“An unprecedented act of surrender”

John Bolton GlassesJohn Bolton quantified Obama’s negotiations with Iran, according to TheHill.com, as:

Bolton calls Iran deal ‘unprecedented’ surrender

by Mark Hensch

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton said Saturday that President Obama is negotiating “an unprecedented act of surrender” with Iran in discussions over its nuclear weapons program.
“This deal is fundamentally flawed,” Bolton said at the South Carolina National Security Action Summit in West Columbia, S.C. “There really is no deal I’d trust Iran with. It is a regime determined to have nuclear weapons and this deal will give it to them.”


“There really is no deal I’d trust Iran with. It is a regime determined to have nuclear weapons and this deal will give it to them.”

Tom Cotton was correct, Rudy Giuliani was correct, and I was correct.

Controversy erupted over an open letter Republicans sent Iran’s leadership Monday. It vowed Congress can void any deal it finds unsatisfying and was signed by 47 GOP senators.

And the forty-seven Congressmen are correct.

Bolton rebuked the president’s response as unjustified Saturday. He said the Senators were not traitors, but rather lawmakers who “stood up for the Constitution.”
“The president coddles the Iranian ayatollah and attacks his own countrymen and our closest allies over this deal,” Bolton said Saturday. “The danger we hope to avoid is now imminent. This is just one example of how the President doesn’t care about America’s national security.”

I completely concur.  I wrote why I believe Mr Obama is willing to make such terrible concessions to Iran in my post “Obama: protecting Islam and Iran.”  I said that  “relations between Israel and Barack Hussein Obama have always been rocky.  I believe this is because Mr Obama sympathizes with Muslims and disdains Jews.  This is in consideration of his upbringing and his education, amongst other things.”

Bolton said Saturday that Obama’s eagerness for a deal would give Tehran a “free pass” for nuclear arms. He said American voters should thus make national security the central issue of 2016’s presidential elections.

There is no denying this statement whatsoever; it became true in 2008 and is equally true today:

“The gravest threat to our national security sits in the Oval Office,” Bolton said. “The next two years can’t pass swiftly enough. For God’s sake, let’s not make the same mistake in 2016.”

Mr Obama is one who makes US allies an enemy, and US enemies a friend.



Let THIS sink in about ISIS:

ISIS Stolen American Equipment

[ISIS with captured American equipment.]

From the NYDailyNews.com:

ISIS will be in position to get nuclear weapons if allowed to consolidate power, resources, says expert

by Joseph Cirincione

The jihadists terrorizing the Middle East have seized billions in assets through stolen banks and oil fields. If left unchecked and allowed to make the right connections, they could secure the material and expertise to make a deadly weapon of mass destruction.

The risk of a terrorist attack using nuclear or chemical weapons has just gone up.

ISIS is willing to kill large numbers of innocents, and it has added three capabilities that catapult the threat beyond anything seen before: control of large, urban territories, huge amounts of cash, and a global network of recruits.

British Home Secretary Theresa May warned that if ISIS consolidates its control over the land it occupies, “We will see the world’s first truly terrorist state” with “the space to plot attacks against us.”

Here is what way too many people don’t understand about ISIS:

Its seizure of banks and oil fields gave it more than $2 billion in assets. If ISIS could make the right connection to corrupt officials in Russia or Pakistan, the group might be able to buy enough highly enriched uranium (about 50 pounds) and the technical help to build a crude nuclear device. Militants recruited from Europe or America could help smuggle it into their home nations.

And Mr Obama wants to “negotiate” with Iran about nukes, bargaining away one manner of helping to ensure ISIS doesn’t get its hands on fissile materials?  ISIS doesn’t have to possess an actual deployable weapon per se; all it has to do is acquire sufficient material to create a dirty bomb.

This is not only tactically insolvent on Mr Obama’s part, it is another in a series of capitulative moves by our Apologist In Chief, the EOTUS.

Raised by Communists and Muslims, Obaka falls back to his roots when pressed or pressured.

Mr Obama doesn’t even deserve a seat at the kid’s table during Thanksgiving.

And yet, he’s in charge of our nation.

The greatest threat to the United States of America isn’t illegal immigrants.  It isn’t the budget, It isn’t the sequester.  It isn’t the southern border.  It isn’t Vladimir Putin.  It isn’t even Islamic terror, though ISIS is getting close.

The greatest threat to the United States of America is Barack Hussein Obama.



Obama: still despises Israel & Netanyahu

Netanyahu Defends IsraelMr Obama still despises Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It’s no more complicated than this: Mr Obama despises the United States for having acquired its power base “on the backs of small brown people,” and Israel for having acquired its power base “on the backs of small brown people.”

Mr Obama will do his best to level these two nations out.  Both the US and Israel need to be knocked down a peg or ten.  Both nations acquired power in a completely unfair fashion.  Power they don’t deserve and power they need to release.

Mr Obama isn’t just refusing to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu.  He is actively advocating against Netanyahu and for his new political opponent.  Doubt me?  Click this link.

PM Netanyahu was invited to speak before the US Congress by Republicans.  Mr Obama refuses to meet with Netanyahu when this occurs.  Yet, Mr Obama will do everything he can to smooth the ruffled feathers of Iran and demands US pols not insist that further sanctions be levied against Iran.

Because, evidently, Mr Obama has such a nuanced and effective plan in place to disarm Iran and make it docile.

Oh my God.  Are Republicans possibly that stupid?

You, my dear readers, know the inherent answer to that question.

From the NYTimes.com:

Administration Official Criticizes Israeli Ambassador Over Netanyahu Visit

by Julie Hirschfeld Davis

The Obama administration, after days of mounting tension, signaled on Wednesday how angry it is with Israel that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Republican leaders’ invitation to address Congress on Iran without consulting the White House. The outrage the episode has incited within President Obama’s inner circle became clear in unusually sharp criticism by a senior administration official who said that the Israeli ambassador, Ron Dermer, who helped orchestrate the invitation, had repeatedly placed Mr. Netanyahu’s political fortunes above the relationship between Israel and the United States.

And yet, Mr Obama will hold Iran in the highest regard.

And yet, Mr Obama cannot even name terrorist organizations.

The Taliban is not a “terrorist organization.”

“Sometimes they carry out tactics that are sometimes akin to terrorism.”

Are you kidding me?



Obama targets Syrian oil fields for air strikes

ISIS AirstrikesAnd this from the Enviro-Friendly President?

From CNN.com, of all places:

Pentagon: New airstrikes target refineries used by ISIS in Syria

by Chelsea J. Carter, Barbara Starr and Gul Tuysuz

Washington (CNN)U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in eastern Syria on Wednesday, targeting what a Pentagon official described as mobile oil refineries being used by the so-called Islamic State terror group.

The latest round of airstrikes were aimed at cutting off money flowing to ISIS, which makes up to $2 million a day from oil produced by the refineries, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, told CNN.

Fighter jets from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates flew alongside U.S. aircraft during the operation, hitting 12 locations, Kirby said.

The airstrikes came just hours after U.S. President Barack Obama called for united action to confront ISIS, also referred to as ISIL.

Mr Obama has now bombed seven countries.  That is more than G.W. Bush.  That should make all Obaka Supporters so proud.  Pride in a man who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.  And then was asked to return same.  Which he did not.

Nine wars now, Mr Obama?

And pride in a man who apparently supports the bombing of points to include oil sites.

Oil Fields BombedThere couldn’t possibly be anything LESS Enviro-Friendly than bombing an oil field, unless you believe that BP possesses its own air force.

And yet, despite this:

Bachmann Pull Their PassportMr Obaka does not make this embracement.  He couldn’t care less.  His priority includes the raping of our earth via military bombing of susceptible oil fields.

A despoiler of the environment?

A spiller of oil?

An igniter of chaos?

Thy name is Barack Hussein Obama.

