Best and brightest students at US universities?

Simply two examples of immature, pablum-spewing Leftist mouth-breathing bigots (def: a person intolerant toward those holding differing opinions) whose thoughts have no basis in reality, history or common sense. This, mom and dad, is what your money gets these days. You’ve heard of The Walking Dead? These are The Walking Ignorant. They look like people, but they’re simply pre-programmed.

Thank you, Tucker Carlson. Next up to bat.

Whoever first coined the term “snowflakes” for the current crop of university babies set to “DELICATE” was a branding genius because the word fits so perfectly. Hence, my job being to fundamentally “change” America, one diaper at a time.

Just as Leftists in Europe via Angela Merkel and the the Leftists in DC via Pelosi, Soros and the DNC are all doubling down on ridiculous — clearly they have learned absolutely nothing from their recent experiences — so are Leftists on college campuses and universities, ably abetted by their professors and administrations.

Play the videos and gaze at the results of throwing good money away.



The loving concern of SF Eco-Leftists

TRASHTONS of trash left behind in a once-pristine park.

From CBS SF Bay Area:

420 Revelers At Golden Gate Park Leave Behind Tons Of Trash

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – Crews were out in force at Golden Gate Park early Thursday morning, cleaning up trash left behind by thousands of marijuana smokers who converged on Hippie Hill for the annual 420 celebration.

Workers with the Recreation and Park Department arrived at 6:00 a.m. to continue a cleanup that began after the so-called “Smokeout” ended. While the celebration was mostly peaceful, revelers left behind at least 10,000 pounds of garbage.

Wait.  I thought all these young Millennials cared about the planet — particularly considering that “Earth Day” is tomorrow.  They want to save the earth, recycle, worship Gaia, save the forests, hug a pine, coddle a weed — then smoke it.

Yes, the loving embrace of Eco-Leftists.

Who think that it’s perfectly fine to let City of San Francisco “underlings” clean up their trash.  What?  You expect us to clean up our trash??  We are better than that.  We’re special.  Mommy and Daddy told us that.

“Laborers” can go to hell.  We don’t “labor.”

We’re too wrapped up in SELF and DOPE.



Oh, by the way, there’s no smoking in the park where the “celebration” occurred.  Except when Leftists want to.


A moment of clarity about the The Realist

BZ Logo For BlogI’ve received a few emails from lost souls who actually follow my blog (they must be the ones who also religiously clean their fish tanks and balance check books), and are asking about the new header and its meaning.  Actually, I received more emails about the new header than I’ve ever received in the history of the blog.

They all asked: so, what does “I am The Realist” mean?

I decided it was time to explain and clarify.

Yes, I am still the Bloviating Zeppelin.  I have been so since this blog’s inception on Blogger in 2004.  I have kept this blog running for 11 years now.  These days that is unheard of.  Most blogs last a few weeks or a month, if that, then are abandoned.  The Blogosphere is replete with the abandoned floating remnants of good intentions ignored.

BZ Beard Avatar 1But, in my 60+ years on the planet, never have I encountered times such as these, where the 180-Paradigm is so completely embraced.

That is to say: if something is good, wonderful, fantastic, honest, clear, loyal, brave, powerful, proud, supportive of the United States, you can be assured that the current administration will do or embrace the complete reverse.

I am so done with that.  I am done with receding, with subsuming, with parsing my words, with taking care, with hesitating, with trying to acquire a readership, with attempting to appeal to more readers.  I am in my 60s, my days are numbered, I am done with tolerance, with acceptance, with any form of political correctness.

Let me make this plain.  I have “mine.”  I purposely purchased food for me and my wife to continue living.  I have a water source.  I have a defensible cabin far away from population centers.  I have a bangstick and one bullet.  I have the mindset and the training and the education and experience to utilize all of these things when necessary.  Further, I have a modicum of fiscal security.  I may have been a cop, but I was not a stupid cop.

I planned for my retirement when I was only in my single digits.  Shame on you if you haven’t planned for your retirement.  It’s not my responsibility to take care of you, that you haven’t had the insight I had or if you’re stupid.  Which reemphasizes: I have “mine.”  If you weren’t equally smart then shame on you.  Which translates to: if I advocate against the GOPEE or take certain stands, it’s because I don’t so much mind if the nation collapses.  I am better off than 99% of the rest of the US.

I don’t have to equivocate or worry about what anyone thinks about me.  That, frankly, is rather liberating.  And, as The Realist, it’s time to yank the covers off the national bed and expose the soft white underbelly of politics.  Because I am done.

This nation is not going to survive “compromise.”  It is not going to survive “bipartisanship.”  It is not going to survive communal thoughts or bicameral decisions or deconfliction or Progressives or Socialists or Demorats or Leftists or the SEIU or illegal immigrants or Muslims or open borders.

It’s time to be a Realist.  It’s time to realize what can be done and what must be done.  It’s time for me to fish or cut bait.  It’s time to be even more plain than ever before.  Because, in my estimation, the literal life of this nation, this great nation, is literally on the line.

There are elements, many elements, that wish to see this nation go down in flames.  They exist from without but way too many of these elements exist from within the nation.  I must identify them, call them out, be Politically INcorrect, and use plain and coarse language.

It’s not about me.  As I said, I have “mine.”  I can survive when pushed against the wall.  Too many Americans cannot.  And too many Americans are stupid and dull and groomed for extinction.  They don’t realize that they are the frog in the boiling pot.  They are dulled by their television and their news and their indifference to life around them.  They cannot see two inches in front of their faces.  They have been groomed and petted and coddled to be the dullards they have turned out to be.  The Millennials are the worst.  And they are in for a massive shock.  They are the least prepared for it.

There is a huge societal “thump” coming.  It may be revealed in a physical sense, in a geographic sense, in a fiscal sense, in a budgetary sense, in a stock sense, in an internet sense, in a viral sense, in a technological sense.  Or all of these.

But there is a major “thump” coming and oh-so-very-few people are prepared.  With that in mind, I have to ratchet up my rhetoric because ratcheted-up rhetoric is about to be banned.

You doubt me?

Just you wait and see.

Hence: I am now The Realist.

I must be more clear than ever before.



From the lips of Al Gore to God’s ears:

You’ll love this, from the

Al Gore: Spend $90 Trillion To Ban Cars From Every Major City In The World

by Michael Bastasch

Former Vice President Al Gore and former Mexican President Felipe Calderon are pushing for $90 trillion in spending to ban cars from every major city in the world and make them more dense.

Gore and Calderon presented a report from the Global Commission on the Economy & Climate (GCEC) and argued that fighting global warming will require making cities more compact and wholly reliant on public transit. This is the only way to make sure urban areas don’t contribute to global warming, the two politicians argued.

What did I tell you?  Leftists want to shove you all like the good little herring you could be into massive high-rises with more little tin can apartments.

It’s already happening in New York, with the so-called “trendy” apartments of 450 square feet to 200 square feet.  You can swim in a public swimming pool, exercise in a public gym, piss in public restrooms, pack like straws into a public elevator, and acquire public diseases in a much lesser time.  How au courant!  How perfect for the Religious Left, who eschew energy facts in favor of mere belief.  I believe, Great Gaia, I believe!  Hallelujah, I believe, praise Gore!

GOWPs will go for it in a heartbeat, the guilty Millennials that they are.  What’s the downside?  Lord knows there’s no more space available in NYC.

Who needs cars when we can mandate that we eliminate cars wholesale and build more micro-apartments?

GCEC’s study says that “more compact, better-connected cities with strong mass transit systems will help policy-makers tackle these pressing challenges. Such cities are more productive, socially inclusive, resilient, cleaner, quieter and safer.”

Really?  What happens when your electricity dies in a blackout or runs out?  What happens when the water treatment system tanks?  What happens when sanitation workers or transit workers or public service workers go on strike?  What happens when your internet and satellite systems go down?

“Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.”

And rats you will all be.

You ignorant dupes.

“Go with Gore, my sons.”



“Me” generation unable to repair itself and others: literally

MillennialsMillennials or Generation Y: are they lazy?

This should come as no shock from Millennials, as it’s all about “them” and servicing “them.”

From the

Young people are ‘lost generation’ who can no longer fix gadgets, warns professor

by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor

Young people in Britain have become a lost generation who can no longer mend gadgets and appliances because they have grown up in a disposable world, the professor giving this year’s Royal Institution Christmas lectures has warned.

Danielle George, Professor of Radio Frequency Engineering, at the University of Manchester, claims that the under 40s expect everything to ‘just work’ and have no idea what to do when things go wrong.

Unlike previous generations who would ‘make do and mend’ now young people will just chuck out their faulty appliances and buy new ones.

This is equally applicable to the US as well, because helicopter parents have ensured that their very special and unique children must attend college rather than learn trades in such areas as vehicle repair, HVAC service, plumbing, electrical, woodworking, metal fabrication, welding, or anything even remotely physical.

As a result, Millennials are shocked — shocked I tell you — to discover their $100,000 university degree in philosophy or Pan-African studies allows them to pour coffee at Starbucks or provide free internship somewhere, and only half of work is full time.

An interesting aside about Millennials:

Another blow to conventional wisdom: Younger Americans interact less than their baby boomer parents, apparently choosing Facebook over facetime. “Conventional group membership, attendance at meetings, working with neighbors, trusting other people, reading the news, union membership and religious participation are all down for young people since the 1970s,” said The report provided to Secrets.

When Baby Boomers die out, when Gen Xers die out, just who will make repairs on the necessities of life?  Because even living in a “tiny house” or a 500-square foot apartment or taking the bus or the train or riding a bicycle will require someone who knows how to repair said objects.

There’s a new world dawning, and I fear young people are ill prepared — or even interested in preparation.