More black racists at MSNBC, BLM and hospitals


  1. A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
  2. A policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
  3. Hatred or intolerance of another ace or other races.

Good to see that racist blacks are tolerated and not held to answer for their bigotry and prejudice.

First a female black racist from MSNBC, Joy Behar, as documented by

Anti-Trump MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks rural Americans are ‘core threat’ to democracy

by Brian Flood

MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks that rural Americans are “the core threat to our democracy” and pointed to a series of tweets by liberal author Jared Yates Sexton that claimed Trump supporters “do not believe in the Constitution or any founding principles unless they’re advantageous” as proof of her far-left theory.

Who lives in rural America? Tons of minorities? No, as she well knows. Mostly Caucasoids and that’s precisely her point. She knows full well that she’s speaking not about blacks or other “minorities” in the fly-over states. That phrase itself illustrates the ignorance and blatant arrogance of Leftists.

Here is her Tweet.

Reid said gerrymandering reform and “the abolition of the Electoral College would be a start” when engaging with followers on how to fix the issue.

Again, this is massive ignorance involving our founding documents, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. She and other Leftists and American Media Maggots have no concept of these documents nor are they interested in learning. They have no concept of the phrase “checks and balances.”

I know precisely what Reid means and what she wants.

Then this from

Black Lives Matter Plans To Block White-Owned Businesses On Black Friday

by Amber Randall

Black Lives Matter and other groups plan to block white-owned Chicago stores on Black Friday to bring awareness about police shootings, economic issues and alleged racism.

Local churches, Black Lives Matter and the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression will block stores along Michigan Avenue and prevent customers from entering stores for the second year in a row, reports Crain’s Chicago Business.

But hey, advocating against spending in any store owned by a specific race isn’t by definition racist, right? I mean, not if it’s done by blacks against Caucasoids.

A big part of the protest is to force on people that it’s important to shop at businesses that aren’t owned by white men, Kimberly Veal, a leader of Black Lives Matter, said. It’s not yet known who owns the businesses that will be targeted as part of this effort.

Yesh, well, why let something as silly doing some research for facts get in the way of some good, classic racism?

One of the protest organizer hopes that this year’s protest will have a larger turnout.

Was the protest successful? Was it larger than the year before? Uh, no.

Finally, this story from Indiana:

Indiana ‘Night Nurse’ whose tweet about white women sparked investigation ‘no longer’ with hospital

A nurse at one of the largest hospital systems in the nation who sparked an internal investigation after posting a controversial tweet reportedly “is no longer an employee” at Indiana University Health.

Taiyesha Baker, a nurse at the hospital, allegedly posted a tweet Friday under the account “Night Nurse,” saying that white women are raising sons who are “rapists,” “racists” and “killers.”

In a statement Sunday, a spokesperson for the hospital said “A recently hired IU Health employee tied to troubling posts on social media this weekend is no longer an employee of IU Health,” Fox 59 reported.

Taiyesha Baker, of course, is a black female.

It would seem that incidents of this nature are increasing.

One final note for perspective: in California ol’ BZ is a statistical minority.



Leftists: doubling down on Hillary for 2020

Just when you thought the Demorat fossils are numerous years past their political expiration dates, out comes more support — doubling down on precisely what it was that utterly failed to work on November 8th of 2016.

From — naturally —

Here’s your leftover turkey: The case for Hillary Clinton 2020

by Matthew Rozsa

What better way to honor the holiday than with a spiteful argument for yet another Clinton candidacy?

Are you sick of Republicans? Or just right-wingers in general? Do you want to send a message to Washington that you aren’t going to buy into their racistsexistxenophobichomophobic and classist nonsense for one second longer?

Then do the very thing that Donald Trump unintentionally encouraged in a recent tweet: Encourage Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2020!

I’m sure this is the part where the Clinton-haters — be they Trumpers, Bernie Bros or anything in between — will say something to the effect of, “Of course he wants her to run again. That’s the only way he’ll get re-elected!”

Get out of my head! That is precisely what I and other clear-thinking persons were thinking. After all, that Trump/Russia thingie has worked out so wonderfully, has it not?

The next paragraph is absolutely golden, however. Think: what would be the finest reason for Hillary Clinton to run in 2020?

Slow your roll there. Clinton’s poll numbers aren’t too good right now (OK, they’re downright atrocious), but there are still four great reasons to consider choosing her as the Democratic nominee in 2020. Even better, all but one of them has to do with an emotion that has no place in this season (which is why I absolutely had to write this article for Thanksgiving weekend): Spite. Delicious, nutritious spite.

But what of the four reasons delineated by author Rozsa?

1. Hillary Clinton is the Winston Churchill to Vladimir Putin’s Adolf Hitler.

I agree with the basic principle of Godwin’s Law: The first person to invoke Hitler in a political debate should normally lose. The exception, of course, has to be when someone has genuine Hitler-like qualities. A foreign despot who has invaded neighboring countries and has a right-wing nationalist agenda is about as Nazi-like as you can get.

Omigosh Rozsa, but what would Jesus do? In your case, that of Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots like yourself, what would Stalin or Guevara or Castro or Chavez or Maduro do — you know, your actual idols?

2. Hillary Clinton being elected president (at last) would monumentally piss off misogynistic trolls, and what’s not to like about that? 

I can’t think of a single political figure in recent American history who has been hated as deeply, or for as long, as Hillary Clinton. From the moment she emerged on the national stage in 1992 as a distinctly feminist prospective first lady, she has been the target of right-wing wrath woefully out of proportion to anything she has ever said or done.

Of course. You’re right back at “spite.” Seems to me, Rozsa, you’ve confused both 1 and 2 as separate issues when they’re not.

3. By winning the popular vote convincingly in 2016, Hillary Clinton has earned the right to be considered the presumptive nominee in 2020.

As I wrote in September, Clinton is the first defeated presidential candidate to win the popular vote without being automatically considered a frontrunner in the next election. Two of the previous four popular vote-winning also-rans were actually elected in the subsequent cycle (Andrew Jackson in 1828 and Grover Cleveland in 1892), while two others were widely regarded as frontrunners before dropping out for personal reasons (Samuel Tilden and Al Gore).

My, could that possible be because Hillary Clinton was precisely the wrong candidate for the Demorats to run? Yes, beautiful idea: let’s take the most corrupt, the most craven, the most arrogant, the most hypocritical and unlikable Demorat candidate possible and run them. #BecauseIt’sMyTurn

Here’s where Rozsa proves himself an unparalleled comedian.

4. We can expect her to be a good president.

Frankly, the worst thing that can be said about a potential 2020 Clinton candidacy, especially in America’s current cultural and political climate, is that her husband still hasn’t answered for the numerous sexual abuse accusations against him. While it may seem unfair for Hillary to be held accountable for Bill’s alleged predations, it can plausibly be argued that she played a role in helping him cover them up. If that is ever proved beyond a reasonable doubt, she should be given the heave-ho.

As my poor mother-in-law used to say before she passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2007:

Sometimes people are put on this planet solely as an example of what not to do.

Smart woman.



Hispanic female racist may acquire just desserts

First, for background, see my post here from October 1st. Then watch the video below for visual and aural reference.

Now that we’re all up to speed, here is an article from

Report: UC Riverside Student Faces Up to One Year in Jail over Alleged MAGA Hat Theft

by Tom Ciccotta

UC Riverside student Edith Macias has reportedly been charged with one misdemeanor count of grand theft for a September incident in which she allegedly stole a MAGA hat from one of her peers.

At this point I’m certain she’s hyperventilating at the thought. But wait, there’s more.

According to a document provided to The College Fix by the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, Macias has been charged with one misdemeanor count of grand theft. Her next scheduled court date will take place in March 2018. According to a spokesman for the district attorney’s office, Macias could face up to one year in county jail.

Of course she won’t do a year. Likely she’ll be placed on probation. And the only reason she’ll acquire that is because the entire incident was properly documented by Matthew Vitale.

Note to Conservatives On Campus: the video and photo aspects of your phone can be your best friend in challenging times. Do what every other Leftist does. Record everything. Believe nothing.

“I’m very pleased that the DA decided to charge her, especially because I am skeptical that UCR student conduct did anything. I will be following up with the student conduct office to determine if anything was done,” he said.

Today, this is the best one can achieve considering the circumstances.

Vitale went on to explain that the charges against Macias should serve as a message to college students around the country as to what conduct is acceptable with regards to political discourse.

In my college years, had something like that occurred on campus and Edith stole an item belonging to another student and refused to give it back, her next memory would be that of awakening on the floor with a swollen jaw.

No one would have bartered or negotiated patiently for a return of their property. There would have been immediate consequences for stupid and/or illegal behavior.

Precisely what’s missing today: common sense and obvious consequences in a timely fashion.

That’s called problem-solving at the lowest possible level.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, November 21st, 2017, with guest Dan Butcher

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Thursday night in the Saloon:

  • High Plains Pundit Media mogul Dan Butcher stopped by for the entire show;
  • Thanks to Whiskey Dale for being a chat room loyalista;
  • BZ explains the KC-135 Ketel One Refueling Team;
  • “If it’s Tuesday, it must be Dan.” Or Belgium;
  • “A better life through chemicals;”
  • Dan reveals that one of the finest times he’s every had on the Sack Heads Radio Show is when he was laboring under the influence of various Adult Beverages;
  • After all, this is a late night show and the kiddies should already be in bed;
  • Sexual harassment explodes this week and Leftists are in the bullseye;
  • Where does the next sexual harassment shoe drop?
  • It’s a new day and a new paradigm;
  • Dan and I talk media, changing sexual mores, hypocrisy, social media and the Left; Charlie Rose, Weinstein, Rep John Conyers. Yes; mostly Leftists;
  • Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton: they are so yesterday’s news;
  • Revenge on the Clintons is a dish best served cold;
  • Bill Clinton has four more women accuse Bill of sexual liberties;
  • Where does this country go next?

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, November 21, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on the red start button.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as the Bloviating Zeppelin and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

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