Nothing about the systemic violence against America has to do with a man whose name no one remembers. Instead, it’s all about COMMUNISM.

Who is the man in the graphic? Can you name him?

Instead, it has everything to do with, ultimately, Communism.

But let’s go back — to May 25th of 2020.

What do you remember about that specific day?

When was the last time — in the span of just 57 days — you heard anyone from the American Media Maggots make a reference to the man who died on that day while in the custody of the Minneapolis Police?

I won’t name the man — it’s up to you to remember him. But I’ll wager you’re struggling with that task and having something of a difficult time. Despite the fact that, if they’re to be believed, the name of that man is the sole reasoning for BLM and other anarchist elements to have destroyed much of American cities — Demorat-run cities, I should specify.

One man. One fate. He is the pivot and the fulcrum from which all social justice must now stem. So BLM said.

Or is he?

Let’s talk about the truth. Black Lives Matter is an organization that was founded after Trayvon Martin, but really expanded upon the out-and-out lie of “hands up, don’t shoot,” in reference to the deceased felon Michael Brown, in which he attacked Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson on August 9th of 2014 and was alleged to have been holding up his hands when “gunned down” by Officer Wilson. In truth, Michael Brown was attempting to disarm Officer Wilson.

A lie. That was the conclusion of 100 — ONE HUNDRED — FBI agents who flooded Ferguson, Missouri, in order to conduct a federal investigation of the shooting.

We know that, subsequently, people in BLM were chanting about killing cops, “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

“What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.”

Black Lives Matter, or BLM, is a racist organization that favors one race over another, the very definition of racism. We know this because BLM will not accept that “blue lives matter” or “Hispanic lives matter” or even — dare we say? — that “all lives matter.”

Any number of individuals have been pounded into social paste by BLM and their associates for daring to intimate anything remotely close to “all lives matter,” because the only mantra acceptable is “black lives matter.” Only. Period. No deviation.

Or your life, your family, your employment, will be ruined and you will have to wear the heavy label of RACIST around your neck like a stone of destruction. Hanging a dead chicken around the dog’s neck. Belling the cat. Worse.

NBA announcer fired over controversial ‘All Lives Matter’ tweet

by Mark Fischer, NY Post, 6-3-20

Grant Napear was fired by his radio station and resigned as the play-by-play announcer for NBA franchise the Sacramento Kings after his tweet that said “All Lives Matter” was met with backlash amid the George Floyd protests.

Napear tweeted “All Lives Matter … Every Single One!” after former Kings star DeMarcus Cousins asked the 60-year-old for his view on the Black Lives Matter movement.

And there you have it. Napear was the canary in the coal mine. His fundamental problem was even expressing a view.

This became a proverbial “learning experience” for people all around the US. Say nothing. Tolerate everything. You can be destroyed by the Cancel Culture — and that is precisely the point of it. Whites need not weigh in. Nod, acquiesce, get sapped, shut up.

And apparently the issue as to whether or not white are even human — well, that’s up for grabs as well. BLM is already packed with racists. How about a perfect example?

BLM Leader Yusra Khogali: ‘White People Are Genetic Defects’

by Clarion Project, 7-7-20

A Toronto-based leader of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was exposed dehumanizing white people. A Black Muslim and race supremacist, Yusra Khogali was caught in a series of social media posts that attacked people based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

Khogali’s social media post goes into a pseudo-scientific rant on melanin and concludes that the lack of melanin in white people means they have “genetic defects.”

Khogali adds that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production, adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as “strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing,” which for her means that black people are super humans. She continues in comments to her original Facebook post, “melatonin directly communicates with cosmic energy.”

The posts have since been deleted.

But of course, I have saved them here for you to see, dear reader.

The irony of the attack is not lost. BLM prides itself for uplifting the value of black lives, yet, in attempting to do so, uses dehumanizing narratives and racial attacks against others.

Speaking to the extremism, Clarion Project’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi shares how BLM isn’t rooted in human rights but is deeply rooted in the language of divisiveness.

Khogali’s social media posts and presence in the Canadian activism sphere are nothing new and have been ongoing for at least the last three years. In fact, they’ve been deflected by BLM leaders when reporters drew attention to them in the past and, instead, BLM has been rewarded by the community.

And yet, here I am, telling you the truth in this post. And the truth is that it’s cool to be a black racist, hating white people. From the

‘Closer To Animals’: Nick Cannon Goes On Racist, Anti-Semitic Rant, Says ‘White People’ And Jewish People Are ‘The True Savages’

by Peter Hasson, 7-13-20

Former “America’s Got Talent” host Nick Cannon delivered a racist and anti-Semitic rant in a June 30 episode of his podcast, “Cannon’s Class.”

Cannon hosted rapper Professor Griff, whose record of anti-Semitic comments is well documented, for an interview in which they promoted anti-Semitic conspiracies about Jewish families secretly controlling the world and claimed that black people can’t be anti-Semitic because they’re the real Semitic people.

“In order for me to be anti-Semitic, I’d have to be anti-black man, anti-black woman, anti-black people, anti-Africa, anti-all other people,” Griff said.

“Because the Semitic people are black people,” Cannon added.


“They have to rob, steal, rape, kill and fight in order to survive. So these people who didn’t have what we have, and when I say ‘we,’ I speak of the melinated people, they had to be savages, they had to be barbaric because they’re in these Nordic mountains, they’re in these rough torrential environments, so they’re acting as animals, so they’re the ones closer to animals, they’re the ones that are actually the true savages,” Cannon said in the video.

BLM says they don’t want any cops whatsoever.

Black Lives Matter’s Philadelphia arm wants ‘complete abolition’ of cops in five years

by Mollie Mansfield, 7-8-20

THE Black Lives Matter’s Philadelphia arm wants “complete abolition” of cops in five years.

YahNé Ndgo, a representative for the city’s movement, told Fox News on Tuesday that the organization “don’t want to see any police in our community.”

She said: “One of the things that we are demanding over five years is the complete abolition. We don’t want to see any police in our community.

And then this staggering quote.

She continued: “Quite often, if there is violence happening, by the time the police arrive, that has already occurred and particularly in poor neighborhoods and in black and brown communities.

“So the police are not really a resource for preventing that kind of crime from happening. Just a response.”

Let’s examine those incredibly-stupid statements. And let’s be honest and clear: two things I value highly.

First, Ndgo demands a rapid police response and bemoans their late arrival when violence occurs, then wants no police. Stupid person.

Ndgo demands less crime but bemoans the fact that police come in and actually try to, you know, do their jobs. Police. Stupid person.

So she’s acknowledging that violence occurs in the “minority communities” but demands that cops not be in the “minority communities.” Stupid person.

Police are not a resource because, Ndgo, you accuse the police of “over-policing” and don’t want them in the community. Yet you say you want them in the community. But you don’t. Stupid person.

And yet the biggest threat to blacks are — wait for it — fellow blacks. Young, Urban, Fighting-Age Male (YUFAM) blacks. Cops aren’t the biggest threat. White cops aren’t the biggest threat.

Young, Urban, Fighting-Age Male (YUFAM) blacks are the biggest violent threat to other blacks. And, of course, Planned Parenthood, but that’s a story for another day.

Blacks demand respect but don’t respect themselves. Blacks demand respect but don’t mind littering their own dead black bodies all over major Leftist-Demorat-managed Urban Rat Cages.

Blacks demand “respect.” But until blacks respect themselves, they don’t deserve my respect and they don’t have it.

And let me be clear: Leftist, BLM, Demorat, non-Conservative blacks. You know. The ones killing themselves and slewing bodies all around. And shooting little girls, little boys, infants, and leaving one-year-old bodies in their wake. Those blacks. That’s pretty specific.

They. Don’t. Care.

Then there are the real Americans, a shit-ton of American blacks who are great patriots, great warriors, great believers, great soldiers for Christ, who have served and are serving this incredible country of ours behind the scenes and in front of the scenes, who are fighting evil in all its forms — to include Demorats, Leftists, anarchists, Antifa, Socialists, Communists, the American Media Maggots and more — on a daily and hourly basis. Who know this country is at its tipping point and that this November’s election is its most important, most seminal, most critical in United States history.

The bottom line is, if you’re not Conservative — and I couldn’t care less what paint job Conservative comes in — then I just don’t have time for you.

Those aren’t just empty words. That is fact.

And there are more who are being converted every day, leaving the Demorats, leaving Evil, seeing the light, and coming over to the Good side. It’s as simple as that.

Either Good wins, or Evil wins.

Either those who love this country win, or those who despise this country win. The choice is absolutely that binary.

With regard to BLM, we have made a rather rapid transition over the span of just 43 days. We have transited in this fashion:

  • From tolerance
  • To acceptance
  • To advocacy

If you are not an active and outright advocate for BLM and associated issues, you are a racist. You must be an advocate. Nothing less will suffice.

Confirmation? See Bubba Wallace, Jussie Smollet, and

(NOTE: nothing pisses off BLM and Leftists more than laughing at them.)

If you think “black lives matter” over anyone else, however, in truth you’re a racist. As I continue to say and have said for decades, “either everyone is equal, or no one is equal.”

Of course, we’ve been told for years that the greatest US problem is the issue of “economic inequality.” So let’s consult with one of America’s greatest treasures, the 90-year-old economist Thomas Sowell who, here, addresses that very issue and admits that, at one point in his life, he was a Marxist.

Historically as now, Demorats are not the friend of American blacks. Malcolm X told us this back in 1963.

So, damn me, let’s go into the numbers again.

In 2019, there were more than 10 MILLION arrests in the United States.

Of those 10,000,000+ arrests, 1,004 ended in the suspect being fatally shot (most were armed).

Of the 1,004 who were fatally shot, 41 were unarmed.

Of the 41 unarmed suspects who were shot, 9 were black, 19 were white and the other 13 were Hispanic, Asian, etc.

In 2019, 89 police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty.

A black man is more likely to be killed by lightning than by a police officer.

According to the FBI UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting), there were 1,186,742 incidents of violent crime in 2018, and of them, 14,123 were homicide victims.

Blacks comprised 54.9% of all homicide offenders, compared to 42.4% for whites. Blacks are 13.4% of the US population, yet they accounted for more than half of all homicides.

According to the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System, 61.5% of all offenders were male, and according to the FBI UCR for 2018, 87.7% of murder offenders were male. That means approximately 6% (black males) of the population committed approximately 50% of the murders.

Repeat: That means approximately 6% (black males) of the population committed approximately 50% of the murders.

But no one can talk about that.

Homicide is not the only crime where the black population offends at higher rates.

According to the FBI UCR, of 7,710,00 arrests reported in 2018, blacks comprised 27.4%. Approximately 28.6% of people arrested for rape were black, 54.2% of robbery arrests, 33.7% of aggravated assault arrests, 29.4% of burglary arrests, and 30% of arrests for larceny-theft.

Black arrest rates for violent crimes are also correlated with victim descriptions of offender race. Higher crime rates within the black population increases contact with police and therefore the chance of police shootings within that community.

So: damn this man for telling the truth. The truth that black lives really don’t matter. Just some black lives. “All black lives are equal, except that some black lives are more equal than others.”

The whole narrative of systemic racism?

The data doesn’t support the claim, and several thorough studies don’t support that claim.

So roll with me here. I’m going somewhere.

I haven’t seen one shred of evidence yet that the white police officer who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck or that the other 3 non-white officers who helped to hold Floyd down acted out of racism.

George Floyd was killed by these officers, but it appears to be an excessive use of force, abuse of power, and a callous disregard for Floyd’s health. And even that investigation hasn’t concluded.

If you don’t believe Tucker Carlson, listen to Larry Elder.

And even in 2020, slavery still exists in these six nations:

  • Mauritania
  • India
  • China
  • Uzbekistan
  • Libya
  • North Korea

But that is immaterial, BLM insists. As are the horrific numbers of black males shot and killed by other black males around the US. Go to for the latest in Chicago deaths — where you’ll see them all trotted out in nothing but clear statistics.

Ho-hum. More black lives not mattering.

We’ll get to that.

And Demorats are not mocking American blacks in any way, either.

They also appear to be, situationally speaking, ambivalent between BLM being saviors or demons — depending, of course, on whose ox gets gored. Schadenfreude.

Mayor celebrates BLM protests, then calls them ‘domestic terrorism’ when her home is vandalized

by Collin Jones, 6-16-20

Mayor of Olympia, Washington, Cheryl Selby, has been a vocal proponent of Black Lives Matter and backer of the protests that have spread across the country amid the death of George Floyd, but when these same people vandalized her home, she called it “domestic terrorism.”

It was reported last week that “two groups converged in downtown Olympia, and some became destructive, burnings flags, smashing windows, and spray painting businesses” moving eventually migrating to Selby’s neighbourhood and vandalizing her home.

The group dressed in black made its way to Selby’s South Capitol neighbourhood, chanting “abolish the police” outside her home as someone spray-painted “BLM” on her door and porch.

Although neither Selby nor any part of her family was home at the time, she received text notifications from neighbours letting her know about the vandalism.

Here’s the best part of the story:

“I’m really trying to process this,” Selby said. “It’s like domestic terrorism. It’s unfair.”

“It hurts when you’re giving so much to your community,” she added.

Poor baby. They are terrorists. Lay down with Marxists, Socialists and Communists, and you’re gonna get used and then discarded like a bloody Kotex.

Make no mistake. BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors is an avowed Marxist. She’ll tell you that herself all day long.

Trained Marxists, indeed.

Black Lives Matter founder admits org’s creators are ‘trained Marxists,’ BLM’s goal is to ‘get Trump out’

Black Lives Matter, which was created by Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Cullors, has a self-described mission to “build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.”

“We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts,” the site states.

“Comrades.” You know, the buzzword from the USSR. What a success story that was!

The interesting part?

Earlier this week, a report was released that claimed the national arm of Black Lives Matter spent millions of dollars on travel and compensation over the past three fiscal years, but only 6% of BLM spending went to local chapters and grassroots organizations.

Here’s another very interesting point about BLM, revealed by “fact checkers.”

Fact Checkers: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Not Recognized IRS Charity, Raises Funds Through ‘Fiscal Sponsor’

by Amanda Prestagiacomo, 6-22-20

Earlier this month, and Politifact confirmed that Black Lives Matter Global Network is not a recognized IRS charity, instead raising their funds through a fiscal sponsor, global nonprofit Thousand Current, which would likely “have a legal obligation to make reasonable efforts to ensure that the funds they receive are spent consistent with 501(c)(3) restrictions.” Some critics of the group suggest that its financial arrangement “blocks full transparency.” notes that ActBlue helps to raise funds for Black Lives Matter Global Network by directing donations to Thousand Currents, their fiscal sponsor.

“The partnership between the network (ActBlue) and the nonprofit (formerly the International Development Exchange) was announced in 2016,” the site explains. “The nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it would provide ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to BLM.’”

An ActBlue spokesperson, Caleb Cade, confirmed to the fact-checking site that “donations made through ActBlue go to Thousand Currents for Black Lives Matter.”

You know. A Ponzi Scheme.

But now things start to expand, and the direct linkages with BLM become exposed. From

Minnesota State Rep: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to ‘Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule’

by Robert Spencer, 6-24-20

As the city of Minneapolis moves to dismantle its police force, Minnesota state Rep. Steve Green on Tuesday stated the obvious that virtually everyone else has been tiptoeing around and pretending isn’t there: “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.” And not just Communism, but the Leftist/Islamic alliance. Green asserted that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.” Those who scoff at such a notion simply aren’t paying attention to recent developments.

Back in 2016, a series of Minneapolis Muslims in man-on-the-street interviews stated matter-of-factly that they preferred Islamic law over American law. We have seen Sharia patrols in Germany, Britain, and even New York City, where the Muslim Community Patrol (MCP) is decked out in uniforms that strong resemble New York Police Department uniforms, and drives cars carefully designed to look like NYPD cars, to enforce “fundamentals of the Sharia.”

Muslim leader Siraj Wahhaj explained what that meant: “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.” According to a Muslim involved with the MCP, this would involve stopping “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor,” and enforcing, “basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia.”

If such a community patrol is launched in Minneapolis, it is likely to focus on the same things, but not do anything about the fact that the 5th Congressional District in Minneapolis, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, is the jihad terror recruitment capital of the United States. Stopping young Muslims from engaging in jihad activity is unlikely to be a high priority for a group that is dedicated to enforcing Sharia, since Sharia calls upon Muslims to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers.

Sharia Law on the streets of America, aided and abetted by BLM and their contingents.

Stepping stones. Think stepping stones. On the way to an ultimate goal. If you listen, listen carefully, BLM and their linkages are telling you precisely what they want. They’ll fight over the scraps later. Could it be Islam vs Communism? Who will win? Who is weakest? That’s who will lose.

You see how that one guy’s name really doesn’t matter now?

And just like Communism, BLM is coming for your religion. Any religion. Every religion. Except Islam. The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels fully recognizes there can be no religion in a Communist regime. Government must become the religion. Shaun King, known otherwise as Talcum X, a massive supporter of BLM, called for the eradication of religious artifacts. White religious artifacts. From

‘Tear Them Down’: BLM Activist Shaun King Calls for Destruction of Jesus Christ Statues, Churches: ‘White Supremacy,’ ‘Oppression,’ ‘Racist Propaganda’

Shaun King, the controversial Black Lives Matter activist known for pushing false claims, called for the destruction of Jesus Christ statues and Christian churches for their depiction of the “white” holy family, which King argued are forms of “white supremacy” and “racist propaganda” that promote “oppression.”

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” the activist posted via Twitter on Monday. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

“In the Bible,” King continued, “when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark.”

“Tear them down.”

See how this all ties together?

Hawk Newsome, BLM advocate, tells you in quite certain language one of the stepping stones necessary.

But there is philosophy, and there is cash. Who funds BLM?


by Alexandra Bruce, 6-26-20

Spiro Skouras is back, addressing the rampant speculation about how Black Lives Matter is financed by George Soros.

In the wake of the murders of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, which spawned unprecedented riots in the US, Spiro says, “George Soros stepped in through his Open Societies Foundation, as well as grant-making from the Center of American Progress, to the tune of $33 million to fund Black Lives Matter.

“In addition to the $33 million contributed by George Soros, another funding campaign was formed: the Movement for Black Lives, which received $100 million through the black-led movement fund, paid for by the Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy – and directly funded Black Lives Matter and dozens and dozens of other similar groups – actually, up to 150 other groups, including Black Lives Matter.

And this from

Soros Plows $220 Million into Radical BLM Groups and Anti-Police Movements

by Paul Whitehead, 7-13-20

Open Society Foundations makes massive investment into radical groups

George Soros‘ Open Society Foundations has announced $220 million donations to radical Black Lives Matter justice organizations across the US.

The most significant share of the investment is $150 million, which will be via grants to black-led organizations focused on racial equality, the organization announced on Monday.

The Open Society Foundations added that donations aid the movement to “end policing as we know it.”

According to the Open Society Foundation’s statement:

“We are honored to be able to carry on the vital work of fighting for rights, dignity, and equity for oppressed people the world over started by our founder and chair, George Soros.”

Some of the organizations that will receive Soros’ grants are fighting to “defund the police” and “expand” voting rights.

Never forget, Hillary Clinton was always behind George Soros and advocated for him every step of the way — a man whose goal has always been the ruination and destruction of the United States of America.

Anyone besides me can’t wait for George Soros to die?

But there’s more on the Ford Foundation.

REVEALED: Ford Motors Makes Millions From Police Cruisers While The Ford Foundation Donates Millions To ‘Defund The Police’ (Updated)

by Sloan Rachmuth, 7-7-20

Ford Motors built America’s first police cruiser in 1950.  Today the company holds 65 percent of the market share for police cars.

Meanwhile, in New York City, the Ford Foundation is proudly taking part in the Defund the Police movement on its website:

“We’ve seen our grantees at the forefront of the change that’s taken place over the last few days—from the City Council of Minneapolis’s pledge to dismantle the police department to reimagine public safety, to Mayor Garcetti’s commitment to divest $250 million of the LAPD’s budget.” 

Founded in 1936 by Edsel Ford, the Ford Foundation is one of the country’s most recognized charitable organizations. In 2019, it handed out $500 million in grants to promote a “just, fair, and peaceful world with opportunity for all.”

But now, for the first time since 1976, a member of the Ford Motors dynasty sits on the Board of the Foundation. 

Henry “Sonny” Ford, joined the Foundation’s Board of Trustees in February of 2019 to help drive its “racial injustice” agenda. 

The move is aimed at giving the Ford Foundation more legitimacy as it presses forward with its social justice policies. But it could spell trouble for the Ford car company. 

Translation: America’s founding was unjust, it was unfair, and now, the country’s people deserve no peace. This appears to be the Ford Foundation’s new doctrine.

How does Mr. Ford conceptualize his risk of being associated with the Foundation, given its history of working to spread Marxism through this country and others?

BLM doesn’t exist to truly assist black Americans. It exists to further its own agenda of destruction, not creation, oppression, not freedom, goose-stepping solitary mindthink, not questions or opposing viewpoints.

And after a while, we should begin to ask ourselves: was any of this truly “spontaneous”? Or had it been planned for some time? Remember what I said about “coincidence”? I just really don’t believe in it much, any more. I have been disabused, somewhat violently, of believing in coincidence. Further, is it just about BLM? About a man whose name doesn’t readily trip off the tongue of everyone after 57 days?

What else could it be about?

Let’s start connecting some dots, tying some links together, and doing what I call the “logical extension.”

Charles Faddis wrote on June 25th:

We are now weeks into what amounts to a nationwide insurrection. Monuments have been defaced, statues toppled, and the commercial centers of our great cities gutted. Yet, throughout, most of our mass media has characterized violence and lawlessness on an unprecedented scale as “peaceful protests.” The scope of the destruction has been concealed. The demands of the anarchists and Marxists rampaging across America seemingly systematically mischaracterized simply as demands for justice and reform.

Purposely. Because, as we know, the American Media Maggots are hard at work.

Some of the explanation no doubt lies in the fact that much of what passes for our mainstream media is simply so blind in its hate for Donald Trump that it will support anyone and anything that seems to oppose him. There are other factors at work, however, and some of what is transpiring may, in fact, be due to a decidedly anti-American agenda and the desire of a particular foreign actor not only to damage this great nation but to promote its own particular ideology.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses propaganda and influence operations as a means of projecting its power and weakening its enemies. Chief amongst the targets for these kinds of operations is the United States. These operations are not run on some kind of ad hoc basis. They are coordinated and directed at a national level by the CCP’s United Front Work Department.

It is critical to understand that America’s greatest enemy isn’t Russia, but China. CHINA IS OUR ENEMY.

The CCP’s United Front system mobilizes the party’s “friends” to strike the party’s enemies. The system has existed for a long time, but it has been greatly energized and expanded in recent years by Xi Jinping. It operates inside foreign political parties, diaspora communities, colleges and corporations, all with the goal of promoting the party’s interests. The express goals of the United Front system include undermining social cohesion, exacerbating racial tension, and influencing politics.

Offices known as “Confucius Institutes” on dozens of U.S. campuses have “longstanding and formal ties” with the United Front Work Department. As of this writing, there are 81 such institutes in the United States. The express purpose of these institutes is to shape American attitudes toward the CCP and Communism. The institutes are staffed by Chinese nationals and their purpose within the United Front system is to feed American students and faculty members positive images of Communism and the Chinese Communist Party. The students whose minds are shaped then, obviously, go on to careers not only in academia but throughout America including in the media.

Let’s bottom line things: the CCP owns vast interests in the American Media Maggots. Want to be staggered as to the depths of betrayal? Read the rest of the article.

We know that Opal Tometti, a co-founder of BLM, is deep into Communist philosophy and a great and ardent lover of all things Maduro. Here she is with Venezuelan Communist Nicolas Maduro himself.


The Links Between Black Lives Matter and Nicolas Maduro Revealed

by PanAmStaff, 6-25-20

The organization’s founders are avowed Marxists, more interested in ideology than in solving racial inequality

Black Lives Matter purportedly exists to combat the alleged racism inherent in America’s police forces. Police abuse, and particularly police abuse against black citizens is the raison d’etre of the organization.

Yet, at the PanAm Post we have found that while Black Lives Matter claim to oppose police abuse and racism around the world, the organization is simultaneously a great supporter of some of the world’s most brutal and repressive dictators. In particular, the founders of BLM have been staunch supporters and allies of the sanguinary Venezuela dictator Nicolas Maduro and of the Castro regime in Cuba.

Take it away, Opal.

In December 2015 Black Lives Matter sent a delegation, headed by the organization’s co-founder, Opal Tometi, to act as observers during the Venezuelan Parliamentary elections of that year. The Maduro regime did not allow accreditation for observers from the Organization of American States, the UN, or the EU. The only accredited observers where from regimes and organizations friendly to the “revolutionary cause.”

Later that same month Tometi penned an article where she espouses, word for word, the regime’s standard text for international propaganda. “In these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world ,” wrote Tometi about one of the world’s most corrupt voting systems in history.

Opal Tometi is, clearly, “down with the sickness.”

BLM’s main claim to fame, and its own name are derived from a premise that has been proven to be completely false. Police do not kill proportionally more black men than they do white men. Moreover, the organization has a lot of explaining to do regarding its support and collaboration with murderous and tyrannical regimes, some of which are intent on harming Americans of all colors.

It is truly stunning that some of America’s most renowned business leaders have chosen to ignore the evident and even glaring intent of BLM’s founders to promote Marxism and a so-called “revolution” in the United States, that has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with ideology.

Somali Representative Ilhan Omar, who unlawfully married her brother to achieve entry into this country, and who is being investigated by the DOJ for campaign fraud and tax fraud, will at least be honest and reveal her real intent for the United States of America, the country she cheated to enter but hates with her very soul.

Dismantle everything. You see how so many seemingly-disparate elements somehow magically dovetail into one semi-united front? Nothing is about creation. Everything is about destruction

More about how Communists are arming their brothers in BLM to commit acts of violence against Americans.

US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist China to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists with powerful weapons of war

by Mike Adams, 7-18-20

On July 3rd of this year, Natural News reported that communist China was trafficking full-auto weapons parts into Florida as a way to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists in advance of a planned armed uprising / revolution. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had interdicted and seized a shipment of over 10,000 full-auto upgrade parts that convert semi-auto rifles into full-auto weapons of war.

According to the CBP announcement from June 26th, the shipment originated in Shenzhen, China and was destined for “a residence” in Melbourne, Florida. Inside the shipment was over 10,000 small machine parts that function as full-auto drop-in upgrades for AR-15s. Natural News was able to determine that this operation was part of an attempt by communist China to destabilize the United States by arming Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists.

So make no mistake about the goals of the CCP — Chinese Communist Party. Theirs is an attempt to rape the US for all her proprietary industrial secrets, create weakness and chaos, destroy the nation, install Communism, and make what used to be the United States into a puppet for Communist China — a satellite thereof, if you will.

So let’s talk Socialism and Communism. Let’s start with Marx and Engels.

But note this: if BLM’s cause was truly a fight against actual racism, then why has the movement not fully divested itself from one of history’s most prolific racists, Karl Marx? Marx and his contemporary and friend Friedrich Engles are, of course, the fathers of that most murderous of political philosophies, communism. Communist tyrants have murdered well over 100 million people.

But both Marx and, more significantly, Engles were also notorious for their racist ideas. Both men viewed blacks specifically as lesser humans and more closely related to “the animal kingdom” than other races. In fact, Marx and Engels believed that race was a primary determiner for one’s economic status and ability. Using this belief, they developed a system by which they “radicalized skin-color groups, ethnicities, nations, and social classes, while endowing them with innate superior and inferior character traits,” as noted by Erik van Ree of the Institute for East European Studies of the University of Amsterdam. “They regarded race as part of humanity’s natural conditions, upon which the production system rested. ‘Races’ endowed with superior qualities would boost economic development and productivity, while the less endowed ones would hold humanity back.”

Not very BLM-like, is it? Because BLM is, at its very core, racist, stupid and ignorant.

Like most Leftists, this is cultivated and purposeful.

But what is Capitalism and what is Socialism? And please note what Denmark says about itself: “it’s far from a Socialist planned economy. Denmark is a Market economy.”

Who is Karl Marx, and what is Communism?

So let’s make no mistake. Socialism is the government providing for the individual, wherein the government owns and runs much of the nation. Incentivization barely exists for the individual. And those in government profit. Not you. Guaranteed.

Communism is the ultimate goal of Socialists, wherein the government — the “state” — owns and controls everything and the people own nothing. There is no such thing as private property. And the government — the state — owns the individual as well.

If Communism were such a wonderful idea, why hasn’t it spread like popular wildfire around the planet hundreds of years ago? Because Communism, in practice, kills people and makes slaves of those who are not in the “elite” portion of government. Simple. And those in government profit. Not you. Guaranteed.

We’d all do best to be reminded that, in 2020, in an election year, everything is about the election. I have been thoroughly and completely disabused of relating to anything, any more, as “coincidence.” Coincidence has died a hard, bloody, struggling death. It no longer exists.

Forces, never before arrayed en masse, have been brought about by those who wish to do America harm. To, literally, ensure there is no such thing as America any more. No more United States. No more unity. Only division and hatred and violence and death and burning and looting and intimidation and fright and the eradication of history and the corruption of our youth and the normalizing of everything that is anti-American.

Leftists, Demorats, the American Media Maggots, anarchists, Antifa, Socialists and Communists have been handed and are continuing to be handed a series of golden opportunities to tear down this nation — and they are taking complete and utter advantage of GOWPs — Guilty Overeducated White People — the WCM — Woke Child Mob — and the ignorance and complacency of the bulk of Americans who cower in their homes over another strain of what has now been proven to be a virulent flu.

It’s a Perfect Storm, a perfect opportunity for those who despise America and want to see her torn asunder, jealous of her power, her strength, her independence, and see her “put in her place” just as Barack Hussein Obama attempted to do — but didn’t yet have the combination of events handed to him on a silver platter. He wanted — and told us — that he wanted to be “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

But even he couldn’t quite pull it off. The lethal combination of incidents and opportunities were not yet exquisitely arrayed. And worst of all, OMB, Orange Man Bad, Donald John Trump, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head, was elected in place of the one whose “turn” it was — Hillary Clinton.

So if all of these elements can’t “have” America, they’re going to tear her apart.

And if they can, they’ll install outright Communism.

That’s the goal.

Make no mistake.

And once the United States of America is gone — the only firewall against tyranny and oppression — then the rest of the planet falls as well.

Remember.Pastor Niemoller:




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-16-20, with LILY TANG WILLIAMS: Real Life Under Communism

Hours 1 and 2: BZ spoke to LILY TANG WILLIAMS, whom BZ first met at the 2016 Freedom Fest in Las Vegas, a conference for Libertarians and general lovers of freedom and liberty!

Her story was so worthwhile that BZ had her on his November 30th, 2017 show (here), and — considering the temper of the times — had to have her back.


Lily Tang Williams grew up in Communist China under Mao Tse Tung where, between 1959 and 1961, 45 MILLION Chinese citizens died solely due to starvation. Hers is The Cautionary Tale about what Communism really means. She lived it. She saw it. She was lucky enough to escape it. LISTEN to her story.

As a child, she lived in squalid conditions — actual poverty — instead of the faux  “poverty” that Americans live in today.

Where “the poor” may have a two-year-old cell phone, a 45-inch flatscreen TV instead of an 85-inch, last year’s Nikes, a 2007 Lexus and an EBT card that is a little light. And everyone weighs over 200 pounds.

They sure as hell aren’t “rioting for bread” as this stupid AOC bint “argues.” They’re “scared to pay their rent.” Are you kidding me? This is what a five-year-old says.

LILY TANG WILLIAMS, once a Republican, then an Independent, now a Libertarian, is a strong backer of the Second Amendment, the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights — predominantly because her country of birth, China, is such a destroyer of human rights.

And she wants to know: what the hell is happening to her country, our country, and why are we so abjectly willing to surrender our liberties and freedoms for, essentially, nothing?

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-16-20, w/LILY TANG WILLIAMS” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on YouTube; click the red arrow to play.

Here is the show on Facebook. Though I of course despise Facebook.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 7-14-20, with JACK ALEXANDER on Australia, China, Wuhan-19, Trump, AOC and more!

Hour 1: BZ talked about how he was, Tuesday, censored by Facebook for an entire month, and won’t be released from “suspension” until August, for writing — not in a primary post, but as a response to a comment on another person’s post, that “Jesus, Americans are fucking stupid.” Facts in evidence, of course, but the issue wasn’t that. It was what Facebook quantified as “hate speech.”

But here’s the kicker. BZ had already been removed from Facebook for seven days for the same sentence, and allowed to return to Facebook on July 7th. Then, July 14th, BZ was removed from Facebook for a month — behind the exact same comment. Which he had only made once. Double jeopardy anyone? Nah, fuck it. It’s only some Conservative.

I wonder how many Leftists, in how many thousands of posts, have said something similar with no consequences whatsoever? Wait. Let’s listen to a series of actual Facebook Drones talk about the joys of censoring Conservatives. O N L Y  Conservatives.

BZ then spoke to Australian JACK ALEXANDER about Australia’s reaction to Wuhan-19, where the external borders are closed, borders are closed between states, and all because — wait for it — 122 people have died on a continent of 2.97 million square miles. Nope. Not kidding. Freedoms removed due to the deaths of only 122 people.

Hour 2: BZ continued to talk to JACK ALEXANDER about how people should turn off their air conditioning due to Wuhan-19, Jeff Sessions loses to Tommy Tuberville, Trump signs Hong Kong sanctions bill, Trump’s poll numbers are way better than the American Media Maggots will admit, AOC (Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent) is brain-glazingly stupid, and more!

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 7-14-20, w/JACK ALEXANDER on Australia” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on Facebook. Though I of course despise Facebook.

Sadly, BZ isn’t sufficiently smart to click on the “PUBLIC” box so, for the past three shows, YouTube hasn’t been playing. That problem is now solved. Sheesh.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-9-20, with JACK ALEXANDER and SACK HEADS SHAUN

Hour 1: BZ spoke to Australian JACK ALEXANDER about the cautionary tale that is Australia post-gun confiscation in 1996, in which Australians were forced to turn in valuable firearms for, literally, pennies on the dollar, for the value of metal scrap. Failure to do so would result in prison time. Crime did in fact go up, because Australian administrators moved the goal posts in terms of statistical collection and quantification of various crimes.

Australia banned any long gun with a detachable magazine, calling it an “assault rifle,” including the standard Ruger 10-22. Anything semi-automatic. Pump shotguns were proscribed, as were crossbows, paintball guns, wrist rockets, slingshots, bangsticks for sharks, air-powered spearguns, and rocks over 17 pounds. Damned near.

Listen very, very carefully to what Jack Alexander has to say. Because that is precisely what the Demorats (under the guise of the empty-minded Joe Biden) have in mind for you. Guaranteed: Joe Job One will be to work of an “assault rifle” ban, and then a mandatory “buyback” for pennies on the dollar, no matter what you have or what you paid.

And that is the time, folks, for the Second Civil War. And you will have to choose a side.

Hour 2: BZ held JACK ALEXANDER over for the second hour and added just a dash of Sack Heads SHAUN in order to complement the show.

All three of us talked about the future of Australia, firearms, the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell and what we’re looking at this coming November.

Sack Heads Shaun in the darkened SHR Media studio.

Will Ghislaine Maxwell succumb to the 14-minute-death version of Wuhan-19? Will she die in an ambulance fire on her way to a dental appointment? Will the cargo door from a 767 fall from the skies and smash her jail cell? Will she commit suicide by a double-tap to the chest with a Glock 17? Only time will tell.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, 7-9-20, w/JACK ALEXANDER & SHR SHAUN” on Spreaker.

Here is the show — PART ONE — on Facebook. Sadly, the Facebook stream stopped at the end of the first hour, and BZ had to start it up at the break.

Here is PART TWO of the show, re-started after the top-of-the-hour break.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-2-20: an SHR Media Special Report, “This Is America On July 4th, 2020”

Hours 1 and 2: BZ featured an SHR Media Network Special Report: “This Is America On July 4th, 2020,” an examination of where we are now as a country, and where we may be heading in 2021.

But all is not lost. We have everything we require to take our country back.

All we need is the courage and the will.

Do we have it?

We’ll know on the morning of November 4th.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-2-20: “This Is America, July 4th, 2020″” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Here it is on Facebook. Your preference if you wish to see the chat.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”