Monday’s second SCOTUS ruling in re Union membership:

On the heels of the Monday SCOTUS ruling involving Hobby Lobby et al:

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that some corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

Leftists, Progressives and Demorats all began their unanimous bleat about a so-called “war on women.”

4.2.7It is, instead, a War on the American Taxpayer.  In terms of making the American Taxpayer responsible for funding contraception for women who still have any number of free venues available to them for contraceptive solutions, to include Planned Parenthood and various clinics open in each and every college and university across the land.

The argument was predicated upon religion, yes.  But I submit it was also foundationally (if not more so) predicated upon the mandatory payment, by businesses, of contraception for women.  Not just for religious-based businesses but for all businesses.  And: WHY should ANY business be forced to pay for contraception for any employee?

Male or female, Viagra or pill or diaphragm or condom, no business should be forced by government to pay for those contraceptive items.  According to four justices, however, you cannot even opt out.  Do they not understand that the federal government is not solving the nation’s problems?

That said, there was a second SCOTUS ruling that occurred on Monday, less revealed.

Harris v. Quinn, 5-4.

From the

Court: Public union can’t make nonmembers pay fees

by Sam Hananel


The Supreme Court dealt a blow to public sector unions Monday, ruling that thousands of home health care workers in Illinois cannot be required to pay fees that help cover a union’s costs of collective bargaining.

In a 5-4 split along ideological lines, the justices said the practice violates the First Amendment rights of nonmembers who disagree with the positions that unions take.

This sounds like a negative SEIU ruling, as affecting Fornicalia.

The ruling is a setback for labor unions that have bolstered their ranks and their bank accounts in Illinois and other states by signing up hundreds of thousands of in-home care workers. It could lead to an exodus of members who will have little incentive to pay dues if nonmembers don’t have to share the burden of union costs.

As in: what becomes the benefit in joining a so-called “union,” in terms of my bottom-line paycheck?

Writing for the court, Justice Samuel Alito said home care workers “are different from full-fledged public employees” because they work primarily for their disabled or elderly customers and do not have most of the rights and benefits of state employees. The ruling does not affect private sector workers.



If one more liberal Justice is appointed in this country, we will lose our social and political and personal freedoms in this country.  And then woe, shall we be.

Quote at Roosevelt memorial Washington DC

ObamaKare cracks: SCOTUS rules about forced contraception coverage

SCOTUS 2014From the Associated Press:

Justices: Can’t make employers cover contraception

by Mark Sherman

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Monday that some corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

The justices’ 5-4 decision is the first time that the high court has ruled that profit-seeking businesses can hold religious views under federal law. And it means the Obama administration must search for a different way of providing free contraception to women who are covered under objecting companies’ health insurance plans.

As I’ve said before to women: you can have all the contraception you can stuff down your gullets and other locales.  I just don’t want to be forced to pay for it.

And with some religious-based businesses, that is now the law of the land.

Though, of course, the Obaka Regime continues to abhor the Rule of Law.

Please read the full article here.

Is the King undressing before our very eyes?



Lies Al Gore told me

LIES BY Josef GoebbelsAnd it is upon these lies that various heads of state (think: Barack Hussein Obama) wish to predicate state and nation-busting economic and societal change.  Change that would affect the American Taxpayer directly and — once again — make the American Taxpayer responsible not just for the US but other nations as well.

Here is an article from the UK Telegraph, emphasize my belief once again that if you wish to know what is happening around the world and in our own country, you can kick the American Media Maggots primarily to the curb.

The scandal of fiddled global warming data

The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record

by Christopher Booker

When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the part played in stoking up the scare by the fiddling of official temperature data. There was already much evidence of this seven years ago, when I was writing my history of the scare, The Real Global Warming Disaster. But now another damning example has been uncovered by Steven Goddard’s US blog Real Science, showing how shamelessly manipulated has been one of the world’s most influential climate records, the graph of US surface temperature records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.

Please note: “the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record.”

I ask, take the time to carefully read the rest of the article and click on the indicated notations.

Because Global Warming as a general meme had difficulty to the point that it became the very generic “Climate Change,” so is this meme having difficulty in standing up to the light of day.  And the largest launcher of the so-called “Global Warming” craze taken up by the Religious Left: the poor white bear on the itty-bitty ice shard:

Polar Bear Ice ChunkPoor polar bear.  Brutalized and reduced to riding an ice cube due to that Evil Man.  And thusly anthropogenic Global Warming was born.

Leftists don’t believe in religion because they don’t believe in God.  The only god they bow to is that of Global Warming, which requires every bit of faith or more to believe in than an overarching deity.  Hence the Religious Left dutifully believe in GW because other Leftists say so and it’s emphasized by those who likewise buy into the meme, as in teachers, major networks, Alphonse Gore, Demorats and other on the GW Bandwagon.  A bandwagon that requires only faith, not consistent and true facts.



On that notion, the US Supreme Court — just today — placed limits on the EPA’s ability to decry “Global Warming” and kill coal.

From the

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday placed limits on the sole Obama administration program already in place to deal with power plant and factory emissions of gases blamed for global warming.

The justices said that the Environmental Protection Agency lacks authority in some cases to force companies to evaluate ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This rule applies when a company needs a permit to expand facilities or build new ones that would increase overall pollution. Carbon dioxide is the chief gas linked to global warming.

Imperial power, being used with regal impunity, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama — who says: why go through Congress?  I can do anything I wish, myself.

Besides, if you really wanted to stop “Global Warming,” which Leftists believe is solely due to the rise of carbon dioxide emissions — the byproduct of human beings — then kill all the people.  Because the Religious Left say people are therefore responsible, I say: you first.