Democrats are the ENEMY of the United States.They are the ENEMY, every bit as much as China — and they are more insidious, because they are dissolving America from within due to their hatred of everything American.
Democrats hate the founding fathers. They hate the US Constitution. It doesn’t provide them enough power. It exists to hinder government, not grow it. Your rights come from God, not government. They despise that foundational concept. They want you to revere government, to bow and scrape before government.
To kneel before government.
They hate the First Amendment. They don’t embrace free speech. They want normal people muzzled, you and me, for speaking our minds. Their social media giants do it for them. If they had the power, they’d imprison you for speech. That’s coming.
If they could get away with it, they would burn physical books. At this point they don’t have to. Yet. Because if they wish to eradicate history one day, they could do it with the flip of a switch — and everything you “own” in the cloud is gone. Fiction they don’t like. History they don’t like. Movies they don’t like. It’s happening already with Netflix.
If you think you “own” content, you own nothing. If It’s digital, it’s air. It’s nothing. Books are a guarantee that immure history and thoughts in the physical world. And they’re working on that.
De Blasio doesn’t believe you should own property. Communists don’t believe in the concept of private property. All property belongs to the State. YOU belong to the state.
Democrats hate the Second Amendment. It is the right that stops them from immediately removing your free speech wholesale, which is their goal. Only one speech. Theirs. Only some thoughts. Theirs. Firearms protect your speech and your family and your property.
Democrats hate your free speech. Democrats hate your family. They hate mothers and fathers together in a family. They hate children. They don’t want them born. Many despise the human race. And they certainly hate your private property and its very concept.
They hate your firearms and if they had the power, they would break into your home and forcibly take them. Altogether too many Americans would surrender them, and altogether too many law enforcement officers would obey the order to do so. Even one officer doing so is too many.
They hate your firearms. But they still fear your firearms. Good. Government should fear the people. People should not fear their government.
Democrats exist to remove your freedoms and liberties — occasionally deigning to sell them back to you at a terrible price.
Think: when was the last time a Democrat expanded your freedom or liberty? Reduced government? Respected your rights instead of trampling on them?
There is a lesson to be learned from President Trump. If government, in concert with the media — another issue altogether — could array itself against a presidential nominee, a president-elect, and a sitting president, essentially a soft coup, then that government could crush you in an instant and wouldn’t give two thoughts about it.
NEVER kneel before the mob, never kneel before Democrats, never appease them, never capitulate, never prostrate yourself. Because they will take and take, and can truly never be appeased.
Let’s read about one Seattle Police Department officer and his revelation concerning Democrats and the way they run their government in 2020.
Hey guys, I have a little down time so here is an update on things here. Absolute madness here. Can’t even express it all.
Day 12 for us and our Mayor and chief abandoned a major precinct and gave it to the anarchists. Unthinkable.
9 blocks of our city under the complete control of these terrorists. No joke. This is unreal. No police, no fire dept, no sanity allowed in.
They have an armed force patrolling, manning checkpoints and stopping cars and citizens at gun point.
They are creating a currency, an ID system, a supply system that includes food, water, ammo and chemical weapons.
They have access to the precinct and have made it their hq.
Our “leaders” are completely silent and the city council is completely complicit.
Yes, they have been on the front lines WITH the anarchists and yes, last night one council member let about 200 into city hall.
The warlord in charge of the new “capitol hill autonomous zone” (CHAZ) drives a Tesla and has been arrested for drugs, guns, pimping and crimes against children and is on a federal child porn watch list.
He carries an AK-47 and has already started abusing people inside. WTF? You can’t make this up.
We have been castrated. There is no recovering from this. We can’t go near the zone and have been warned by our dept to stay away.
We are only working for each other now.
We have been in battles where these psychopaths have hit us with rocks, cinderblocks, homemade napalm, and even IEDs.
Multiple injuries and THEN we gave up the precinct.
Now the guns are out.
This city can burn.
I’m working on my exit plan now.
The city and state hates us and gives us no support, in fact the leaders are actively supporting this very real insurgency.
Yet, all you hear in the media is that they are merely peaceful protesters.
This is real. There is a part of our country that is no longer under our control.
I repeat: Democrats are the ENEMY. There is no shielding this truth any more. No trying to sugarcoat it or downplay it. Democrats are, in no uncertain terms, the enemy.
They despise you, me, normal people, actual Americans. I couldn’t care less about anyone’s “paint job.” This isn’t about color. It’s about holding our country, “a Republic if we can keep it.”
It’s about our liberties, our rights, our freedoms, the very things that so many others are willing to put their lives on the line to enjoy. If this country is so inherently evil, so racist, so misogynistic, why would people care or want to live here?
We must realize that the very things people around the planet are fleeing, Democrats are working for now. Socialism. Communism.Massive, impersonal governments who exist to remove the rights of people and simultaneously acquire more power, more control, more personal wealth for themselves.
NEVER kneel for the mob. NEVER kneel before Democrats. Never attempt to appease them, capitulate to them, acquiesce to them.
We’re seeing the results in Seattle today. Anarchy, chaos, the repression of people, crimes against people. the subjugation of taxpayers. destruction of property.
You and I have been thinking this for some time, but I’m writing and saying it now.
Democrats are the ENEMY.
There can be no bipartisanship or compromise with those persons who wish to completely destroy this country.
Don’t listen to me American Media Maggots as November nears. They want you disillusioned. They want you depressed. They want you to stay away from the polls and from casting your ballots.
They will tell you that President Trump is so far ahead that your vote is not necessary.
Or they will tell you that he is so far behind that your vote is immaterial.
Don’t believe the American Media Maggots. You know who they are.
And we will surely LOSE this country if we don’t vote red in November and forever.God bless America.
We are on the cusp of losing her.
Don’t let it be US who allowed that to happen.
God bless you, your family, take care and be safe.
It’s not only a rallying cry for Leftists, Antifa, anarchists, Socialists, Communists and Demorats, it’s also the New Leftist Purity Test. Just when we thought purity tests stopped with the Nazi regime, well, no, it’s back.
Just as Antifa consists of nothing but fascists, nothing pleases Leftists more than the embracing ol’ Adolf and his purity tests.
And whereas people in BLM were chanting about killing cops, “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”
“What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.”
Sooner or later, you have to take people at their word. So cops are being targeted and killed. But that’s not fast enough or sufficiently far-ranging. Why not just cut off their funding? Why not abolish them wholesale?
That’s the foundation behind “defund the police.”
The interesting part is, while everything else in terms of government budgets has skyrocketed, police funding throughout the nation has remained even at about 8%.
But enough of that. Let’s start at the start with an assumption that will place me in jeopardy with most every member of the LDAMM (Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots), as well as most every anarchist extant. And that is this.
I don’t believe there is systemic racism in America. I believe what we have, instead, is a congealed glop of Americans cowering before a “movement” that they know — as has been proven most recently — can break them individually and collectively, because most people are good natured but, moreover, cowardly. There is racism, but it’s a two-way street. All paint jobs can be racist. Blacks too. Listen to the rhetoric. Said it before, I’ll say it again: “No one is equal until everyone is equal.”
Leftists are more into 1984 and Animal Farm these days: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Leftists control nearly every major institution in America:
– Mainstream media
– Academia
– Administrative government
– Courts
– Hollywood
– Big Tech
– Demorat Party, etc.
So if “systemic racism” really did exist, then truly, whose fault would that be?
And what about systemic racism by the police?
Data has been compiled by the Washington Post since 2015 on every police shooting in America, and killings by police of unarmed Black Americans has gone down every year since they started charting, with 2019 only showing 10 unarmed Black Americans killed by the Police. Of the 10, in 5 of these, the police officer was attacked before shooting the person. In 4 cases the officer was charged with a crime. Doesn’t exactly sound like genocide of Black Americans as some far left politicians and media personalities have told us. Sure doesn’t sound like systemic racism, either. Another important statistic, 48 police officers were murdered in 2019, according to FBI data.
Larry Elder dares to use facts. America has what I term Historical Alzheimers. It forgets that the highest rate of crime occurred in the late 80s, early 90s. Shootings, gun crimes, overall, have been going down markedly since.
Putting the violent rioting aside for a moment, politicians in both parties are insinuating that the killing of George Floyd was racially motivated and reflects a broader injustice against black citizens more than anyone else, which legitimizes the rage undergirding the riots, if not the riots themselves. This assertion is simply not borne out by reality.
According to the Washington Post’s searchable database on police shootings, nine unarmed black people were shot dead by cops in 2019, while 19 unarmed white people shared the same fate. So even before we examine whether these shootings were justified, there were more than twice as many fatal police shootings of white people than of black people.
Now obviously this database only analyzes shootings, not choking incidents, but if the case of Floyd is part of a broad trend rather than an aberration, we are certainly not seeing that reflected in the shootings. One poster on Twitter has done research into the nine cases of unarmed black people being shot by police, and in each one, it appears that the suspect was in the process of using potentially deadly force against the cop or another civilian.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, approximately 53 million people come into contact with the police each year, often with multiple encounters.
As researchers from the University of Michigan and University of Maryland reported last year, “We did not find evidence for anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparity in police use of force across all shootings, and, if anything, found anti-White disparities when controlling for race-specific crime.”
Last year, 49 police officers were killed, and 30 percent of the suspects were black. So far this year, the number of cops killed is more than last year, despite the lockdown for two months. Has anyone made that a racial issue? Of course not, because individual criminals alone are the ones responsible for their actions.
Then, of course, there are the black-on-black crimes that are the biggest threat to black lives, yet they don’t seem to matter to the media and politicians. Just over the past weekend, 82 individuals were shot, 22 of them fatally. Black people are killed by homicide at eight times the rate of white people. That is the true disparity in the justice system we should be talking about. Having tougher policing and sentencing helps reduce that disparity and save exponentially more black lives, as we did from 1993 to 2015 before the advent of criminal justice deform reversed the positive trend of reduced violent crime.
In New York City, cops are beleaguered by political accusations of the Black Lives Matter movement. They are experiencing some of the most violent attacks in recent months, not just during the current riots. But is this really about protecting black lives, and are the police really the problem?
According to NYPD crime data, of the 209 homicide suspects in 2018 whose race is known, 149 (71 percent) were black or “black Hispanic,” 40 (19 percent) were “white Hispanic,” and just 14 (6.6 percent) were white. In other words, 93.4 percent were committed by “minorities.”
At the same time, however, of the 289 homicide victims in 2018 whose race is documented, just 26 (9 percent) were white, 196 (68 percent) were black or “black Hispanic,” and 54 (19 percent) were “white Hispanic.”
Thanks to more aggressive policies over the years, thousands of black lives have been saved in New York City since the days of 2,000 annual murders. We see the same principle in reverse in Baltimore, when unjustified rioting in 2015 led to a hands-off approach that kicked off several years of record murders, mainly harming African Americans.
Damn those statistics. You can never talk about the statistics. You can only speak of emotions.
But people are scared of the mob. Corporations lack courage, individuals lack courage, government lacks courage, and most of the politicians in DC lack courage. They can’t or won’t stand against the mob. And the mob demands obeisance, kneeling, genuflecting, prostration and, most recently, foot-washing. Not kidding.
Random Caucasoids were stopped on the street by alleged BLM members, demanded to kneel, and they did.
If cops take a knee, why not the national guard?
Soldiers kneeling to BLM and Antifa. What a wonderful propaganda coup for them.
Some very brief statistics. In depth stats later, on another post.
How many unarmed blacks were killed by cops last year? 9. How many unarmed whites were killed by cops last year? 19. Many more officers are killed every year than are unarmed blacks. When do the #BlueLivesMatter protests begin? Never.
Instead, now, I want to focus on the “defund the police” issue, what it looks like, how it materialized, how it’s gathering momentum and what it really means for those Leftist cities who implement it.
Because, as I say, it’s now a Leftist Purity Test. Will you, as a city or state or government administrator, work to defund the police? If yes, we won’t destroy you. If no, we’ll do our best to destroy you, all you have, all you’ve worked for, and remove you from any semblance of power whatsoever.
DTP has already threatened Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who failed abjectly to acquiesce to their demands to defund. They have said “you are gone in the next election. Get out. You mean nothing to us now.
DTP has also threatened the Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, who did not immediately kiss the DTP ring and has placed her own political future on the line. She has since, clearly, “seen the light” after City Hall was breached by protesters, the doors opened to the mob by a Leftist city council member, so the entire building could be occupied. Mayor Durkan was then threatened with removal. Astonishingly, she managed to somehow become illuminated. From
Seattle council starts inquest of police budget amid demands to ‘defund police’
by Chris Daniels, 6-10-20
SEATTLE — The Seattle City Council began what it is calling an “inquest” into the police department budget, in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the violent demonstrations that followed in Seattle, as well as across the nation.
That’s at least the early discussion as presented by the council on Wednesday, the first of many expected meetings and negotiations between Mayor Jenny Durkan and the city council.
Several council members have already expressed openness to discuss decreasing the police budget, in the wake of the protests against racism and police brutality.
In 2019, multiple current council members approved $15,000 signing bonuses for new Seattle recruits, citing staffing shortfalls. That measure was approved 7-1, and was cheered by Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best.
Yet now, based on recent events, the pendulum has swung the other direction and cuts will likely have to be negotiated.
Councilmember Kshama Sawant has called for cutting the $400 million dollar police budget, and budget chair Teresa Mosqueda has thrown out a 50% estimate.
Durkan is expected to make a pitch to the council to cut $300 million dollars from the overall budget, as a result of the coronavirus crisis, but delayed making that move in advance of a council-led meeting on Wednesday.
Things are getting truly primordial in Seattle but, why not? It’s the home of Antifa, Leftists and those who simply don’t mind trashing an entire city.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best, originally in favor of abandoning Seattle’s East Precinct (“we’re not really abandoning it,” she said, after equipment, files and other items were removed — and then all personnel left the building), has now thrown the Seattle administration under the bus.
But we’ll get into the whole Seattle “autonomous zone” in a moment.
Burning. Vandalizing. Killing. Looting. Is it just BLM? Of course not; it’s Antifa and whites as well, GOWPs as well as WCM — Woke Child Mob — members.
This black Woman is screaming and begging for the #AntifaTerrorists to stop looting and burning down stuff
Far Left extremist group Antifa has hijacked the George Floyd Protests!
They are acting like Terrorist and they should be arrested
Looting by rioters, black Americans, BLM and, of course, Caucasoids on the order of Antifa — which mostly consists of young, military-age white males.
The concept of DTP first took public hold in Los Angeles. From
LA Council Members Seek to Eliminate at Least $100 Million in Police Budget
by City News Service, 6-3-20
Three City Council members filed a motion Wednesday to cut the Los Angeles Police Department’s budget by $100 million to $150 million for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
The motion was filed by Council President Nury Martinez as well as councilmen Herb Wesson and Curren Price.
“We need to rethink what it is that makes people safer and makes communities stronger. We cannot just look at the police in isolation,” the motion stated. “There is no doubt that communities of color suffer disproportionately from negative interactions with the police.”
“Our only path forward is to dismantle the systems that are designed to harm people of color,” Wesson said on Twitter. “A preliminary cut to the LAPD budget will not solve everything, but it’s a step toward to being the city we aspire to be.”
Translated: LAPD exists to harm people of color. No other interpretation possible.
$150 million dollars cut from the LAPD budget. Let the floodgates open and the insanity commence. A little pushback from LAPD, who are reminding LA City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez that they too cast ballots.
Meanwhile, as we’re defunding the police, let’s create our own police to combat the police. From
Black Lives Matter plans armed ‘peace officers’ in war on police, NY leader says
by Peter Aitken, 6-3-20
The Black Lives Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called war on police, according to one of its leaders.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, BLM New York chapter Chairman Hawk Newsome described how the group plans to follow in the footsteps of the Black Panthers Party by matching fire with fire – when necessary.
“We’re talking about self-defense. We’re talking about defending our communities,” Newsome said. “You know what it’s like to see a taser pointed at a 7-year-old, you know what it’s like to see a 67-year-old black woman … pepper sprayed and pushed to the ground?”
“We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities.”
Newsome attended a national conference in Los Angeles of party leadership to discuss how the movement can create a “pathway forward” for people. The plan, called “Black Opts” for Black Opportunities, details how the movement can help to liberate black people.
“We have black Special Forces officers advising us, and we will teach and train people in our communities, the Black Opts department of Black Opportunities,” Newsome said.
We Want Freedom. We Want Power To Determine The Destiny Of Our Black Community.
We believe that Black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny.
We Want Full Employment For Our People.
We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the White American businessmen will not give full employment, then the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.
We Want An End To The Robbery By The Capitalists Of Our Black Community.
We believe that this racist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered six million Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over fifty million Black people; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings.
We believe that if the White Landlords will not give decent housing to our Black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for its people.
We Want Education For Our People That Exposes The True Nature Of This Decadent American Society. We Want Education That Teaches Us Our True History And Our Role In The Present-Day Society.
We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of self. If a man does not have knowledge of himself and his position in society and the world, then he has little chance to relate to anything else.
We Want All Black Men To Be Exempt From Military Service.
We believe that Black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black people, are being victimized by the White racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And Murder Of Black People.
We believe we can end police brutality in our Black community by organizing Black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our Black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all Black people should arm themselves for self- defense.
We Want Freedom For All Black Men Held In Federal, State, County And City Prisons And Jails.
We believe that all Black people should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial.
We Want All Black People When Brought To Trial To Be Tried In Court By A Jury Of Their Peer Group Or People From Their Black Communities, As Defined By The Constitution Of The United States.
We believe that the courts should follow the United States Constitution so that Black people will receive fair trials. The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black community from which the Black defendant came. We have been, and are being, tried by all-White juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning man” of the Black community.
We Want Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice And Peace.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Sounds remarkably similar to 2020 Seattle, doesn’t it?
There was never a more appropriately named book than “The War on Cops” by Heather Mac Donald, published a few weeks ago, on the eve of the greatest escalation of that war by the ambush murders of five policemen in Dallas.
Nor is this war against the police confined to Dallas. It is occurring across the country. Who is to blame?
There is a ton of blame, more than enough to go around to the wide range of people and institutions that have contributed to these disasters. In addition to the murderers who have killed people they don’t even know, there are those who created the atmosphere of blind hatred in which such killers flourish.
Chief among those who generate this poisonous atmosphere are career race hustlers like Al Sharpton and racist institutions like the “Black Lives Matter” movement. All such demagogues need is a situation where there has been a confrontation where someone was white and someone else was black. The facts don’t matter to them.
The same is true of the more upscale, genteel and sophisticated race panderers, including the President of the United States. During his first year in the White House, Barack Obama chastised a white policeman over his handling of an incident with a black professor at Harvard — after admitting that he didn’t know the specific facts.
Nor did he know the specifics when he publicly announced that, if he had a son, that son would look like Trayvon Martin. Are we to decide who is right and who is wrong on the basis of skin color? There was a long history of that in the days of the old Jim Crow South. Are we fighting against racism today or do we just want to put it under new management?
No one should imagine that any of this is helping the black community. The surge in murder rates across the country, in the wake of the anarchy unleashed after the Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore riots, has taken a wholly disproportionate number of black lives.
But, to the race hustlers, black lives don’t really matter nearly as much as their chance to get publicity, power, money, votes or whatever else serves their own interests.
The mainstream media play a large, and largely irresponsible, role in the creation and maintenance of a poisonous racial atmosphere that has claimed the lives of policemen around the country.
I believe that Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as one of the largest dividers of Americans in United States history.
A very important axiom comes to mind at this point: “A society that makes war on its police had better learn to make peace with its criminals.”
Minneapolis council members seek to disband police department
by Law Officer, 6-4-20
Councilmember Steve Fletcher called cops ‘ungovernable’
MINNEAPOLIS — A member of the Minneapolis City Council revealed this week that he and several other council members are working on finding out what it would take to disband the Minneapolis Police Department.
The announcement from Councilmember Steve Fletcher comes a week after George Floyd died while in police custody in Minneapolis. During an appearance on CNN on Wednesday, he called the city’s police department “ungovernable.”
“The department is ungovernable,” Fletcher said. “Chief (Medaria) Arradondo is a leader that we’ve all had very high hopes in and that I imagined could play a role in envisioning the next version of public safety. But he has clearly not been able to make the culture change happen that we were hoping for and investing in.”
BRUTAL MATH: The NYPD’s $6B Budget Must Be Cut, Advocates and Lawmakers Say
by Gersh Kuntzman, 6-4-20
It’s the $1-billion solution.
Activists — and perhaps soon, some politicians — are focusing on cutting the $6-billion NYPD budget by $1 billion, and redistributed in a way that better benefits long-suffering communities and reduces police brutality.
As the city budget process begins, Streetsblog has been asking Council members to put an actual figure on their vague demands for cuts as part of the #defundTheNYPD movement, but none has provided a target number, citing ongoing budget negotiations. But the billion-dollar ask has long been championed by Communities United for Police Reform, and it was a prominent part of an open letter sent to the mayor yesterday by 236 current and former staffers who expressed shock at how badly he is handling the current situation pitting the NYPD against residents protesting police brutality. (Council Member Carlos Menchaca of Brooklyn is the only lawmaker to publicly commit to cutting $1 billion per year, according to the #defundTheNYPD tracker.)
The mayor should “reallocate that money to essential social services, including housing support and rental relief, food assistance, and health care, in alignment with the demands of the NYC Budget Justice campaign,” the letter said.
De Blasio: NYC to cut NYPD funding, shift it to social services
by Peter Aitken, 6-8-20
New York CityMayor Bill de Blasio announced Sunday he would accede to protesters’ demands by moving to shift funds away from the NYPD toward social services.
During his daily briefing, the mayor addressed the demonstrations that have gripped the city and nation for almost two weeks following the death of George Floyd while in police custody. De Blasio announced a number of reforms as proposed by a task force on racial inclusion, one of which was to shift funding from the police force to youth initiatives.
“The details will be worked out in the budget process in the weeks ahead. But, I want people to understand that we are committed to shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people,” de Blasio said.
Translated: you older people and the elderly, those who don’t vote for me, can go to hell.
Massachusetts lawmaker wants to outlaw the use of tear gas by police
Boston Magazineis reporting that a Massachusetts state representative from the Boston neighbor is preparing a bill which would ban the use of tear gas by police.
“Tonight, in Brockton, police fired several tear gas canisters into a crowd of #BlackLivesMatter protestors. Tear gas is considered a chemical weapon and is not allowed on military battlefields. My office is now working on legislation to ban its use against protestors, too.”
Federal judge orders Denver police to limit firing tear gas, projectiles at peaceful protesters
A federal judge in Denver issued an order late Friday night that limits the Denver Police Department’s use of chemical weapons and non-lethal projectiles on protesters, saying that protecting First Amendment rights were more important than protecting buildings.
“The threat to physical safety and free speech outweighs the threat to property,” U.S. District Court Judge R. Brooke Jackson wrote.
Read that again.
“The threat to physical safety and free speech outweighs the threat to property,” U.S. District Court Judge R. Brooke Jackson wrote.
So the oath that law enforcement made to protect lives and property — those oaths about property are suddenly null and void? If so, why would any businesses locate in an area controlled by Leftists who condone or tacitly ignore rioting?
It’s about removing police power, police tools, and eventually the police entirely. At this point, due to the DPT movement, the beginning is with budgets and now with tools. If you defund police, that reduces the number of officers available in riot situations and, absent the proper crowd tools, the only way to defeat riots is with numerical superiority. That will likely, with this trend, never occur in the foreseeable future.
But wait. I have a thought. I honestly think the time has come. Pick a city. Hell, start with Minneapolis. Let’s not stand in the way of their wish to eliminate the police. Really. Cops, resign now, pick another locality. City council, make good on your “threat.” Do it. Everyone else, stand back and watch.
You want a Big Experiment? Do it. Start with a city.
Because it all worked so well in 1965 Los Angeles. Those businesses didn’t come back. It took decades for something else to come. 1968 Baltimore. There are still places in Baltimore, decimated from the 1968 King riots, that look like downtown Stalingrad from World War II. How about 1992 Los Angeles? Many of those businesses never came back.
And considering businesses already crushed and throttled by Wuhan-19, the rule of law gone in so many American cities, small businesses burned and looted, big businesses too, do you think they’re coming back? Big businesses can move somewhere else. Small businesses just die. So do their owners.
Amidst this confusion and chaos, Joe Biden thinks that 10% to 15% of Americans are bad people. Only 50 million Americans. Really, Joe?
And I say again, I emphasize again, NEVER KNEEL FOR THE MOB, never try to appease the mob, never capitulate to the mob — because they can never be appeased. It is never, WILL NEVER be enough.
The official BlackLivesMatter DC chapter recently tweeted their disappointment in response to a mural stating “Black Lives Matter” painted on the street in front of the White House calling it “counter organizing” to their demands.
“This is performative and a distraction from [Mayor Muriel Bowser’s] active counter organizing to our demands to decrease the police budget and invest in the community. Black Lives Matter means Defund the police,” they replied to a tweet by Rachel Chason, a Washington Post reporter.
Mayor Bowser, one of the most Leftist mayors in the US, is insufficiently Left for Leftists and Antifa. Good to know. Ask Neville Chamberlain.
Let’s remember, all Caucasoids are racists. And our children need to be punished.
Now activists in Minneapolis are calling for more than just reform: They want the Minneapolis Police Department defunded — and those calls are catching on elsewhere as demonstrations against police brutality sweep across the country and peaceful protesters are met with more barbarism for speaking out against it.
Defunding the police does not mean stripping a department entirely of its budget, or abolishing it altogether. It’s just about scaling police budgets back and reallocating those resources to other agencies, says Lynda Garcia, policing campaign director at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “A lot of what we advocate for is investment in community services — education, medical access… You can call it ‘defunding,’ but it’s just about directing or balancing the budget in a different way.”
The concept is simple: When cities start investing in community services, they reduce the need to call police in instances when police officers’ specific skill set isn’t required. “If someone is dealing with a mental health crisis, or someone has a substance abuse disorder, we are calling other entities that are better equipped to help these folks,” Garcia says.
So maybe it’s time for this:
Here’s the oddly-unreported thing, though, from
Poll: 56% Of Americans Believe Police Are Behaving Appropriately Or Not Being Aggressive Enough
by Jordan Lancaster, 6-5-20
A new NPR-Marist poll found that 56% of Americans believe that the police are behaving appropriately or not being aggressive enough during the nationwide demonstrations after George Floyd’s death.
The survey, which was conducted Tuesday through Wednesday, asked 1,062 American adults about police behavior in relation to the protests about George Floyd’s death with a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.
Because people aren’t much enamored with this.
We are heading towards a binary eruption; either those who love our country win, or those who despise our country win.
In the meantime comes a press conference that, at first blush, makes you wonder if it isn’t something from the Babylon Bee or George Carlin’s mind.
And since we’re on the topic of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, here is her treatment of an alderman with serious concerns in his ward.
‘What Are We Going To Have Left In Our Community?’ Aldermen React with Panic, Sorrow to Unrest
by Heather Cherone, Paris Schultz, 6-5-20
As unrest swept the city Sunday, aldermen pleaded with Mayor Lori Lightfoot to help them protect their communities from roving bands of criminals clashing with police and looting businesses.
WTTW News obtained a recording of an online conference call held by the mayor’s office to brief all 50 aldermen on the city’s response to the unrest touched off by the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police.
In the wake of protests over police brutality, some are left asking whether the D.C. police force’s budget is too big and oversight of the department is too meager.
Protesters want law enforcement to be held accountable, as it would appear that police oversight is too meager even though department budgets balloon year after year. And while the protests are not a referendum on any one agency, the D.C. chapter of Black Lives Matter, along with other groups, is calling for local leaders to defund MPD. “[Washington Teachers’ Union demands] greater investment in communities, not policing,” says its president, Elizabeth Davis. Organizers are also circulating an online petition to defund the police.
“A budget is a moral statement,” says Sean Blackmon, an organizer with Stop Police Terror Project D.C. “It comes down to a question of who gets this money and resources and why do they deserve it?”
The Leftist Purity Test began with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who said he wasn’t all-in with defunding and disbanding the police.
Guaranteed. Last white mayor of Minneapolis. Buh-bye. NEVER KNEEL or PROSTRATE YOURSELF before the mob, kid. Did you learn any lesson here, Mr GOWP?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we see clear evidence that black lives really don’t matter. From the Chicago Sun Times:
18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago
by Tom Schuba, 6-8-20
A hardworking father killed just before 1 a.m.
A West Side high school student murdered two hours later.
A man killed amid South Side looting at a cellphone store at 12:30 p.m.
A college freshman who hoped to become a correctional officer, gunned down at 4:25 p.m. after getting into an argument in Englewood.
While Chicago was roiled by another day of protests and looting in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, 18 people were killed Sunday, May 31, making it the single most violent day in Chicago in six decades, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab. The lab’s data doesn’t go back further than 1961.
In a city with an international reputation for crime — where 900 murders per year werecommon in the early 1990s — it was the most violent weekend in Chicago’s modern history, stretching police resources that were already thin because of protests and looting.
“We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” said Max Kapustin, the senior research director at the crime lab. “ … I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”
If they keep on this path, pretty soon Chicago is going to run out of black people to shoot and kill.
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — With more people venturing out into reopening businesses and restaurants, Los Angeles crime has skyrocketed in the first week of June.
A tweet from the LAPD says between May 31 and June 6, homicides were up 250% compared to the previous week. The number of victims who had been shot jumped 56% in the same week.
More than 700 officers injured in George Floyd protests across US
by Ebony Bowden, 6-8-20
WASHINGTON — More than 700 law enforcement officers have been injured on the job during nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd — with nearly 300 of those among New York’s Finest, according to the Department of Justice and the NYPD.
Since mass unrest over Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody first broke out on May 27, approximately 700 federal, state and local law enforcement officers have sustained injuries in clashes with demonstrators, according to Justice Department data.
Then things truly went insane in Seattle, Washington, the hub of Antifa, Leftists and anarchists. From
Seattle protesters declare ‘cop free zone’ after police leave precinct
by Michael Ruiz, 6-10-20
Protesters declared a “Cop Free Zone” near where Seattle police boarded up and seemingly abandoned their East Precinct building Monday night, according to local reports — following days of demonstrations in response to the police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
On Monday, the Seattle Police Department sent a memo to officers noting that brass had decided to unblock the streets and allow demonstrators to march past the building on their way to Capitol Hill.
But with the building boarded up and police gone from the area, at least some demonstrators apparently decided to stay in place.
It is now called the CHAZ, or Capital Hill Autonomous Zone.
And what happened almost immediately? No chanting, no harpsichord, no patchouli oil? No. Instead, ID checks at its 6-block borders. Cash for entry. They have instituted their own version of “stop and frisk.” Their own “police force.” A shakedown of businesses for cash, for “protection,” like the Mafia. Apparently Leftists and anarchists DO like borders, they DO like walls, and they DO enjoy graft and corruption. Immediately.
Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch — List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.
The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.
The Antifa group set up barricades at the border and certain areas for dining and public speech.
Given the historical moment, we’ll begin with our demands pertaining to the Justice System.
The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
We demand an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.
We demand that not the City government, nor the State government, but that the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington, as well as the re-opening of all closed cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability. In particular, we demand that cases particular to Seattle and Washington be reopened where no justice has been served, namely the cases of Iosia Faletogo, Damarius Butts, Isaiah Obet, Tommy Le, Shaun Fuhr, and Charleena Lyles.
We demand reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.
We demand that the City of Seattle make the names of officers involved in police brutality a matter of public record. Anonymity should not even be a privilege in public service.
We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.
We demand decriminalization of the acts of protest, and amnesty for protestors generally, but specifically those involved in what has been termed “The George Floyd Rebellion” against the terrorist cell that previously occupied this area known as the Seattle Police Department. This includes the immediate release of all protestors currently being held in prison after the arrests made at 11th and Pine on Sunday night and early Saturday morning June 7th and 8th, and any other protesters arrested in the past two weeks of the uprising, the name Evan Hreha in particular comes to mind who filmed Seattle police macing a young girl and is now in jail.
We demand that the City of Seattle and the State Government release any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.
We demand the City of Seattle and State Government release any prisoner currently serving time just for resisting arrest if there are no other related charges, and that those convictions should also be expunged.
We demand that prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote.
We demand an end to prosecutorial immunity for police officers in the time between now and the dissolution of the SPD and extant justice system.
We demand the abolition of imprisonment, generally speaking, but especially the abolition of both youth prisons and privately-owned, for-profit prisons.
We demand in replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment.
We demand autonomy be given to the people to create localized anti-crime systems.
We demand that the Seattle Police Department, between now and the time of its abolition in the near future, empty its “lost and found” and return property owned by denizens of the city.
We demand justice for those who have been sexually harassed or abused by the Seattle Police Department or prison guards in the state of Washington.
We demand that between now and the abolition of the SPD that each and every SPD officer turn on their body cameras, and that the body camera video of all Seattle police should be a matter of easily accessible public record.
We demand that the funding previously used for Seattle Police be redirected into: A) Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle. B) Free public housing, because housing is a right, not a privilege. C) Public education, to decrease the average class size in city schools and increase teacher salary. D) Naturalization services for immigrants to the United States living here undocumented. (We demand they be called “undocumented” because no person is illegal.) E) General community development. Parks, etc.
We also have economic demands that must be addressed.
We demand the de-gentrification of Seattle, starting with rent control.
We demand the restoration of city funding for arts and culture to re-establish the once-rich local cultural identity of Seattle.
We demand free college for the people of the state of Washington, due to the overwhelming effect that education has on economic success, and the correlated overwhelming impact of poverty on people of color, as a form of reparations for the treatment of Black people in this state and country.
We demand that between now and the abolition of the SPD that Seattle Police be prohibited from performing “homeless sweeps” that displace and disturb our homeless neighbors, and on equal footing we demand an end to all evictions.
We demand a decentralized election process to give the citizens of Seattle a greater ability to select candidates for public office such that we are not forced to choose at the poll between equally undesirable options. There are multiple systems and policies in place which make it impractical at best for working-class people to run for public office, all of which must go, starting with any fees associated with applying to run for public office.
Related to economic demands, we also have demands pertaining to what we would formally call “Health and Human Services.”
We demand the hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients.
We demand the people of Seattle seek out and proudly support Black-owned businesses. Your money is our power and sustainability.
We demand that the city create an entirely separate system staffed by mental health experts to respond to 911 calls pertaining to mental health crises, and insist that all involved in such a program be put through thorough, rigorous training in conflict de-escalation.
Finally, let us now address our demands regarding the education system in the City of Seattle and State of Washington.
We demand that the history of Black and Native Americans be given a significantly greater focus in the Washington State education curriculum.
We demand that thorough anti-bias training become a legal requirement for all jobs in the education system, as well as in the medical profession and in mass media.
We demand the City of Seattle and State of Washington remove any and all monuments dedicated to historical figures of the Confederacy, whose treasonous attempts to build an America with slavery as a permanent fixture were an affront to the human race.
Just a few demands.
These are terrorists folks, and the powder-keg is not far from blowing. But people are now saying the federal government should step in.
Send in no one. This is a local government creation and local and state government can repair it. But they must first have the will to do so. Their lack of will — when they have all the equipment and personnel to do it themselves — does not an emergency make. The city of Seattle groomed and coddled and petted and nurtured that little lizard until it became a dragon.
If you, Seattle, lack the will to repair this yourselves, these are your options:
1. Coordinate with local LE to take your city back, like King County, surrounding cities and counties.
2. Ask for state assistance. I watched Governor Inslee profess ignorance of the situation yesterday. That’s a lie. He knows precisely what’s going on in Seattle.
3. It is the governor’s job to request National Guard assistance and HERE’S the rub.
Washington and Gov Inslee very well might not because that would acknowledge three things:
– Washington can’t handle their own people.
– Asking DC for help is acknowledging their fundamental errors in appeasement and capitulation.
– It would give a “win” to President Trump politically, and Demorats/Leftists can never, will never, cannot afford to yield a “win.”
It would prove their foundational tenets and beliefs are insidiously corrupt and unworkable.
You are going to see Seattle sacrificed, an entire city, on the Altar of Political Correctness by the Woke Child Mob.
NOT BLACKS. NOT BLM. By GOWPs — Guilty Overeducated White People — and the WCM.
Let Seattle stew in its own festering broth. They wanted it — no, DEMANDED it — they VOTED for it, they disciplined normal people to get it, so I say:
Give them what they want. A Balkanized city. A Balkanized state.
Seattle has the capability to stop this, but not the will. Governor Inslee lacks, at this point, the will to even acknowledge a problem.
Stay out, federal government, unless CALLED by Governor Inslee. They started the mess, they can fix their mess.
Calling DC for help is a clear admission of guilt and, moreover, failure.
THEIR job to fix, not ours. Unless called by their Governor.
Do you think he’ll do it?
MASSIVE loss of political face to ask for FEDERAL help. Meaning Trump.
Note: the “autonomous zone” is about to get larger. You watch.
Maybe Seattle Chief Carmen Best is having second thoughts? Throwing her mayor under the bus?
Jay Inslee Laughs About Antifa’s Rebellion in Seattle as He Demobilizes National Guard
by Tyler O’Neill, 6-10-20
As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, calling it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill,” Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) laughed about this open rebellion, saying he hadn’t heard about it. Inslee added that the National Guard is demobilizing, and his chief of staff suggested that even if an open rebellion had broken out on the streets of Seattle, it would be up to “local authorities” to fight it.
“Passing the buck” doesn’t even begin to cover the insanity of this “response.”
A reporter asked Inslee about the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone during the governor’s press conference on Wednesday, noting that the antifa militants had shut down part of the city and were “not allowing people to come and go freely.” He did not mention the fact that antifa had commandeered the Seattle Police East Precinct.
“That’s news to me. So, I’ll have to reserve any comment about it. I have not — I have not heard anything about that… from any credible source,” Inslee said, with a chuckle. “Not that you’re not credible, it’s just before I espouse and opinion I should know of which I speak.” He laughed again after giving this response.
If the governor of Washington has not heard about the open revolt taking place in the state’s largest city — in the Capitol Hill district, no less! — then he is utterly incompetent. But his next response proved equally insane.
The reporter responded with a follow-up question, asking whether or not Inslee would bring in the National Guard to open up the city when “protesters” had erected barricades to block streets.
“You know, that’s a hypothetical. Look, we’ve got to have safety. I’m sure that people will find a way to have public safety everywhere in the state, I’m confident of that,” Inslee said. “The National Guard is demobilizing, over two-thirds of them are demobilized as of yesterday.”
This is the perfect time for Leftist Insurrection. Antifa members are terrorists. Terrorists have taken over an American city. The mayor lacks the will to act and the governor lacks the will to act. They are equally complicit. Seattle Mayor Durkan knows precisely what’s going on. So does Washington Governor Jay Inslee. This is a political statement and they’re making it.
Again, Leftists couldn’t care less whether you live or die, your working conditions, your living conditions, and if some citizens have to be sacrificed on the political altar, oh well. Better yet if cops get removed wholesale or get killed along the way.
In the meantime, those persons living within those six blocks of Seattle had no choice in the matter. They are trapped by terrorists. Young and old. Black and white. And trust me. They get no voice in the matter whatsoever.
This means any group of “protesters” can now choose, in any major American Urban Rat Cage, to close off some blocks of a city and call it their own. Because they can get away with it, and encounter no resistance.
That means it can occur in any city, in Sacramento, on a block where YOU and your family lives, and THEY could be in charge of whether you go in or out, to work, to a grocery store, and the fee of re-entry could be as simple as “are you with us or against us.” If you lie and say yes, you enter. If you say no they pull you out, beat and rob you, turn over your car and set it on fire.
That’s where this is going.
Oh and yeah: without cops they WILL do this.
In the words of a good Seattle cop himself:
I have heard from many people, both pro-cop and anti-cop friends that I’m “one of the good ones” and they “wish all officers were like me.” That I’m fair, kind, understanding, loving, and a great guy. I am still that guy. But my heart is no longer in it.
I work with an amazing group of people, people who got into this job as a calling. A calling to help people. Officers who when they hear people are being shot, stabbed, raped, robbed feel the call to try their best to protect life and property. And place themselves between the violent and the victim. And even take those wounds.. A department of people who recognize the past failures and have committed to try to correct the mistakes of the past and work towards a better future. Recognize their own biases and mistakes and learn about others to be more fair, caring, and understanding. Who were as disgusted and upset at the callous murder of George Floyd as the general public and wanted justice to be served. Officers who called out the actions of those officers and wanted them out and charged.
And for a moment, I had hope. Hope that something beautiful and good could come from it. In the last week, that hope has been extinguished. I am all about reform. I am all for accountability. And I am all about ensuring justice for all. And my department is a national leader in all of that. In the last years I’ve attended community meetings, made a point to get to know the people in the area I work (a largely minority community), and worked with people from other social agencies to improve our effectiveness and bring about better results when people need help beyond what I am trained to do.
But the actions of the last two weeks have shown me that does not matter. Progress counts for nothing. Discussion is off the table. Unity to address problems is dismissed.
I have been working 12-16 hour days for almost two weeks, trying my best to protect lives and property and ensure that those who want to march and have their voices heard are able to do so. But even when officers were simply blocking intersections to protect people marching or stationed around marchers as we’ve done thousands of times in the past, it was nothing but insults, death threats, and assaults by rocks, frozen water bottles, beer bottles, fireworks, flammable substances, and explosives. I’ve heard my black coworkers called traitors, Uncle Toms, and the N word, by white people. I’ve heard other minority officers slandered and singled out. Officers that I know and am friends with. People I know who joined hoping to make a difference and bring about change. Be that person that someone can directly relate to, because of a shared background. It made me sick and broke my heart for them.
I can take insults and threats. I understand people are angry about what happened, I am too. But this time has shown me that this area in general does not want me around. Despite numerous steps and advancements, personally and as a department, it mattered for nothing. There was no chance for connection and conversation. People were not interested in what anyone on my side of the line had to say. I heard what protesters where saying, heard their hurt, and spent a lot of time thinking about it, trying to at least partially understand and take it to heart.
But I legitimately don’t feel this community wants me or any other officers around. The community seems to feel this city and area would be better with no officers on duty, nobody willing to answer the calls for help.
I have stood next to officers while they were shot, attacked, injured. I have held people as they died in my arms, doing everything I could to try to fend off death. Heard the screams of people finding out their loved one was never coming home. Held people as they cried asking me “why?” Why did this happen to them or their family members and felt helpless because I had no answers. Pulled mangled bodies from accident scenes. Chased armed people, murders, and robbers through the dark. Been shot at, had people pull weapons on me or try to take my gun while threatening to kill me. Attended funerals for officers who were killed trying to save victims of domestic violence and robbery.
I have gone home and cried myself to sleep at the lives I couldn’t save. And then got up the next day and gone back to try to do better and do this job to the highest standard. And I serve with officers who have done all that and more. Because we care, deep in our core.
But despite all of that it seems like we are not wanted. We are looked at as worse than the criminals we try to stop from harming people. And more than that, I feel as if this city would not just be indifferent if I or a fellow officer were killed, they want it.
This week has shown me the city’s true colors and I don’t know how to reckon with the fact that I could lose my life trying to protect a city that will protest my funeral and cheer when I’m laid in the ground. And it has made me consider leaving it all behind. Abandon my calling to serve, help, and protect.
So no matter what side of anything you are on, please consider the ramifications of some of the things you are demanding. Because at some point even the strongest “good ones” may walk away. I am not there yet, but I am close. I am praying for the strength to continue. To be the change I want to see. But I don’t know how much more I have left. Or how much my brothers and sisters have left.
We have to ask ourselves: what are some of the true ultimate goals? There are two that immediately come to mind. Here is the first. A “police-free” future.
Minneapolis City Council president: ‘The goal’ is a ‘police-free future’
by Madison Dibble, 6-9-20
The Minneapolis City Council president said the city is aiming to have a “police-free future” as it shifts to dismantle its police department following the death of George Floyd.
Council President Lisa Bender noted on Monday that the change will take time but said that the city is aspiring to change the department completely with the goal of eventually eliminating police altogether.
“I think the idea of having a police-free future is very aspirational, and I am willing to stand with community members who are asking us to think of that as the goal because so many folks in our community have seen us work on reform,” she told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.
George Floyd’s Family Asks United Nations to Disarm Police in U.S.
The family of George Floyd, the black man killed while in police custody in Minneapolis on Memorial Day, has sent a letter to the globalist United Nations to ask for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America.
YouGov Poll Finds Only 16% Americans Want to ‘Defund the Police’; 65% Oppose
A YouGov poll found “despite calls by activists and protesters to defund police departments, most Americans do not support reducing law enforcement budgets. Close to two-thirds (65%) oppose cutting police force funding. Just 16 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans support that idea.”
Demorats and Republicans at about the same percent.
So make no mistake. We are in the heart of a war. A civil war. A war for the United States of America.
This is absolutely a binary election this November 3rd.
Either people who love this country win — or people who despise this country win.
This is a conclusion pushed not by normal Americans, but by anarchists, Antifa, Leftists, Demorat-Socialists, Socialists, Communists and Demorats.
We are on the cusp of Balkanizing the United States of America, dividing it, doing the exact things our Founding Fathers fought to avoid.
E pluribus unum.
Every Leftist bastard for himself, and everything for free.
A single death in a nursing facility is a tragedy. Three to eight thousand deaths in nursing facilities, of Wuhan-19, is a statistic.
Let me cut to the chase up front.
In my opinion, New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo has blood on his hands.
Why would that be?
For taking the most virulent global pandemic disease of 2020 and placing people infected with same — not just “suggesting” but mandating it with the force of the entire state of New York behind said mandate — and no, not “placing” but forcibly injecting people, into nursing facilities within the state of New York.
Facilities that couldn’t say no.
The elderly, the infirm — those very same persons, who in their early years, had worked hard in order to allow New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to attain his exalted position and stand upon their work (as in: Governor Cuomo, you didn’t build that, they did.), their grief, their tears, their labor and sweat in order to obtain his current position.
Those people. Who paid their taxes, paid their dues, obeyed the laws, built ships, flew planes, poured concrete, laid bricks, fixed cars, took care of children, started small businesses, repaired toilets, constructed skyscrapers, drove locomotives, dug ditches, stitched wounds, designed clothes, conducted brain surgery, repaired broken windshields, replaced HVAC systems, knitted socks, changed diapers, and fought wars for America, serving their nation, serving their communities.
And those people who, now, in their later years, those infirm, those who require the greatest amount of care, those who did in fact pay every bill, honor every debt required of them, the most vulnerable, the weakest amongst us, the most susceptible to disease, the least able to fight back physically, genetically and psychologically — found themselves placed directly into harm’s way by an individual who knew better.
And I’ll prove it. Work with me here.
First, we know that Wuhan-19 deaths are being padded. For money. That is to say, three times the federal cash paid for a Wuhan-19 death as opposed to any other.
Clear thinking people should already have all the bells and klaxons going off in their heads about information surrounding Wuhan-19.
First, we knew that New York was over its head. It couldn’t begin to cope with what was before its very eyes
New York was told to prepare. But it decided to ignore its own study. From the
We didn’t have to have ventilator shortage — leaders chose not to prep for pandemic
by Betsy McCaughey, 3-19-20
Several years ago, after learning that the Empire State’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than the 18,000 New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, state public-health leaders came to a fork in the road.
They could have chosen to buy more ventilators to back up the supplies hospitals maintain. Instead, the health commissioner, Howard Zucker, assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had.
In 2015, that task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), depending on a “triage officer’s” decision.
Who was governor of the State of New York in 2015? Correct. Andrew Cuomo.
In 2015, the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million. It’s a lot of money, but in hindsight, spending half a percent of the budget to prepare for pandemic was the right thing to do.
This wasn’t Trump’s purvey. He wasn’t even president. Only one person: Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo then blamed the president for not providing a sufficient amount of ventilators to help NY state residents.
But in New York, rationing ventilators should be unnecessary. The state knew of the shortage, had the money and should have bought the lifesaving equipment, instead of making a plan for who should live or die. A lesson for the future.
New York was overwhelmed. But they had warning. They chose to ignore the warning. They were unprepared. They could have decided to be prepared. They chose not to. That was an active, affirmative decision; not a passive one. There were consequences. President Trump had absolutely nothing to do with those decisions.
Dozens of bodies found in U-Haul trucks outside NYC funeral home
by Larry Celona, 4-29-20
Police found dozens of bodies being stored in unrefrigerated trucks outside a Brooklyn funeral home and lying on the facility’s floor Wednesday, law enforcement sources told The Post.
Between 40 and 60 bodies were discovered either stacked up in U-Haul box trucks outside Andrew Cleckley Funeral Services in Flatlands or on the building’s floor, after neighbors reported a foul odor around the property, sources said.
The corpses were stacked on top of each other in the trucks. Fluid leaking from inside created a terrible smell and caused neighboring store owners to call the police, according to sources.
We heard, then, the resulting plaintive cry from this women when she discovered her own reality. Again from
Woman slams de Blasio after relative’s body left at home for hours
by Sara Dorn, 4-18-20
A grieving Harlem food truck owner was forced to ice her husband’s corpse Saturday as she searched for someone to retrieve his body, several hours after he died from suspected coronavirus.
Tami Treadwell, 57, slammed the city after Gregory Anthony Treadwell’s remains were left in the home by emergency responders, with the city medical examiner’s office telling her it could take “three hours to three days” to pick them up.
“This is our city, and we’re being treated like s–t!” wailed Treadwell, owner of Harlem Seafood Soul.
“It’s grossly inhumane. I say shame on you Mayor de Blasio … you got to designate somebody to come get these bodies out of here, people who died at home. How dare you make us have to deal with that and to live with the body for days? How dare you, Mayor de Blasio? And you can’t blame that s–t on Trump. You can’t blame that s–t on Cuomo!” Treadwell cried.
Now let’s get specific. On April 14th, Governor Cuomo said nursing homes are the “optimal feeding ground for the virus.”
Governor Cuomo knew this. It is archived on the internet via, for example, this story:
Cuomo calls nursing homes a ‘feeding frenzy’ for coronavirus as 540 die in New York
by Dave Goldiner, 4-18-20
Gov. Cuomo called nursing homes the biggest concern for New York authorities battling the coronavirus pandemic on Saturday even as a lower overall total of 540 people died in the past day.
The relatively lower death toll represents a dip of more than 25% from just a few days ago. But the governor said the still-raging epidemic claimed 36 elderly victims in nursing homes — and still poses a dire threat.
“Nursing homes are the single biggest fear in all of this,” he said. “Vulnerable people in one place, it is the feeding frenzy for this virus.”
“Nursing homes are the No. 1 long term consequence of this disease,” he added.
Knowing this, saying this, what did New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo decide to do? Correct. Force nursing facilities to accept Wuhan-19 patients in their March 25th policy. reported:
Nursing homes can’t reject patients just over coronavirus, state says
by Joan Gralfa, 3-29-20
New York State’s nursing homes cannot reject newly released hospital patients solely because they tested positive for the novel coronavirus, a new state directive says.
The order raised concern in an industry whose elderly and frail residents have the lowest survival rate for the disease.
The state health department issued the new directive, which the nursing home industry says is a first, late Wednesday. “No resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19,” the directive reads.
Hospitals are under pressure to discharge patients, including ones stricken with the coronavirus but who don’t need ventilators, to open up beds for what Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo says will be a surge of thousands more cases in the next two to four weeks. However, nursing homes, whose workforce is struggling with problems like those in hospitals — arranging child care and managing a shortage of supplies like protective garb — fear their facilities will be overwhelmed.
Governor Cuomo himself told facilities they had to accept Wuhan-19 patients. From
Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says
by Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding, 4-23-20
New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to admit patients with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents.
“They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.
“And the regulation is common sense: if you can’t provide adequate care, you can’t have the patient in your facility and that’s your basic fiduciary obligation — I would say, ethical obligation — and it’s also your legal obligation.”
That wasn’t enough. Governor Andrew Cuomo decided to demand more compliance, as this New York Post article indicates:
Cuomo doubles down on ordering nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients
by Kate Sheehy, 4-26-20
Gov. Cuomo doubled down Sunday on the state’s controversial directive ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients.
The governor — who himself has described nursing homes as a “feeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus — said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion.
Well wait. Cuomo said, Wuhan-19 will sweep through nursing facilities like a whirlwind. He believed it. He said it. He knew it. Yet he made the statement, demanding it continue to occur. So yes, Governor Cuomo knew precisely what he was doing, and was aware of every movement regarding New York State nursing facilities.
The CEO of a hard-hit Brooklyn nursing home, where 55 patients have died from the coronavirus, told The Post last week that he’d been warning state Health Department officials for weeks he had staffing and equipment issues — yet received little help.
“There is no way for us to prevent the spread under these conditions,’’ the head of the Cobble Hill Health Center, Donny Tuchman, wrote in an e-mail to the department on April 8.
But here’s the crux of the biscuit.
He said he asked to move some patients to the makeshift wards at Manhattan’s Javits Center and aboard the city-docked USNS Comfort amid the pandemic, only to be told those two spots were receiving only patients from hospitals.
“I made specific requests to transfer patients, and it didn’t happen,’’ Tuchman told The Post. “There weren’t options.”
Hospital facilities built quickly on the order of President Trump. An entire military ship, one of only two in existence, devoted solely to New York City. Ignored. Unused. Torn down. Sailed away for “lack of need.”
Yet the “need” somehow continued to be to “place fiery, virulent Wuhan-19 virus patients into the closed buildings of those persons with the least capacity to fight said virus.”
In direct contravention of federal laws. From the
Medicare chief: Cuomo’s nursing home order did not follow federal guidelines
by Emilie Munson, 5-29-20
WASHINGTON — The federal government’s top official overseeing nursing homes said Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s executive order in late March that directed the admittance of coronavirus patients from hospitals to nursing facilities did not follow her agency’s guidance.
Cuomo has insisted that his original order regarding nursing homes was aligned with the Trump administration’s policy, but Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said Wednesday that’s not the case.
We see what’s building here, don’t we? A case?
“Under no circumstances should a hospital discharge a patient to a nursing home that is not prepared to take care of those patients’ needs,” Verma said on Fox News Radio. “The federal guidelines are absolutely clear about this.”
New York nursing homes have reported about 6,000 confirmed or presumed COVID-19 deaths, as of May 27, the most recent data available.
We see already, what Governor Cuomo is going to say soon, don’t we?
Cuomo’s March 25 nursing home order did not specifically say that nursing homes should only accept recovering coronavirus patients if they were safely able to do so, a talking point he has been making repeatedly in recent weeks. The order said “all NHs must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs. Residents are deemed appropriate for return to a NH upon a determination by the hospital physician or designee that the resident is medically stable for return.”
It emphasized: “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”
Already Governor Cuomo was saying “hey, it wasn’t me. I wasn’t responsible.”
Cuomo defended his actions on May 23, saying, “What New York did was follow what the Republican administration said to do. … Don’t criticize the state for following the president’s policy.”
Except he was responsible. And he knew what he did. Only after things went very badly did he begin his political backpedal.
The policy prompted severe backlash against the Cuomo administration as COVID-19 cases spread rampantly among seniors in nursing homes, causing many deaths. Then, on May 10, Cuomo revised this policy, ordering nursing homes to only accept hospital patients who have tested negative for coronavirus into their facilities.
Nursing facilities in New York weren’t ready. They weren’t prepared with appropriately-trained staff. They didn’t have the requisite equipment. But that didn’t matter to Governor Cuomo. Equipment? He wasn’t going to assist them. From the
Gov. Cuomo says ‘it’s not our job’ to provide PPE to nursing homes
by Bernadette Hogan, Bruce Golding and Carl Campanite, 4-22-20
Gov. Andrew Cuomo insisted that “it’s not our job” to provide coronavirus-ravaged nursing homes with personal protective equipment — even as more than 3,000 patients have lost their lives in facilities ordered by his administration to take in COVID-19 patients.
“We have been helping them with more PPE but, again, it’s not our job,” Cuomo said Wednesday during his daily briefing in Albany.
Pressed on why coronavirus patients were not kept out of the facilities, which treat the elderly and other vulnerable populations, Cuomo insisted that the state regulated, but did not “run,” New York’s privately owned nursing homes.
“You’ll be out of business if you’re not providing your staff with the right equipment. You’re out of business. That we can do,” he said of state regulations.
I see a trend. Governor Andrew Cuomo makes the active decision to place Wuhan-19 patients in New York nursing facilities, where the weakest live in small, enclosed spaces. He doubles down on that demand. They chides these facilities for not ponying up their own PPE or Personal Protective Equipment — or, as he states, he’ll gladly assist with closing their businesses.
The situation in New York was a warning — one that was clearly heard by an administrator in Pennsylvania, who took “her” own mother out of a nursing facility. After making the same order as New York Governor Cuomo. “Do as I say, not as I do. Only the little people need obey me.”
PA Health Secretary Moved Mother Out Of Personal Care Home After Ordering Nursing Homes To Accept COVID Patients
by Peter Hasson, 5-13-20
Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine’s mother moved out of a personal care home with the health secretary’s help, after Levine ordered all nursing homes and long-term facilities in the state to accept coronavirus patients from hospitals.
Levine admitted Tuesday to moving the 95-year-old Pennsylvania resident out of her personal care home, which is similar to an assisted living facility although technically distinct.
“Good for thee, not for me.”
“My mother requested, and my sister and I as her children complied to move her to another location during the COVID-19 outbreak,” Levine said. The health secretary’s admission came after local station ABC27 found out about the move.
Translated: unless discovered, Levin was never going to tell anyone what “she” had done. Lying by omission. Purposely. Consciousness of guilt. Remember that phrase.
Levine is facing calls to resign over the department’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
“Our secretary of health, Dr. Levine, decided that it would be good to allow COVID-positive patients to be returned to elder-care facilities. And as a result of that, it broke out like fire,” Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano said Monday at a rally calling for Levine’s resignation.
Imagine that. Should Governor Cuomo be any exception?
Over 4,300 virus patients sent to NY nursing homes, AP counts
by Bernard Condon, Jennifer Peltz and Jim Mustian, 5-22-20
More than 4,300 recovering coronavirus patients were sent to New York’s already vulnerable nursing homes under a controversial state directive that was ultimately scrapped amid criticisms it was accelerating the nation’s deadliest outbreaks, according to a count by The Associated Press.
AP compiled its own tally to find out how many COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospitals to nursing homes under the March 25 directive after New York’s Health Department declined to release its internal survey conducted two weeks ago. It says it is still verifying data that was incomplete.
Whatever the full number, nursing home administrators, residents’ advocates and relatives say it has added up to a big and indefensible problem for facilities that even Gov. Andrew Cuomo — the main proponent of the policy — called “the optimum feeding ground for this virus.”
As I mentioned earlier, weren’t there alternative locations available for Wuhan-19 patients besides nursing facilities? Of course there were. Some were never even used. From the
$21M Brooklyn field hospital never saw a patient amid coronavirus pandemic
by Carl Campanile and Natalie Musumeci, 5-22-20
A roughly $21 million Brooklyn field hospital authorized by the de Blasio administration at the height of the coronavirus pandemic opened and closed without ever seeing one patient, according to city officials.
The Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in Red Hook was one of several sites across the five boroughs converted into a medical facility as a way to relieve the city’s overburdened hospital system as the COVID-19 crisis mounted.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced plans on Mar. 31 — a day after the USNS Comfort hospital ship arrived in New York Harbor to aid in the coronavirus fight — for the $20.8 million Red Hook field hospital with an estimated capacity for 750 beds.
The field hospital was built by Texas-based construction company SLSCO.
The USS Comfort was also available, but unused. But now the pressure begins to build. reported:
Coronavirus: Amid New York’s unused hospital beds and ventilators, critics point to mass waste and mismanagement
by Holly McKay, 5-1-20
While New York has weathered the brunt of coronavirus infections and deaths, the state’s apparent hoarding of medical supplies, and the millions spent on equipment that never arrived, as well as unused hospitals and beds, have some questioning what went wrong.
Early to mid-March projections of the spread of COVID-19 had the state scrambling to bolster its hospital bed capacity to more than double its 53,000 maximum status-quo. Subsequently, hospitals statewide were ordered to discharge patients to free up beds, and forced to add new ones as non-emergency procedures were canceled.
Knowing all that, Governor Cuomo had a decision to make. But he knew what the outcome would be, inserting a hot virus into populations of the weakest New York citizens. Wouldn’t a normal individual with common sense realize that?
But read this now, from the same story.
Meanwhile, nursing home managers have been left bewildered as to why the empty facilities were not made available for ill and suspect coronavirus patients, who were not able to be aptly isolated from others deemed vulnerable to severe infection or death.
In April, coronavirus patients at a Brooklyn nursing home were denied admission to both of the medical facilities established in New York to handle victims of the pandemic even though beds were mostly empty. The snub, as highlighted by the New York Post, came weeks after New York health officials were warned by the nursing home operator – where 55 people have died – that there was a grave concern, and requesting patients be transferred to the temporary facilities.
New York nursing homes have accounted for 13 percent of the state’s coronavirus death toll, according to the state’s health department figures.
Oh, but it’s much worse than that. We’ll see. The death counts continued to build. From the
Over 1,700 more coronavirus deaths reported in New York nursing homes
by Carl Campanile, Bernadette Hogan and Aaron Feis, 5-5-20
The coronavirus’ suspected death toll among New York’s nursing home residents exploded by an additional 1,700 fatalities — as Gov. Andrew Cuomo caught bipartisan backlash Tuesday for his administration’s edict that the facilities take in COVID-19 patients.
The grim tally surged to at least 4,813 late Monday as the state Department of Health disclosed for the first time not just confirmed coronavirus deaths, but fatalities in which the deceased was never tested despite showing telltale symptoms, which also sparked outrage.
A spokesman for the Health Department pinned the delay in factoring in the suspected deaths on shoddy work by overwhelmed nursing homes.
“The numbers we are presenting as part of our review capture confirmed and presumed coronavirus deaths that many facilities were not previously reporting,” said Gary Holmes.
The numbers. Yes, the numbers.
Sources told The Post, however, that even the revised figure fails to capture the true scope of the horror, because stricken nursing home residents who die in hospitals are not counted towards the healthcare facilities’ tallies released Tuesday.
Cuomo attempted to undercut his own Health Department by casting skepticism on the figures during a Tuesday press briefing in Manhattan.
“Just to be clear, I would take all of these numbers with a grain of salt,” the governor told reporters in his Midtown office.
“What does a ‘presumed death’ mean, right? How do you presume it to be the coronavirus?”
Cuomo scoffed at the stats as they sparked a renewed barrage of criticism over his handling of nursing homes amid the pandemic.
Cuomo scoffed. The bodies piled up. Your mother, your father, your parents, your grandparents.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald wrote on May 2nd:
I don’t think there are easy or pat answers to how civil liberties should be balanced with the outbreak of this new, lethal, highly contagious virus. But what’s worrisome is that there is no balancing going on: it’s full, unlimited, absolute authority in the hands of governors.
But the heat was on and Governor Andrew Cuomo was the focus. So Cuomo made a public statement. From
Cuomo says no one should be prosecuted for coronavirus deaths in New York, including those in nursing homes
by Caroline Linton, 5-18-20
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday addressed the state’s early response to the coronavirus outbreak and said “nobody” should be prosecuted for the those who died, noting that “older people” were most vulnerable. The governor has been criticized for a decision in March, which has since been reversed, to send patients back to nursing homes after they tested positive for COVID-19.
Isn’t that convenient, since the focus was now on him? And could Governor Andrew Cuomo have been any more dismissive? Consciousness of guilt. His guilt.
But wait; there’s more. It gets better. From
Cuomo granted immunity to nursing home executives, after big-money campaign donation: report
by Adam Shaw, 5-27-20
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who signed legislation granting hospital and nursing home executives immunity from lawsuits related to the novel coronavirus last month, previously received a big-money boost from a powerful health care industry group, according to a new report.
An article published on the socialist website Jacobin, and re-published by The Guardian, reports that the New York State Democratic Committee, then backing Cuomo’s primary run in 2018, received more than $1 million from the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) — a lobbying group for hospital systems, some of which own nursing homes.
Correct. More people died in New York nursing facilities than died on September 11th.
Because if Governor Cuomo couldn’t hold himself accountable, how could he hold the nursing facilities accountable? Big money folks, big money. Big donations. $2.3 million dollars.
REVEALED: Governor Cuomo quietly gave legal immunity to nursing home executives from coronavirus lawsuits after raking in $2.3 million in campaign cash from the industry
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took in $2.3 million in campaign cash from the hospital and nursing home industry before signing legislation to provide legal immunity to healthcare executives in the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report.
Cuomo quietly signed legislation last month shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the pandemic, in a provision inserted into the annual budget, the Guardian reported.
Coronavirus deaths at US nursing homes, long-term facilities reach over 10,000
by Joshua Miller, 4-23-20
Coronavirus-linked fatalities at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities in the US have surpassed 10,000 — with the highest tally in New York, according to a troubling new report.
A survey by the Wall Street Journal published Wednesday found at least 10,700 fatalities among 35 states that either submit data online or responded to information requests.
Who sent COVID-19 positive patients into nursing homes?
by Michael Barone, 5-20-20
One-third of reported coronavirus deaths in the United States, according to New York Times reporting, are of nursing home residents or workers. Nursing homes accounted for a majority of deaths in heavily hit states like New Jersey (52%), Massachusetts (59%), Pennsylvania (66%) and Connecticut (55%), and for 80% of the deaths in otherwise lightly hit Minnesota.
When asked about his (nursing home) policy in late April, Governor Andrew Cuomo professed ignorance. Two weeks later, on May 9, after 46 days in effect, he reversed it.
New York wasn’t the only state that insisted on placing infected patients in nursing homes. New Jersey’s policy was similar, explicitly barring homes from requiring testing before admitting patients. California had the same policy but dropped it after 10 days.
Blame governors for the coronavirus deaths in nursing homes: Goodwin
An article in Nowhere Magazine several years ago explored the ways ancient cultures dispatched the elderly, a practice known as senicide. Author Justin Nobel recounted several gruesome rites that made the Inuit habit of putting Granny on an Arctic ice floe seem humane.
At one point, Nobel mentioned that his own grandparents had moved “to a fancy nursing home in the suburbs of New York City.”
That made me shudder.
If they are honest, historians judging the American experience during the coronavirus pandemic will excoriate our barbaric failure to protect the elderly. We think of ourselves as civilized, but mindless policies and bureaucratic indifference turned many nursing homes and rehabilitation centers into killing fields.
At least 28,000 residents and workers in long-term care facilities already have died from the virus, according to a New York Times analysis done more than a week ago. That represented one out of every three COVID-19 deaths recorded in the United States at the time and was likely an undercount because of reporting lags and varying state methods.
Read this:
The states with the most nursing-home deaths, New York and New Jersey, didn’t make the list because of so many other deaths, yet more than 10,000 people died in their facilities. The 5,500 nursing-home deaths in New York are more than the total deaths in all other states except New Jersey.
Despite the surging death count, Cuomo defended his directive for more than six weeks. He reversed himself only last Sunday, ruling that patients must test negative before hospitals can send them to nursing homes. Yet he insisted that the initial policy “worked.”
If more than 5,000 dead was success, what would failure look like?
Cuomo’s reversal included forcing nursing homes to test staff and administrators twice a week, at the homes’ own expense. There was no explanation why testing was not required all along, or how it would work when labs say they cannot process the needed 410,000 weekly tests.
Blame governors, not Trump. You know, the same people who are blaming President Trump.
This nursing home disaster is on you, Gov. Cuomo: Goodwin
Two weeks ago, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was first asked about his policy that forced nursing homes to admit patients infected with the coronavirus.
“That’s a good question, I don’t know,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.
On Tuesday, Cuomo was asked about a report from the Associated Press that his team had added more than 1,700 deaths to the count of those who died in nursing homes, bringing the total to at least 4,813.
“I don’t know the details, frankly,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.
Whose responsibility is it? Trump’s?
So with known nursing home deaths representing 25 percent of all deaths in the state, it beggars belief that the governor didn’t know anything about his office’s fatal policy two weeks ago or the new death totals now.
The only way either could be true is through an extreme case of plausible deniability. Thus, if there’s no proof he knew, he can’t be held responsible, right? Which was the whole point of the Sgt. Schultz defense.
That was a sitcom. This is life and death.
Then this.
Two other things Cuomo said Tuesday also bear remembering. First, he allowed that “we did some very harsh things” to nursing homes that “frankly, I wasn’t comfortable with.” He then cited the order barring visitors for the last two months.
It was indeed harsh, especially for the families who never saw their loved ones again before the virus killed them. By the same token, those families want to know why in the world the state would bar them from nursing homes but simultaneously impose infected patients on the same facilities.
It wasn’t President Trump, who was responsible for the New York nursing facility catastrophe. It was Governor Andrew Cuomo.
The Most Important Coronavirus Statistic: 42% Of U.S. Deaths Are From 0.6% Of The Population
by Avik Roy, 5-26-20
Americans are vigorously debating the merits of continuing to lock down the U.S. economy to prevent the spread of COVID-19. A single statistic may hold the key to resolving this debate: the astounding share of deaths occurring in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities: The #1 COVID problem
2.1 million Americans, representing 0.62% of the U.S. population, reside in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. (Nursing homes are residences for seniors needing help with activities of daily living, such as taking a shower or getting dressed, who also require 24/7 medical supervision; assisted living facilities are designed for seniors who need help with activities of daily living, but don’t require full-time on-site medical supervision.)
According to an analysis that Gregg Girvan and I conducted for the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, as of May 22, in the 43 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 42% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Let’s look at that again.
As of May 22, in the 43 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 42% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
And you couldn’t see that a captive audience, like nursing facilities in your state, were the very last place you should have purposely inserted a terrible virus?
Over TEN THOUSAND people killed, who could have been here today. The bulk of them killed in New York and New Jersey nursing facilities.
Report: Man who beat elderly veteran was diagnosed with coronavirus, quarantined into nursing home
Jaydon Hayden, 20 years old, filmed himself punching multiple elderly people repeatedly until they bled at the Westwood Nursing Center.
The man in the video that went viral was a 75-year-old United States Veteran.
We have discovered that Hayden was only brought to the nursing home last week, and he was staying there because he was diagnosed with COVID-19.
If that doesn’t make sense to you, you’re not alone.
Hayden’s father spoke to the local news station Fox2. He said that Hayden has mental health issues, including autism, and severe behavioral issues, and while he does box, he’s normally not vicious.
His father (who wished to not be identified) said that Hayden called him from the group home he’s living at to say that he wasn’t sleeping well, was hearing voices, and was feeling anxious.
Last week, he went to a mental health facility in Ann Arbor. While there, he was diagnosed with the virus and workers told his father they were taking him to another facility to quarantine.
His father said that Hayden should not have been taken to the nursing home and he would not have consented if he knew that’s where they were taking him.
So a man with a history of mental problems, because he also had Wuhan-19, was placed in a Detroit nursing facility.
Who does that? Why do people no longer think things through? And then who says, in retrospect, “well, you know, old people die. Get over it.”
Why the Extent of Coronavirus Carnage in New York’s Nursing Homes May Never be Known
by Michael Herzenberg, 5-28-20
BRONX, N.Y. – The coronavirus death toll in nursing homes and adult care facilities in New York State has now exceeded 6,000.
Residents have been especially vulnerable to COVID-19 and advocates say we still don’t have a true picture of just how many residents of these facilities have died in New York.
Six thousand. Twice the 9-11 death toll. And it could have been avoided by not making an affirmative decision by Governor Andrew Cuomo to place people with Wuhan-19 into nursing facilities, places having the least-trained staff, the least amount of appropriate equipment, and the most vulnerable persons in the entire state to a red-hot virus.
“Every time you turned around somebody was dying,” said Sharon Anderson, a resident of Bronxwood Assisted Living, an adult care facility in the Williamsbridge section of the Bronx.
Anderson said she was kept in the dark as the coronavirus swept through the building and took the lives of fellow residents.
“They don’t even want you to ask questions about these people and if you ask, they don’t tell you,” said Anderson.
She is one of the first residents of a local adult care facility to speak publicly about what it was like as the coronavirus toll around her mounted.
But it’s not just residents left without information.
Advocates and lawyers say the state’s accounting at Nursing Homes and Adult Care Facility deaths, which now stands at 6,035, remains an incomplete picture of what has happened to residents of the facilities.
Initially, the state only counted residents who tested positive for COVID-19 and died at the facility. Then it added to the tally residents who only had a suspected case and died.
But the state is not including in these figures adult care facility residents who were transferred to a hospital and died of the coronavirus there. The Health Department says that’s “to maintain consistency and reliability in the data as presented, and to avoid any potential for double-counting.”
However, nursing home and elder abuse attorney John Dalli explains the state’s tally of 6,035 nursing home deaths is not accurate.
“I would suspect that number is probably somewhere around ten to fifteen percent higher than that and it could be more. It’s just too difficult to tell,” Dalli said.
The human toll is real. Meterologist Janice Dean lost both of her in-laws to the Wuhan-19 virus invading their nursing facility.
Janice Dean slams Cuomo nursing home policy after losing in-laws to COVID-19: ‘Not just numbers on a curve’
by Yael Halon, 5-21-20
Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s failed nursing home policy should be “one of the biggest” stories of the year after both of her parents-in-law lost their lives to the coronavirus.
“I have not seen the coverage of this … ,” an emotional Dean said. “Twenty percent of our lost loved ones are from nursing homes … because Governor Cuomo and several other governors forced COVID-recovering patients into nursing homes.”
There is no sign on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s desk saying THE BUCK STOPS HERE. The buck simply passes through.
Cuomo essentially sent death into nursing homes containing the MOST VULNERABLE and LEAST ABLE to fight the virus, a population EVERYONE AGREES should be the MOST PROTECTED, staffed by the LEAST EQUIPPED to battle Wuhan-19.
We couldn’t protect the most vulnerable. Simultaneously, the least vulnerable in our society were themselves locked down. What do you do in a pandemic? You quarantine and keep safe the most infirm, those most susceptible.
You don’t quarantine the healthy.
Yes, a single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. Or at least 6,000 + deaths in the state of New York.
I have said and written since January of 2017 — three long years — that what we are witnessing in the United States of America is a Soft Coup against a presidential nominee, a president-elect, and a sitting president.
I was writing and saying that, again, years before it became “cool” to do so. Because I had insight to laws violated and, well, I also have at my disposal a grasp of history, facts, logic, rationality, proportion, tradition, context, intent and common sense.
And because those things — power, mighty applications of power, propaganda and weight — can be applied to one president by whom the forces of the Deep State disagree, well, it can thusly be easily applied to another president of a different party by similarly-arrayed forces.
But that’s immaterial with the LDAMM: Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots.
With a number of caveats, of course, including the American Media Maggot factor. Because the AMM will never side with Republicans or Conservatives, not unless and until the AMM are totally eradicated and reinvented. Which may, in time, occur. We certainly know they are moribund.
The AMM hate to be called Fake News, except they continue to go out of their way to prove, each and every week, that they are indeed Fake News.
NBC admits Chuck Todd’s ‘Meet the Press’ deceptively edited Barr remarks on Flynn
by Greg Re, 5-11-20
NBC News’ Chuck Todd aired a deceptively edited clip of Attorney General Bill Barr discussing the Michael Flynn case during his “Meet the Press” broadcast on Sunday, prompting the network to concede the mistake hours later — but there is still no word on whether Todd will apologize on-air.
Asked by CBS News’ Catherine Herridge how history would judge the DOJ’s decision to move to dismiss the Flynn case, Barr initially responded, laughing: “Well, history is written by the winners, so it largely depends on who’s writing the history.”
After the brief clip aired, Todd remarked that he was “struck by the cynicism of the answer — it’s a correct answer, but he’s the attorney general. He didn’t make the case that he was upholding the rule of law. He was almost admitting that, yeah, this was a political job.”
In the full clip, which the NBC show did not air, Barr immediately went on to state explicitly that, in fact, he felt the Flynn decision upheld the rule of law.
“I think a fair history would say it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law,” Barr said. “It upheld the standards of the Department of Justice, and it undid what was an injustice.”
Here’s how the full cut went, with Catherine Herridge.
Today on Meet The Press, @chucktodd wildly took context out of an answer AG Bill Barr gave about his decision to drop the case into Gen. Michael Flynn.
I cut Todd’s segment along with Barr’s full answer together. Look at how blatantly dishonest this is.
Gregg Jarrett: FBI’s actions in Michael Flynn case should send a chill down your spine
by Julia Musto
Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said Thursday that explosive new internal FBI documents unsealed Wednesday evening in the government’s case against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn are the most “outrageous” and “unethical” actions by government officials that he has seen in 40 years of practicing law.
In an interview on “Fox & Friends” with hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade, Jarrett explained the findings.
“You know, I thought this is the most outrageous, unethical, dishonest, and corrupt act I have ever seen. And, I have been a lawyer for 40 years. I have never seen such misbehavior by government officials,” he remarked.
Rep Jim Jordan told us what he thought the released documents indicated.
And then former Rep Trey Gowdy weighed in on same.
But what did fired former FBI Director Jimmy “The Leak” Comey say, in 2019, about why he sent FBI agents to the White House? Jimmy reveals: it was a purposeful Perjury Trap. And he did it because he could. He thinks it’s amusing.
Never before have I seen such a sanctimonious, hypocritical, entitled, arrogant, self-serving, preening, alleged law enforcement officer in my life. He is right is better, more sacrosanct and devout than you will ever be.
New Docs Tie Obama in to Effort Against Flynn, Biden Also in Room
by Nick Arama, 5-7-20
You can make the judgment call here, but this does not look good for former President Barack Obama.
According to the newly released documents from the Department of Justice, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates learned about the effort against Gen. Michael Flynn from Obama himself.
“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
“After the briefing, Obama dismissed the group but asked Yates and Comey to stay behind. Obama started by saying he had ‘learned of the information about Flynn’ and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions. Obama specified he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information. At that point, Yates had no idea what the President was talking about, but figured it out based on the conversation. Yates recalled Comey mentioning the Logan Act, but can’t recall if he specified there was an ‘investigation,’” it continues.
But how can you discover information if you fail — as the American Media Maggots have purposely failed to do — to even ask the basic question:
And even after all this time, has anyone asked Obama or Biden: what did you know and when did you know it?
Schiff releases transcripts undercutting Dem claims of Russia collusion proof
by John Solomon, 5-7-20
FBI officials admit they knew Papadopoulos had little contact with Russians but opened probe anyways. DNC-connected lawyer reveals CIA contact.
The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday released thousands of pages of declassified interview transcripts from the Russia investigation that show that more than a year into the probe senior FBI and intelligence officials could offer no specific proof of collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Moscow and instead offered rambling explanations of why the probe had persisted.
The testimony of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe typified the testimony that was given back in 2017 to the committee, then under the leadership of Rep. Devin Nunes.
McCabe admitted at one point that while the FBI opened up the entire Crossfire Hurricane investigation based on a tip from Australia that George Papadopoulos may have been told Russia possessed emails of Hillary Clinton, the bureau suspected the former Trump campaign adviser had little or no contact with Moscow.
You can see for yourself. Go here for Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents.
So agents pivoted instead to another adviser, Carter Page, who had been the focus of Christopher Steele’s now-discredited dossier, he explained.
“Papadopoulos’ comment didn’t particularly indicate that he was the person that had had — that was interacting with the Russians,” McCabe answered when asked by lawmakers why a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant request in October 2016 focused only on Page and not the man the FBI originally predicated the Trump investigation upon.
It was one of the few extraordinary admissions from McCabe: The FBI opened up an entire counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign on a figure agents did not believe was having contact with Moscow.
But wait; it’s all a Nothing Burger that Schiff had to cover up. Schiff said this:
In releasing the transcripts Thursday, the current Democratic House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff claimed they provided proof of nefarious connections between Russians and Trump associates. “The transcripts released today richly detail evidence of the Trump campaign’s efforts to invite, make use of, and cover up Russia’s help in the 2016 presidential election,” he alleged.
But this was actually in the documents.
In fact, witnesses were repeatedly pressed to offer specific evidence of a conspiracy between Trump and Russia and could offer none, saying it was either too preliminary or they did not have any.
“I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election,” former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told lawmakers. “That’s not to say that there weren’t concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence.
“But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence,” he added
Former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified that by the time she left office on Jan. 20, 2017 with the case more than six months old, she was unaware of any direct evidence of collusion.
“I don’t recall anything being briefed up to me, and it’s just my recollection at this point is not,” she said. She added that what officials had was mostly fears Russia might be working with Trump.
“Certainly the information that was given in [redacted] was concerning to me and indicated that there was a goal to have coordinated activity,” she said.
Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who worked for both Obama and Trump, also acknowledged there had been no determination of any conspiracy to collude before she was fired. Her winding answer was typical of many of the witnesses.
“I think you need to learn — if you want to get to the bottom line answer of was there collusion, conspiracy or coordination — if I got the three Cs right — then you also need to learn about who had contact, because you can’t get to that collusion — the other — the three Cs there, until you figure out who’s having contact with who,” she said.
Pressed to be more specific, Yates conceded there was no finding. “I don’t believe anybody had reached a conclusion yet as to whether there was a nefarious alliance … with the Russians. We were at the fact-gathering stage here, not the conclusion stage.”
Mary McCord, the former assistant attorney general for national security, also testified that by the time she left the department a year into the probe there was no evidence that anyone from the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia to hack DNC or Clinton campaign officials.
“I can’t recall if there was information, any information or evidence at the time I left about conspiring to take part in the actual intrusion,” she said.
“What is the most damning or important piece of evidence in the dossier that you now know is true?” McCabe was asked during his December 2017 interview.
“Well, as I tried to explain before, there is a lot of information in the Steele reporting. We have not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information,” he answered.
Pressed further to confirm that he did not know if Christopher Steele’s dossier was true, McCabe said, “That’s correct.”
When asked under oath by House investigators if he had any evidence of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, Rhodes said he did not.
“I wouldn’t have received any information on any criminal or counterintelligence investigations into what the Trump campaign was doing, so I would not have seen that information,” Rhodes told investigators.
Pressed again on the topic, he continued, “I saw indications of potential coordination, but I did not see, you know, the specific evidence of the actions of the Trump campaign.”
Samantha Power, former US ambassador to the United Nations, has publicly accused Trump of catering to Russian President Vladimir Putin to compensate him for interfering in the 2016 election.
“Every day @realDonaldTrump finds new ways to compensate Vladimir Putin for his election interference. And every day Putin gains additional incentive to interfere again on Trump’s behalf in 2020,” she wrote on Twitter in November of last year.
But when speaking under oath to House investigators, she sang a different tune.
Asked whether she had seen evidence of Russian interference, she said, “I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn’t read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community.”
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice told ABC’s “This Week” in July 2018 that questioning if President Trump was compromised by the Russians was “legitimate” because Putin was benefitting by the commander in chief’s policy decisions.
“What his motivations are I think is a legitimate question … the policies that this president has pursued globally have served Vladimir Putin’s interests,” she said at the time.
Less than a year earlier, however, Rice told House investigators that she hadn’t seen evidence proving then-candidate Trump coordinated or colluded with Russia to take the 2016 election.
“I don’t recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect that I saw prior…to my departure,” she said when being questioned by former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC).
The American Media Maggots also did their jobs on behalf of Russia — as you knew they would.
SUPERCUT from me: Put simply. CNN and MSNBC did not have a very good afternoon. After they found out the DOJ was dropping the Michael Flynn case, they called it a “demoralizing,” “destructive,” & “terrifying” “injustice” that signaled the DOJ’s “collapse.”
Susan Rice’s bizarre Inauguration Day email about that meeting helps explain the campaign of leaks, lies, and obstruction that followed.
Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.
“President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia,” National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote in an unusual email to herself about the meeting that was also attended by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey, and Vice President Joe Biden.
Remember that convoluted email?
A clearer picture is emerging of the drastic steps that were taken to accomplish Obama’s goal in the following weeks and months. Shortly thereafter, high-level operatives began intensely leaking selective information supporting a supposed Russia-Trump conspiracy theory, the incoming National Security Advisor was ambushed, and the incoming Attorney General was forced to recuse himself from oversight of investigations of President Trump. At each major point in the operation, explosive media leaks were a key strategy in the operation to take down Trump.
Not only was information on Russia not fully shared with the incoming Trump team, as Obama directs, the leaks and ambushes made the transition chaotic, scared quality individuals away from working in the administration, made effective governance almost impossible, and materially damaged national security. When Comey was finally fired on May 9, in part for his duplicitousness regarding his handling of the Russia collusion theory, he orchestrated the launch of a Special Counsel probe that continued his efforts for another two years. That probe ended with Mueller finding no evidence of any American colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, much less Trump or anyone connected to him.
Read the rest of the article. It goes step-by-step in a clear timeline delineating everything.
Listen now to Adam Schiff. Psychologists term this kind of thing “projection.”
By dropping the case against Flynn, the Justice Dept lost 50 years worth of ground in maintaining its independence post-Watergate.
Once again, Bill Barr is doing Trump’s dirty work.
And once again, Barr has undermined the legitimacy of our justice system and the rule of law.
One of the biggest questions, of course, is this: who will fold first? Who will try to cut a deal with the DOJ first? Because whoever makes that decision will get the cushion deal and the rest will be out in the cold.
Here is Obama’s former DNI, Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, throwing Barack Hussein Obama under the bus. Do you enjoy hot kitchens much, JC?
— ??Steve????America First????MAGA??KAG (@SJPFISH) May 8, 2020
You know; the same James Clapper who lied before Congress in 2013.
The case against General Flynn was dropped by the Department of Justice on Thursday of last week. Here is Politico’s take — and please note the biased stance.
DOJ drops criminal case against Michael Flynn
by Josh Gerstein and Kyle Cheney, 5-7-20
The move comes after the president and his allies stepped up their assault on the legal case against the former national security adviser.
The Justice Department has abandoned its prosecution of President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, throwing in the towel on one of the most prominent cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller.
The move represents a remarkable reversal two and half years after Flynn initially pleaded guilty to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. In that time, the case has taken a number of dramatic turns: Flynn went from the precipice of being sentenced in 2018, to abruptly switching legal teams in 2019, to trying to withdraw his guilty plea in 2020. Flynn’s attempt to take back his plea led Attorney General William Barr in January to assign a federal prosecutor to review the case.
It was that review that led to the move on Thursday to dismiss the case altogether. Department officials, including Barr, concluded in light of recently disclosed evidence that the FBI’s questioning of Flynn just four days after Trump’s inauguration lacked a proper investigative basis. Flynn admitted in front of two federal judges that he intentionally lied during that interview about his dealings with the Russian ambassador, but the retired U.S. Army lieutenant general formally retreated from those admissions in January.
“A review of the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information, indicates that Mr. Flynn’s statements were never ‘material’ to any FBI investigation,” read the motion filed Thursday seeking to dismiss the criminal prosecution.
This was a Mark I, Model I “Perjury Trap” plain and simple, because I’ve seen them, I’ve worked them. Director Comey admitted to it, plainly and clearly. It was a fishing expedition.
For what? Russia “collusion”? You want to talk about Machiavellian? How’s this for convoluted? The famed Susan Rice “cover your ass” email at the end of the Obama regime.
Try to follow. The Obama Regime and Susan Rice believed General Flynn had to be Putin’s Poodle because he was — correctly, as certainly is confirmed now — emphasizing the threat and danger China is to the United States, whilst also indicating that Russia was — and is — the world stage “has been.”
Thusly proving that General Flynn was a Russian stooge and required targeting.
But mostly because Flynn was a clear threat. For one, he planned to revamp pretty much all seventeen intelligence agencies and, to them, that was a true existential threat. Jobs could be lost! Power could be lost! Control could be lost!
The bastard’s gotta go, the Obama Administration agreed.
For a moment, let’s go back to 2017 and the truthful Marie Harf, Obama devotee extraordinaire.
Ex-Obama State Dept. spokesperson Marie Harf claimed in July 2017 that it’s “absolutely not true,” the Steele Dossier was used to obtain a FISA warrant.
Memo: FBI recommended Michael Flynn not have lawyer present during interview, did not warn of false statement consequences
by Byron York, 12-11-18
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who arranged the bureau’s interview with then-national security adviser Michael Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 — the interview that ultimately led to Flynn’s guilty plea on one count of making false statements — suggested Flynn not have a lawyer present at the session, according to newly-filed court documents. In addition, FBI officials, along with the two agents who interviewed Flynn, decided specifically not to warn him that there would be penalties for making false statements because the agents wanted to ensure that Flynn was “relaxed” during the session.
The new information, drawn from McCabe’s account of events plus the FBI agents’ writeup of the interview — the so-called 302 report — is contained in a sentencing memo filed Tuesday by Flynn’s defense team.
Citing McCabe’s account, the sentencing memo says that shortly after noon on Jan. 24 — the fourth day of the new Trump administration — McCabe called Flynn on a secure phone in Flynn’s West Wing office. The two men discussed business briefly and then McCabe said that he “felt that we needed to have two of our agents sit down” with Flynn to discuss Flynn’s talks with Russian officials during the presidential transition.
McCabe, by his own account, urged Flynn to talk to the agents alone, without a lawyer present. “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Flynn] and the agents only,” McCabe wrote. “I further stated that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”
Can anyone say “Perjury Trap” again? Hands? Bueller?
Chief conspirator himself, Barack Hussein Obama, had to weigh in on the DOJ dropping the Flynn investigation. Ever notice how Obama isn’t the so-called incredibly brilliant orator when a TelePrompter isn’t around?
I want to know. Why is a FORMER president “pretty darn invested” in the outcome of a DOJ probe into illegal spying on Trump’s campaign and the decision to free Flynn? Why can’t he just retire in his Martha’s Vineyard mansion and let the chips fall?
Why does Barack Hussein Obama care? His presidential ship has sailed. That’s yesterday’s news. Unless he somehow fears that orange really is the new blue.
And speaking of Obama, why doesn’t he want to let us see his archives? I thought — no, wait, I know — Obama said his was going to be the most transparent presidential administration in the history of history.
Obama Sends Private Letter to National Archives Claiming ‘Confidentiality’ To Not Release Biden-Ukraine Docs
by Gregg Jarrett, 5-10-20
What exactly is Obama concerned with in regard to the “confidentiality interests that all presidents have sought to protect?”
Former President Barack Obama has inserted himself into the Russia, Ukraine fiasco; arguably this was not the first time. While Democrats have been denying and protecting their guilt in creating and advancing the Russia Hoax, there is evidence that suggests President Obama likely was aware of the probe. Fox News has obtained a letter from the office of former President Barack Obama to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which manages presidential records.
Why would Obama, four years after leaving office, suddenly get involved? The letter to the National Archives was privately sent in March. Arguably they did not want Fox News to obtain a copy. Nonetheless, the letter bashes Senate Republicans and their investigation of Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine. Hunter, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, joined the Ukraine company during the Obama administration. Very intriguing.
Obama’s letter to the NARA is a response to Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson having requested the Obama administration records on Ukraine-related meetings, placed on November 21, 2019. Obama’s letter claims the senators’ inquiry is an effort “to shift the blame for Russian interference in the 2016 election to Ukraine.”
So depending upon the prevailing political prairie winds, the Leftists and American Media Maggots will always align with, alternately — whenever it suits their purposes of working against President Trump in any fashion — Russia, China, or the loving Nazi George Soros.
GEORGE SOROS SPEAKS ON TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS! @realDonaldTrump “is a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or before that”-George Soros- To me, this speech sounds like a cloaked threat. Hands up if you agree! ???
— ??Extremely Stable Genius #ChinaLied ?? (@MazurikL) May 9, 2020
While we’re here, let’s remind ourselves of what was said between Hillary Clinton and James Comey in 2016.
And let’s review how I knew James Comey was lying back in 2016, and couldn’t be trusted or believed from that point forward. As I wrote in early 2017:
It is crystal clear from the evidence released by the FBI after the first investigation that the former Secretary of State used a private email server to transmit national security information rather than safeguard such information, as required by law, and that she subsequently made statements contrary to the facts as we continue to learn.
Second, the real actor in this Theater of the Absurd is the Justice Department’s decision to commence an investigation that was a sham from the very beginning. After all, it was the Justice Department that failed to convene a grand jury, issue search warrants for computers, place witnesses under oath and appoint a special prosecutor who could operate free from conflicts of interest. Hey, just like Robert Mueller, right?
Comey admits that Clinton lied. But here is the difference (that we won’t know precisely because there was no oath and no recording).
You can lie publicly all you want, if people are sufficiently stupid to believe it — like much of the electorate and the American Media Maggots are doltish enough. But you should not lie to the FBI. My guess is that Hillary Clinton came relatively clean in 3.5 hours. And that is why I believe she was not placed under oath and the interview was not recorded. Things like that make it easier to dispute later when politically necessary.
But James Comey outed himself to Jason Chaffetz:
Chaffetz then asked whether it was that he was just not able to prosecute it or that Clinton broke the law.
“Well, I don’t want to give an overly lawyerly answer,” Comey said. “The question I always look at is there evidence that would establish beyond a reasonable doubt that somebody engaged in conduct that violated a criminal statute, and my judgment here is there is not. “
And this is how James Comey attempts to rationalize his decision. He states he does not believe his case established guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
NEWSFLASH: It is not UP to YOU, Director Comey, to assemble a case that yields a determination of “beyond a reasonable doubt.” That threshold is up to the DOJ or more pointedly a Grand Jury, not you or your organization. All you need to compile a case for submission is “probable cause.” That’s what real cops and real DAs in America do. Their jobs. They stay in their lanes and do their jobs.
As I have said time and again, there are two kinds of crimes as written by statute: those of general intent and those of specific intent. Comey stated that HRC had to have possessed a very specific intent to commit her crimes. EXCEPT that the US codes applicable are not those of specific intent because they do not include the phrase “with the intent to.”
That is how a crime of specific intent is crafted. It is stated.
Even more disturbing: Attorney General Lynch did not recuse herself from the final decision on whether to prosecute the case — nor did she give that decision to a career prosecutor at the Department of Justice. She instead prejudged the case by supposedly blindly accepting the FBI’s recommendation.
“[AG Lynch] said…she would accept whatever recommendations career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director made…” –NYTimes July 1, 2016
Of course she would. The fix was in. And Comey was predestined to take whatever fall occurred, not her. After all, he is white and male; she is black and female.
Here, Maria Bartiromo speaks with Devin Nunes about the situation.
Scum bags Clapper, McCabe, Comey knew enough not to lie to Congress but it didn’t stop them from going on Lame Media-CNN, MSNBC & calling Trump & Flynn Traitors, pushing Fushion GPS dossier paid 4 by #Clinton
Democrats & Media are culprits that KNOWINGLY spread LIES to the public
— GaPeach?4TrumpText Trump to 88022 (@GA_peach3102) May 10, 2020
Now we’re discovering that, of course, Barack Hussein Obama knew what was going on with Flynn — but Joe Biden knew as well. From
Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show
by Gregg Re, 5-7-20
President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.
Obama’s unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn’s calls, which the FBI acknowledged at the time were not criminal or even improper, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn — and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to “get [Flynn] fired” when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017.
Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was “not a fan,” according to multiple officials. Obama had fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014; Obama cited insubordination, while Flynn asserted he was pushed out for his aggressive stance on combating lslamic extremism.
Obama knew what was going on. So did Joe Biden. No one can possibly think that Barack Hussein Obama was either a stupid or an uninformed individual in the Oval Office. And particularly when dealing with issues of these importance.
So it’s official: we have a name. ObamaGate. Jesse Watters talks about same.
I know what’s going to happen as soon as I click “Retweet”. The white liberals and black Obama-worshipers are going to come out in force. I know better than to ask either group for objectivity, but to quote O-Messiah’s poster, I can HOPE. Can’t I? #ObamaGate#ObamaKnewEverything
— Giacomo K. Proud member of Black Voices for Trump (@giacoknox) May 10, 2020
And listen how the LDAMM, the Leftists, Demorats by way of the American Media Maggot Brian Stelter, want it both ways. Flynn is just a smoke screen for avoiding Wuhan-19 deaths, which is essentially an overblown flu targeting the elderly while — in the meantime — the nation spent almost four straight years being put through the wringer of the constant whining and keening of little officious pricks like George Costanza on CNN.
Brian Stelter:
It is “disappointing” that “right wing media” is “treating the Michael Flynn story like it’s a better deal than the deaths of 2,000 Americans a day.”
Flynn’s lawyer accuses Obama of framing the ex-national security adviser
by Mark Moore, 5-10-20
The lead attorney for former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Sunday accused former President Barack Obama, other top administration officials and the FBI of setting up her client.
Sidney Powell on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” cited the revelation in recently released-documents that FBI agents didn’t tell Fynn he was under investigation or that lying to them would be a federal crime.
“These agents specifically schemed and planned with each other how to not tip him off, that he was even the person being investigated,” she said.
“So they kept him relaxed and unguarded deliberately as part of their effort to set him up and frame him.”
“The whole thing was orchestrated and set up within the FBI, [former Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper, [Former CIA Director John] Brennan, and in the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama,” Powell said.
It looks like President Obama ordered up phony RussiaGate scandal
by The Post Editorial Board
RussiaGate is now a complete dead letter — but ObamaGate is taking its place. Just how far did the then-president go to cripple his successor?
It’s now clear the Obama-Comey FBI and Justice Department never had anything more substantial than the laughable fiction of the Steele dossier to justify the “counterintelligence” investigation of the Trump campaign. Yet incessant leaks from that supposedly confidential probe wound up consuming the Trump administration’s first months in office — followed by the Bob Mueller-led special counsel investigation that proved nearly the “total witch hunt” that President Trump dubbed it.
Information released as the Justice Department dropped its charges against Gen. Mike Flynn shows that President Barack Obama, in his final days in office, played a key role in fanning the flames of phony scandal. Fully briefed on the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, he knew the FBI had come up with nothing despite months of work starting in July 2016.
Sadly, Comey’s FBI played along — sandbagging Flynn with the “friendly” interview that later became the pretext for the bogus charges dropped last week, as well as triggering the White House chaos that led to his ouster. This when the FBI had already gone over the general with a fine-tooth comb, and concluded that, no, he’d done nothing like collude with the Russians.
Meanwhile, Comey himself gave Trump an intentionally misleading briefing on the Steele dossier. That was followed by leaks that suggested the dossier was the tip of an iceberg, rather than a pack of innuendo that hadn’t at all checked out under FBI scrutiny.
Pulitzer Prizes were won for blaring utter fiction; the Trump administration was kneecapped out of the gate. Innocents like Flynn were bankrupted along the way.
Say this about Obama: He knows how to play dirty.
Everyone, up to and including Barack Hussein Obama, in this treasonous chain, should be prosecuted criminally and civilly.
Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.
And finally: the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine should prevail. Everyone caught, sentenced or affected by the illegal FISA warrant should be set free, to include Manafort and all others.
I have said and written since January of 2017 — three long years — that what we are witnessing in the United States of America is a Soft Coup against a presidential nominee, a president-elect, and a sitting president.
A paddleboarder was arrested 4-3-20 for disobeying Governor Newsom’s “stay at home order” on Malibu Beach. It took a sheriff’s boat, a USCG boat, and about $17,000 worth of fuel, time and man-hours to “corral” the miscreant, who faces 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine — at the same time that actual criminals are released from Kalifornia jails. Perspective, anyone?
The fight continues.
And I am perplexed why it does.
I’m not speaking out of school when I say that this issue is tearing through a number of law enforcement contingents on Facebook, with groups featuring retired and current LE members, who have vastly different opinions on the subject.
Altogether too many of them shockingly wrong.
Wrong how? As in marching lockstep with whatever edicts are handed down by local mayors or state governors. I won’t enumerate all the myriad reasons on this post; I already did so on my prior post in great detail. Read it here.
I find this thinking disappointing and, frankly, a bit shocking and certainly disturbing. In my opinion, altogether too many law enforcement officers are willing to look at the computers in their vehicles, acknowledge a call with an easy fingertip, respond, violate rights, and seemingly think nothing of it, all in the name of what I term Fear Porn.
And now, there’s another reason for cops to continue violating your rights. We’ll get to that in a moment.
Perhaps that might have been initially semi-excusable about two months ago when the numbers were still rolling in — and yet, not very excusable when taken in overall context in terms of rights and freedoms in the United States of America.
The subject was already a primary focus, for two entire hours, on my wireless radio show last Thursday night, the 7th, where I delineated the numerous reasons, in significant detail, why too many responses by law enforcement feature unnecessary, over-the-top — and unconstitutional — reactions to situations that can be best served, easily, by other less heavy-handed means.
And yet the hits and foolishness just keeps on coming. Please understand, the bulk of what I’m addressing with this post applies primarily, as you will read below, to Kalifornia laws.
The most recent incident that set me off — as well as apparently others in the opposite direction — occurred in Fresno, Kalifornia on May 10th, Sunday, Mother’s Day.
WATCH: Police Shove Through Crowd, Arrest Mother’s Day Diners at Fresno Waffle Shop
by Todd Starnes, 5-10-20
At least two people were hauled away by police after law enforcement officers tried to enter a diner that was illegally opened in Fresno, California.
The diners were waiting in line outside the Waffle Shop. Officers ordered the diners to step aside so they could enter the establishment. When they refused, the officers forcefully shoved aside patrons. It was during that confrontation that at least two people were taken into custody.
Body cam video from Fresno PD.
Then: off to the races on a law enforcement Facebook group. The original post:
So I can’t find the post where the video of my Alma Mater Fresno PD arrested a guy at a restaurant this morning.
I watched the video earlier and only later decided to respond to it. What I saw was an officer meeting two code enforcement officers to make contact with the management of the restaurant probably to cite them for a muni code violation. As they walk up to the door, the crowd gets ugly. There is a guy blocking the door.
The big guy is about 6-03. He blocks the door as a crowd surrounds the officer and tells him he can’t go in. The big guy also gives the officer some sort of forearm or elbow. The officer arrests him.
I know the officer pretty well. He did everything by the book. The crowd and the tall guy were angry and things went down hill because of them not the police. The officer is a good dude who does his job impartially doesn’t get jacked up easily. Don’t judge until the facts are in.
You may not like the fact that code enforcement was going to shut down the restaurant, fine. In my opinion the officer did his job the way he thought it needed to be done.
I disagreed. After a number of comments I wrote:
Maybe the guy’s (the officer) a good guy. At this point it’s becoming immaterial. The numbers and the science aren’t justifying these actions any longer.
I retired as a cop after 41 years in LE. As a Sergeant I wouldn’t have allowed my troops to be the Covid Gestapo.
I can read and people can read. I smell bullshit and people smell bullshit.
You forget the phrase “with the consent of the governed” at your own peril.
From that point the fire was lighted. One deputy responded to my comment.
The police are being used by the politicians to enforce poorly thought-through directives. The public is getting more and more pissed off about these Draconian measures to contain the virus. What will result is civil unrest as the public grows more defiant against the politicians while the police get caught in the middle. It’s a no-win situation for the police.
By the way I’m a retired deputy sheriff and I’m catching a lot of flack from friends who see more and more intrusion on their civil liberties.
He’s correct. Cops are catching crap — properly — for actions such as this. I replied:
My point precisely.
Then there was a response I hadn’t anticipated, corroborating my thoughts.
You might need to get your glasses checked, the guy he arrested never gave him a forearm or elbow. The officer reacted to a verbal challenge and got pissed off. There was no crime, hope you buddy is ready for the law suit. Also ask your buddy how long it will be before he does gun confiscation as ordered.
Then we were off to the races when I wrote:
I’ve read on any number of LE sites how “politics like this” are ruining these sites. Debatable. The overarching points in my mind are Constitutionality and the Bill of Rights. That’s the oath I took. Not to a mayor, not to a governor, but to the US Constitution. Because LE can do a thing, we always need to ask: “are we doing the right thing for the right reason?”
Spirit of the law vs the letter of the law. Discretion. Malum in se vs malum prohibitum.
One individual began the thread.
So what would you have done if you were directed by your supervisor to assist code enforcement with their investigation?
I replied:
Told my troops to C4, gone over myself to look, listen. The city can send paper later. Is it worth getting my troops or citizens hurt over this when the numbers and stats don’t justify it, when I personally see the same thing happening at Costco or Save Mart, or people standing in line for EEO? Nope.
So when rational arguments don’t work, as with everyone else — and attorneys — you go for the ad hominum attacks:
You worked in Sacramento County, one of the most pussified and liberal departments in California. Where you need permission before you can make a request (he meant arrest). I understand your response. But, in real police work, things are a bit different.
So my 41 years mean nothing. Okay. But factually, again, he was sorely incorrect. I responded:
Oh, you mean SAC PD.
Because historically, with the Sacramento Police Department, you need the permission of a SPD Sergeant to make an arrest absent exigent circumstances.
Not so, historically, at the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office where I worked for 35 years, where myself and others were granted trust and utilized discretion — and did not require a Sergeant’s permission for any arrest.
That is one of many reasons that retired SPD officers came over to Sac SO to work as annuitants because, as most every retired SPD officer told me when I supervised EVOC: “If I’d only known this, that you treat your officers like actual adults, I would have gone with you guys.”
Another individual wrote:
Funny we never went with code enforcement people when they did their job, wasn’t our business enforcing health codes and such, only time I ever responded to assist a code enforcement was when the place had a history of getting physical with the code enforcers and I can’t imagine that was the case here, but one never knows. Personally with all the lies and deception coming from newscum I would have on viewed something en route and not gotten their to be involved…..this isn’t about a virus it’s about the upcoming elections…..
Now we’re getting closer to the crux of the biscuit, because here’s another thought:
Where was the on duty patrol Sgt. That would not have happened if those were my troops. I would have led the Code Enforcement officers through the back door, securred the front door after safely ecorting the customers out the back door after they had finished their meals and as as soon as Code Enforcement was done, ecorted them to their vehicles. Sorry Folks the Waffle House is closed until further notice. 10-8 Clear – return to your beats.
The same goon who hated me hated that response. He posed:
Back doors locked. Now what?
The response?
Have dispatch call them and tell them to open the back door. If that doesn’t work, have a unit borrow a crowbar from the Fire Dept. Do I have to do all the thinking? Apparently.
Boom, shaka-laka.
More comments.
We can all debate the officers actions/tactics, etc. But I’ve read several comments on here referring to the officer as “ short shot, gnome, tweedle dum” etc. It’s disappointing that a few of the arm chair warriors on here feel the need to denigrate an officer who is still out there wearing the badge, doing a difficult job.
That Officer is 5-02 of fury. He is tough as hell any of you who denigrate him based on his size are dicks.
Several comments later, a voice in the wilderness:
The police should not be involved in this issue at this level. Distrust & rebellion are growing, & involving our police is perceived as the overreaction that it is. LE cannot afford further erosion of respect & cooperation. Our collective security is at great risk & anarchy is the result. Big Bird appeared to challenge the officer. I know nothing of him or his motives but that cannot be allowed.
And there we have it. Another comment:
The officers did not have their heads in the game. I led patrol officers as their field Sgt.for 26 years and that was a cluster f..k from the get. They did not follow the 5 Ps – Prior planning prevents piss poor performance.
Then it went to this, and rightly so.
Confiscation of lawfully possessed firearms? Better bring a body bag. Our neighbors, friends and every citizen will ultimately be engaged in armed resistance. We’ll be getting a taste of what it was like to be a Redcoat in 1775. Sure, there will be cops and soldiers who will buy in and enforce such orders. I expect the majority will not. I know of none of the Marines I served with who would comply.
Exactly what I want to hear from law enforcement officers.
Another comment.
“The officer is a good dude who does his job impartially doesn’t get jacked up easily.”
I don’t doubt that at all, but I bet their friends and colleagues would have said much the same about many of the Redcoats at Concord on April 19, 1775.
Sometimes “good guys” follow bad orders, and find themselves on the wrong side of history. Time will tell.
And another comment.
Speaking for myself only, if I had to go out on a call to assist another city department, I just stood by to keep the peace. My dog wasn’t in the fight over too many chickens or how tall somebody’s grass was. That’s their call. But, if things started going south then I was in charge and called the shots. It wasn’t worth the potential damage trying to force a hand over a municipal code violation. The department involved could file a report with the city attorney and go about finding another solution. I’d back them but I wasn’t going to get my butt in a sling for them either.
You have to look further down the road. What are the ramifications of this call, particularly a Wuhan-19 call?
The problem today is that the police are in a no win situation. They are expected to uphold the law but in turn are crucified by the press and the public, who know nothing about the law or the situation.
Agencies need to step back and away from all the bull shit. U have people getting arrested and released…real crooks. Not people trying to keep there business going and people hired. Really. Going to arrest people on the beach, or your not social distancing and going to take them. Come on. My son a combat Marine grunt was hired by a agency. After seeing all this the kid withdrew. Told them he wanted nothing to do with what they r doing…He is back in the service
Then this dropped:
I thought this site was an LEO site. All the second guessing sounds like some of you need to be in IA.
A response:
Exactly. Bunch of self righteous assholes
I responded myself:
Who follow the Constitution, Bill of Rights, honor their oaths and don’t blindly obey. So I guess I’m an asshole.
A reply to me:
Right. I’m sure when you were a cop in the 80’s and some asshole mouthed off to you, you immediately thought “of the constitution, bill of rights” and walked away. Come on.
Apparently you don’t understand the difference between Constitutional and unconstitutional. I’m not someone’s political poodle and this is all politics. These political mayors and governors can fight their own political wars.
Him, with the ad hominum attack, which is what attorneys use when they have no argument.:
Apparently you forgot what it was like to be an officer. Easy for you to judge in retirement how bad ass you were and how you would have done it.
One defender:
Calling out a fellow officer for doing something stupid isn’t anti LEO.
Then I wrote, more pointedly:
Oh please. This is all political bullshit that cops get placed into by fuckhead politicians, meaning it isn’t worth getting my troops embroiled in. I go back to my original reasons above. Numbers, stats, politics.
Then a little more common sense emerged from another officer:
This reminds me of the time I had a municipal code violation for loud music. The guy was ready to go to blows along with his party friends. I issued the ticket noted the refusal, wrote a brief report. The city attorney later got upset and said I should have taken the guy to jail. I asked if they would have stood by me for a use of force complaint over loud music. The look on his face told me I did the correct thing… cops are being pulled into a bad situation with this mess.
Bingo. Thank you. Then another interesting comment making the distinction between a police department and a sheriff’s department.
Can’t fault a city peace officer if he is ordered by a city appointed Police Chief who must answer to city officials who order him to enforce unconstitutionally issued orders, codes or statutes.
A county Sheriff on the other hand is elected and answers directly to his citizens and if he truly believes in the Oath of Office he swore to he will tell those communist leaning officials, whether they be city, county or state, that he will NOT enforce any unconstitutional statue or rule that violates the rights guaranteed to the citizens under the U. S. Constitution.
Whether it be active military or active law enforcement anyone who took the Oath of Office which is a life long obligation, knows full well they do not have to carry out orders they know to be wrong and in this case an egregious violation of the rights of all Americans…….………………
Read what Wikipedia says about governors executive orders. As I interpret it, the governors executive orders apply to only government employees and departments, “NOT” the citizens. If that is the case all of these communist leaning orders they have issued are illegal in the first place and not adhering to an illegality issued statute or code by people exercising their protected rights is not a violation of anything.
Except yes, I still fault the police department.
It’s politics, people. Backed, now that we are cognizant of so many other updates, by smoke and mirrors. The numbers and statistics and even the World Health Organization, the WHO, no longer back the Chinese model, instead selecting the Swedish model. Sounds kind of lascivious. I’d select the Swedish model also.
California Government Code section 8567 states that all orders under the California Emergency Services Act must be in writing and they take effect immediately. When the governor calls a state of emergency, he may suspend any state statute, rule or regulation. (Cal. Gov. § 8571). Please notice that the governor does not have the authority to suspend the California Constitution. As such, any rights contained in the Constitution are still in force. In fact, to make sure the government understands that there are limits to their authority, Cal. Gov. § 8571.5 expressly states that nothing in the California Emergency Services Act gives the government the right to seize or confiscate any firearm or ammunition unless an officer is arresting someone pursuant to an investigation for the commission of a crime.
On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom Declared a State of Emergency.
On March 11, 2020, Governor Newsom’s office published the fact that it was California Department of Public Health’s policy of preventing gatherings of groups larger than 250 people “should be postponed.” This was not an executive order by the governor, instead it was a California Department of Public Health policy. This policy does not cite a single law that gives the California Department of Public Health authority to shut down events of 250 people or require social distancing of more than 6 feet. While these may be good guidelines to follow, they are simply policies, they are not the law.
To emphasize that this was just a policy and not a law, on March 12, 2020, Newsom issues his next executive order (N-25-20). This executive order states that “All residents are to heed any orders and guidance of state and local public health officials, including but not limited to the imposition of social distancing measures, to control the spread of COVID-19.”
Notice the language of this order. “All residents are to heed any orders and guidance …”. If you look up the word heed in the dictionary, you will discover that it means “to give consideration attention to.” It does not say you must obey. Gavin Newsom in his executive order utilizing his powers granted him after declaring a state of emergency told the citizens of California that Californians should takes the advice given by the California Department of Public Health into consideration when making decisions.
Now a very important part.
Thus, contrary what you may have been led to believe, Gov. Newsom did not actually issue an executive order requiring Californians to practice social distancing, nor did he actually order gatherings of over 250 people to shut down. All he did was order people to pay attention to what these organizations were saying. These were merely recommendations.
Understand, a policy is different from a regulation. While I was able to find authority that allowed the California Department of Health Services to issue emergency regulations after they jumped through a few hoops, I have been unable to find where their policies would have the full force of law. Laws are passed by the legislature, or under the state of emergency, via executive order by the governor.
We’re not done yet.
Cal. Health & Safety § 101040 permits local health officers to take any preventive measures that may be necessary to protect and preserve the public health from any state of emergency declared by the governor. After a local health emergency has been declared, “The sheriff of each county .. may enforce within the county … all orders of the local health officer issued for the purpose of preventing the spread of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease.” (Cal. Health and Safety Code 101029). Cal. Health & Safety § 101030 specifically gives the county health officer the authority to order quarantines.
As one studies California law, it is clear that the law used to be very explicit that a quarantine was only applicable to those who had a contagious disease or those who had come in contact with someone who had a contagious disease.
While most of the laws regarding quarantine are very broad, Cal. Health & Safety § 120215 appears to have limiting language. This statute reads: Upon receiving information of the existence of contagious, infectious, or communicable disease for which the department may from time to time declare the need for strict isolation or quarantine, each health officer shall: (a) Ensure the adequate isolation of each case, and appropriate quarantine of the contacts and premises. (b) Follow the local rules and regulations, and all general and special rules, regulations, and orders of the department, in carrying out the quarantine or isolation.
And finally:
The quarantine laws are clearly intended to be applied to individuals not to the entire county. The quarantine laws are designed to stop those who might have been infected from passing the disease onto others. Absent the local health officers finding that an individual has the disease or is likely to have the disease, California law does not give them broad authority to quarantine the entire county.
As such, it appears counties such as San Francisco that have issued broad shelter in place laws may be violating California law.
Let’s just be plain and obvious. With altogether too many cops in these circumstances, they are taking the calls personally. It becomes a personal affront. That’s not how this works. Not with politics and politicians — who are all to happy to allow cops to get caught in the middle so that they can be kicked to the curb at will.
And by departments, when faced with use of force complaints, aren’t willing to support their officers when they’re correct.
They are failing to see the ramifications of their short-sighted decisions. That’s my job as a Sergeant, to cover my troops, make sure they’re doing the right thing for all the right reasons, and to ensure people are safe and rights are upheld.
Here is an organization that knows how to protect its troops against an absolutely classic “no-win” situation for law enforcement, the New York Police Benevolent Association.
NYPD union wants cops out of ‘social distancing enforcement’
by Tina Moore, 5-4-20
The city’s largest police union is demanding cops get “out of the social distancing enforcement business,” while slamming New York pols for “releasing criminals,” “discouraging proactive policing,” and leaving subways “in chaos.”
“This situation is untenable: the NYPD needs to get cops out of the social distancing enforcement business altogether,” a statement from Police Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch said.
“The cowards who run this city have given us nothing but vague guidelines and mixed messages, leaving the cops on the street corners to fend for ourselves,” Lynch said. “Nobody has a right to interfere with a police action. But now that the inevitable backlash has arrived, they are once again throwing us under the bus.”
Lynch was referring to a fracas that erupted as NYPD cops were trying to enforce social distancing rules over the weekend in the East Village and a cop was caught on video slapping and hitting a bystander who appeared to challenge him.
Lynch added that the politicians are “still watering down our laws, releasing real criminals and discouraging proactive enforcement of fare evasion and quality of life issues.”
“As a result, our subways are in chaos and we have hero nurses getting mugged on their way to our hospitals,” he said, referring to a nurse who had her phone torn out of her hand in Times Square on April 26. “As the weather heats up and the pandemic continues to unravel our social fabric, police officers should be allowed to focus on our core public safety mission. If we don’t, the city will fall apart before our eyes.”
If only more organizations took this logical stance.
Before I go, this came to the forefront:
The original video can be seen here.
There is also this, from a locality closer to my area, Lodi, Kalifornia:
Lodi Police Officer Says He Was Fired For Refusing To Enforce Stay-At-Home Order
LODI (CBS13) — A Lodi police officer says he was fired for not enforcing the states’ stay-at-home order.
In the past 24 hours, his community has raised thousands of dollars to support his family.
Former Officer Jordan Duncan only worked with the police department for four months. The details of the incident aren’t clear, but city officials confirm an April separation date. They would not go as far as to say that Duncan was fired.
Officials did point to a recent ruling which calls the stay-at-home order “lawful,” and said police officers can’t choose which laws to enforce.
That last paragraph? Wrong. Cops have been using discretion in terms of which laws to apply and when for, literally, over a century.
Two aspects the article fails to point out are that, one, he fronted off the Chief of Police in a briefing, telling him what he would and would not do. The other aspect is, two, that he belongs to the easiest class of person in the world to fire, someone on probation.
Fresno County Sheriff Won’t Enforce Stay-at-Home Orders; Too Busy Re-arresting Freed Criminals
by Joel B Pollak, 5-14-20
Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims said Tuesday that she would not be able to enforce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home orders because she was too busy re-arresting accused criminals set free under the state’s new “zero-dollar bail” policy.
Mims appeared on the Trevor Carey Show, discussing the challenges facing law enforcement during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the economic hardship. She pointed out that government employees were also vulnerable to the economic damage, because the decline in tax revenues meant that state and local governments would cut services.
Carey asked her: “I’ve heard multiple sheriffs around the nation state they will not enforce their governors’ shelter-in-place orders. Is that your position?
“That is my position. We do not stop the public to find out what they’re doing when they’re not sheltering in place. We don’t ask those questions, we don’t ask if they’re ‘essential’. We’ve got our hands full trying to re-arrest people that are released due to zero-dollar bail. So we’ve got other things that are on our mind that are more important than stopping normally law-abiding citizens.”
Fresno County now, officially, has a Good Sheriff.
Clearly, two camps have emerged in law enforcement.
The strict “we follow the orders and directives all the time” camp — and the other, like mine, who insist there are overarching issues we shouldn’t be ignoring — like the rights and freedoms we as peace officers are sworn to uphold, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, no matter the circumstances. I don’t recall the “Time Out, It’s A Bad Flu” clause in any of those documents.
The bottom line is: there’s no doubt this is a proverbial “dry run” for Leftists and Demorats to push the envelope and see what it is that you, the average American citizen, will tolerate in terms of having your freedoms and liberties removed.
Do they only have to provide some kind of “safety crisis” for you to cave and fold? Will Fear Porn do it? How far can you be pushed before you react negatively?
I think we’re starting to see those answers right now.
We cannot allow law enforcement to be wedged into political issues like this. Because we have to do what I term The Logical Extension:
If law enforcement will willingly obey Fear Porn — what will they do when ordered to confiscate firearms from American citizens should Leftists return to power — which they obviously will, some day? And just as Leftists and Demorats said “nah, we’re not coming for your guns,” wrong, they now state openly they’re coming for our firearms.
Doing again The Logical Extension, that means they’re coming for, eventually, all of your rights — every little thing they can steal. IF you stand there complacently and allow it. But wait. Once you have no firearms?
Yeah. You are going to have to stand there and allow it.
I wish I could say I knew for a fact that all law enforcement officers are not going to act unconstitutionally. I cannot.
And that is so foundationally disturbing to my core.