Folksy, cowboy-hat-wearing Democrat LOSES in Montana

Rob Quist. Demorat. Loser. Not quite folksy enough for the folks in Montana.

Yeppers, those Demorats were certain “their guy” was going to “clean the clock” of that evil Greg Gianforte who, I heard, stabbed a British reporter with a fireman’s ax and ate his intestines. With some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

What? Cowboy Hat didn’t win?


Greg Gianforte Stuns Media, Democrats in Montana House Win

by Adam Shaw

Republican Greg Gianforte won Thursday’s special election for the U.S. House in Montana, defeating Democratic challenger Rob Quist despite being charged with misdemeanor assault the day before.

Well what do you know? Just what the Demorats didn’t consider. A loss to Gianforte.

Gianforte will now take over former Navy SEAL Ryan Zinke’s House seat. Zinke vacated the seat when he accepted the post of Secretary of the Interior in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet.

The election results — with Gianforte winning over 50% of the vote and leading by a seven-point margin — were a major blow to Democrats’ anti-Trump efforts, and to the media’s expectations, after Gianforte had allegedly “body-slammed” a reporter before his final campaign event on Wednesday.

Oh, did um widdle Amewican Media Maggots get um widdle feewings hurted by big bad Wepubwican? And da Demowats too? Po babies.  .  .

Democrats had also been handed the gift of a last-minute controversy when the UK Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs was allegedly assaulted by Gianforte. Jacobs said the entrepreneur had “body-slammed” him in response to questions about the Congressional Budget Office score of the GOP health care plan.

With this caveat: apparently one of the reporters is recanting about the “heinous body slam” of Gianforte. From

Montana Assault Witness Changes Story, Says No Neck Grab

by Edmund Kozak

Reporter says firsthand account misstated key aspect of Gianforte incident

A reporter who was a firsthand witness to an incident late Wednesday involving Montana GOP candidate Greg Gianforte and a reporter for the Guardian now admits she may have misstated some details of her initial story.

Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs claimed Gianforte, locked in a hotly contested special election for Congress, body-slammed him and broke his glasses at a campaign event Wednesday. Local authorities have brought misdemeanor assault charges against Gianforte.

But wait (as I am wont to say); there’s more.

There is, so far, no direct video of the incident; only audio has been produced publicly. Among the small handful of eyewitnesses was Fox News reporter Alicia Acuna.

In this day and age, how can there possibly no video? I find that difficult to believe. Then the reporterette retracts her statement.

Details from Acuna’s report quickly went viral online, but she said Thursday during an interview on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that she misstated the neck grab.

“One of you guys said last night that he put his hands around his neck,” Ingraham said. “Which, as somebody who’s done a lot of taekwondo and self-defense, to me that seemed, that might not be exactly right.”

“You know, and I’m the one who said that,” Acuna replied. “I saw both his hands go up, not around his neck in a strangling type of way, but more just on each side of his neck, just grabbed him and I guess it could’ve been on his clothes, I don’t know.”

Pretty much immaterial anyway.

There are few Demorat dry eyes in Montana this morning. But here’s the stunner:

Democrats had hoped to turn the race into an early referendum on President Trump’s performance in the White House and the GOP’s health care bill, which passed the House and is now being considered in the Senate.

But despite national attention and considerable outside funding, as well as Trump’s recent controversies in Washington D.C., Democrats were unable to turn the anti-Trump “resistance” into a concrete victory at the ballot box — a bad sign for Democratic chances in the 2018 midterms.

Again, not one dry eye in any Montana Demorat office.

Don’t go away just yet. There truly is one more thing about Demorat Quist. From the

FEC Complaint Filed Against Rob Quist for Illegal Coordination With Outside Group

by Madeleine Weist

A complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission against Montana House Democratic candidate Rob Quist says he illegally coordinated with an unregistered political committee that distributed newspaper inserts aimed at reaching undecided voters.

The complaint was triggered by a Bozeman Daily Chronicle report on the newspaper insert, which was crafted by a group of Montana writers supporting Quist. The report states that the creators of the insert consulted with the Quist campaign on where it would most effectively reach undecided voters.

The 24-page paid insert, which can be viewed at, is described on the website as “a rapid response anthology of Montana writers speaking out in favor of protecting public lands to support Democratic candidate Rob Quist.”

One of the issues?

“These respondents, including the Quist campaign, have utterly, willfully and knowingly disregarded the provisions of federal law enacted to protect the public from dark money, shadowy, and unaccountable organizations who disseminate campaign materials in the closing days before an election, without providing the legally required notice of the sources and amounts of the funds used to pay for such materials,” the complaint says in its conclusion.

The website thanks a list of sponsors for the insert, but does not disclose details on any of their contributions. The group does not appear to be registered with the FEC.

The Quist campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Damn. Those Demorats just can’t seem not to cheat.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, May 25th, 2017, featuring guest/author Jim Curtis

My thanks to the SHR Media Network™ for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

As an aside, because the ™ symbol so annoys my Favorite Troll™ I’ve decided to apply it elsewhere as you can see.

Our special guest on the show was veteran and author J.L. “Jim” Curtis from, Jim’s author page on describes him this way:

JL Curtis was born in Louisiana in 1951 and was raised in the Ark-La-Tex area. He began his education with guns at age eight with a SAA and a Grandfather that had carried one for ‘work’. He began competitive shooting in the 1970s, an interest he still pursues time permitting. He is a retired Naval Flight Officer, having spent 22 years serving his country, an NRA instructor, a retired engineer in the defense industry, and now a starving author. He lives in North Texas, He currently has two series in work. The Grey Man, a Texas based current fiction series revolving around LEOs and Marines. And the Rimworld Series, started with a short story that was an Amazon Best Seller for five days after its release.

I’ve read Jim’s work, I purchased all of his books (as you can see above) and I believe in his writing. For those who enjoy military/law enforcement-oriented books, Jim’s THE GREY MAN series is highly recommended. For those of a sci-fi bent, Jim’s newest book (the beginning of a series) RIMWORLD: Into The Green will please those of a more realistic science fiction nature. Either way you can’t go wrong with a Jim Curtis book. I’m a reprobate bastard so I like the actual printed books that I can hold in my fetid paws.

You can (heavy sigh) acquire his books on Kindle as well. If you must. Harumph.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We speak to veteran and author Jim Curtis;
  • White Mamba dislikes my bartender Flakbait; guess who’s serving tonight?
  • Another Bolivian time check;
  • Another great chat roll; thanks to Mary Brockman for bringing the horde with her;
  • BZ chickens out on activating the live video stream; cowardly indeed;
  • Alan Dershowitz writes about terrorism; he’s absolutely correct. Why did it take a Leftist attorney to write a piece that should have been penned by Republicans?
  • Euro Leftists snicker at Trump whilst he calls on them to pay their “fair share.” This is a slap in the face to EVERY American Taxpayer; you are EXPECTED to pony your cash up for your Euro betters you dumpy proles, groundlings, commoners, serfs, US trash; I wonder why you’re not speaking GERMAN today, eh wot?
  • Only 5 of the 28 NATO countries are contributing their contractual 2% GDP to help out NATO; it’s the US that mostly funds NATO as it does with the United Nations;
  • Estonia and Poland are meeting their NATO obligations; France, Germany, Belgium are not even pretending to do so;
  • It’s the AMERICAN TAXPAYER who is getting boned by the entitled European Elite cock gobblers who DEMAND that you pony up your cash;
  • The EU proves BZ’s Criminal Axiom is now applicable to Europe: “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine unless you have the strength to keep it”;
  • Europe to American Taxpayers: get going. Harder work and more of it;
  • BZ wants to set up more author interviews in the future to include CJ Box, Brad Thor and perhaps even Joseph Wambaugh, my personal hero from the 1970s;
  • Trey Gowdy: surveillance programs will not be reauthorized until answers are given;
  • President Trump: leakers will be prosecuted. The NYT has now decided to jeopardize the security relationships between the US and foreign powers;
  • Lou Dobbs: we are at war;
  • Too many Republicans are EstabliHacks and kissing the arses of Demorats;
  • Virginia Trump travel stay issued from the 4th DCA;
  • Muslims are now determining the “fake law” for the United States;
  • Minnesota wavers on FGM; “I guess it might not be all that bad”;

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, May 25th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Jim Curtis reminds us, by the way:

In honor of Memorial Day, the entire Grey Man series will be on sale starting Friday, the 26th, ending on the 30th. Get them early for the deeper discount.

Go here for the discount.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.



Trey Gowdy holds his mud

And God bless him for that.


Gowdy: No Reauthorization of Surveillance Programs Until Unmasking Questions Answered

by Jeff Poor

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said Congress would not reauthorize certain surveillance programs until questions about the “unmasking” of Americans’ identities under the past administration were answered.

“We are not going to reauthorize these surveillance programs if the American people are not satisfied their security is going to be safeguarded,” Gowdy said. “So, the leaks are one issue. The unmasking within the intelligence community — that is a privilege to be able to request that a U.S. person’s name be unmasked. And I want to know who is making that request, what is the evidentiary basis of that request and if it’s late in your tenure, like the day before you leave office, that should send off alarms and sirens as to why that person does it.”

Demorats couldn’t see this coming?



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

We featured special guest Kari Baxter Donovan, the East Coast Political Goddess, who chimed in on the Manchester bombing, monuments, shadow-banning, belly dancing and whiskey. That last part was quite a fan fave in the chatroom. Naturally.

You can also find Kari Baxter Donovan’s article about Confederate flag defense at

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • What have we learned since 9/11? Apparently, not much;
  • KBD weighs in on the state of the planet;
  • Muslim bomber kills 22 and injures 119 in the Manchester, UK concert bombing;
  • Tucker Carlson and Nigel Farage discuss the Manchester bombing;
  • I list UK terror attacks since 2007; how soon Britons forget;
  • BZ’s Terror Axiom: “the longer authorities conceal the nature of actors in terror incidents, the more likely they are Muslim”;
  • UK has become complacent though at least it’s not the rape capital of the planet; Briton’s have embraced the “It Can’t Happen Here” syndrome;
  • I define GOWPs: “Guilty Overeducated White Persons”; the UK is rife with them;
  • Daniel Patrick Moynahan was correct when he coined the phrase “defining deviancy down” meaning: norming the deviant, pushing towards rampant acceptance of same;
  • Islam is nothing but a barbaric death cult; “Islam is as Islam does”;
  • EU elites don’t mind sacrificing citizens in the name of “multi-kulti” tolerance;
  • Islam is a social, cultural, political ideology and system masquerading as a religion but, truly, is not;
  • Manchester bomber identified; wait, is he a Muslim? Well, perhaps yes;
  • CNN & MSNBC focused of the Russians, not the Manchester bombing;
  • Paul Joseph Watson on the Manchester bombing and Islam;
  • DNI Dan Coats condemns leaks from the White House & McCain;
  • Dina Powell and HR McMaster — are they the White House leakers?
  • John Brennan admits: Trump did not try to get them to drop investigations;
  • Sir Roger Moore dies at age 89 after a brief bout with cancer;
  • Yes; Richard Kiel as “Jaws” was one of my favourite character actors;
  • What questions should be posed to James Comey in upcoming hearings before the Senate Intelligence Committee?
  • “News about the news is the news, according to the news”;
  • Trey Gowdy vs John Brennan; “I don’t do evidence.” Really?
  • Mulvaney responds to “cutting” environmental funding. Start larfing now. Your taxpayer dollars funded a climate change musical;

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017” on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. Thanks to Mary Brockman for bringing so many people over to the chatroom!. We had some new folks this week, to include Whiskey Dale and Socratic Oath, and the returning SimoneSays..

Don’t forget: author Jim Curtis will be in the Saloon this coming Thursday to talk about his books, his Grey Man series and his newest shot at science fiction, RIMWORLD.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.



Tonight’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon radio show

I, of course, will be commenting on the event that occurred last night at the Manchester, England concert of Ariana Grande which killed 22 and wounded at least 119 others.

Additionally, I will be featuring the East Coast Political Goddess, Kari Baxter Donovan, as a guest. She’ll be speaking on the Manchester event, as well as monuments, whiskey, the Indy 500 and belly-dancing. Eclectic, yes?

Don’t miss it, tonight, live, on the SHR Media Network. Click ON AIR to listen from the home page, and you can also log into chat and partake of the buttery give-and-take in the chat room.

Remember, tonight at 11 PM Eastern and 8 PM Pacific, the Bloviating Zeppelin’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon radio show, on the SHR Media Network!