US government Kabuki Theater, Pt. VI

This is the continuation of a series of posts dealing with issues where some individuals in the United States government are attempting to hold at least a portion of the rest of the federal government accountable and responsible for its actions and inactions. The public displays we find, however, are not unlike the most bizarre of Kabuki Theater or Theater of the Absurd.

Here, Trey Gowdy addresses conflict of interest issues with a massive Leftist lawyer regarding the IRS, Lois Lerner and Loretta Lynch.

Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, these are your federal tax dollars either

  1. At work, or
  2. Pissed away with abandon

More to come.



BREAKING: Lois Lerner held in contempt of Congress

Lois LernerThe House Oversight and Government Reform Committee officially voted Wednesday to hold former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress. The 21 to 12 vote broke down along party lines, with Republicans voting yes and Democrats voting no.

The case will now be referred to AG Eric Holder in consideration for the convention of a grand jury, or other options.  The vote was actually 231 to 187 in the House.  Can you say, again, “party lines”?

Here’s what will happen:


She will not be indicted, she won’t spend a microsecond in confinement.  The actions of Congress will ultimately mean nothing.  Eric Holder will ensure this.

Behind the scenes, Lois Lerner is smiling, backslapping her attorneys and knocking back a few drinks after calling Holder and confirming his inaction.

This is nothing more than Kabuki Theatre for the ignorant.


Kabuki Theatre


A tax attorney: Obama lies.

And this from a person — Cleta Mitchell — who knows from whence she speaks.

A great pull quote:

“I want to make three primary points here. First, the IRS scandal is real. It’s not pretend, it’s real. Number two, the IRS scandal is not just a bunch of bone-headed bureaucrats in some remote office contrary to what the President of the United States told the American People on Sunday. And, number 3, the IRS scandal is not over. It is continuing to this day. And, the Department of Justice Investigation is a sham. It is a nonexistent investigation.”

But imagine this: Attorney Cleta Mitchell speaks logically and cogently from the heart and, simultaneously, whilst doing this, requires not a TelePrompter nor anyone with cue cards.  She instantly acquires more veracity and believability than Barack Hussein Obama could ever hope to possess.

Obama lies once again.  And lies about lying, particularly when he LIED to the face of Bill O’Reilly.  Obama insisted: there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” regarding the IRS and the targeting of Conservative groups:

O’REILLY: You’re saying no corruption (about the IRS)?


O’REILLY: None? No?

OBAMA: There were some — there were some bone-headed decisions…

O’REILLY: Bone-headed decisions…

OBAMA: …out of… out of a local office…

O’REILLY: But no mass corruption?

OBAMA: Not even mass corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption, I would say.

In this day and age, it is so incredibly easy to prove anyone, any politician, a liar.  Proof exists again and again that Obama is a bald-faced liar.

Yet no one seems to care.

But I care about Benghazi.  I care about where Obama was on September 11th of 2012.  I care about where Hillary Clinton was on September 11th of 2012.

And I care when Obama lies, though too few seem to mirror this concern.




Obama dismisses IRS targeting of conservatives: ‘They’ve got a list, and suddenly everybody’s outraged’

Obama, Lying to AmericaAs far as Mr Obama is concerned, no big deal.  It’s what he does.  Get used to it.

From the

by Brendan Boredelon

President Obama rejected the notion that the IRS’ targeting of Tea Party groups was illegal — or even improper — during his interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Thursday.

Obama was at American University to sell his flailing healthcare law to the young people upon which the insurance exchanges heavily rely. As promised, Matthews allowed him to make his pitch with no tough questions or pushback.

But the interview became interesting when the Hardball host asked why Americans were growing increasingly skeptical of government. Obama noted that the media never seems interested in government success stories. “When we do things right, they don’t get a lot of attention,” he said.

A wonderful little dismissive comment in the last paragraph:

President Obama later passed blame for his failures onto his cabinet agencies — claiming that “somebody somewhere at this very moment is screwing something up” — and repeated the nauseating platitude that “government’s not somebody else. Government’s us.”

With Mr Obama it’s always the same: seldom is he ever responsible for any failures within his administration.  But more importantly: if the IRS’s purposeful targeting of Conservative groups was a non-issue, then why did this occur:

Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS tea party targeting scandal, retired from the agency Monday morning after an internal investigation found she was guilty of “neglect of duties” and was going to call for her ouster, according to congressional staff.

And why did the interim IRS commissioner get fired?



Computer Access Not Restricted, Lerner Continues to Log In to IRS System

Lois Lerner Paid VacationFrom

Lois Lerner, the Internal Revenue Service’s director of Exempt Organizations currently on paid leave, has not had any of her computer access restricted since she abdicated her responsibilities, according to an IRS source with knowledge of the situation. 

Lerner was placed on administrative leave on May 21 after refusing to tender her resignation, and logged into the IRS’s computer system using her agency computer as recently as June 4, the source tells me. She has the ability to access the same information that was available to her before she was placed on leave. The sources tells National Review Online

[Lerner] can still access taxpayer data. If your duties do not inlude dealing with taxpayers, you are forbidden from seeing the information. That is a violation of IRS policy, and if she actually accesses any file that contains any Personal Identifiable Information, it is a felony violation. That would include emails that she has in her files discussing any taxpayer case that contains the name, address, phone numbers or tax data from a case. Actual Unauthorized Access (IRS uses the term UNAX) would be a really good reason for the new boss to can her in a hurry. I am sure a simple examination of her email files and hard drive would discover she still has taxpayer data.

Since Lerner is not currently dealing with taxpayers while on leave, she is forbidden from accessing any taxpayer data, though her computer permissions allow her to do so.

Imagine that.  No accountability once again during a Demorat Administration.

And the hits and abortions just keep on coming.


Lois Lerner Something To Hide