This is America on July 4th, 2020

This is a clarion call.

One year ago, the United States of America looked and felt quite different than today. I should know. I was there. I recognized it. Do you?

I care. Do you? How many of us do? One percent? Two percent? Ten percent? Fifty percent? I suppose we’ll find out in November, won’t we?

But what’a happening right now? What makes up America around us, on this July 4th of 2020?

I’m going to show you, for a very salient reason. I want you to wake up.

Let’s begin with the Wuhan-19 virus, what the politically correct amongst us call the Coronavirus. It’s not what you think, and it’s not what the LDAMM — Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots — are telling you. Here are some recent facts that the LDAMM aren’t telling you.

Yes, the numbers are going up. So is the testing. But we know that figures lie and liars figure. No one is apparently doing an examination of the numbers themselves, or the situations revolving around the numbers of Wuhan-19 — or, dare I say it — the money.


STUNNING: Fauci’s Remdesivir Costs $9 Per Dose, Will Be Sold at $3,000 per Treatment — China Company Linked to Soros Will Also Mass Produce the Drug

by Jim Hoft, 6-29-20

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ( filed a lawsuit against Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for “irrational interference” by the FDA with timely access to hydroxychloroquine.

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Hydroxychloroquine is the first choice in a study of 6,000 doctors treating the coronavirus.
In the field and in independent testing hydroxychloroquine displayed amazing results in treating the COVID-19 virus.

But there was great pushback against hydroxychloroquine for two reasons. The first reason was because it was safe and very inexpensive. The second reason is because Donald Trump promoted its use.

It is not a stretch to say the Democrat establishment would rather see people die than see President Trump be proven right.

As we reported earlier from the beginning Dr. Fauci was against the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus. Fauci was thrilled about its use just a few years ago.

Dr. Fauci did promote the use of remdesivir. He was excited to share the news on its effectiveness in April.

Gilead, the company that produces remdesivir, is a large company that spends millions in its lobbying efforts annually:

Gilead is also connected to Wuxi AppTec and George Soros.

The one person behind the promotion of Gilead’s remdesivir is the doctor who has worked with Gilead for a long time, Dr. Fauci. He also has downplayed and criticized the use of the much cheaper drug hydroxychloroquine:

Can there be any uncertainty as to why Dr. Fauci, who worked closely with Gilead, is strongly promoting its more expensive and less effective medication, which has already failed against Ebola, over a readily available, markedly affordable medication with a 91% success rate?


Pharmaceutical giant Gilead announced the pricing for its coronavirus drug remdesivir.

Gilead said the drug will cost $520 per vial, or $3,120 for a six-vial treatment.

A previous report at Bloomberg noted the cost to manufacture remdesivir is only $9 per treatment. Hydroxychloroquine is only $1 per treatment!

Cui bono, Dr Anthony Fauci?

Then there was this from Dr Marc Siegel, on the Wednesday, July 1st episode of Tucker Carlson. Cheating the numbers. Cooking the books. Listen very closely. Begin at 24:20.

And by the way, YouTube has already taken down this segment TWICE.

If you can’t find it, check this story out, cut and paste, and play the video:

Now, it turns out ONLY THAT SEGMENT was removed to YouTube.

Every patient in Texas with Wuhan-19 is being counted in their totals, even if they’re getting treatment for something completely different. Skewed numbers, “widely reported.” But not reported? As the case numbers go up — and even those now are questionable — the death rate remains under 700 per 24 hours per day of new cases. Most of the people getting Wuhan-19 are young people.

The CDC just said that, of the last 15,000 deaths, only 3.9% were under the ages of 44 years old, the same group spreading it. That group has mild cases.

And here’s Dr Siegal’s KICKER: it’s been “widely reported” that “hospitalizations are going up.” But it’s NOT reported that it’s not mostly Wuhan-19.

Instead, it’s because of other cases, because people are finally getting the elective surgeries they needed, cancer operations, hernia, heart operations. Young people are rebelling because of the lockdowns.

WHY isn’t this reported? One answer: politics. “Everything that happens in an election year is about the election.”

A continuing and naked attempt to make President Trump look bad and defeat him in November. Plain and simple.

This is America on July 4th, 2020.

We know where the issues of science and race meet as well, regarding Wuhan-19, as delineated by this story in Newsweek:

Oregon County Exempts Non-White People From Mandatory Face Mask Order

by Katherine Fung, 6-23-20

Lincoln County in Oregon has exempted non-white residents from a new order mandating mask-wearing in public in an attempt to counter racial profiling.

Last week, health officials declared face coverings would be required in public settings where individuals may come within six feet of someone outside their household after the county saw a spike in coronavirus cases.

On Tuesday, the county said “people of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public” will be exempt from the order.

Because science realizes that the Wuhan-19 virus is so incredibly intelligent that it can differentiate between whites and blacks.

That was based upon declarations by “scientists” as well.

Officials who pushed strict lockdowns now argue protesters are an exception

by Adam Shaw, 6-5-20

You must stay home to save lives. You must socially distance and lock down.

Unless you’re protesting racism and police brutality.

This appears to be the message from some government and health officials, who for months enforced a rigorous and unprecedented economic shutdown in the name of stemming the spread of the coronavirus pandemic — resulting in millions losing their jobs and students being sent home from schools across the country.

But as states just now begin to emerge from those lockdowns, some have argued in favor of an exception to those guidelines for those protesting the death of George Floyd — suggesting the gains from seeking police reforms outweigh the risks of a new surge in virus cases.

I told you the Wuhan-19 virus knows the difference between good people and bad people!

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose state had some of the harshest lockdown measures in the country, was pictured shoulder-to-shoulder protesting with other officials and demonstrators. 

But the outlet noted a page of frequently asked questions about the order on the governor’s website specifically says, “Persons may engage in expressive activities protected by the First Amendment within the State of Michigan but must adhere to social distancing measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including remaining at least six feet from people from outside the person’s household.”

The report also noted that a month ago, she was warning that anti-lockdown protesters who showed up at the Capitol risk forcing the stay-at-home order to continue for longer.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, meanwhile, suggested that protesters against police brutality were more important than business owners keen to know when they could regain their livelihoods.

“I don’t want to make light of this, and I’ll probably get lit up by everyone who owns a nail salon in the state,” Murphy said during a Monday briefing. “But it’s one thing to protest what day nail salons are opening, and it’s another to come out in peaceful protest, overwhelmingly, about somebody who was murdered right before our eyes.

Remember: all you racists have to stay inside and social distance. Unless you’re protesting racism. So only racists protest protesting racism and social distancing doesn’t apply, you racist.


Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance

by Dan Diamond, 6-4-20

For months, health experts told Americans to stay home. Now, many are encouraging the public to join mass protests.

Now some of those experts are broadcasting a new message: It’s time to get out of the house and join the mass protests against racism.

“We should always evaluate the risks and benefits of efforts to control the virus,” Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins epidemiologist, tweeted on Tuesday. “In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”

“The injustice that’s evident to everyone right now needs to be addressed,” Abraar Karan, a Brigham and Women’s Hospital physician who’s exhorted coronavirus experts to amplify the protests’ anti-racist message, told me. “While I have voiced concerns that protests risk creating more outbreaks, the status quo wasn’t going to stop #covid19 either,” he wrote on Twitter this week.

It’s a message echoed by media outlets and some of the most prominent public health experts in America, like former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Tom Frieden, who loudly warned against efforts to rush reopening but is now supportive of mass protests. Their claim: If we don’t address racial inequality, it’ll be that much harder to fight Covid-19. There’s also evidence that the virus doesn’t spread easily outdoors, especially if people wear masks.

And Conor Friedersdorf of pointed out:

NPR represented this line of thinking to the masses by tweeting, “Dozens of public health and disease experts have signed an open letter in support of the nationwide anti-racism protests.” A casual Twitter user could be forgiven for inferring that joining a crowd of protesters carries little risk of catching or spreading disease. But great uncertainty remains—which is why public-health experts spent weeks warning about what might happen if society reopens too quickly.

NPR’s article on concern that protests could spread the coronavirus and the public-health experts’ letter contain a remarkable juxtaposition. The NPR writer Bill Chappell quotes an elected official, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser, as saying, “I’m so concerned about [the risk] that I’m urging everybody to consider their exposure if they need to isolate from their family members when they go home and if they need to be tested, because we have worked very hard to blunt the curve.”

Immediately afterward, the article declares, “But the risks of congregating during a global pandemic shouldn’t keep people from protesting racism, according to dozens of public health and disease experts who signed an open letter in support of the protests.” In other words, the politician is emphasizing the epidemiological risk, while disease experts stress the potential political gains.

Yep. All you racists have to stay inside and social distance. Unless you’re protesting racism. So only racists protest protesting racism and social distancing doesn’t apply, you racist.

This is America on July 4th, 2020.

Then we had hate crimes. Or did we?

We know that Jussie Smollett’s case was a fake hate crime. We know that Bubba Wallace’s incident was a fake hate crime. Predominantly not reported was the alleged “nooses” found in an Oakland park were, instead, pieces of equipment that a black man used to exercise in said park. But the lies continue unabated.

I concluded, because of those continuing incidents, that racism in America is apparently so widespread that it needs to be manufactured. Again and again and again.

Then there’s the very foundational issue of law enforcement in America, and one’s ability to defend yourself against violence.

From the DenverPost:

Federal judge orders Denver police to limit firing tear gas, projectiles at peaceful protesters

by Kiernan Nicholson, 6-5-20

A federal judge in Denver issued an order late Friday night that limits the Denver Police Department’s use of chemical weapons and non-lethal projectiles on protesters, saying that protecting First Amendment rights were more important than protecting buildings.

“The threat to physical safety and free speech outweighs the threat to property,” U.S. District Court Judge R. Brooke Jackson wrote.

Jackson issued an 11-page ruling on Friday night after four protesters filed a lawsuit, asking for a temporary restraining order against aggressive police actions. The lawsuit filed Thursday in Denver District Court had been moved to federal court.

So there is no real non-violent free speech guarantees. There are no more “peaceful protests.” Free speech can now be interpreted as rioting, burning, vandalizing, and being forced to allow rioters to destroy whatever pieces of government or private property they wish. YOURS too, of course.

But here’s the big kicker. The huge elephant in the room. Removal of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers. This could easily break the back of officers throughout the nation and the plan could rapidly spread throughout the states.

Colorado Reforms Allow Departments To Offer Big Settlements, Force Cops To Pay Part Of Them

by Sandy Malone, 6-17-20

Denver, CO – Colorado state lawmakers passed legislation on Saturday that fundamentally changes policing in the state, and the governor is expected to sign it quickly.

Senate Bill 217 – the Enhance Law Enforcement Integrity Bill – calls for multiple dramatic changes to the manner in which policing is conducted across the state.

Under the new law, every officer in the state will wear a bodycam by July of 2023, and bodycams are required to be activated whenever officers respond to a call, the Denver Post reported.

Failure to activate the camera could result in criminal liability or other penalties.

The law also creates timelines for the release of bodycam footage to the public.

SB 217 also requires officers to intervene if they see another officer using excessive force or face a class 1 misdemeanor or greater charge, according to the Denver Post.

Here is the crux of the biscuit.

The new law also removed qualified immunity protections for police officers, meaning that individual cops can be sued for actions taken in the course of doing their jobs that may violate an individual’s civil rights.

If a police department determines that an officer acted in bad faith, they may hold the officer accountable for up to 5% or $25,000, whichever is less, of the settlement or judgement collected by a plaintiff, the Denver Post reported.

A $25,000 bill can easily bankrupt a cop. And that’s precisely the point.

This leaves officers with no due process to avoid fines outside of their police department’s review. A police department may offer a large settlement to a plaintiff and then force the officer to pay 5% of it.

SB 217 bans chokeholds and carotid control holds, and would ban the use of deadly force against someone for a minor or nonviolent offense.

It also changes the standards of deadly force to say it can only be used as a last resort when absolutely necessary and it cannot be used against a fleeing suspect unless he poses an immediate risk to the officers, according to the Denver Post.

The legislation calls for officers to lose their Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) board certification permanently after having pleaded guilty to an inappropriate use of force, failure to intervene to stop excessive force, or after having been found civilly liable for excessive force or failure to intervene.

All the Leftists and Demorats in Colorado — and across the nation — are pissing their pants rights now, thinking “we need this now in our state!”

SB 217 also gives the Colorado Attorney General the authority to go after persistently bad police departments and officers.

SB 217 takes much of the decision-making out of the hands of local police chiefs and puts it in the hands of the state, the Denver Post reported.

And as I said:

Justin Nix, an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, told the Denver Post that he thinks that is a good thing and that other states will follow Colorado’s model.

“The level of government that’s best suited to reform police right now is the state government,” Nix said. “I expect that we will see states move pretty quickly to some of the reforms similar to what Colorado is doing.”

The natural path of this will be the demand that officers carry their own insurance policies, much like doctors, to protect against lawsuits.

Awards from lawsuits in law enforcement, however, are frequently the equal to if not greater than those in medicine. Surgeons, for example, pay anywhere between $30,000 and $50,000 per year in premiums. Contrast that with some agencies that pay officers anywhere between $20,000 to $30,000 to $40,000 per year, and you have an individual entering a profession who will, right off the bat, lose money.

Or people will simply avoid the profession altogether. Again, the goal of Leftists, Demorats, BLM, Antifa, anarchists, Socialists and Communists. Make absolutely no mistake.

We know that each police car burned, of the roughly 200 to 400 torched, disabled or made irreparable throughout the nation, is a vehicle that won’t be responding to whatever 911 call people happen to make.

Because of their various specialties and equipment, those vehicles can range from $45,000 to $100,000. Each. That’s already millions and millions of dollars. That’s not counting any other form of equipment or building. Things that won’t be used to help you, because they don’t exist any more.

Yet, remember, things that you will get charged for, because your tax dollars are the source. You know your taxes are going to explode.

On TV, “Cops” was pulled. “Live PD” was pulled. Netflix yanked “Gone With The Wind.”

This is America on July 4th, 2020.

While Chicago was roiled by days of protests and looting in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, 18 people were killed Sunday, May 31, making it the single most violent day in Chicago in six decades, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab. The lab’s data doesn’t go back further than 1961.

From 7 p.m. Friday, May 29, through 5 a.m. Monday, June 1, 25 people were killed in the city, with another 85 wounded by gunfire, according to data maintained by the Chicago Sun-Times.

This is America on July 4th, 2020.

And with that, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, she of the “my hair is more important than yours,” told her white Alderman to go to hell with his community’s silly ass concerns. Play the audio cut in the story.

LAPD homicides are up 250% in the first week of June. Manufacturing companies are leaving Minneapolis because their buildings weren’t protected. The wealthy are fleeing San Francisco.

It must be racism. Too much racism in San Francisco. But wait. Leftists control nearly every major institution in America:

  • – Mainstream media
  • – Academia
  • – Administrative government
  • – Courts
  • – Hollywood
  • – Big Tech
  • – Demorat Party, etc.

So if “institutional racism” really did exist, whose fault would that be? I’ll leave you with that contemplative question.

An interesting kerfuffle that you may have missed occurred on the Hannity show of June 9th. On it, Professor Cornel West and civil rights attorney Leo Terrell have opposing views. Interesting point: Terrell, who used to upbraid Hannity constantly and loudly, sides with him now on riots, BLM and George Floyd.

This is America, on July 4th, 2020.

I wish I knew this man’s name. But listen.

And there’s the riveting truth of Candace Owens.

Leftists are also gleefully consuming their own, as many who once thought they could, can no longer pass the Advanced Leftist Purity Tests, or ALPTs.


North Face pulling ads from Facebook amid backlash over Trump ads

by Audrey Conklin, 6-19-20

The North Face on Friday said it would no longer be publishing advertisements on Facebook amid backlash over the social media giant’s policies.

The announcement came after groups in the “#StopHateforProfit” campaign, launched Wednesday, including Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP, Sleeping Giants, Color Of Change, Free Press and Common Sense, called on large advertisers to cut ties with Facebook.

“It is clear that Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, are no longer simply negligent, but in fact, complacent in the spread of misinformation, despite the irreversible damage to our democracy. Such actions will upend the integrity of our elections as we head into 2020,” NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson said in a statement.

They called it “poor speech moderation.” I speak Leftist, so I’ll translate: you haven’t clamped down hard enough, Markie, on Conservative speech, you bastard.

And it’s not just North Face. It’s now a veritable plethora of businesses who accuse — this is the delicious point — Mark Zuckerberg of being in league with President Trump. Oh, the exquisite irony, the dripping schadenfreude. Facebook, insufficiently left for The Left.

Jimmy Kimmel, Mr Blackface, is gone.

Jimmy Kimmel announces summer leave amid blackface controversy

by Joe Concha, 6-19-20

ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday announced he will be taking the summer off after facing criticism over wearing blackface in a recurring skit he performed while working on “The Man Show” on Comedy Central.

But wait; there’s more. Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post and Amazon? Are you certain?

Activists set up guillotine outside Jeff Bezos’ home, call for end to Amazon


Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was targeted on Sunday by activists, who set up a guillotine outside his Washington DC home and called for an end to the “exploitation” of the company’s employees.

In front of the guillotine was a sign reading: “Support our poor communities not our wealthy men.”

Footage from the scene shows demonstrators outside the residence saying: “It is still exploitation, and when they become threatened, and we have no voice, the knives come out.”

Can black men be betrayers and not pass the Leftist Purity Test? Apparently so.

Terry Crews Faces Backlash … Again … for Black Lives Matters Tweet


And WCM (Woke Child Mob) Leftist camshafts were thrown all across the US — but mostly on the coasts, of course.

This is America on July 4th, 2020.

There is a clear indication that Leftist city governments don’t want cops doing their jobs. There are two types, generally, of law enforcement: proactive, and reactive. Reactive means: you call, the comes show up. Proactive means: the cops go out and search for crime. Sometimes they don’t wear uniforms. UH-OH. BAD.

Shootings surge in NYC amid disbanding of NYPD’s plainclothes anti-crime unit

Shootings are surging this week in New York City, with 28 incidents and 38 victims reported since Monday — the day the NYPD disbanded its plainclothes anti-crime unit, The Post learned on Friday.

By comparison, the same week last year there were only 12 shootings for the entire week.

“This is what the politicians wanted — no bail, nobody in Rikers, cops not arresting anyone,” one angry law enforcement source said Friday.

Simultaneously, from

Minnesota State Rep: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to ‘Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule’

by Robert Spencer, 6-24-20

It would have sounded farfetched just weeks ago. It doesn’t anymore.

As the city of Minneapolis moves to dismantle its police force, Minnesota state Rep. Steve Green on Tuesday stated the obvious that virtually everyone else has been tiptoeing around and pretending isn’t there: “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.” And not just Communism, but the Leftist/Islamic alliance. Green asserted that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.” Those who scoff at such a notion simply aren’t paying attention to recent developments.

The Minneapolis City Council voted two weeks ago to abolish the city’s police force. Its plans beyond that have so far been sketchy, but something is going to have to be put in place as an alternative to the police. The New York Times noted that “many have called for relying more on self-policing by the community, in the way attendees often do at events like music festivals, with the police stepping in only when a true emergency arises. Some cited as an example how, in the days after the killing of Mr. Floyd, teams made up of dozens of members of the American Indian Movement patrolled streets and directed traffic in the Little Earth housing community in Minneapolis.”

If members of the local community end up policing Minneapolis, what might that look like? Back in 2016, a series of Minneapolis Muslims in man-on-the-street interviews stated matter-of-factly that they preferred Islamic law over American law. We have seen Sharia patrols in Germany, Britain, and even New York City, where the Muslim Community Patrol (MCP) is decked out in uniforms that strong resemble New York Police Department uniforms, and drives cars carefully designed to look like NYPD cars, to enforce “fundamentals of the Sharia.”

Muslim leader Siraj Wahhaj explained what that meant: “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.” According to a Muslim involved with the MCP, this would involve stopping “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor,” and enforcing, “basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia.”

If such a community patrol is launched in Minneapolis, it is likely to focus on the same things, but not do anything about the fact that the 5th Congressional District in Minneapolis, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, is the jihad terror recruitment capital of the United States. Stopping young Muslims from engaging in jihad activity is unlikely to be a high priority for a group that is dedicated to enforcing Sharia, since Sharia calls upon Muslims to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers.

The Sharia enforcers’ hard-Left allies in Antifa would have no problem with this. Islam historically has never had any difficulty coexisting with authoritarian governments; in fact, it is free republics that have never proved to be compatible with Islamic law. Consequently, Steve Green’s words don’t appear farfetched at all. The unholy alliance of Leftists and Islamic supremacists sees that its moment is now, and is grabbing all it can.

How likely is it that Minneapolis really could end up under Islamic rule, with the blessing and cooperation of the hard-Left? According to the Minnesota Reformer, another Minnesota state Representative, Mohamud Noor of Minneapolis, did not deny the truth of Green’s statements. Instead, when asked about them, he “said rather than talk about things that inflame people and create division, Minnesota needs to address the challenge before it.” And of course, talk of Antifa/Islamic rule in Minneapolis might “inflame people,” so keep quiet. Keep quiet, that is, if you oppose such an eventuality, not if you favor it. Said Noor: “Minnesota is awake. They understand the challenges; they have been hearing the challenges for far too long. And we can’t wait any longer.”

Steve Green may turn out to have been a prophetic voice far sooner than anyone expects. And if any free people who may still be in Minneapolis want to head this off, the time is now to “inflame people” – not to riot and destroy after the manner of the Left, but to stand up decisively now and stop the power-grab of these insidious totalitarian forces.

Now it’s also time to tear down anything associated with the positive aspects of law enforcement, because clearly cops are all racist — considering that whites are 40% of NYPD and “minorities” are now the majority. You racists.

Washington community honors officers with signs – Police Chief rips them down because it’s “divisive”

VANCOUVER, WA – Today, a huge membership of the Vancouver community came together to honor, support, and love on our police.

Today, the officers felt that love. They felt lifted up and appreciated in a way they haven’t felt in a very long time.

Today, the Vancouver Chief of police, Chief James McElvain, spat in all of their faces.

A few hours after I got home, my phone rang. My heart skipped a few beats in fear because it was an officer calling that I don’t talk to regularly, so of course my mind went straight to my husband, who was working.

Thank God, it was not about that. It definitely wasn’t good news, though.

The officer, whose voice was quivering, said that the Chief ordered everything that was put up by our families and community to be taken down.

Because it was divisive.


Chief McElvain decided today to follow in Clark County Sheriff Atkins’ pandering footsteps and ban the thin blue line from being displayed outside or inside the precincts, on cars, and on mourning bands. 

And another incident from

HOA Bans Police Chaplain’s Thin Blue Line Flag, Calling It a ‘White Lives Matter’ Symbol

by Stephen Green, 6-25-20

A Denver homeowners’ association has ordered a local police chaplain to remove the “thin blue line” flag from his property, even while allowing neighbors to fly similar flags for other first responders and the military.

The chaplain, who wishes to remain anonymous for sadly obvious reasons, has flown his Thin Blue Line flag since National Police Officers Day in May.

He told Fox News 31’s Deborah Takahara earlier this week, “I believe that’s why I’m being targeted — because I’m associated with them. I believe it’s just because it’s everything going on in the world right now, in this country.”

The notice from his HOA insisted that the well-known flag flown to show support for all police officers is actually a “white lives matter” symbol.

This is America, on July 4th, 2020.

We know the state of Colorado removed qualified immunity from its law enforcement officers. A GOP Senator, Mike Braun, is advocating the same thing.

Sen. Braun bill would change qualified immunity for police. Here’s what it would mean.

by Elizabeth dePompeii, 6-23-20

U.S. Sen. Mike Braun introduced on Tuesday a bill taking aim at qualified immunity, a controversial standard that protects police officers and other government officials from  being sued for alleged misconduct. 

Currently, qualified immunity can be used as a defense to avoid lawsuits so long as the accused’s behavior doesn’t violate existing and “clearly established” laws or constitutional rights.

Translated: what would another reasonable officer do in a similar situation? Are those actions out of bounds of the standard?

Braun, R-Ind., said the current interpretation of the standard is “overly broad” and “allows law enforcement in many of the high-profile excessive force and abuse of power cases to avoid civil suits.”

His bill would allow qualified immunity to be used as a defense only if the officer’s conduct is already protected by law or a previous court ruling.

Because, as GOP Senator Mike Braun is asserting here, there is no such thing as a “reasonable officer.”

It’s not just Mike Brain. It’s also my former Congressman from Kalifornia, Republican Tom McClintock.

Tom McClintock Supports Efforts To Get Rid Of Qualified Immunity For Cops


Rep. Tom McClintock is one of the rare Republicans in office who speaks for the conservatives in California. But this time he’s side with Congress’ liberals in an effort to overturn the “qualified immunity” that can protect police and other state and local officials from civil lawsuits.

Ah, Kalifornia — land of the fee, and the home of the slaves.


Sheriff orders removal of thin blue line flag from all county equipment


CLARK COUNTY, Wash. – A local sheriff is taking action against a symbol that honors fallen officers and demonstrates appreciation for law enforcement—the thin blue line flag.

However, the meaning of the flag has been hijacked by anti-police groups who’ve associated it with hatred and bigotry.

The symbol is sometimes flown as a flag, attached as a sticker, or weaved into material for a variety of items.

Sadly, the thin blue line flag is now removed from anything associated with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. In a directive sent out late last week, Sheriff Chuck Atkins told all workers that fall under the Clark County Sheriff’s Office to remove all thin blue line materials from uniforms, cars, and office buildings, KPTV reported.

This is, of course, hand-in-hand with Vancouver PD Chief McElvain’s edict.

This is America, on July 4th, 2020.

Let’s not leave attorney generals out of the mix.

Dem AG: Letting America Burn Is the Path to Growth

by Josh Cristenson, 6-3-20

Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey (D.) on Tuesday refused to denounce the violent riots occurring nationwide, likening them to the purifying effects of a forest fire.

“Yes, America is burning, but that’s how forests grow,” Healey said in a speech delivered to the Boston Chamber of Commerce.

Healey, who is also the co-chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association, repeated her remarks in a tweet later the same day, adding that Americans need to “seize the opportunity” to rid the country of “institutionalized racism,” which she blamed for the violence.

Not to be outdone by anyone, Virginia decides it’s past due time to invite assaults on law enforcement officers, almost begging criminals to commit violence against them.

Virginia Democrats Want to Reduce Charges for Assaulting a Police Officer

by Jeremy Frankel, 6-30-20

There are currently 28 proposals from the Virginia Senate Democrat Caucus to reform law enforcement systems. One of which is something so egregious that it should put to bed, once and for all, the myth that the Left cares about law and order or about the police.

According to the Daily Wire, Virginia Senate Democrats want to reduce the charge of assault on a police officer to a simple misdemeanor offense. This would abolish the current law that states that assaulting a police officer is a Class 6 felony with a mandatory minimum of 6 months in prison.

Good luck recruiting new cops to your state, Governor Blackface.


Louisville Police Ordered Under Threat of Suspension To Remove Protective Equipment


There may be no more evidence of weak and cowardly leadership than what has occurred in the Louisville (KY) Police Department.

Following a murder and numerous injuries due to an encampment in Jefferson Square Park, Louisville Metro Police Officers were directed to prevent more encampments and other unlawful behavior that would lead to additional dangerous conditions.

Officials made public statements that no overnight camping would be allowed in Jefferson Square Park and laws would be enforced to prohibit further violence and conflict in Louisville.

Louisville Police Officers stood waiting on Saturday to take necessary enforcement action and restore order if needed.

According to a statement by the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police, officers were ordered to remove protective equipment, up to and including ballistic-rated helmets and approach an unruly crowd with a “soft-approach.”

This order was preceded with the “threat of immediate suspension.”

This is America, on July 4th, 2020.

In New York, it’s official. $1 billion dollars to the NYPD. Gone.

New York City Lawmakers Approve $1 Billion Cut From NYPD Budget; Protesters Say It Still Falls Short


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – New York City lawmakers approved a more than $88 billion budget overnight.

The deal includes a $1 billion cut from the NYPD, but some protesters say it still falls short of their demands.

“I think they should have put in the hard work, which is the council should have come up with a different budget,” another protester said.

Protesters built a barricade outside City Hall, only to have it torn down by police, followed by several arrests. The demonstrators said the council only moved budget lines to different agencies, claiming it’s creative accounting, not real cuts.

“They didn’t do what the people needed,” one protester said.

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said he stands with the protesters and was also disappointed, saying he is committed to “holding the mayor’s feet on the fire on this and continue to work for reform.”

“I wanted us to go deeper. I wanted us to take larger head count reductions. I wanted a true hiring freeze. I wanted us to cancel additional classes. But this is a budget process that involves the mayor, who would not budge on these items,” he continued.

The NYPD’s July class of more than 1,100 recruits is canceled, overtime will be reduced, and crossing guards, school safety and homeless outreach will be shifted out of the department to other agencies.

This is America, on July 4th, 2020.

You can’t leave Kalifornia out again. From

Oakland Unified School District votes to eliminate its police department

by Gayle Ong


OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) — Oakland Board of Educators voted Wednesday to eliminate its police department.

A virtual meeting was held Wednesday night on whether the city’s school district would eliminate the Oakland schools police department.

“This is a historic moment, letting go of the issue of law enforcement that has oppressed our communities for centuries is critically important.”

The district wants OUSD police gone by the end of the year.

Right next to Oakland, Berkeley felt ignored.

Berkeley City Council passes a budget with $9.2 million cuts to police

by Rachel Swan, 7-1-20

Leaders in Berkeley passed a budget Wednesday that included a $9.2 million cut to the city’s Police Department, a sign of how swiftly the protests over George Floyd’s death have moved from streets and Twitter feeds into City Hall.

Mayor Jesse Arreguín proposed the cut, just as the Oakland City Council took steps to further slash its own police budget. The Oakland council had passed a budget last week that chopped law enforcement funding by $14.6 million, then council members decided Tuesday to amend the budget on July 21, after activists said the reduction wasn’t sufficient.

Enough? It’s never enough.

LA School Police Chief Resigns In Response To Deep Budget Cuts


LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – The chief of police for the nation’s second-largest school district has resigned just one day after board officials voted to slash his department’s budget.

Los Angeles School Police Chief Todd Chamberlain tendered his resignation Wednesday. A Los Angeles Unified School District spokesperson confirmed the resignation.

Officials say more information on what they’re calling the “department leadership transition will be forthcoming.”

The Board of Education voted Tuesday night to slash the school police budget by $25 million, or roughly 35%.

Chamberlain released a statement that read, in part:

“In good conscience, and in fear for safety and well-being of those I serve, I cannot support modifications to my position, the organization and most importantly, the community (students, staff and families) that I believe will be detrimental and potentially life-threatening.”

This is America, on July 4th, 2020.

Studies have proven there is no systemic police racism–despite the propaganda by the American Media Maggots and politicians on both sides of the aisle — there is no proof of widespread racial bias.

In 2019, there were more than 10 MILLION arrests in the United States.

Of those 10,000,000+ arrests, 1,004 ended in the suspect being fatally shot (most were armed).

Of the 1,004 who were fatally shot, 41 were unarmed.

Of the 41 unarmed suspects who were shot, 9 were black, 19 were white and the other 13 were Hispanic, Asian, etc.

Meanwhile, in 2019, 89 police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty.

The whole narrative of systemic racism?

The data doesn’t support the claim, and several thorough studies don’t support that claim.

I haven’t seen one shred of evidence yet that the white police officer who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck or that the other 3 non-white officers who helped to hold Floyd down acted out of racism.

George Floyd was killed by these officers, but it appears to be an excessive use of force, abuse of power, and a callous disregard for Floyd’s health. And even that investigation hasn’t concluded.

No one really needs to defund the police. Demorats and Leftists are actively working to make it the most untenable job in America, whereby no intelligent person would ever want to do it. That is their goal. The reverse may soon be true: police will defund themselves by choosing not to appear for work, to retire early, or resign.

I say this to cops today:

None of us took this job for kudos, praises, pats on the back or hugs. We predominantly didn’t get it. Nor did we expect it.

What we did expect is to be treated like adults, allowed to do our jobs, supported when we were correct and smacked when we weren’t. We expected to support the social construct, safeguard lives and property, use discretion, document crimes, arrest criminals, and protect our communities.

That social construct has since dissolved. Law enforcement officers are now one bad call away from having their lives ruined, their families ruined, or prosecuted for doing what 99% of all other officers would have done in a similar situation.

Cops are human beings and, as such, certainly make mistakes.

But when the cards are stacked so distinctly against you, to the point where the department, the community, the media, mayors and governors don’t want you to do your jobs, why are you in law enforcement anyway?

NYPD disbanded their plainclothes unit. They proactively policed. Local and national cops have been told for so long that they “over-police,” they have mostly decided to push the button to acknowledge each call as dispatched, and that’s it.

No self-initiated activity, no proactive policing.

We know where that’s gotten this nation. Look at Chicago. Look at Baltimore. Look at Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, New York. Murders are up, property crimes have skyrocketed, overall crime is rising.

There comes a time in a given profession where, when people don’t want you to do that job and, further, you’re targeted for violence, poisoning, assassination and prosecution for defending yourself — well, maybe it’s time to find a new profession.

It’s not your duty to have your life destroyed and that of your family in order to make a paycheck. There are so many others to choose.

The job is tough enough and eats more than a sufficient number of souls under ideal conditions. Add these additional current stressors and you have a recipe for disaster. People aren’t built to work 20 or 40 years under conditions like these.

Get out while you still can. Because one of BZ’s Axioms, “commit less crime, get less shot,” is resonating with very few people today.

It’s pretty simple. If you’ve decided not to support the police — they can easily decide not to support you.

This is America — on July 4th, 2020.

Let us also recognize this:

Democrats are the ENEMY of the United States.

They are the ENEMY, every bit as much as China — and they are more insidious, because they are dissolving America from within due to their hatred of everything American.

Democrats hate the founding fathers. They hate the US Constitution. It doesn’t provide them enough power. It exists to hinder government, not grow it. Your rights come from God, not government. They despise that foundational concept. They want you to revere government, to bow and scrape before government.

To kneel before government.

They hate the First Amendment. They don’t embrace free speech. They want normal people muzzled, you and me, for speaking our minds. Their social media giants do it for them. If they had the power, they’d imprison you for speech. That’s coming.

If they could get away with it, they would burn physical books. At this point they don’t have to. Yet. Because if they wish to eradicate history one day, they could do it with the flip of a switch — and everything you “own” in the cloud is gone. Fiction they don’t like. History they don’t like. Movies they don’t like. It’s happening already with Netflix.

If you think you “own” content, you own nothing. If It’s digital, it’s air. It’s nothing. Books are a guarantee that immure history and thoughts in the physical world. And they’re working on that.

De Blasio doesn’t believe you should own property. Communists don’t believe in the concept of private property. All property belongs to the State. YOU belong to the state.

Democrats hate the Second Amendment. It is the right that stops them from immediately removing your free speech wholesale, which is their goal. Only one speech. Theirs. Only some thoughts. Theirs. Firearms protect your speech and your family and your property.

Democrats hate your free speech. Democrats hate your family. They hate mothers and fathers together in a family. They hate children. They don’t want them born. Many despise the human race. And they certainly hate your private property and its very concept.

They hate your firearms and if they had the power, they would break into your home and forcibly take them. Altogether too many Americans would surrender them, and altogether too many law enforcement officers would obey the order to do so. Even one officer doing so is too many.

They hate your firearms. But they still fear your firearms. Good. Government should fear the people. People should not fear their government.
Democrats exist to remove your freedoms and liberties — occasionally deigning to sell them back to you at a terrible price.

Think: when was the last time a Democrat expanded your freedom or liberty? Reduced government? Respected your rights instead of trampling on them?

There is a lesson to be learned from President Trump. If government, in concert with the media — another issue altogether — could array itself against a presidential nominee, a president-elect, and a sitting president, essentially a soft coup, then that government could crush you in an instant and wouldn’t give two thoughts about it.

NEVER kneel before the mob, never kneel before Democrats, never appease them, never capitulate, never prostrate yourself. Because they will take and take, and can truly never be appeased.

I repeat: Democrats are the ENEMY. There is no shielding this truth any more. No trying to sugarcoat it or downplay it. Democrats are, in no uncertain terms, the enemy.

They despise you, me, normal people, actual Americans. I couldn’t care less about anyone’s “paint job.” This isn’t about color. It’s about holding our country, “a Republic if we can keep it.”

It’s about our liberties, our rights, our freedoms, the very things that so many others are willing to put their lives on the line to enjoy. If this country is so inherently evil, so racist, so misogynistic, why would people care or want to live here?

We must realize that the very things people around the planet are fleeing, Democrats are working for now. Socialism. Communism.Massive, impersonal governments who exist to remove the rights of people and simultaneously acquire more power, more control, more personal wealth for themselves.

NEVER kneel for the mob. NEVER kneel before Democrats. Never attempt to appease them, capitulate to them, acquiesce to them.

We’re seeing the results in Seattle today. Anarchy, chaos, the repression of people, crimes against people. the subjugation of taxpayers. destruction of property.

You and I have been thinking this for some time, but I’m writing and saying it now.

Democrats are the ENEMY.

There can be no bipartisanship or compromise with those persons who wish to completely destroy this country.

Don’t listen to me American Media Maggots as November nears. They want you disillusioned. They want you depressed. They want you to stay away from the polls and from casting your ballots.

They will tell you that President Trump is so far ahead that your vote is not necessary.

Or they will tell you that he is so far behind that your vote is immaterial.

Don’t believe the American Media Maggots. Because so-called “modern journalism” is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Demorats.

One of those facts being that, in 1964, on the floor of the US Senate, Demorats held the longest filibuster in the history of the United States, 75 days. All trying to prevent one thing: the Civil Rights Act.

In summary, we know the election in November is binary. We’re voting for Trump. . .

. . .or we’re voting for what may LOOK like Joe Biden, but will truly instead be his handlers or whomever is chosen to run as Biden’s VP. THAT will be the Demorat Evil pulling the strings in the White House’s Oval Office.

This translates to voting for Trump — or voting for the destruction of what civilization exists in the United States and, by dint of that, the destruction of, essentially, any kind of Western Civilization.

We’re voting for creativity vs demolition. We’re voting for freedom vs Socialism — which any clear thinking person knows leads to Communism.

Because the ultimate goal isn’t any kind of “police reformation.” One billion dollars cut from the NYPD budget? Not enough. Elimination of the Minneapolis Police Department? Not enough. Defunding any number of police departments across the country? Not enough. Removing any protections, figuratively and literally, law enforcement has? Not enough.

Police “reformation”? That’s just a temporary excuse. George Floyd was a tool, long used and, now, long discarded. By this time next year — actually, in perhaps six months or less — no one will remember his name. No one will care.

Just as no one cares about all the black lives lost in Chicago. Or in Seattle, in CHAZ-CHOP, with Horace Anderson. Or New York. Or Atlanta. Any Urban Rat Cage where the greatest mortal enemy of black males are other black males. Not cops.

You’d think this binary decision would mean that the Republicans, knowing this, are stalwart supporters of President Trump, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Republicans continue with their history of spineless cowardice, conveniently leaving a puddle of yellow piss behind, wherever they’ve been. If they’re walking, look for soiled pants, pantsuits or squishy sounds from an assorted collection of shoes, both male and female.

Oh, there are a few who still have courage and guts. Off the top of my head, Tom Cotton and Dan Crenshaw. But my fetid little brain is tasked with thinking of any more — though I’m sure there are a few.

The rest need to be dumped and changed faster than a baby with crab cake diarrhea.

Altogether too many Republicans, even my once-admired Tom McClintock, are taking pandering and cowardice to new heights — or perhaps depths. They are frightened NOT OF YOU, REPUBLICANS. Not of you voting them out.

They are frightened of the MOB. They are frightened that the mob will track them down. Find their house. Harass their family. Locate the schools of their kids. Camp outside their home. Kill their dog. Maybe even target them for death.

You won’t. Republican voters won’t. They don’t fear you.

Here’s what these capitulists don’t realize: when you meet the insanely unhinged halfway, in an attempt to placate, capitulate, subsume, pander or appease, it makes you dangerously insane too.

Because that means you lack the capability to see and understand that these insane lunatics will not be appeased. They cannot be appeased. Logic, facts, all completely immaterial.

Lengthy history has illustrated this very clearly, as well as recent history. But you know most Americans — and certainly the bulk of politicians — they are riddled with what I term Historical Alzheimers.

There is a phrase I heard recently that sums it all up. The Republicans — sadly, the apparent bulk of Americans — don’t understand that unless you’re willing to surrender EVERYTHING — you’d better surrender NOTHING.

And guess what? The Demorats, Leftists, American Media Maggots, anarchists, Antifa, BLM, Socialists and Communists are COUNTING ON IT.

Two traitorous and betraying Republican Senators have called for the removal of Columbus Day or Columbus. Even Joe Biden hasn’t. So apparently THEY are more in tune with Leftists than Biden? Two Republicans have called for the removal of qualified immunity for law enforcement — Mike Braun and Tom McClintock. Joe Biden hasn’t. So what’s going on?

Republicans are also silent. Dangerously and deathly silent. They are quaking with fear under their desks, in the fetal position.

They are allowing America to be taking down one statue, one landmark, one bit of freedom at a time, along with wholesale chunks of free speech, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment and more.

Their silence only enlivens, supports, buttresses, emboldens and energizes the Demorats, Leftists, American Media Maggots, anarchists, Antifa, BLM, Socialists and Communists.

Altogether too many Republicans have joined hands and locked lips with the enemy.

And make no mistake, Demorats are the enemy. The ENEMY.

Of everything American.

This is America on July 4th, 2020.

It’s a Republic. Can we keep it?

I hope what I write now is true.

Dear Government:

We The People have entrusted the preservation of our history, freedom and liberty with you.

You are now on notice: if you’re disinterested in preserving these things, WE will do it FOR you. Some may not care for our methods. But we will NOT relinquish the US.

Pastor Martin Niemoller already reminded us.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out —
because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out —
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me —
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Wake up America.

We can save this country.

We have all the requisite training, education and experience to do it. We have the number of people to do it. We have the infrastructure to save her and pull her back.

But the biggest question remains: do we have the WILL?

We’ll find out on November 4th, won’t we?

And so:

This is America — on July 4th, 2020.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 6-30-20: KATE KRUSZEWSKI talks about human trafficking

Hours 1 and 2: “Survive, Thrive, Stay Alive” site creator KATE KRUSZEWSKI was in the Saloon, and spoke to us about her military service and battles involving human trafficking.

We also discovered that, at the age of 13, she was kidnapped in Greece and sold into human sexual trafficking herself, in order to pay a familial debt.

Hers is an astounding story of courage, fortitude, character, and sheer force of incredible will. She survived, joined the military, and built her own company — one whose job it was to liberate and rescue victims of human trafficking.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 6-30-20, w/KATE KRUSZEWSKI” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on Facebook video live. Your preference if you wish to see the chat. The show begins at 6:20.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 6-25-20: KURT SCHLICHTER talks about his new book COLLAPSE

Hour 1: Attorney, senior columnist at, retired US Army Colonel, radio host, Renaissance Man, rapscallion and author KURT SCHLICHTER stepped into the Saloon tonight in order to talk about his newest fiction book COLLAPSE, about a United States riven with hate, strife, discontent and separated blue and red states. Sound even remotely familiar, anyone? Sequitur re ficta.

Hour 2: BZ examined what New York BLM leader Hawk Newsome thinks of America and what he plans. “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”

Then reality steps in, as illustrated by “our problems are self-inflicted.” And “all the killing in our community ain’t coming from white people.”

The usual and standard Poverty Pimps and Race Baiters are making money off the deaths of black Americans. If you solve the problem or deal with it, their jobs and dollars go away and — worse yet — problems may actually get fixed.

“We can’t have that!” Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson bleat.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 6-25-20, w/KURT SCHLICHTER” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Here it is on Facebook. Your preference if you wish to see the chat.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
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  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 6-23-20: JACK ALEXANDER debates BZ on how to take back CHAZ-CHOP in Seattle

Hours 1 and 2: BZ engaged one of his favorite guests, the ever-ebullient JACK ALEXANDER of the Jack Alexander Experiment, as he and BZ discussed the two diametrically-opposed ways to take back CHAZ-CHOP from Antifa, BLM, Leftists and anarchists. One is by force, the other is by allowing Seattle to rot from within.

We also discussed the stupid race play of Bubba Wallace, reminiscent of another black Publicity Hog named Jussie Smollett. Here, Wallace tries to justify his Drama Queen bullshit with co-conspirator Don Le-Mans. Yes — yawn — another Fake Hate Crime.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 6-23-20 w/JACK ALEXANDER: The Big Debate” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Here it is on Facebook. Your preference if you wish to see the chat.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



You want no cops? You just may get it

I said for years as a cop: “You get the kind of law enforcement you deserve.”

America: you’re about to get the kind of law enforcement you deserve. And demand. You’re demanding it now.


Note to Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots — as well as BLM, Antifa, CHAZ-CHOP, NYPD, Atlanta PD, Leftist mayors, governors and the like: the time is approaching when your gene pool of police candidates, besides being shockingly small, will consist of those who customarily wouldn’t get hired by local street drug dealers.

And that will become a problem.

Because when you decide you’re going to prosecute a police officer in Atlanta, charging with murder, who is facing the death penalty for doing his job, the shark has jumped and every officer in America is asking: “What the hell am I doing here?” And rightly so.

What do I mean? The Fulton County District Attorney in Atlanta, Paul Howard, says he’s prosecuting Atlanta PD officer Garrett Rolfe. From

DA Says Brooks Wasn’t ‘Threat’ Toward Cop He Shot Taser At, Said Two Weeks Ago Taser Is ‘Considered’ A ‘Deadly Weapon’

by Ryan Saavedra, 6-17-20

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced on Wednesday that the police officer who killed Rayshard Brooks last week was being charged with felony murder and that Brooks did not pose a threat to the officer even though Brooks fired a taser at the officer.

The remarks from Howard come after he charged a police officer earlier this month “for pointing a taser” at someone because a taser is considered to be a “deadly weapon” under Georgia law.

In explaining the charges against former Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe, Howard said, “We’ve concluded at the time Mr. Brooks was shot that he did not pose an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or officers.”

One very interesting points, amongst a host of many, is this from

DA Says Brooks Wasn’t ‘Threat’ Toward Cop He Shot Taser At, Said Two Weeks Ago Taser Is ‘Considered’ A ‘Deadly Weapon’

by Ryan Saavedra, 6-17-20

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced on Wednesday that the police officer who killed Rayshard Brooks last week was being charged with felony murder and that Brooks did not pose a threat to the officer even though Brooks fired a taser at the officer.

The remarks from Howard come after he charged a police officer earlier this month “for pointing a taser” at someone because a taser is considered to be a “deadly weapon” under Georgia law.

DA Brooks is correct; a Taser is considered deadly force under Georgia law. But DA Brooks, who himself is 1) up for re-election, and 2) currently under investigation for fraud, cannot have it both ways.

The other odd aspect of the June 17th press conference was that the GBI, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, wasn’t aware of the conference nor had they finished their investigation.

GBI was unaware of today’s Atlanta press conference regarding Rayshard Brooks shooting

by Angela Saxon, 6-17-20

ATLANTA, GA (WFXG) – The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) just released a statement saying they were unaware of today’s press conference regarding the charges brought on Garret Rolfe.  

The GBI said in a statement, “Although we have made significant progress in the case, we have not completed our work.” They say they were not consulted on the charges filed by the District Attorney. Adding they will complete their investigation of the incident and then submit it to the District Attorney’s Office. 

So what we have is a black district attorney, challenged for his office in election, and being investigated for corruption, who made the obviously political decision to prosecute both officers, one subject to the death penalty, absent the conclusion of an investigation, which makes is clear that Atlanta PD officers will be charged with murder for attempting to defend their lives — specifically 11 charges to include felony murder.

DA Brooks has himself not managed to locate, yet, the clean end of the turd, it would appear.

GBI Launches Criminal Investigation Into Allegations Against Fulton County DA

by Ellen Eldridge, 5-5-20

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard and his use of a nonprofit to funnel at least $140,000 in city of Atlanta funds to supplement his salary.

“At the request of the Attorney General’s Office, the GBI is conducting a criminal investigation into allegations against DA Paul Howard,” GBI spokeswoman Nelly Miles told GPB News.

The allegations stem from reporting by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News about discrepancies between financial disclosures Howard filed with the state and tax filings submitted to the IRS by the nonprofit he heads as CEO.

Howard, who has been the DA since 1997, is also facing allegations of sexual abuse and a state ethics complaint, the newspaper reported.

So let’s see: black DA, sexual harassment, giving himself $140,000, and a nice, distracting, explosive case drops in his lap. Decision? Light the fuse on the explosive case. Eyes off me. I win. How coolio.

We’ll get back to Atlanta in a moment, moving now to Seattle. And let’s not forget who created the violent, death-riddled “summer of love” in beautiful downtown Mogadishu. Er, sorry. I meant Seattle.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan made the call to remove barriers around East Precinct in Capitol Hill

by King5 Staff, 6-11-20

SEATTLE — The office of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan released a statement Thursday evening saying it was her decision to remove the barriers around the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct in Capitol Hill.

The statement comes after KING 5 reporters questioned Mayor Durkan and Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best during a Thursday afternoon press conference about who made the decision to take down the barriers.

The East Precinct was vacated and the barriers stayed up too long. I wrote about that entire situation here, where I indicated that the existence and possible forcible eliminatin of CHAZ-CHOP could mean the instigation of a second civil war.

And after quantifying CHAZ-CHOP as the “summer of love,” (start at 3:15), Mayor Durkan has proven herself not only incompetent, but wildly unhinged and dangerous.

This is from one anonymous Seattle PD officer about a week ago:

Subject: from the inside of Seattle

Hey guys, I have a little down time so here is an update on things here. Absolute madness here. Can’t even express it all.

Day 12 for us and our Mayor and chief abandoned a major precinct and gave it to the anarchists. Unthinkable.

9 blocks of our city under the complete control of these terrorists. No joke. This is unreal. No police, no fire dept, no sanity allowed in.

They have an armed force patrolling, manning checkpoints and stopping cars and citizens at gun point.

They are creating a currency, an ID system, a supply system that includes food, water, ammo and chemical weapons.

They have access to the precinct and have made it their hq.

Our “leaders” are completely silent and the city council is completely complicit.

Yes, they have been on the front lines WITH the anarchists and yes, last night one council member let about 200 into city hall.

The warlord in charge of the new “capitol hill autonomous zone” (CHAZ) drives a Tesla and has been arrested for drugs, guns, pimping and crimes against children and is on a federal child porn watch list.

He carries an AK-47 and has already started abusing people inside. WTF? You can’t make this up.

We have been castrated. There is no recovering from this. We can’t go near the zone and have been warned by our dept to stay away.

We are only working for each other now.

We have been in battles where these psychopaths have hit us with rocks, cinderblocks, homemade napalm, and even IEDs.

Multiple injuries and THEN we gave up the precinct.

Now the guns are out.

This city can burn.

I’m working on my exit plan now.

The city and state hates us and gives us no support, in fact the leaders are actively supporting this very real insurgency.

Yet, all you hear in the media is that they are merely peaceful protesters.

This is real. There is a part of our country that is no longer under our control.

People need to know.

This is not about race. It’s about control.

Share it, but DON’T say my name.

Even he says — let it burn.

And I concur. Let the cities and Leftist areas burn. Keep the national guard out of any and all of these enclaves — if you allow them to fall in the first place.

If you fail to fight for them on your own.

56% of Americans think the police are behaving appropriately or not aggressive enough. But that means nothing if people aren’t willing to step up and support law enforcement. Inactivity, cowardice, means the Leftists, Demorats, BLM, Antifa, anarchists, Socialists and Communists win.

And that starts with local governments and local law enforcement. But if they aren’t willing to stand up, then perhaps those areas truly need to fall.

Because, as far as Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best was concerned, she and the Seattle PD were completely helpless.

Judges have already removed necessary tools from law enforcement. Seattle PD can no longer use gas munitions, pepper spray, pepper balls, 40mm rubber rounds — nothing but, essentially, the baton and the firearm on an officer’s belt. The same for the Denver Police Department and others around the nation.

Hey kids! Step right up! Let’s have a contest! Who can defund which city police department first? Winner gets to stack the bodies by hand! Step right up!

The Baltimore Police Department stopped “noticing crimes” following Freddie Gray in the Spring of 2015, and crime rose markedly. That fashionable contention is spreading.

Chicago had its most violent day in 60 years, 24 hours from May 29th to June 1st, in which 18 people were killed Sunday, May 31, making it the single most violent day in Chicago in six decades, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab. The lab’s data doesn’t go back further than 1961.

Not a peep from the Race Pimps Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Not a peep from BLM. Not a peep from the NAACP. As per normal. Black lives don’t matter — unless the Race Pimps can make coin from them.

Los Angeles can’t be left out.

LAPD: Homicides Up 250% In First Week Of June

The week of 5/31 to 6/6, homicides went up 250% and victims shot went up 56% compared to the previous week.

And New York can’t be left out either.

Murders continue to surge in NYC with 38 killings in the last four weeks

A bloody four-week stretch has helped drive murders up by more than 25% across New York compared to a year ago, according to NYPD statistics.

The city saw 38 killings over the past four weeks compared to 19 over the same time frame last year. So far, there have been 32 more murders this year than in the same period in 2019, with 159 through Sunday.

Shootings have also increased this year, with 394 as of Sunday compared to 317 in the same period last year.

A YouGov poll discovered that only 16% of Americans want to defund the police. 65% oppose it. But they are otherwise silent.

What about some more facts?

And no one heard of this:

Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments

by Summer Smith, 6-12-20

As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments.

We asked drivers on the app, “Would you pick up/deliver to cities with defunded or disbanded police departments? Why or why not?”

As of June 13, 2020, we’ve had over 1,283 respondents and 79% say they will refuse loads to cities with disbanded or defunded police departments.

Here are some of their responses:

“…if something was to happen and you have to take matters into your own hands, and then you risk being prosecuted for protecting yourself.”

“This is not an area you need to act fearless and think you you’d look like a fool for saying no…Imagine what kind of fool you look like for driving into a hot spot and putting your life in danger.”

“I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matter and I do this for my family. We are already at the mercy of these towns and cities with laws and hate against us for parking, getting a meal or even using a restroom.”

“Simple. We may not like it all the time, but laws and order is necessary.”

“Most places we go already can be dicy an about only time you see a cop is when lights is on behind you.”

“For my own safety and security of my customers’ loads, I have already informed my dispatcher that I will refuse all loads to cities that have defunded their police departments.”

And SFPD took a significant recent step:

San Francisco police will no longer respond to non-criminal calls

SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco police will stop responding to neighbor disputes, reports on homeless people, school discipline interventions, and other non-criminal activities as part of a police reform plan the mayor announced Thursday.

Mayor London Breed released her plan Thursday morning.

Under the proposal, sworn officers will no longer respond to non-criminal activities and will be replaced with trained and non-armed professionals.

These professionals will respond in situations such as neighbor disputes, school discipline and mental health calls.

The mayor’s office said this would help lessen the response of armed officers to San Francisco schools.

As part of the reform plan, military-style weapons would also be banned in an effort to demilitarize the San Francisco Police Department. This would include weapons like tear gas, bayonets and tanks.

Now that’s some funny shite right there. I can just imagine SFPD fixing their bayonets as they climb into a nice M-1 Abrams tank.

And so far, altogether too many Republicans are silent. A few seem to have found their vocal cords. Damned few, like Senator Tom Cotton

But Cotton isn’t the only one schooling Demorats these days.

Not to be outdone by San Francisco, Albuquerque, New Mexico made a similar decision.

Albuquerque to send unarmed social workers, not police officers, to some 911 calls

by Danielle Wallace, 6-16-20

Hours before Albuquerquepolice detained alleged members of an armed civilian group when a protest erupted in gunfire Monday, the mayor of New Mexico’s largest city announced that unarmed social workers – not officers – would now respond to certain 911 calls.

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller announced that the city would create a “first-of-its-kind” cabinet-level department that would respond to calls on inebriation, homelessness, addiction and mental health.

But take heart, America. The Big Stupid Response to this is already occurring:

Azusa Police Department

Today at approximately 12:37pm, Azusa Police Officers responded to a call for service at an apartment complex in Azusa. A mental health therapist was conducting a home visit with a patient (Male/Black/Adult), when the patient grabbed a knife and asked her to watch him kill himself. The therapist ran out of the apartment complex and called Azusa PD. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
On arrival, officers made contact with a suicidal male who was attempting to jump off a two story balcony. Officers began speaking with the male in attempt to calm him down. The male threatened officers with “suicide by cop” and asked officers to shoot and “execute” him several times. ⁣⁣⁣
The officers on-scene were able to talk the suicidal male off the balcony ledge and have him exit his home without incident. After having a conversation with the male, officers drove him to a hospital so he could get more specialized mental health treatment. ⁣⁣⁣

And let’s not forget about the “feelings” of rioters. Words are violence too, you know.

‘Riots,’ ‘violence,’ ‘looting’: Words matter when talking about race and unrest, experts say

by Alia Dastagir, 5-31-20

On social media, users called the arson and looting “disgusting” and “reprehensible.” In response to a trail of vandalism across downtown Louisville, Kentucky, where EMT Breonna Taylor was fatally shot by police in March, Mayor Greg Fischer said the “violence and destruction is absolutely unacceptable.” President Donald Trump called the protesters in Minneapolis “thugs.”

Historians and sociologists said reflexively condemning the actions as reckless or self-defeating minimizes the extent of people’s rage.

“The term ‘riot’ tends to connote a senseless venting of frustration, of destroying your own community and all these other things that are counterproductive, as if there couldn’t be political value in urban unrest and forcing the system to examine itself,” said Darnell Hunt, dean of social sciences and a professor of sociology and African American studies at UCLA.

“Riot.” Soon to be in the Official Leftist Lexicon Of The Forbidden. Trust me on that one.

On the other hand, maybe we should admit that CHAZ-CHOP does possess certain striking and attractive amenities. Not manatees; “amenities.”

Because, at its core, BLM and Antifa are about Marxist-Leninist goals and, here, BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors says precisely so.

All of this has a direct affect on cops. On their mental health, and on their physical health. The results are appearing now.

The Atlanta police union said that on Thursday morning, 6-18, one Atlanta PD officer showed up for patrol in a zone typically patrolled by several dozen. And I don’t blame them one bit.

The DC Metro PD is also affected.

D.C. Police Union Survey Shows 71 Percent Are Considering Leaving

A D.C. Police Union survey of its members released Thursday showed that of nearly 600 who responded, 71 percent are considering leaving the Metropolitan Police Department. “71% of members polled are considering leaving MPD,” a press release said. The survey was conducted on Tuesday.

The Kalifornia PERS, or Public Employees Retirement System is flooded with officers wanting to check and run the numbers to see about early retirements — not just CHP and other state agencies — but quite a number of other Kalifornia law enforcement agencies who tied their retirement programs to CalPERS. The lines are blocked, their website backed up, and responses are stacked up like cordwood.

And another Seattle cop weighs in:

I have heard from many people, both pro-cop and anti-cop friends that I’m “one of the good ones” and they “wish all officers were like me.” That I’m fair, kind, understanding, loving, and a great guy. I am still that guy. But my heart is no longer in it. I work with an amazing group of people, people who got into this job as a calling. A calling to help people. Officers who when they hear people are being shot, stabbed, raped, robbed feel the call to try their best to protect life and property. And place themselves between the violent and the victim. And even take those wounds.. A department of people who recognize the past failures and have committed to try to correct the mistakes of the past and work towards a better future. Recognize their own biases and mistakes and learn about others to be more fair, caring, and understanding. Who were as disgusted and upset at the callous murder of George Floyd as the general public and wanted justice to be served. Officers who called out the actions of those officers and wanted them out and charged.

And for a moment, I had hope. Hope that something beautiful and good could come from it. In the last week, that hope has been extinguished. I am all about reform. I am all for accountability. And I am all about ensuring justice for all. And my department is a national leader in all of that. In the last years I’ve attended community meetings, made a point to get to know the people in the area I work (a largely minority community), and worked with people from other social agencies to improve our effectiveness and bring about better results when people need help beyond what I am trained to do.

But the actions of the last two weeks have shown me that does not matter. Progress counts for nothing. Discussion is off the table. Unity to address problems is dismissed.

I have been working 12-16 hour days for almost two weeks, trying my best to protect lives and property and ensure that those who want to march and have their voices heard are able to do so. But even when officers were simply blocking intersections to protect people marching or stationed around marchers as we’ve done thousands of times in the past, it was nothing but insults, death threats, and assaults by rocks, frozen water bottles, beer bottles, fireworks, flammable substances, and explosives. I’ve heard my black coworkers called traitors, Uncle Toms, and the N word, by white people. I’ve heard other minority officers slandered and singled out. Officers that I know and am friends with. People I know who joined hoping to make a difference and bring about change. Be that person that someone can directly relate to, because of a shared background. It made me sick and broke my heart for them.

I can take insults and threats. I understand people are angry about what happened, I am too. But this time has shown me that this area in general does not want me around. Despite numerous steps and advancements, personally and as a department, it mattered for nothing. There was no chance for connection and conversation. People were not interested in what anyone on my side of the line had to say. I heard what protesters where saying, heard their hurt, and spent a lot of time thinking about it, trying to at least partially understand and take it to heart.

But I legitimately don’t feel this community wants me or any other officers around. The community seems to feel this city and area would be better with no officers on duty, nobody willing to answer the calls for help.

I have stood next to officers while they were shot, attacked, injured. I have held people as they died in my arms, doing everything I could to try to fend off death. Heard the screams of people finding out their loved one was never coming home. Held people as they cried asking me “why?” Why did this happen to them or their family members and felt helpless because I had no answers.

Pulled mangled bodies from accident scenes. Chased armed people, murders, and robbers through the dark. Been shot at, had people pull weapons on me or try to take my gun while threatening to kill me. Attended funerals for officers who were killed trying to save victims of domestic violence and robbery. I have gone home and cried myself to sleep at the lives I couldn’t save. And then got up the next day and gone back to try to do better and do this job to the highest standard. And I serve with officers who have done all that and more. Because we care, deep in our core.

But despite all of that it seems like we are not wanted. We are looked at as worse than the criminals we try to stop from harming people. And more than that, I feel as if this city would not just be indifferent if I or a fellow officer were killed, they want it.

This week has shown me the city’s true colors and I don’t know how to reckon with the fact that I could lose my life trying to protect a city that will protest my funeral and cheer when I’m laid in the ground. And it has made me consider leaving it all behind.

Abandon my calling to serve, help, and protect. So no matter what side of anything you are on, please consider the ramifications of some of the things you are demanding. Because at some point even the strongest “good ones” may walk away. I am not there yet, but I am close. I am praying for the strength to continue. To be the change I want to see.

But I don’t know how much more I have left. Or how much my brothers and sisters have left.

Meanwhile, back in Seattle as of Tuesday, June 23rd, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has ASKED protesters to leave CHAZ-CHOP by 8 PM.

But she will not require it.

And police are NOT permitted inside to protect people or property.

Three shootings, one murder. THAT is your Leftist Utopia “summer of love” — and blood and rape and death.

Then there’s this, from NYPD:

NYPD officers mulling ‘blue flu’ sickout on July 4, giving NYC ‘independence’

by Dominick Mastrangelo, 6-18-20

A pair of fliers are reportedly being circulated among New York City Police Department officers, encouraging members to call out sick on July 4 in response to recent tensions between police and members of the public.

“NYPD cops will strike on July 4th to let the city have their independence without cops,” reads the message, which is being passed among cops via text, according to the New York Post. “Cops that say we can’t strike because of the Taylor Law. The people and this city doesn’t [sic] honor us why honor them [sic].”

The Taylor Law allows police officers to be punished for participating in organized work stoppages or strikes.

A second message says police officers must “stand as one” after being “vilified” by some activists.

This very well could occur. And frankly, I hope it does. Go ahead and fire all 40,000 NYPD officers. Good damned luck with that.

But here’s the big kicker. The huge elephant in the room. Removal of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers. This could easily break the back of officers throughout the nation and the plan could rapidly spread throughout the states.

Colorado Reforms Allow Departments To Offer Big Settlements, Force Cops To Pay Part Of Them

by Sandy Malone, 6-17-20

Denver, CO – Colorado state lawmakers passed legislation on Saturday that fundamentally changes policing in the state, and the governor is expected to sign it quickly.

Senate Bill 217 – the Enhance Law Enforcement Integrity Bill – calls for multiple dramatic changes to the manner in which policing is conducted across the state.

Under the new law, every officer in the state will wear a bodycam by July of 2023, and bodycams are required to be activated whenever officers respond to a call, the Denver Post reported.

Failure to activate the camera could result in criminal liability or other penalties.

The law also creates timelines for the release of bodycam footage to the public.

SB 217 also requires officers to intervene if they see another officer using excessive force or face a class 1 misdemeanor or greater charge, according to the Denver Post.

Here is the crux of the biscuit.

The new law also removed qualified immunity protections for police officers, meaning that individual cops can be sued for actions taken in the course of doing their jobs that may violate an individual’s civil rights.

If a police department determines that an officer acted in bad faith, they may hold the officer accountable for up to 5% or $25,000, whichever is less, of the settlement or judgement collected by a plaintiff, the Denver Post reported.

A $25,000 bill can easily bankrupt a cop. And that’s precisely the point.

This leaves officers with no due process to avoid fines outside of their police department’s review. A police department may offer a large settlement to a plaintiff and then force the officer to pay 5% of it.

SB 217 bans chokeholds and carotid control holds, and would ban the use of deadly force against someone for a minor or nonviolent offense.

It also changes the standards of deadly force to say it can only be used as a last resort when absolutely necessary and it cannot be used against a fleeing suspect unless he poses an immediate risk to the officers, according to the Denver Post.

The legislation calls for officers to lose their Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) board certification permanently after having pleaded guilty to an inappropriate use of force, failure to intervene to stop excessive force, or after having been found civilly liable for excessive force or failure to intervene.

All the Leftists and Demorats in Colorado — and across the nation — are pissing their pants rights now, thinking “we need this now in our state!”

SB 217 also gives the Colorado Attorney General the authority to go after persistently bad police departments and officers.

SB 217 takes much of the decision-making out of the hands of local police chiefs and puts it in the hands of the state, the Denver Post reported.

And as I said:

Justin Nix, an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, told the Denver Post that he thinks that is a good thing and that other states will follow Colorado’s model.

“The level of government that’s best suited to reform police right now is the state government,” Nix said. “I expect that we will see states move pretty quickly to some of the reforms similar to what Colorado is doing.”

The natural path of this will be the demand that officers carry their own insurance policies, much like doctors, to protect against lawsuits.

Awards from lawsuits in law enforcement, however, are frequently the equal to if not greater than those in medicine. Surgeons, for example, pay anywhere between $30,000 and $50,000 per year in premiums. Contrast that with some agencies that pay officers anywhere between $20,000 to $30,000 to $40,000 per year, and you have an individual entering a profession who will, right off the bat, lose money.

Or people will simply avoid the profession altogether. Again, the goal of Leftists, Demorats, BLM, Antifa, anarchists, Socialists and Communists. Make absolutely no mistake.

In the meantime, officers in Atlanta PD are still calling in sick.

As Larry Schweickart recently wrote:

  • 1) We are very close to the Cincinnati Solution in Atlanta.
  • 2) Several years ago there was a police shooting of a black man. All the predictable people came out, demanding an end to police brutality.
  • 3) The Cincinnati Police Union issued a statement:
  • 4) In the future, the Cincinnati Police Department will no longer patrol black neighborhoods.
  • 5) The Cincinnati Police Department will answer 911 calls in those areas only to pick up a body.
  • 6) Crime skyrocketed. Killings skyrocketed.
  • 7) In short order the black community was begging the police to return.
  • 8) After they did, there were no more complaints about the police.

End of story. Imagine that.

The streets of Atlanta are already beginning to turn 1800s Western.

Mayhem reigns as Blue Flu spreads in Atlanta; wild gun battle breaks out in streets

by Tom Tillison, 6-22-20

Police officers in Atlanta began calling out in mass last week after District Attorney Howard announced charges had been filed against two fellow officers involved in the Rayshard Brooks shooting.

This coming as Democrats across the country call for not only defunding police, but for disbanding departments altogether — the Minneapolis city council already voted to do just that.

Wednesday was the first night cops began not showing up for work, and while that got sufficient media coverage, there was little reporting that this would continue for a number of days.

“I’ve never seen the morale so bad that it pushes the majority of an agency to do this,” said Vince Champion, the regional director of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers.

“They want to do their job,” the union leader added. “They just don’t want to do it in the City of Atlanta where they’re not respected and where they’ll be betrayed.”

Studies have proven there is no systemic police racism–despite the propaganda by the American Media Maggots and politicians on both sides of the aisle — there is no proof of widespread racial bias.

In 2019, there were more than 10 MILLION arrests in the United States.

Of those 10,000,000+ arrests, 1,004 ended in the suspect being fatally shot (most were armed).

Of the 1,004 who were fatally shot, 41 were unarmed.

Of the 41 unarmed suspects who were shot, 9 were black, 19 were white and the other 13 were Hispanic, Asian, etc.

Meanwhile, in 2019, 89 police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty.

The whole narrative of systemic racism?

The data doesn’t support the claim, and several thorough studies don’t support that claim.

I haven’t seen one shred of evidence yet that the white police officer who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck or that the other 3 non-white officers who helped to hold Floyd down acted out of racism.

George Floyd was killed by these officers, but it appears to be an excessive use of force, abuse of power, and a callous disregard for Floyd’s health. And even that investigation hasn’t concluded.

No one really needs to defund the police. Demorats and Leftists are actively working to make it the most untenable job in America, whereby no intelligent person would ever want to do it. That is their goal. The reverse may soon be true: police will defund themselves by choosing not to appear for work, to retire early, or resign.

I say this to cops today:

None of us took this job for kudos, praises, pats on the back or hugs. We predominantly didn’t get it. Nor did we expect it.

What we did expect is to be treated like adults, allowed to do our jobs, supported when we were correct and smacked when we weren’t. We expected to support the social construct, safeguard lives and property, use discretion, document crimes, arrest criminals, and protect our communities.

That social construct has since dissolved. Law enforcement officers are now one bad call away from having their lives ruined, their families ruined, or prosecuted for doing what 99% of all other officers would have done in a similar situation.

Cops are human beings and, as such, certainly make mistakes.

But when the cards are stacked so distinctly against you, to the point where the department, the community, the media, mayors and governors don’t want you to do your jobs, why are you in law enforcement anyway?

NYPD disbanded their plainclothes unit. They proactively policed. Local and national cops have been told for so long that they “over-police,” they have mostly decided to push the button to acknowledge each call as dispatched, and that’s it.

No self-initiated activity, no proactive policing.

We know where that’s gotten this nation. Look at Chicago. Look at Baltimore. Look at Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, New York. Murders are up, property crimes have skyrocketed, overall crime is rising.

There comes a time in a given profession where, when people don’t want you to do that job and, further, you’re targeted for violence, poisoning, assassination and prosecution for defending yourself — well, maybe it’s time to find a new profession.

It’s not your duty to have your life destroyed and that of your family in order to make a paycheck. There are so many others to choose.

The job is tough enough and eats more than a sufficient number of souls under ideal conditions. Add these additional current stressors and you have a recipe for disaster. People aren’t built to work 20 or 40 years under conditions like these.

Get out while you still can.

It’s pretty simple. If you’ve decided not to support the police — they can easily decide not to support you.

I must wrap up with these things, and I believe them to be true.

Democrats are the ENEMY of the United States.They are the ENEMY, every bit as much as China — and they are more insidious, because they are dissolving America from within due to their hatred of everything American.

Democrats hate the founding fathers. They hate the US Constitution. It doesn’t provide them enough power. It exists to hinder government, not grow it. Your rights come from God, not government. They despise that foundational concept. They want you to revere government, to bow and scrape before government.

To kneel before government.

They hate the First Amendment. They don’t embrace free speech. They want normal people muzzled, you and me, for speaking our minds. Their social media giants do it for them. If they had the power, they’d imprison you for speech. That’s coming.

If they could get away with it, they would burn physical books. At this point they don’t have to. Yet. Because if they wish to eradicate history one day, they could do it with the flip of a switch — and everything you “own” in the cloud is gone. Fiction they don’t like. History they don’t like. Movies they don’t like. It’s happening already with Netflix.

If you think you “own” content, you own nothing. If It’s digital, it’s air. It’s nothing. Books are a guarantee that immure history and thoughts in the physical world. And they’re working on that.

De Blasio doesn’t believe you should own property. Communists don’t believe in the concept of private property. All property belongs to the State. YOU belong to the state.

Democrats hate the Second Amendment. It is the right that stops them from immediately removing your free speech wholesale, which is their goal. Only one speech. Theirs. Only some thoughts. Theirs. Firearms protect your speech and your family and your property.

Democrats hate your free speech. Democrats hate your family. They hate mothers and fathers together in a family. They hate children. They don’t want them born. Many despise the human race. And they certainly hate your private property and its very concept.

They hate your firearms and if they had the power, they would break into your home and forcibly take them. Altogether too many Americans would surrender them, and altogether too many law enforcement officers would obey the order to do so. Even one officer doing so is too many.

They hate your firearms. But they still fear your firearms. Good. Government should fear the people. People should not fear their government.
Democrats exist to remove your freedoms and liberties — occasionally deigning to sell them back to you at a terrible price.

Think: when was the last time a Democrat expanded your freedom or liberty? Reduced government? Respected your rights instead of trampling on them?

There is a lesson to be learned from President Trump. If government, in concert with the media — another issue altogether — could array itself against a presidential nominee, a president-elect, and a sitting president, essentially a soft coup, then that government could crush you in an instant and wouldn’t give two thoughts about it.

NEVER kneel before the mob, never kneel before Democrats, never appease them, never capitulate, never prostrate yourself. Because they will take and take, and can truly never be appeased.

I repeat: Democrats are the ENEMY. There is no shielding this truth any more. No trying to sugarcoat it or downplay it. Democrats are, in no uncertain terms, the enemy.

They despise you, me, normal people, actual Americans. I couldn’t care less about anyone’s “paint job.” This isn’t about color. It’s about holding our country, “a Republic if we can keep it.”

It’s about our liberties, our rights, our freedoms, the very things that so many others are willing to put their lives on the line to enjoy. If this country is so inherently evil, so racist, so misogynistic, why would people care or want to live here?

We must realize that the very things people around the planet are fleeing, Democrats are working for now. Socialism. Communism.Massive, impersonal governments who exist to remove the rights of people and simultaneously acquire more power, more control, more personal wealth for themselves.

NEVER kneel for the mob. NEVER kneel before Democrats. Never attempt to appease them, capitulate to them, acquiesce to them.

We’re seeing the results in Seattle today. Anarchy, chaos, the repression of people, crimes against people. the subjugation of taxpayers. destruction of property.

You and I have been thinking this for some time, but I’m writing and saying it now.

Democrats are the ENEMY.

There can be no bipartisanship or compromise with those persons who wish to completely destroy this country.

Don’t listen to me American Media Maggots as November nears. They want you disillusioned. They want you depressed. They want you to stay away from the polls and from casting your ballots.

They will tell you that President Trump is so far ahead that your vote is not necessary.

Or they will tell you that he is so far behind that your vote is immaterial.

Don’t believe the American Media Maggots. You know who they are.

We are heading towards a binary eruption in November — perhaps even before. Who can tell at this point?

But only one of two things will occur:

  • Either those who love this country and civilization will win,or
  • Those who despise this country and desire absolute destruction will will.

There is no middle ground here.

And we will surely LOSE this country if we don’t vote red in November and forever.God bless America.

We are on the cusp of losing her.

Don’t let it be US who allowed that to happen.

God bless you, your family, take care and be safe.