Dreamers lovingly embrace Democrat Nancy Pelosi

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tries to talk as protesters demonstrate during a press conference on the DREAM ACT on Monday, Sept. 18, 2017 in San Francisco, Calif. Several dozen young immigrants shouted down Pelosi, the top Democrat in the U.S. House, on Monday during an event in San Francisco, following her recent conversations with President Donald Trump over the future of a program that grants many of them legal status. (Lea Suzuki /San Francisco Chronicle via AP)

First, a brief cut.

Next, a slightly longer cut of the same event.

Poor San Fran Nan. She is shaking. Her head is shaking. Her hands are shaking.

Out-shouted by the very persons — the ungrateful whelps! — upon which she’s built her entire collapsing career. Air quotes. “Career.” Because, frankly, it’s coming to an end. She just isn’t sufficiently cogent to Grok that realization.

How was it covered by Leftist organ MotherJones.com?

Immigration Activists Shout Down Nancy Pelosi Over Trump Dreamer Deal

by Ashley DeJean

They repeatedly called the minority leader a “liar.”

Immigration activists shouted down Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) during a tense press conference in San Francisco on Monday, protesting a tentative agreement with President Trump to pass a law that extends protections for young immigrants known as Dreamers.

In addition to ensuring recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program can stay in the country, Trump’s apparent agreement to work with Democrats reportedly includes tougher border security measures, something immigration advocates say is a non-starter. No concrete details have yet been released about the deal-in-the-works, and the president himself has offered contradictory statements on whether an agreement has been reached at all.

“We undocumented youth will not be a bargaining chip for Trump’s xenophobic agenda,” the protesters shouted at Monday’s press conference. They repeatedly called the minority leader a “liar.”

Half an hour after the press conference started, Pelosi left. “Since you don’t want to listen, we’ll have to just go,” she said.

Bingo, Nancy Pelosi.

You haven’t lost a sufficient number of marbles to finally realize that true Leftists think that you are insufficiently left for the Left.

But who cares, right Nan?

You got yours.



Floyd Mayweather doesn’t tow the BLM line?

Oh my, pearl-clutching all around, heart attacks proffered and black camshafts thrown — particularly in the radio studio in which this interview was conducted. Check the looks on the gesichts of those in attendance and the tone of the interviewer.

A portion of the interview itself.

Within the studio, the only reason Mayweather wasn’t interrupted is because of his melanin count. Guaranteed. The only reason.

Damn him for not towing the BLM line.

The media focused on Mayweather’s comments about “pussy grabbing.” They completely avoided his comments about taking care of your own business and working hard for your own goals, not letting what others think get in your way.

Damn Mayweather for actually acknowledging hard work, goals and accomplishments.



Where do you go for free speech now?

If you’re unaware, Gab.ai was created as an alternative social media platform for those of a conservative mind or, more importantly, an actual free speech mind.

It was devised to be the alternative to Twitter and Facebook — mostly Twitter, as it has a Twitter-like feel to it and limits the number of characters per entry.

Initially it took, literally, a few months for me and others to register for Gab.ai due to its popularity. Once on, however, I was a bit chagrined by its klunky interface and what I considered to be its less-than-intuitive interface. Resultingly I wasn’t as active there as I was on Twitter. Gab needed then and now to update its interface and make it more intuitive. There. I said it.

That written, however, there’s a new threat from the Left. The GatewayPundit.com writes:

Twitter Rival GAB Served Notice its Registrar Will Seize its Domain if Not Changed Due to GAB Promoting Free Speech

by Jim Hoft

Twitter rival GAB was served notice by its domain registrar that it has 5 days to transfer its domain or they will seize it.

View image on Twitter

At the same time GAB is suing Google for anti trust violations.

According to David Z. Morris at Fortune magazine, GAB supports Milo Yiannopoulous whom Morris slanders by calling him a white supremacist who was banned from Google for his racially offensive harassment of a black actress –

According to David Z. Morris at Fortune magazine, GAB supports Milo Yiannopoulous whom Morris slanders by calling him a white supremacist who was banned from Google for his racially offensive harassment of a black actress –

Gab, a social media platform that touts its openness to any and all forms of speech, has sued Google for refusing to list the Gab Android App on the Google Play store. Gab claims, according to Ars Technica, that Google denied its listing to protect a data-sharing agreement with Twitter, potentially violating antitrust rules. But the stakes here may be more about perception than the law.

Twitter used to think of itself as “the free speech wing of the free speech party.” But the internet obviously took that as a challenge, breeding dozens of professional trolls like Milo Yiannopoulous, who was banned from Twitter after organizing a racially offensive harassment campaign against actor Leslie Jones.

Yiannopoulos, along with many white supremacists and other prominent figures of the so-called “alt-right,” have since migrated to Gab as their primary public platform. Antitrust lawyer Mark Patterson told Ars Technica that if Google could show that they chose not to allow Gab into the Play Store because of possible reputational damage from that strong association with hate groups, the antitrust claim would have little chance of success.

Even if it is summarily thrown out of court, Gab’s suit will help the nascent platform further establish itself as an alternative to Silicon Valley’s center-left cultural norms. Those have been on display recently in Google’s move to silence critics at think tanks and internally, and in a broader tech-world crackdown on formerly-tolerated hate speech.

Is this nothing more than the Left — AGAIN — doing its level best to remove free speech from the internet? Of course it is. From “complaints.”

Morris is not correct in his outrageous allegations about GAB and Milo and he should be ashamed.  More likely Milo was kicked out of Twitter because he was a successful conservative gay man.  Liberals hate successful conservative gay men.

Twitter over the past year terminated the accounts of  numerous successful conservatives like Milo during the election and prevented tweets from conservative outlets like this one from being wide spread.  Twitter decides which groups are hate groups through their own fascist interpretation of what is a hate group.  Any successful conservative apparently fits their definition of a hate group.

The crux of the biscuit is this.

GAB capitalized on the left wing bias of social site Twitter and now is being attacked for allowing free speech on its site by Google and the alt left mainstream media (MSM).

Gab.ai’s owner, Andrew Torba, wrote at Medium.com:

We knew this day would come and now we have entered a crossroads with a very binary decision: remove one post or lose our domain and thus the entire website.

Our choice was very clear to me. The post needs to come down. If it does not, we lose our domain. To my knowledge there are no pro-free speech domain registrars and that is a massive problem. Our only other option now would be to play a cat and mouse game by transferring our domain to another registrar. Others who have attempted to play this game have failed and even had their domain seized completely from under them. We will not play these games. We have little choice, for now.

The free and open internet as we know it is under attack. It is centralized and controlled by no more than a handful of companies who provide these services:

  • Hosting

  • DDoS protection

  • Payment Processing

  • Domain Registrars

  • Mobile device hardware and software distribution

This is called a clue as far as I’m concerned. But read on.

Without any of these things an individual website can not possibly compete and operate at scale. If left unchecked, these centralized platforms will continue their dominance and control the means of all information, personal data, and communication on the internet.

It’s not too late to save the free and open internet. Decentralized platforms built on the blockchain (including Gab in the near future) will inevitably give the power and control to The People and make the internet censorship-proof.

Gab wants to lead the creation of the next level of the internet. If Web 2.0 was about centralized, social, and mobile networks: Web 3.0 will be a decentralized, blockchain-based, radically transparent, people-powered internet infrastructure.

We are actively looking for a new registrar. This post will hopefully inspire other teams to start building or attract talented engineers to Gab who want to help us protect the free and open web. Until then, we will continue to build and fight for the freedoms we cherish.

What is it, then, that Conservative speech truly needs? Easy answer: sufficient cash to own and wield its own domain registrar, its own hosting, its own DDoS protection, payment processing, and mobile device hardware and software distribution.

I see this as an absolutely enormous vacuum.

Which needs to be filled with Conservative cash.


Frank mows the White House lawn

It started with a letter to the White House, which read:

Dr Mr President:

It would be my honor to mow the White House lawn some weekend for you. Even though I’m only ten, I would like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for. I admire your business background and have started by own business. I have been mowing my neighbors’ lawns for some time. Please see the attached flier. Here’s a list of what I have and you are free to pick whatever you want: power mower, push mower, and weed whacker. I can bring extra fuel for the power mower and charged batteries for the week whacker. I will do this at no charge.



So 11-year-old Frank from Falls Church, Virginia, came to the White House on Friday the 15th and mowed the White House lawn.

Frank was so intent on doing his job that, when approached by President Trump, he kept calm and carried on.

From TheHill.com:

Boy gets his wish to mow White House lawn, refuses to stop for Trump

by Judy Kurtz

Not even a chat with President Trump himself could stop an 11-year-old boy from fulfilling his wish of mowing the White House lawn.

Frank Giaccio, of Falls Church, Va., had written to Trump earlier this year, saying it would be his “honor” to “mow the White House lawn some weekend for you.”

In the letter, shared by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at a press briefing last month, Giaccio said he would cut the grass “at no charge.”

Giaccio was seen making good on his mowing offer on Friday after the White House invited the 11-year-old to spend the morning alongside a groundskeeper at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

In videos posted on Twitter, Giaccio — sporting a red shirt and shorts — is seen pushing a lawnmower in the Rose Garden as Trump approaches him. Laughter from onlookers is heard as the boy doesn’t stop mowing, despite the president standing on the grass right beside him.

On a second pass, Giaccio did indeed stop long enough to shake the president’s hand before continuing with his yard work.

Of course, something as simple and honest as this couldn’t be allowed to stand by certain Leftists, could it? Of course not.

First there were these responses amongst many others.

Then from Twitchy.com:

Why Trump won: Former NYT labor reporter thinks boy mowing White House lawn sends a bad signal

As Twitchy reported Friday, an 11-year-old from Virginia who had volunteered to mow the White House lawn did exactly that this week, pushing a mower around the Rose Garden while the press took pictures.

Frank also met President Trump and was invited to the Oval Office; to us, it was the feel-good story of the week. But we were warned …

We compiled quite a few tweets from critics, but it seems fitting that the New York Times’ former labor reporter should be given special consideration. He thought it was a great display of patriotism and the work ethic that made America great, right?

Yeah, no.

Greenhouse has written a lot about kids being hurt by machinery. It’s a good thing, then, that no parent in America would let a child under 21 operate something as dangerous as a push mower out in the back yard, let alone pay them an allowance rather than an hourly minimum wage.

Steven Greenhouse doesn’t stop there. He refers someone to a website called the “Amputee Coalition” whose headline is this:

Lawn Mower Accidents Cause Needless Amputations

More Than 600 Children Undergo Mower-Related Amputations Each Year

More attention needs to be paid to lawn mower safety to avoid accidents to the operator and children. Needless limb loss accidents can be prevented by taking simple commonsense precautions. (See the checklist at the end.)

Depending on where you live in the U.S., you may mow your lawn 30 times or more this year. Every time you start your mower, you are dealing with a dangerous and potentially deadly piece of equipment. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission statistics are shocking: Each year, 800 children are run over by riding mowers or small tractors and more than 600 of those incidents result in amputation; 75 people are killed, and 20,000 injured; one in five deaths involves a child. For children under age 10, major limb loss is most commonly caused by lawn mowers.

Without a doubt, parents, it’s time to start dressing your children in gigantic Nerf suits before sending them out the door. Better yet, keep them inside the house wearing the Nerf suits. Who knows what could occur when they leave your home. Wait! Don’t most accidents occur in the home?? Oh no! Now what should GOWPs do??

Here … if you don’t believe child labor is dangerous, read this website about amputees who lost a limb to a lawnmower. Actually, don’t read it — just get rid of your lawnmower and put the time you save mowing into getting them banned. Hell, start a lobbying group called Everylawn for Mower Safety.

Greenhouse couldn’t stop there. What does the American Academy of Pediatrics say about the terrible situation President Trump not only enabled but encouraged, the ignorant bastard?

Lawn mower injuries send 13 children to the emergency department every day

On average every day in the United States, 13 children receive emergency treatment for a lawn mower-related injury. That adds up to almost 4800 children injured each year. A recent study from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine shows that, while there has been a decrease in the number of children injured by lawn mowers over the last few decades, this cause of serious injury continues to be a concern.

Run for your lives! Briggs & Stratton, Toro, Honda and Craftsman all exist to do nothing more than power child-eating machines!

But wait, there’s more. Maybe we should, in the end, ask Frank what he thought about the whole affair.

“It was really cool.”

Best summary I could envision.



Full speech by Ben Shapiro at UC Berkeley, Thursday, September 14th

Because, as everyone knows, Ben Shapiro is such an overbearing individual and cuts such an oppressive, racist, sexist, -ist and -obe swath seldom seen before, and should never have been allowed to speak at UC Berkeley this past Thursday. Yet he was.

As opposed to prior events where Berkeley PD and the UC Berkeley polices forces chose to stand down as ordered, however, the riots failed to cook off this time because officers were out in force and were clearly a presence. This time they countenanced no one, for example, wearing masks. That predominantly eliminates Antifa. Hold that thought. I’m coming back to it.

But first, Ben Shapiro’s entire speech including a Q and A session with audience members.

Coverage of the arrests outside the speech in Berkeley, by FoxNews.com:

Ben Shapiro speech at UC Berkeley results in arrests at protests

At least nine people were arrested Thursday night related to protests at the University of California, Berkeley, over an appearance by former Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro.

UC Berkeley spokesman Dan Mogulof said the security measures could cost $600,000. Mogulof called the speech “a successful event” and said the university was committed to hosting speakers like Shapiro in the future.

Stop. Question: just who cost the university $600,000? That’s correct. Its Leftist students. Seems like freedom really isn’t free, is it UC Berkeley? Not when you have rioters for students.

The evening did have its share of hiccups. Police said three arrests were weapons-related. Among them:

— Hannah Benjamin, 20, was arrested for battery on a police officer and carrying a banned weapon.

— Sarah Roark, 44, was taken into custody for carrying a banned weapon.

The arrests were announced on the police Twitter account.

The demonstrators, however, were largely peaceful. Some chanted against fascism, white supremacists and President Donald Trump. Others were holed up inside a student building, waving signs protesting the university’s decision to allow Shapiro on campus.

Inside the hall, Shapiro addressed a friendly crowd. He encouraged people to hold civil discussions with people who have different opinions, saying that’s what America is all about. He condemned white supremacists as “a very small select group of absolutely terrible people who believe absolutely terrible things.”

The campus and surrounding Berkeley streets were under tight security after a series of previous events turned violent.

City and campus officials anticipated protests against Shapiro, and prepared for possible violence with a variety of new strategies and tightened security. It was not immediately clear whether the people arrested Thursday were protesters.

Back to my reference to law enforcement. Four points.

First: Berkeley police agencies decided to utilize actual preparation this time in concert with some proactivity as well, to include the disallowance of persons wearing face covering as is customary with Antifa elements.

Second: Berkeley police agencies came out in force with barriers, gear, presence and plans in place.

Third: They did not stand back as they had in times past, instead making arrests, preventing injury to citizens and protecting property, which proves:

Fourth: When persons were injured seriously and property torched and damaged on prior occasions in Berkeley, it was quite now clearly due to law enforcement stepping back on orders from agency heads in concert with the BAMN/Antifa-supporting Mayor of Berkeley, Jesse Arreguin. How do we know this? Because of admissions from Berkeley Police Chief Andrew Greenwood and because of the results on Thursday.

This means that those people injured and those businesses and persons suffering property damage should individually and collectively sue the City of Berkeley, City of Berkeley Police Department, the Mayor of Berkeley and the UC Berkeley Police Department for negligence, as well as advocate prosecution under California penal code 182 PC for conspiracy, RICO, and federal code 42 USC § 1983, Civil action for Deprivation of Rights — as I delineated in this post.

Because up until last Thursday in Berkeley, what happened was this:

Americans were left to fight it out on the streets of the United States as law enforcement officers were either forced to or willingly allowed violence to occur directly in front of their eyes.

And that is absolutely unacceptable, unsustainable and anathema to actual keepers of oaths.

Oh please, let the suits commence.

Finally, as UC Berkeley itself pointed out: walls work.