appears more presidential and not so navel-gazing.



No freedom of speech for cops

PPB, ORI retired a few months ago after having 41 years in law enforcement, working for the FBI, being a sworn US Marshal, and serving two local Fornicalia agencies.  If I had a son or daughter considering law enforcement I’d tell them to look elsewhere and to become a nurse, a plumber, an electrical contractor, mechanic, electrical engineer or programmer — a job that cannot readily be replaced by a robot.  And I’d stay away from law enforcement because more and more the job involves politics not service, and you have fewer rights than the citizens you serve.  That trend is growing, not receding.

Including freedom of speech.

People eschewing law enforcement will occur in any event, because Millennials are not used to or desire to serve, sacrifice or have their freedoms of speech curtailed.  The small group of Millennials who do understand about sacrifice and service for a higher goal or greater good are former military personnel — but their ranks are thinning as well.

From OregonLive.com:

Portland police officer removed from street after Twitter message about Black Lives Matter

by Maxine Bernstein

A Portland police officer who wrote a Twitter message complaining that he’d be stuck late at work Friday night “to babysit these fools,” referring to a planned Black Lives Matter-Not Black Friday march at Lloyd Center, has been taken off the street while an internal investigation proceeds.

Portland police Acting Chief Donna Henderson, filling in for Chief Larry O’Dea who is off until next week, announced the investigation Tuesday afternoon in a news release.

“I am highly offended, and I think other people should be,” said Teressa Raiford, a community activist involved in Don’t Shoot Portland. “I think it’s very unprofessional, especially someone in his position.”

Officer John Hurlman, a 24-year bureau veteran, removed the post from his Twitter feed, but a screen shot was caught by others.

His message read, “Black Lives Matter is planning to protest at Lloyd Center on black Friday. Oh joy, stuck late again at work to babysit these fools.”

Damn that officer for daring to state the obvious.  BLM activists are fools because black lives don’t matterYou may care to read this link, as well as this and this and this for my reasoning.

Further, the story doesn’t immediately reveal this salient fact: the officer produced that message on his own time, off duty, with his own account and not utilizing government resources.

But because of the community it serves, the ball-less Portland Police Bureau circled its own little Leftist wagons and, realizing that if a sympathetic take wasn’t promptly expressed, the BLM activists would soon be torching the sycophantic little purple-skied territory of Portland itself.  Precisely because BLM “activists” couldn’t give a fuck.  It ain’t their property they’d burn and loot and destroy.  BLM “activists” enjoy embracing lies for the “common good” of themselves only.

It is interesting, however, to read some of the comments below the article I linked, which include some of the following:

Why aren’t black lives matter going door to door where black people live spreading their message not to kill black people?

So does this mean if a neo-nazi group were to march, only those police officers who agree with the neo nazi’s could work the neo-nazi march that day?  

Oh yes, such a peaceful community group that chants:”What do we want, dead cops, when do we want ’em. NOW!” and “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!”

Nothing like stomping on the man’s First Amendment Rights…  What’s next from the “Thought Police”?  Lie detector tests for anybody accused of having an alternative viewpoint or perspective contrary to the Left’s?  Give me a break… 

You are assuming that somebody being called a fool should lose their job?  Does that mean I should lose my job by calling you an idiot?  Just trying to understand your perspective of justice and equality…

Office Hurlman was correct in his personal opinion description of  BLM as fools, and I would submit that the even bigger fool is acting like a moron chief Donna Henderson.  Calling someone a fool is speech protected by the 1st ammendment.  The officer did not threaten or encourage any one to threaten or harm anyone.  The Portland PD admin is wrong on this one and should publicly admit such.

So I guess you feel that the officer has to take responsibility for expressing a personal opinion on a personal twitter account? A personal opinion that did not threaten anyone?  Is that what you are trying to say?  If so, you are one misguided soul.

These comments mostly reflect a rational response to ridiculous political correctness being exercised by the Portland police chief. The sane ones among us look at the BLM fools and state the obvious. The BLM fools falsely perpetuate the myth that Michael Ferguson had his “hands up” when he was killed, when the forensic evidence shows he did not. Even the Obama administration’s Justice Department investigation concluded he was justifiably killed by a police officer defending his life. But the BLM fools refuse to believe it and agitate for the sake of agitating. They, and you by extension, can’t be reasoned with. You’re too blinded by your grievance ideology.

There are more than 1,000 additional comments.

I spoke over the air earlier this week on the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show to retired Congressman John Campbell (R, CA, 45th & 48th Dist) who was admirably filling in for Mr Hewitt.  The topic concerned the rise of homicide rates and overall crime in major cities and elsewhere.

I indicated there were any number of factors for this rise, but one of the major factors now is the lack of what law enforcement calls “self-initiated activity,” which translates to getting in there, digging, knowing your beat, district, precinct, area, community, and seriously working it.  Looking for crime, turning over the rocks and getting actively involved.  In other words, proactive vs reactive law enforcement.

Certainly, cops won’t shirk their calls for service.  Whenever the laptop or terminal beeps, or the radio beckons, cops will attend to their assignments.  But once there, it exists in their minds that they too could be another Darren Wilson.  Being “right” isn’t enough.  Being “lawful” isn’t enough.  And what law enforcement, the public and courts will soon realize: having a video body-cam isn’t enough.  Video is another tool — it is not the end-all panacea just as having the melanin-count match the neighborhood isn’t an end-all panacea.  Just ask Baltimore or New York or Chicago or LA, some of the most mixed race departments across the nation if not the planet.

Cops talk about officer survival.  The mindset that, “no matter what happens to me, I will prevail during a given critical incident.  I will survive to see another call, to help my partner, to see my family and fight another day.”

A few years ago in 2009 and 2010, besides officer survival my deputies faced budgetary survival.  My department eliminated over two-hundred deputy positions.

Cops are having to additionally consider political and career survival.

They are having to ask: just how deep into this call do I want to go?  Just how far do I want to dig into my beat or district or precinct?  Particularly in terms of political survival or career, officers are now asking: what is my career worth?  Where is the line where I’ll even remotely consider jeopardizing my family’s future?  The security of my wife or husband, my children, my retirement?

Even more important to officers is this: does my department have my back if I acted in good faith and within the “reasonable officer” mantra?

Darren Wilson was proven correct, he was completely acquitted on any number of levels by any number of investigative resources and separate agencies including — literally — one hundred FBI agents swarming over Ferguson and the case itself.

Yet Darren Wilson had to physically leave his department, had to take his family and physically leave the town where he was employed and, truly, will forever be unemployable by any law enforcement agency in the US.  He and his family received very serious death threats and his department had little interest in supporting or providing security for him.

You ask why crimes, homicides and the like are starting to increase?  The so-called “Ferguson Effect” is most definitely a factor no matter what any police administrator or spokesperson says.  I know this because my own deputies tell me so.  Quietly.  They are constantly having to weigh these thoughts on their calls.  They are doing the “balance test.”  How do I do my job while not jeopardizing myself, family or future?

And that is the truth.

Portland, Oregon is certainly the locus of Leftist thought in Oregon, right there with Seattle, and the Portland PB isn’t radically different from the Leftards it protects.

Ladies and gentlemen, Leftists, Demorats and Progressives alike, if you don’t like cops — they’re too judgmental — but instead wish to be involved in a Robocop future, monitored and arrested by mechanicals, you are well on your way.  You won’t care for it one bit when the human element is eliminated.  You can’t argue or reason with a robot.

Perhaps you’d just care to do away with your civilian police protection altogether.  Make sure, however, that if this is your choice you likewise surrender all your firearms, defensive or offensive materials such as slingshots, baseball bats, rocks and any sort of edged weapon.  Hell, any weapon whatsoever.  Live by your code.  Be honest and live your honesty.  Mark or placard your car, your house, your apartment, your tent as a WEAPONS FREE ZONE.  Be proud of your philosophies and take a real stand.  Show some courage.

There is a problem however: when you have fewer and fewer persons who desire to be Sheepdogs, your society is in greater and greater jeopardy from within and without.  Because the wolves, you ignorant and complacent sheep, are not reducing their numbers.

Your job is already being targeted for elimination by robots, Mr and Ms Millennial.  Your life, property and sense of security is already being target by criminals whose philosophy is generally “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine unless you have the strength to stop me.”  Gosh.  Just like Islamists or China or Russia.  Or any bully.

You think that won’t or can’t happen?  Just you watch.



Officer John Hurlman, an extremely interesting article about freedom of speech and police officers can be found here, at the FraternalOrderof Police.net.

You may find it handy and applicable.  You also might wish to click here and here.


A small solo vacation

Trek Navigator 2.0Over the numerous years, I have begun any number of book projects in terms of fiction.  I have manuscripts started on damned near every genre you can think of, to include science fiction, a trilogy of cop fiction (imagine that), suspense, mystery, western, military.

Since I now find myself with more time on my hands, having retired three months ago, I’ve decided to attempt to resume writing again.  Perhaps I can truly chug out something resembling some type of manuscript.  Perhaps something approximating a finished one.  Because, after all, you have to have something in existence if you even want to edit it.  Common Sense 101.

The interesting thing is, in the world of Tribbles and those associated with Hugh Hewitt and his radio show, there are those who are already published, like James Lileks.  Mr Lileks wrote for the Star Tribune, and now writes for Ricochet.  He has also published any number of ebooks readily available for download from Amazon.comHis website is here.  His Amazon author page is here.  If there were — as an aside — anyone who deserves their own massively syndicated radio talk show, it would be the highly talented and intelligent James Lileks.  I would encourage everyone to click on each link I’ve presented here.  And no, James isn’t paying me one red rupee for this.  You will all be richly rewarded by reading James Lileks, however.

Similarly, I have also discovered that Major Bob is in the final stages of completing his historical fiction story of WWI, edited by DaveInAZ.  Aha.  A potential editor, yes?

I almost forgot Elgin Hushbeck, who has written about Social Justice.  Which I purchased.  Because I put my money where my philosophy is.  Many people know this.

That said for background — as my wife is on a work trip to Southern California once again (for the state) — I decided to travel for a like time to the Pacific Ocean and see if a writing chord can be struck and I can’t at least get a few chapters kicked out for Heaven’s Warchild.

Which all starts with the crash of an Airbus A-380, the largest commercial aircraft in the world.  And hasn’t yet crashed.  But I determined to start there because my wife had to fly down to SoCal in a Southwest 737 in turbulence, hates to fly, and it suggested to me that she isn’t alone in her fears.  One Airbus A-380 crash could easily kill 500 or more passengers, depending upon the carrier interior seat demand configuration.  Up to 853 people could be accommodated in an all-economy class configuration.

800 potential casualties per flight from one airframe.

DSC01341-ACrashing waves and crashing aircraft.

I’m going to the ocean to write.  Right here on this same Sony Vaio laptop.  On probably the finest, most crisp, most responsive keyboard I’ve ever addressed on any confuser.

Why do I have a photo of a Trek Navigator 2.0 bicycle above?

Because it’s mine, and I’m bringing it with me in my Mercedes.

It just couldn’t be better.



Why tonight’s GOP debate might be different

Hugh Hewitt Looks Right Smiling - DDifferent from what?

Different from most every other debate.

Why?  Because someone from the Right is going to be asking the questions of the candidates.

That would be Hugh Hewitt, he of Salem Radio and of the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, broadcasting from a secret studio “somewhere” in Southern California.

Hugh is an unvarnished and unabashed supporter of the Republicans, and is going to work alongside Jake Tapper on the second GOP debate tonight at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley (to now include Carly Fiorina), hosted by CNN.  Tapper will moderate and Hewitt will pitch the questions.

2016 GOP Presidential Candidates 8-2015Once this became known, many GOP brokers who formerly disdained any appearance with Hewitt somewhat soiled their shorts in order to line up a segment on his radio show.  As a result Hugh has interviewed Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and any number of GOP presidential contenders.  People who wouldn’t have given Mr Hewitt the time of day prior.

To include Donald Trump, who accused Hugh of throwing him “gotcha” questions.  He later called Hugh a “third rate” radio announcer.  The full transcript of that interview is here, should you wish to read it.

He doesn’t mind asking difficult questions of his guests.  He was accused of attempting to sink Dr Ben Carson as well as Donald Trump.

The truth is, they only sank themselves by not being sufficiently prepared to appear on his show.

Further, you have to be smart enough to realize that the questions Hugh asked may be remarkably similar to the questions he’ll pose tonight.  That was called “show prep.”

This Politico article makes an interesting observation

Donald Trump’s Grand Inquisitor

Hugh Hewitt drew Trump’s ire with a smart question. On Wednesday night, the conservative talk radio host will be ready for round 2.

by Todd S. Purdum

When the motor-mouthed mogul next takes the stage with the ten nearest rivals who have failed for months to trip him up—much less get traction against him—Hugh Hewitt will be the only person in the debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library who has already managed to get the best of Donald Trump.

That distinction—earned ten days ago when Hewitt stumped Trump in an interview on his weekday radio show about the names of major world terrorist leaders, and the differences between Hamas and Hezbollah—means that Hewitt, who will serve as one of three debate questioners, may end up emerging as one of the central characters in the ongoing reality TV show that is this year’s GOP presidential primary. After all, it was Trump’s tangles in the last debate with Fox News’s Megyn Kelly that led days of news stories after the last debate—and Kelly and Trump only sparred once. What could a second round with Hewitt mean?

How did Hugh Hewitt find himself sitting in a chair asking questions at this debate?

“I lobbied incessantly,” with GOP chairman Reince Priebus, Hewitt explains during a break in taping his daily three-hour “Hugh Hewitt Show,” which has aired for 15 years on the conservative Salem Radio Network, co-sponsor with CNN of the debate. “For the general principle that conservative journalists be included as a counterbalance to mainstream media’s left tilt.”

So will this be a repeat of the Trump-Hewitt clash earlier this month?  Or will it be Trump vs Everyone Else On Stage?

No matter what, the questions posed will have punch, relevancy and intelligence.