The obvious: Nancy Pelosi exhibits aberrant behavior — dementia?

No one will say it but I believe, given her displays the past year or so, that Demorat Nancy Pelosi is exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimers or an Alzheimers-like disease.

Please note the video.

Then please note this video.

And this.

And this as well.

We recall, of course, that the American Media Maggots excoriated President Reagan towards the end of his presidency, yet they are strangely silent when it concerns Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre behavior. We know the reason.

The question becomes this: is it why Demorats are now attempting to get Nancy Pelosi to move aside and “move on” from politics?



Charlie Rose embarrasses Nancy Pelosi

Charlie Rose, the Leftist American Media Maggot. Well, no different than the rest of them. So what do you have when even Charlie Rose throws something other than a puffy little softball to Nancy Pelosi?

You have problems. Despite the “fact” that you are — ahem — a “master legislator.”

It’s also a pretty clear indicator that things are going wrong when even Charlie Rose cuts you off.

The temper of the times? Or another in a long and continuing series of lumbering, ponderous clues indicating the Demorats are in some serious cat crap?

And still the Demorats think nothing’s wrong.

Just ask them.



And Demorats think Trump’s lost his marbles?

Fig. 1: Nancy Pelosi meeting with Russians. Remember, Nancy Pelosi insists she never met with any Russians.

I think they’d best turn that all-encompassing marble-like eye inwards and examine their own House Minority Leader, Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, whose blathering is all too evident in this video, displaying actual marble loss.

Pelosi had lost track of time, of day, of the issue at hand, but had a firm grasp on gibberish.

As Pelosi approached the podium on Thursday, she muttered to herself on the hot mic, “It’s afternoon. It is afternoon. Good afternoon everyone.”

She then immediately got confused about what time of day it was.

“Thank you for being here. I’m honored this morning, or now afternoon…” she said. She went on to refer to her Democratic colleague as the “chairman” of a committee, before correcting herself and calling him the “ranking member.”

Going off script proved to be a disaster.

While denouncing Republican attempts to replace Obamacare, Pelosi said, “And what does that mean? Higher costs, fewer benefits, uh, terrible age tax undermining Medicare, uh, uh, stealing from Medicare and Maid-icaid, as I should have said,” mispronouncing the word.

But no, Pelosi’s just fine. Nothing to see here. Instead, it’s Donald Trump who’s the nutter and who must be removed under the 25th Amendment. From the

Two dozen Democrats get behind bill to lay foundation for removing Trump for being mentally ‘incapacitated’ (but they’d need Mike Pence to agree)

by David Martosko

  • 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows Congress to set up a medical commission that could determine if a president is fit for office
  • The president’s cabinet is also allowed to serve that purpose, but Congress has never established its own group to participate
  • Either panel would require the vice president to agree before Congress could vote to remove the president
  • A Maryland Democratic congressman is trying to set up a commission to target President Trump, tweeting: ‘Trump’s mental incapacity is no laughing matter’
  • Plan has only attracted Democratic cosponsors so far
  • Senate that passed 25th Amendment agreed ‘inability’ meant a ‘mental debility’ rendering a president ‘unable or unwilling to make any rational decision’

A Democratic congressman has proposed convening a special committee of psychiatrists and other doctors whose job would be to determine if President Donald Trump is fit to serve in the Oval Office.

Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, who also teaches constitutional law at American University, has predictably failed to attract any Republicans to his banner.

But the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment does allow for a majority of the president’s cabinet, or ‘such other body as Congress may by law provide,’ to decide if an Oval Office occupant is unable to carry out his duties – and then to put it to a full congressional vote.

Vice President Mike Pence would also have to agree, which could slow down the process – or speed it up if he wanted the levers of power for himself.

The 25th Amendment has been around since shortly after the John F. Kennedy assassination, but Congress has never formed its own committee in case it’s needed to judge a president’s mental health.

Why is Donald Trump insane in the eyes of the Demorats, you ask? Because he dares to defend himself against baseless accusations and has had to do so since installation as president on January 20th of this year.

He is under assault daily by politicians, the DC Beltway Elite EstabliHacks on both sides of the aisle, the American Media Maggots, Demorats, Leftists, Progressives, Anarchists, so-called “celebrities” and GOWPs across the pond in the European Union who hate that Trump refuses to kowtow to their Globalist, Socialist, United Nations-driven One World Barbecue demands.

Let’s get back to honesty and clarity, shall we? Let’s put ourselves back on the ground and deal with reality. The primary motivating factor behind everything the DC Establihacks, Demorats, Leftists and the American Media Maggots are doing is this: they have not yet transitioned over to November 9th of 2016. They are still stuck on Tuesday, November 8th. They cannot believe — and will not believe — that Donald Trump is now the 45th President of the United States.

All their well-placed, entrenched, corruptive plans found themselves cast aside because the rabble, the commoners, the groundlings, the proles, the serfs, the unwashed filth like you and me had the temerity not to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton. It’s not fair they wailed! It was her turn, they babbled!

Donald Trump is a bare-knuckled fighter. He is a business brawler. He isn’t politically correct and he’s crass and sometimes rude, brusque, crude and cringeworthy. But he is everything but insane. Or perhaps the phrase “crazy like a fox” comes to mind.

He is doing what people elected him to do. At least attempt to drain the swamp and to turn DC upside down. He is upsetting most everyone’s well-groomed and cultivated, lengthy tenure at the government tit, Taxpayer Milk flying everywhere.

Tits, tits, tits, the DC EstabliHacks cannot be removed from their government tits! Think of the loss, the carnage, the people who might actually have to be accountable and hold a modicum of responsibility! Who might actually have to do some — work! Who might actually have to — gulp — produce some kind of measurable work product! Oh the pain, the pain, the unmitigated potential pain!

The milk must flow because the Free Cheese must be made as, with the Free Cheese, also come the all-hallowed, almighty vote!

The spice must flow, and the spraying Taxpayer Milk must continue unabated at all costs! At every cost! They must fight, I tell you! They must fight for their phony-baloney jobs. They are fighting for their very lives.

And fight they will. Fight they must. Everything in their world is at stake.

Didacticity over. Temporarily. Until my next post.



Democrats: “money can’t buy me love”

$23 million dollars gone. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt. Money certainly ain’t buying much Demorat love in Georgia.

Demorats are now 0 for 4 in special elections. In the Jon Ossoff loss, how could the Demorat not walk away with the election considering this is an area where Donald Trump did poorly and, in terms of pushback on Trump, should have kicked The Donald to the curb? Jon Ossoff outspent Karen Handel 7 to 1.

Particularly in light of the fact that two special elections went down the rabbit hole for the Demorats in one night — meaning they lost — and in one Georgia election $23 million dollars was spent by the DNC and George Soros and Leftists the world over. Ossoff outspent Handel 7 to 1. And still they couldn’t defeat one measly Republican chick. Who won, incidentally, by more than five points. From

Democrats just went 0-4. When will they win?

by Eric Bradner

Atlanta (CNN)Democrats tried an inoffensive moderate message in Georgia. They ran a banjo-strumming populist in Montana. They called in the cavalry in South Carolina and tried to catch their foe sleeping through a long-shot in Kansas.

None of it worked.

In the special elections for House seats vacated by Republicans who wound up in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, Democrats went 0-for-4.

Now, party officials, strategists and candidates are pondering what went wrong — and how they can turn it around in time for the 2018 midterm elections.

Jon Ossoff’s loss Tuesday night in a hyper-competitive Georgia race — the most expensive in history — “better be a wake up call for Democrats,” Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton, an emerging Democratic leader said.

“We need a genuinely new message, a serious jobs plan that reaches all Americans, and a bigger tent,” he wrote, “not an smaller one. Focus on the future.”

Uh oh. That “speaking truth to power” thingie.

Bad enough. But then — shock of shocks — it somehow goes personal when certain Demorat personnel kindly suggest that it’s time for the ancient and doddering Nancy Pelosi to step aside as she doesn’t truly seem to be doing much for her Leftist party.

Nancy’s reply? To double down on incompetency, citing her masterful legislating, et al — in response to her insistence on not stepping aside. This is absolutely glorious.

“Well, I’m a master legislator. I am a strategic, politically astute leader. … My leadership is recognized by many around the country, and that is why I’m able to attract the support that I do, which is essential to our elections.”

Ah, nothing like the embodiment of the phrase “the definition of stupidity.” A concept they clearly have not accepted as they continue to prove my definition of Historical Alzheimers by failing to recognize that, yes, they well and truly did lost the presidential election on November 8th of 2016. Let’s see, that’s 226 days or 7 months and 14 days later. They still refuse to acknowledge reality.

I once again deploy Tucker Carlson to explain.

But wait; is sometimes losing actually winning? It can be if you’re a Mothership. From the

Former DCCC Insiders’ Firm Banked Millions From Ossoff’s Failed Campaign

by Joe Schoffstall

Ossoff paid Dem firm more than Republican Karen Handel’s campaign spent the entire election

A firm started by former insiders for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) hauled in millions of dollars from the failed campaign of Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff, Federal Election Commission records show.

Ossoff’s campaign pulled in more than $23 million in contributions during the record-breaking special election in Georgia’s sixth congressional district. The campaign disbursed $22.5 million and had $1 million left on hand at the time of its latest filings to the FEC.

The astronomical expenditures from the Ossoff campaign turned into a bonanza for a firm that was launched by veterans of the DCCC.

See? Losing can be winning.

The Demorats themselves have nothing. They are the Party of No. All they possess is obstruction, obfuscation, undermining. They have no cogent thoughts or ideas. They have Russia. They cannot even admit that Ossoff lost fair and square. They chalked his loss up to weather.

I wasn’t kidding.



Feinstein: crossing the Rubicon?

I suspect many Demorats may believe so today, after she said this on Sunday.

Let us not forget that Senator Feinstein (Leftist central, as Fornicalia’s second senator is none other than the next Demorat nominee for president in 2020, Kamala Harris) is the highest ranking Demorat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

She essentially called, publicly, for an open investigation into the manner in which Obama’s last Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, handled the Hillary Clinton email inquiry in re Lynch’s directive to former FBI Director James Comey.

Comey clearly outs himself that he willingly chose to step “into the tank” with Lynch, Obama and the Demorats.

The wrote:

Top Democrat calls for investigation of Loretta Lynch’s Clinton probe

by Marisa Schultz

WASHINGTON – The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee called Sunday for a congressional investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she’s concerned by former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday that Lynch asked him to downplay his “investigation” into the Democratic presidential nominee as merely a “matter.”

Comey said the political request called into the question the credibility of Lynch’s Department of Justice and made him “queasy.”

“I would have a queasy feeling too,” Feinstein admitted Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think we need to know more about that. And there’s only one way to know about it and that’s to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that.”

The “queasy” feeling only occurred when Comey realized he’d likely be later called onto the public carpet, which he was.

Lynch, a President Obama nominee, ultimately had to distance herself from the FBI probe after meeting with former President Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix during the height of the election campaign and email investigation.

Lynch said the meeting was impromptu and they didn’t discuss Clinton’s private email server, but the appearance of impropriety forced her to back off and for Comey to become the public face of the probe.

Asked whether Lynch provided improper political cover for Clinton, Feinstein said: “I can’t answer that,” but a “separate investigation” is worthwhile to find out.

Ultimate Translation from DemSpeak to common English: Feinstein realizes she’d best get out ahead on this one as it’s sufficiently dirty to potentially sully even her skirts.

Ah, nothing like a little political Demorat arse-covering, eh wot?