Soldier ‘beheaded’ in London terror attack, blood covered suspects screamed ‘Allah Akbar’

The goodness, inherent kindness and love of Islam rears its head again, this time in the broad daylight of London, England.

From the New York Daily News:

Soldier ‘beheaded’ in London terror attack, blood covered suspects screamed ‘Allah Akbar’

Two attackers believed shot by police in a brutal confrontation that left a soldier, murdered on a London street in broad daylight.

Video here.


Muslim Soldier Killer In LondonContinuing:

A British soldier was beheaded Wednesday on a London street in a “sickening and barbaric” attack by a pair of cleaver-wielding jihadists, officials and witnesses said.

The brazen and heinous slaying occurred in broad daylight in front of stunned witnesses, who said the attackers screamed “Allah Akbar.” British Prime David Cameron Cameron said the atrocity appeared to be “terror-related.”

With his hands soaked in blood, one of the attackers was filmed on the street right after the attack and made a chilling claim of responsibility.

“We swear by Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you,” said the attacker, wearing a black watchcap and holding a bloody meat cleaver and a butcher’s knife in his left hand. “The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth.”

Some people have said that I am misguided, that I am a religionist, that I am horribly biased, that I write scurrilous rants against Islam, that I accuse Islam of representing nothing more than barbaric, nomadic thugs and misogynists, that they are pederasts who prefer boys to women, prefer death to life — but I say this:

Islam doesn’t need me to make this portrayal.  They already do it so well themselves.




The British are officially insane:

Muslim Nurse in the UK

Muslim nurse in the UK.

From the European Union

UK allows Muslim nurses to not wash to protect their “modesty”

The UK Department of Health recently announced that it would loosen hygiene rules for Muslim and Sikh doctors and nurses. From now on, Muslim female staff will not need to wash their hands before procedures as it compromises their modesty. Instead, they will have the admittedly less sanitary option of wearing disposable plastic over-sleeves.

Acknowledging the danger of microbes and death, a Department of Health spokesman said, “The guidance is intended to . . . balance infection control measures with cultural beliefs.” But, believe it or not, from a culturist perspective, the death of some patients is not the main cause for concern that this policy elicits.

The most dangerous problem is that this policy encodes multiculturalism not culturism. Whereas culturism acknowledges that England has a majority culture to protect and promote, this multiculturalist policy implicitly says that England has no core culture. It says that the nation can be whatever pressure groups decide it is. It, therefore, officially ends the dominance of English culture in England.

Let’s review: in England, you, the patient, are merely the not-so-involved “intermediary” between a culture that values their traditional belief systems — and sepsis, infection and death.

Aided and abetted by the finest UK medical professionals who quake in fear of “offending.”

Not a bad place to be, considering you, the patient, may potentially be sacrificed on the bloody altar of Politically Correct Appeasement.

But at least, if as a patient you acquire a raging infection from a Muslim not having properly disinfected, you can take comfort in the fact that you’ve offended no one in the vicinity.

A reminder from Ozzie Saffa for those unfamiliar with the whole Muslim Thingie:

(and keep in mind that they use their hands and water to wash after going to the toilet – no kaffir toilet paper for them)

Wow; I feel so much better already.

And you?

I mean, you won’t mind sacrificing some known critical medical safety precepts as long as you know you’re making Muslims “feel” better, will you?

Ah, you Brits, you’re just kidding, right?  — right?


H/t to Ozzie Saffa via Hugh.



Even the Taliban hate Microsoft Outlook

From a glorious article at

In a Dilbert-esque faux pax, a Taliban spokesperson sent out a routine email last week with one notable difference.He publicly CC’d the names of everyone on his mailing list.

The names were disclosed in an email by Qari Yousuf Ahmedi, an official Taliban spokesperson, on Saturday. The email was a press release he received from the account of Zabihullah Mujahid, another Taliban spokesperson. Ahmedi then forwarded Mujahid’s email to the full Taliban mailing list, but rather than using the BCC function, or blind carbon copy which keeps email addresses private, Ahmedi made the addresses public.

“Taliban have included all 4 of my email addresses on the leaked distribution list,” tweeted journalist Mustafa Kazemi, a prolific Kabul-based tweeter with more than 9,500 followers. “Quite reassuring to my safety.”

Overall, there were some 400 persons involved.





US Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez considers laws on “blasphemy”

First, watch the video:

What conclusion can you draw other than a major high-ranking US federal government official is disinterested in upholding the First Amendment of the US  Constitution?

Specifically, in July of this year, Representative Trent Franks (R – Arizona, 2nd District) speaks with AAG Perez in an attempt to acquire an affirmation of free speech.

Which, as you can see, was avoided like the proverbial plague.

Like attempting to nail Jello to a tree.

However, let me do what I call the “logical extension,” and that is this: “blasphemy” would include Islam.  Perhaps Buddhism.  Perhaps Hinduism.  Perhaps Sikhism.  Perhaps Shinto.  Perhaps Rastafarianism.  Perhaps Scientology.

But not to include either Christianity or Judaism.  And trust me when I tell you: Islam will be on TOP of the Blasphemic Heap.

Isn’t it reassuring to realize your foundational First Amendment is held in such high regard by members of the current Obama Administration?