Amtrak cut off my legs for the hell of it (and not because I was drunk) Pt. XLV

Therefore Amtrak needs to pay pay pay.

Hello, “Earth to Consequences, come in?” Sorry, not receiving. “Ask again later.”

From the Leftist Central Sacramento Bee

He fell onto the railroad tracks, and woke up without legs

by Sam Stanton

Joe Nevis doesn’t remember much about the early morning hours of last Christmas Eve, when a train rolling through Marysville sliced off both his legs as he lay on the railroad tracks where he had fallen near a park.

“I don’t remember the incident at all,” Nevis, 29, said in an interview this week. “I remember waking up in the pitch black feeling like my legs were numb, like I’ve been walking through snow all day. I couldn’t see my legs… I felt down and felt my shinbone, so I knew something bad had happened.”

There, in the pitch dark, Nevis said, he yelled for help until it became apparent no one could hear him.

“Eventually, I realized nobody was coming to help me, so I fell asleep on this object that I found, and it turned out to be my left leg I slept on that night,” he said.

Wait. How does one not feel one’s legs cut off? And how does one fall asleep on one’s severed leg in the first place?

Right. Because one is laboring under alcohol, drugs or a massive combination of the two that most mortals couldn’t remotely withstand.

Today, Nevis is still recovering from the incident, and has filed a federal negligence lawsuit against Amtrak, Union Pacific Railroad Co. and Marysville’s Rideout Memorial Hospital seeking damages for injuries that will affect him for the rest of his life.

Wait. Did Amtrak place him on the tracks? Did Union Pacific place him on the tracks? Did Marysville’s Rideout Hospital place him on the tracks?

I seem to somehow conveniently forget those parts.

Nevis says he has no memory of how he ended up on the tracks or the hours preceding that, but the lawsuit cites medical and other records – including a video recording of the incident taken by a camera on the train’s lead locomotive – to describe how he went from a healthy young construction worker to a legless man trying to rebuild his life.

Hello? Earth to John Barleycorn?

“What happened next is unknown by Mr. Nevis; what is known is that at some point he consumed alcohol,” the lawsuit says.

Nevis says he can’t recall what happened after that.

For those of us in tune with the rest of the planet, that is labeled a “clue.”  C L U E .

According to the lawsuit, Nevis was picked up by local law enforcement officers, who decided he was “too drunk for jail” and took him to Rideout Memorial Hospital, where he was deposited at 1:26 a.m.

He was discharged at 1:56 a.m. without anyone calling to have someone pick him up or have police come get him, the lawsuit says.

Foreshadowing. Just wait.

He wandered into a park, then to a “clearly visible pedestrian path” that the lawsuit says belongs to either Union Pacific or Amtrak.

“At the end of the pedestrian path are a set of mainline railroad tracks,” the lawsuit says. “Mr. Nevis walked across the train tracks to where pedestrian paths enter the park area.

“Mr. Nevis tripped over the tracks and ended up on the back side of the tracks near the park area.”

Then, the train came through.

Is that “pedestrian path” official or unofficial? Is it paved or is it comprised of dirt? Was it maintained or abandoned? A difference it makes.

The train came through.

Gosh. What trains usually do. On tracks. They come through.

The lawsuit says the northbound Amtrak train – which Amtrak schedules indicate would have been the Coast Starlight train to Seattle – passed through at about 2:50 a.m. traveling 25 mph.

Really? What usually occurs at 2:50 AM? Oh, right. Darkness. And lots of it.

“The forward-facing video camera on the passenger train’s lead locomotive shows that Mr. Nevis was clearly visible to anyone inside the locomotive keeping a proper lookout, i.e., being alert and attentive,” the lawsuit says.

The train operators took no action to sound the locomotive’s horn or try to brake, the suit says, and “ran over Mr. Nevis, amputating his left leg above the knee and his right leg below the knee.”

Stop there for just a moment.

If there’s one thing I know it’s the numerous locomotive engineers I’ve contacted during my interest in local railroads in the high Sierra Nevada Mountains. I’ve made friends not only with original Southern Pacific locomotive engineers and conductors, but early Union Pacific locomotive engineers and conductors.

And none of the engineers, having more than a few years of service under their belts, have killed less than one person standing on the tracks in front of them. Some were accidents, and many were suicides. Those times embed themselves into the minds of railroad engineers. That is a terrible price to pay for such a job. Those are terrible wounds to inflict on locomotive cab personnel.

You feel bad for those killed? You should truly feel bad for the engineers who have those mental images embedded upon their brains now and forever.

The train continued on its route and no one reported the incident, the suit says, “either because no one noticed they had run over a human being, or the operators of the train did not believe it was necessary to stop or notify anyone.”

Are you kidding me? These engineers know precisely of what their jobs consist. Their training regimens address that specific issue and many more.

Do you possibly think that any engineer or conductor enjoys injuring or killing people, much less the resulting hours detained by local law enforcement — and the NTSB and the internal investigations conducted by the applicable railroad? In the slightest? Thinking that they can merely “get away” with ignoring the whole affair knowing full well that in-cab cameras are directly in front of their faces?

Engineers on UP tracks, whether they are UP freight or Amtrak passenger trains, are well aware of the speed limits. They are in their timetables and they are posted adjacent the tracks.

You can see the static view of an Amtrak cab whilst stopped in Dutch Flat. Now imagine this times 25 mph. Now imagine this at night. What is it that you could truly observe? Can you see the crossing ahead in the dark? Can you see something dark obstructing the tracks? Easily seen here. What about at night, at speed?

Let’s also apply some physics.

One Amtrak GE P42 DC locomotive weighs about 150 tons. The average Amtrak passenger car weights about 65 tons. A train consisting of, let’s say, 10 cars weighs 650 tons plus a minimum of two locomotives. That’s 300 + 650 tons. In general.

“An 8-car passenger train moving at 80 miles an hour needs about a mile to stop.”

An Amtrak train running at roughly 25 mph needs about 1,200 feet to stop without throwing every passenger out of their seats, across aisles, into each other and assorted pieces of equipment and sharp objects inside the cars. Stopping distance for, say, a 2017 Dodge Charger traveling 70 mph is 171 feet. Slight difference.

Let us also remember that the contact patch for each wheel to the rail on a locomotive or a train car is the size of a dime. That’s all you have for traction or adhesion.

Look at the photo above. See the left curve far ahead. That’s about 1,000 feet. At night, at 25 mph, you’d need to start applying your brakes where the locomotive is currently located in order to stop appropriately. That’s if the view is unoccluded and, frankly, I have no insight into the specific spot mentioned in the story. Are there trees and brush nearby? Another curve? Tangent track? Overhead lines? Lights, distractions? I have no idea. But I cannot merely assume that track conditions were perfect. And how do you know what’s debris on the track and what’s human? Should trains be running at 5 mph all the time “in case” someone is on the track, laboring under drugs and/or alcohol?

I suppose non-reality Leftists would say “yes, if we only save one person’s life.”

The lawsuit says Nevis lay on the tracks for six hours, until he was discovered at about 8 a.m. by a motorcycle dirt rider who called 911.

That is a terrible situation but if you’re in an area seldom frequented by anything but trains on the track, it’s understandable. It’s not Amtrak’s job or Union Pacific’s job to check tracks every few hours for obstacles. They are in the business of running trains and moving freight or passengers. Nevis is lucky. He was discovered before he died. Or perhaps before he was possibly struck again by a 10,000-ton UP freight train.

The moment you hear the hiss of air is when the engineer has thrown the passenger train into “emergency” and, even then, it takes over 2,000 feet to stop. This occurred in daylight under ideal conditions and on tangent, unobstructed track.

We live in a litigious society. Granted. But to remove the obvious massive factors that Nevis purposely inserted into the scenario himself is galling at minimum and egregious at best.

Bottom line?

Just like our kids these days, we are no longer expected to perform or act in responsible ways. Our behavior is less and less a factor in terms of determining judgment. It is always someone else’s fault because, well, that’s how we were raised and how we are supported in today’s schools and college campuses.

We can thank helicopter parents for that as well as today’s juries who think: ‘hey, if that was me, wouldn’t I want the cash? Hell yeah, I would.”

You want to see rationality return to civil suits?

Two words:

“Loser pays.”



Bradley Manning on Veteran’s Day: an abysmal insult

I would customarily have posted an article in direct reference to Veteran’s Day in honor of the men and women who have served the United States of America.

Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars. In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated in many countries as Armistice Day the following year, November 11th became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became legally known as Veterans Day.

Happy 242nd Birthday to the US Marine Corps as well, on November 10th, in this message from the Marine Corps Commandant.

Today, instead, I want to point to an item deemed “newsworthy” by a number of outlets in order to illustrate the depths to which we have plummeted as a nation and — in another illustrative post following this one — the depths with which individuals believe they have no responsibility or accountability whatsoever for their predicaments whilst, conversely, everyone else is responsible.

Bradley Manning, whom I refuse to quantify as “Chelsea,” served seven years for leaking over 700,000 secret US military and diplomatic documents to Wikileaks during the Iraq War. He was arrested in 2010. On January 17, 2017, President Obama commuted all but four months of Manning’s remaining time from his original 35-year sentence.

This effeminate, gender-neutral, politically-correct, confused, entitled, arrogant, betraying, self-centered, naive, haughty, esteem-ridden POS joined the military?

From the

Chelsea Manning speaks out on Veterans Day to tell lawmakers to stop sending soldiers overseas for their ‘to support their nationalist fairy tales’

by Abigail Miller

  • Chelsea Manning took to Twitter to hit out at lawmakers early on Veterans Day  

  • She wrote that support would be to ‘stop sending us overseas to kill or be killed for your nationalist fairy tales’  

  • The 29-year-old is likely referring to how she feels that the military disregards the effects of war on civilians 

  • She made that opinion clear in 2013 when she was convicted of publishing more than 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents via Wikileaks 

Chelsea Manning hit out at lawmakers on Veterans Day on Twitter with her opinion on how to best support former soldiers. 

‘Want to support veterans?! stop sending us overseas to kill or be killed for your nationalist fairy tales. we can do better,’ she tweeted. 

The tweet is likely referring to her opinion about the state of the military, which she made clear when she published more than 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents via Wikileaks in 2013.

The move saw her sentenced to 35 years in prison, which was later commuted to seven years beginning with the date of her arrest by President Obama just days before he left office. 

After she was convicted she said she was proud of what she’d done, because she wanted to expose what she considered to be US military’s disregard of the effects of war on civilians.

Stop. We know how the US government has abused our veterans and how it continues to do so because of underfunding, poor management and overwatch. Granted. The Underground Professor, Dr Michael Jones, documented on my Thursday night show (listen and watch here) the continuing challenges and problems faced by veterans today up to and including inordinate and onerous wait times and demands, abuse and even deaths.

But that is no reason to kneecap the US military and the strength of our nation. We should always be circumspect prior to the application of the US military around the planet. Never forget it was the Demorats under Barack Hussein Obama who decided to literally overthrow countries in the Middle East. Obama became known as the Drone Strike Master yet received no scrutiny from the American Media Maggots over this. He lied about the application of forces and lies about sacrificing American lives for his

Listen to this cut from Fox News and Bradley Manning.

That said, there are a few things that I immediately conclude.

First, Manning didn’t mind getting paid by the very same US military that hired him and trained him in the first place. His base motivation was to receive GI Bill money for education and to use the Army as personal social engineering. Service and sacrifice didn’t factor in the slightest.

Does this not seem like another Leftist demanding free shite from the American Taxpayer and then biting the hands that provided same?

You must realize it was your tax dollars that paid for Manning’s hormone therapy. As far as he was concerned, he was due this. It was owed to him. He also believed that gender reassignment surgery was due to him as well.

Luckily, the American Taxpayer did not have to pay for Manning’s GRS and now that bill will have to be paid when affordable. Note this:

On May 22, 2017, Manning’s 2014 lawsuit seeking a federal court to order the Defense Department to provide hormone therapy and other treatment for her gender identity condition was dismissed because, her ACLU attorney explained, “she is free.”

Confirmed from the

Chelsea Manning will lose transgender benefits after leaving military prison, says US Army

by Maya Oppenheim

The former soldier was a candidate for gender-reassignment surgery funded by the Pentagon’s new policy for transgender troops

The Army have said Chelsea Manning will lose her military healthcare benefits following President Barack Obama’s decision to free her from prison.

In his final days in office, the outgoing President has issued 64 pardons and 209 commutations, including granting the release of Manning. The transgender US Army private, who was jailed in 2010 after handing thousands of secret documents to WikiLeaks, will now be freed on 17 May instead of her scheduled 2045 release.

A spokeswoman for the Army said Manning, who came out as transgender a day after her 2013 sentencing, would relinquish her entitlement to military transgender benefits.

Damn. I would submit those are dollars well saved.

  • Consider this: what happens to this nation when the parasites outnumber the hosts?
  • What happens when those who demand Free Cheese outnumber those who produce said cheese?
  • What happens when no one can repair those Free Cheese machines because they have been so focused on being the recipients?

What happens when there is no more felt duty to serve one’s country?



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017: Electoral College Special with Dr Michael Jones

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

I called this show the Electoral College Special because The Underground Professor, Dr Michael Jones himself (his BlogTalk Radio page is here), was sufficiently kind to devote 1.5 hours on the show to explain, in depth, the reasons behind the Electoral College, its history, its elements and its fundamental fairness.

The show was the result, in essence, of commenters to this blog post about Leftists and Hillary Clinton wishing to eliminate the Electoral College wholesale because, after all, it didn’t suit them with regard to Hillary Clinton and Al Gore.

It seemed to suit them just fine, however, under Barack Hussein Obama, when he took the Electoral College in 2008 with 365 electoral votes and again in 2012 with 332 electoral votes. How odd.

As clearly illustrated by the photograph, Dr Jones and I are brothers from another mother. As was once emphasized to me, I am not overweight, I am merely undertall. Dr Jones received the height in the family, quite sadly. Or I was raised on Jupiter.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Angel is the bartendress and she pours with the best of ’em;
  • It’s finally cold in Sacratomato, Fornicalia; an inch of rain and 60-degrees in Tejas;
  • Texas has its own electrical grid, independent from the rest of the United States;
  • Texas has the bulk of refinery capacity in the US on the Chemical Coast;
  • Trump wants to build a wall; most Texans think the wall should be along Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico; they can wait and then buy the US back 10¢ on $1;
  • Where are the coolest places in Texas? The panhandle;
  • Dr Jones thinks Texas should reclaim Imperial Texas before James Polk took all the land from Texas; Texas sold land to the US and originally covered Colorado and Wyoming;
  • We learn about Occam’s Razor: the simplest explanation is the best;
  • A reminder of the separation of powers; we have a Constitutionally-federated Republic;
  • The Sovereign are an emotional group to be swayed by events, so the separation of powers occurred and a limitation of the powers of the Sovereign;
  • Senators are now de facto supernumeraries of the state;
  • The Electoral College limits the Sovereign and spreads out our power;
  • The first thing we should fear is too much power, even if it is “ourselves;”
  • We transitioned over to VA issues; the government is not our god;
  • Dr Jones speculates: under the Obama Admin the VA was ordered not to comply with reporting laws in re veterans, to create fear and chaos and then the loss of rights and freedoms; “the people” will then beg for and demand “protection;”
  • We learn that the VA asks questions about alcohol, drugs and guns;
  • “They’re trying to peg vets as PTSD and enable firearm removal;”
  • Dr Jones admits he has to “cut back on the porn;”
  • The VA is assigning a clerk to control & “help” elder veterans “pay their bills;”
  • We find: the VA demands you vacate your rights to benefits or comply;
  • Could you not consider elder abuse in terms of the VA’s treatment of its elderly veterans and demands placed upon them?
  • Do you want to continue your benefits? You must continue to take orders;
  • Is the VA picking on WWII vets because they cannot defend themselves?
  • MindWorm: anaconda; MindWorm: Dr Michael Jones;
  • People piling up in coastal cities do in fact have more power than others in presidential elections;
  • Demography does in fact have a serious impact on votes and politics;
  • Future of the Electoral College? It’s doomed;
  • Ultimate goal? The peaceful transformation of government from one administration to the next;
  • You cannot put the genie back in the bottle; the demography has been so ultimately changed and purposefully so;
  • The Demorats want to be elected in perpetuity;
  • “Wonky” is in fact a technical term when you lose internet;
  • ESPN is bleeding MORE employees, dollars and advertisers;
  • And much more buttery political goodness;
  • More to come; please listen, watch, and partake of the chat room.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ”s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, November 9th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on the red start button.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thanks you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Germany eyeballs the US F-35

This is simultaneously good news and yet confusing.


Germany declares preference for F-35 to replace Tornado

by Gareth Jennings

The German Air Force has a shortlist of existing platforms to replace its Panavia Tornados from 2025 to 2030, but the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is the service’s “preferred choice”, a senior service official said on 8 November.

Speaking under the Chatham House Rule, the official said that the F-35 already fulfils most of the requirements that the Luftwaffe requires to replace its Tornados in the 2025 to 2030 timeframe, and that it offers a number of other benefits besides.

“The Tornado replacement needs to be fifth-generation aircraft that can be detected as late as possible, if at all. It must be able to identify targets from a long way off and to target them as soon as possible.

“The German Ministry of Defence [MoD] is looking at several aircraft today, including the F-35 – it is commercially available already, has been ordered by many nations and is being introduced into service today, and has most of the capabilities required.”

This is odd insofar as Angela Merkel absolutely despises Donald John Trump beyond despiction. Not only that, she would do most anything to ensure he succeeds in no portion of his agenda whatsoever.

That said, Germany is making indications that it favors the Lockheed-Martin F-35 as its replacement jet for the doddering Panavia Tornado.

The timelines involved of an anticipated retirement of the Tornado in about 2030 has caused the Luftwaffe to look instead at an already developed platform. 

An odd thing considering this from in 2015:

Test Pilot Admits the F-35 Can’t Dogfight

by David Axe

New stealth fighter is dead meat in an air battle

A test pilot has some very, very bad news about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The pricey new stealth jet can’t turn or climb fast enough to hit an enemy plane during a dogfight or to dodge the enemy’s own gunfire, the pilot reported following a day of mock air battles back in January.

“The F-35 was at a distinct energy disadvantage,” the unnamed pilot wrote in a scathing five-page brief that War Is Boring has obtained. The brief is unclassified but is labeled “for official use only.”

The test pilot’s report is the latest evidence of fundamental problems with the design of the F-35 — which, at a total program cost of more than a trillion dollars, is history’s most expensive weapon.

The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps — not to mention the air forces and navies of more than a dozen U.S. allies — are counting on the Lockheed Martin-made JSF to replace many if not most of their current fighter jets.

That was 2015. What has happened since then?

The overall experience of flying the F-35 in aerial combat is different from what I’m used to with the F-16. One obvious difference is that the F-35 shakes quite a bit at high g-loadings and at high angles of attack, while the F-16 hardly shakes at all. The professional terminology is «buffeting», which I also described in an earlier blog post (English version available).This buffeting serves as useful feedback, but it can also be a disadvantage. Because the buffeting only begins at moderate angles of attack, it provides me an intuitive feel for how much I am demanding from the aircraft; what is happening to my overall energy state? On the other hand, several pilots have had trouble reading the information which is displayed on the helmet visor, due to the buffeting. Most of the pilots here at Luke fly with the second-generation helmet. I fly with the third-generation helmet, and I have not found this to be a real issue.

What I initially found to a bit negative in visual combat was the cockpit view, which wasn’t as good as in the F-16. The cockpit view from the F-16 was good – better than in any other fighter I have flown. I could turn around and look at the opposite wingtip; turn to the right, look over the «back» of the airplane and see the left wingtip. That´s not quite possible in the F-35, because the headrest blocks some of the view. Therefore, I was a bit frustrated during my first few BFM-sorties. However, It turned out that practice was all it took to improve the situation. Now I compensate by moving forward in the seat and leaning slightly sideways, before turning my head and looking backwards. In this way I can look around the sides of the seat. I also use my hands to brace against the cockpit glass and the canopy frame. With regards to cockpit view alone, I had an advantage in the F-16, but I am still able to maintain visual contact with my opponent during aggressive maneuvering in the F-35. The cockpit view is not a limitation with regards to being effective in visual combat, and it would be a misunderstanding to present this as a genuine problem with the F-35.

Then from

What Went Wrong with the F-35, Lockheed Martin’s Joint Strike Fighter?

by Michael P. Hughes

The F-35 was billed as a fighter jet that could do almost everything the U.S. military desired but has turned out to be one of the greatest boondoggles in recent military purchasing history

The F-35 was billed as a fighter jet that could do almost everything the U.S. military desired, serving the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy – and even Britain’s Royal Air Force and Royal Navy – all in one aircraft design. It’s supposed to replace and improve upon several current – and aging – aircraft types with widely different missions. It’s marketed as a cost-effective, powerful multi-role fighter airplane significantly better than anything potential adversaries could build in the next two decades. But it’s turned out to be none of those things.

Why? Because there is no one airframe that can “do it all.” And no one with half a brain tied behind their back could say that with honesty unless they were swayed by cash, power or influence.

Essentially, the Pentagon has declared the F-35 “too big to fail.” As a retired member of the U.S. Air Force and current university professor of finance who has been involved in and studied military aviation and acquisitions, I find the F-35 to be one of the greatest boondoggles in recent military purchasing history.

I think you see where I’m going with this. You need to read the rest of the article here.

John Boyd could tell you what went wrong with the F-35. Gold plating. An attempt to make it be everything to everyone. The USAF, Boyd’s arm of service, hated him. The US Marines loved him. The problem with Boyd was that he told truth to power. It didn’t help his argument that he was not only a genius but a bedraggled one as well.

Here, a member of Boyd’s Fighter Mafia reveals the truth.

Bottom line?

I believe the F-35 program should be immediately cancelled; the technologies and systems developed for it should be used in more up-to-date and cost-effective aircraft designs. Specifically, the F-35 should be replaced with a series of new designs targeted toward the specific mission requirements of the individual branches of the armed forces, in lieu of a single aircraft design trying to be everything to everyone.

Making one jet fit all? That’s simply an impossible goal.

It’s costing the US billions to figure that out.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

This was the night of BZ’s triumphal return, after having spent two weeks in a shadowbanned limbo called “lack of SHR studio internet connection.” However, after having made amends with all the electronic and molecular gods both great and small, paying dear tribute wherever necessary, the digital domains have acquiesced to our ministrations and palaver, allowing us unfettered access to the interwebs once more. Heavy sigh. The dues and prices are indeed prodigious.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Kelly is the bartendress and it’s great to be back in the Saloon;
  • Thanks to Dan Butcher for his massive assistance during our internet shortage;
  • Happy Stories and Good Times;
  • CNN FAKE NEWS: Koi Gate and Auto Gate whereupon CNN lies their arses off in order to sabotage President Donald John Trump;
  • Virginia keeps its governor Leftist though in a shockingly-small victory;
  • Ex-felon and child porn-advocate Nathan Larson runs for VA state house seat;
  • The GOP fails to understand how actual Conservatives can save them;
  • A civil war coming to North Korea? Why is Kim Jong Un so quiet?
  • Facts and hatred: how Leftists now skewer “thoughts and prayers”;
  • How Christians are ridiculed, belittled and cast aside by Leftists/Dems/ AMM;
  • Nancy Pelosi remains addled;
  • More to come; please listen, watch, and partake of the chat room.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on the red start button.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here. Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here. Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.