Islamic HAVES vs Islamic HAVE NOTS

FML-JGL-EID-290714-1Good Muslim women in London: young, rich, coy and demure.  And Caucasoid.

Whilst the “Palestinians” and “Gazans” seem to “starve,” and various other Islamic countries encounter horrors as well, the “Haves” in the Middle East congregate to enjoy their vacations in London, in mid-August.

More blingtastic and vulgar than ever! It’s that month when super rich Arabs flock here for an orgy of spending. And this year, they and their cars are taking excess to a new level 

by Beth Hale and Laura Stott
  • ‘Ramadan Rush’ sees Middle Easterners fly in to end fasting with indulgence
  • They team Eid celebrations with spending outrageous amounts of cash
  • Last year credit card processor Worldpay handled £73m from the shoppers
  • Nightly supercar parades rev up outside Harrods and Harvey Nichols 

The Middle Eastern owner of the gleaming white Rolls-Royce doesn’t even glance at the double yellow lines as he parks over them outside the famous green-and-gold frontage of Harrods in London.

He is on his way to the store’s exclusive French cafe Ladurée, where outdoor tables are packed full of stylish men speaking Arabic and smoking, while glamorous women stand chatting in niqabs or brightly coloured scarves with jeans and stack-heeled designer trainers.

And as a parking warden fixes a £60 ticket to the perfectly polished windscreen of his car — a Phantom Drophead Coupé with a Saudi Arabian number plate — he doesn’t even flinch, simply continuing the animated chatter with friends. 

Because: what’s a simple “fine” to an Emir?  In the scope of things, it is nothing.  After all, each and every car was FLOWN IN to the UK for the convenience of these Muslims.

Alleged Muslims.

Frankly, I couldn’t care less how this affects the UK.  I simply want to see some incredible cars.  Get ready:

Cars 1Cars 2Cars 3Cars 4Cars 5Cars 6Whilst Rome burns, rich Muslims revel in their wealth.  And say: screw everyone else.

Imagine that.


I repeat: each one of these cars had to be purposely flown into London because, after all, the UK is an island.

Obama’s take on Muslims: clinically insane?

Islam Religion of PeaceDamned near.

Check this from, as Mr Obama “honors” Ramadan whilst, simultaneously, holding Israel at arms’-length:

Obama: Muslims Built ‘The Very Fabric of Our Nation’

by Robert Wilde

On Sunday, President Obama and First Lady Michelle released a statement thanking Muslim Americans for their many “achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

The comments were made to mark the celebration of Eid-al-Fitr, a time of spiritual renewal for Muslims which comes at the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan. The Obamas said in their statement that Eid “celebrates the common values that unite us in our humanity” and “welcomed their commitment to giving back to their communities.” The International Business Times reports that during Eid, Muslims join in Islamic prayer, while saying “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is Great,” and feasting.

The statement further reads that the administration “wishes Muslims in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous celebration.” The letter ended with salutation of “Eid Mubarak,” which roughly means “blessed celebration.”

Let’s back that up a bit, shall we?

Just how have Muslims built the “very fabric of our nation”?

With hijacked aircraft flown into buildings?

With the advocation of Sharia Law?

With the advocation of female genital mutilation?

With honor killings?

With misogyny?

Quite frankly, I don’t see even one instance where Muslims have contributed a single molecule to the fabric of these United States of America, save those molecules required to disassemble our narrative and our culture.

Oh, that’s right.  Muslims were right there in building the Transcontinental Railroad.  Right there in the Civil War.  Right there, fighting side-by-side with US troops in WWII.  Muslims right there, building the very fabric of our nation.

All I see is a unified Muslim front dedicated to tearing down Western culture on every level and demanding that any and all religions extant simply convert to Islam or be removed from the face of the earth.

To me, that simply sounds like the Borg.  And perhaps Islam does in fact = the Borg.  Resistance is futile.  You will be assimilated.

Islam = Borg.

You convert or you shall be killed.

And this Death Cult is what Mr Obama “honors”?



The UK: upset about halal meat and, foundationally, recognizing its ultimate Islamic downfall

Halal Meat UKHowever: the United Kingdom brought it on itself.

Because it became populated with GOWPs  —  which I term as Guilty Overeducated White People.

And as the UK is a Westernized nation, what happens there may likely occur here because of a scheme called “drift.”

The Spectator says:

I refuse to buy meat from supermarkets until they ban halal slaughter

There is a view, prevalent among a sizeable minority of people in this country, and particularly within the angry, fat and drunk white underclass, that one day very soon the green flag of Islam will fly above Westminster and Britain will have become a Muslim country, by stealth.

Imagine that.

Sometimes Life is actually simple.



Pregnant Muslim woman to be hanged for marrying Christian man in Sudan

Sudan Woman Faces HangingCan’t leave the Islamic faith or you shall die.

And in the meantime Leftists are mute and there are — oddly enough — no hashtags from the First Lady about it.  She is remarkably silent on the matter.  Why is that?


This Is the Pregnant Woman Sudan Wants to Hang for Marrying a Christian

by Lama Hasan

Lawyers for a pregnant Sudanese woman plan to appeal an Islamic judge’s decision that she be flogged with 100 lashes and then be hanged for marrying a Christian man and converting.

Amnesty International and Western embassies are expressing alarm over the harsh sentence meted out to Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag, who is eight months pregnant.

So far the only concession granted by the Islamic court is to wait until Ishag gives birth before carrying out the sentence.

The judge told Ishaq, “We gave you three days to recant, but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death.” Officially her crime is apostasy.

Ishaq replied, “I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy.”

And here is the convoluted thinking:

The judge also ruled that her marriage to a Christian man was invalid and not recognized under Islamic law, which means that she had committed adultery. He ordered her to be flogged for that alleged offense.

Ah, the understanding, considerate, non-judgmental, inclusive and loving embrace of Islam, as currently practiced today.  “Islam is as Islam does.”



The Honor Diaries: how Islam kills and mutilates women

A point that Leftists nationally — and female Leftists in particular — very pointedly AVOID because they are primarily cowardsCowards.  Womens’ advocacy groups avoid conflict with Islam like the plague — though it is Islam that treats women like dogs, like property, and worse.  The Honor Diaries:

And I’m tired of glossing over the abrogations of Islam.

Honor killings, genital mutilation and more.

Let us not forget this photograph:

Bibi Aishi Taliban Removed Her NoseAh, the loving and understanding embrace of Islam via the Taliban.

But if you’re a Muslim and you liked that above photo, you’ll absolutely rave over this:

FGM - Female Infant and Razor BladeI hope that photograph makes you wince.  Yes, that is a commercial and unsterilized razor blade held in the hand of a Muslim.  Because I say and will always say: “Islam is as Islam does.”

Give me one justification for a clitorectomy.  Andclitorectomies applied not just to infants but to juveniles and teens.  With the most immoral and prehistoric tools possible.

Does that make you “uncomfortable” and make you “doubt my sources”?  Then go do a search of your own.  You will find much worse.  And close up.  Much, much more close up.

If Islam wants to “clean up its act,” then those who commit tragedies and abhorrent acts in the name of Islam need to stop.  But they won’t.  Simple as that.

Because as far as they are concerned, they have faith on their side.

A final note: one woman who is speaking up against honor killings and forced marriages and genital mutilation at the hand of Muslim males is Ayaan Hirsi Ali.  She writes of Boko Haram here.

Let me further refresh your memories.

This is the same woman that Brandeis University banned from speaking at its site.  The Economist wrote:

EARLIER this month Brandeis University rescinded its offer of an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born women’s rights activist, saying its officials had not been fully aware of some her more scathing remarks on Islam. Conservatives have accused Brandeis of muzzling Ms Hirsi Ali and bowing to Muslim pressure groups. Liberals have wondered how the university could possibly have overlooked Ms Hirsi Ali’s condemnations, not just of radical Islam, but of Islam as such. At the risk of coming off as a postmodern multi-culti squish, it seems to me that this discussion suffers from a lack of cultural context—but not the cultural context you’re thinking of. The way Ms Hirsi Ali talks about Islam strikes American liberals as strangely intolerant, but it has its roots in the prevailing discourse on religious freedom and Islam in the country where Ms Hirsi Ali first began seriously tackling these issues: the Netherlands.

That said, even The Economist was wrong.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali knows which side of Islam gets portrayed and which side gets buried.

Imagine that.  A woman sensitive to death and mutilation.  Because she’s seen it and experienced it.