Pot in Colorado

Pot In Colorado

“Nice dope, dude,” says the moronic Millennial Caucasoid in Colorado.

The facts are in, from a study regarding legalized marijuana in Colorado.

Arrests are down and visits to hospitals and emergency rooms are up.  Way up.  By 30%.  Calls to poison control centers are skyrocketing as well in Colorado, five times.

Drug use: life expectancy is now down for whites.  Because of drugs.

Blacks and illegals are applauding.  Keep killing Caucasoids, they say.  Caucasoids are obliging via drug deaths.

More people in Colorado are smoking pot and it’s killing more people.  The report is from the Colorado Department of Safety.

Traffic deaths involving THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, are up 44%.

High school drivers have not experienced that increase.  But if you’re in high school in Colorado, 13% of kids 12 to 17 smoke marijuana vs 7% nationally.  For those over 26, those statistics are double.

Adult use of marijuana in Colorado is up from 7.6% to 12.4%.

Good times.  High times.

America is going the way of Rome.



The loving concern of SF Eco-Leftists

TRASHTONS of trash left behind in a once-pristine park.

From CBS SF Bay Area:

420 Revelers At Golden Gate Park Leave Behind Tons Of Trash

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – Crews were out in force at Golden Gate Park early Thursday morning, cleaning up trash left behind by thousands of marijuana smokers who converged on Hippie Hill for the annual 420 celebration.

Workers with the Recreation and Park Department arrived at 6:00 a.m. to continue a cleanup that began after the so-called “Smokeout” ended. While the celebration was mostly peaceful, revelers left behind at least 10,000 pounds of garbage.

Wait.  I thought all these young Millennials cared about the planet — particularly considering that “Earth Day” is tomorrow.  They want to save the earth, recycle, worship Gaia, save the forests, hug a pine, coddle a weed — then smoke it.

Yes, the loving embrace of Eco-Leftists.

Who think that it’s perfectly fine to let City of San Francisco “underlings” clean up their trash.  What?  You expect us to clean up our trash??  We are better than that.  We’re special.  Mommy and Daddy told us that.

“Laborers” can go to hell.  We don’t “labor.”

We’re too wrapped up in SELF and DOPE.



Oh, by the way, there’s no smoking in the park where the “celebration” occurred.  Except when Leftists want to.


Harriet Tubman to be on $20 bill

Harriet Tubman $20 BillAs a friend of mine, Michael Patrick Tracy wrote:

Putting Harriet Tubman on the twenty-dollar bill?  Andrew Jackson was the first Democratic president.  Jackson, essentially the founder of the Democrat party, given the boot.  Harriet Tubman supported Lincoln and fought in the Union army.

So: go for it, you ignorant Leftist morons.

You know nothing about history and you prove it every day.



Europe: lock the border, it’s LESS EXPENSIVE

Syrian Refugees In Greece, Port of LesbosWait!


As documented in BreitbartLondon.com:

Study: Border Controls Cheaper Than Mass Immigration

by Nick Hallett

Restoring full passport and security checks between European Union (EU) nations would be more cost effective than allowing the migrant crisis to continue indefinitely, a German economic institute has said.

Stop right there.

Isn’t that an excellent argument for the dissolution of the European Union itself?

The Munich-based Ifo institute said the reinstating border controls could reduce the EU’s economic output by 0.19 to 0.47 per cent each year, equivalent to €26.65 to €65.8 billion.

However, Gabriel Felbermayr, head of Ifo, said that these costs would be “just a small part of the amount that would be caused by uncontrolled mass immigration.”

One of the countries that has been worst affected by the ongoing migrant crisis is Sweden, which will likely need to spend around 600 billion kroner to fund last year’s immigration levels.

Stockholm University Associate Professor Jan Tullberg factored in the costs of extra policing and higher benefits along with the immediate costs of receiving so many migrants, and found that the Swedish state will have to spend some 580 billion kroner (£48.3 billion) on these new Swedes from now until the time they either leave the country or die.

Europeans are on a cusp.

A cusp of doom.  On the cusp of whether or not their culture will survive an inundation by other cultures who will 1) not assimilate and 2) have radically different values.


On that same note, in the US, from Pew Research Center polls taken March 17th – 27th of this year:

FAVOR THE WALL          34%


FAVOR THE WALL          63%


FAVOR THE WALL          13%

A wall on our border with Mexico would save hundreds of lives, perhaps even thousands of lives, here in the US and Mexico.

It would save lives in the US by keeping illegals from murdering lawful American citizens.

It would save lives in Mexico by keeping coyotes from taking advantage of those persons crossing who are murdered and, by those attempting to cross who are unprepared.

That doesn’t even take into account the drug trafficking. And the thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of American lives ruined because of methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin manufactured and then transported by the Mexican cartels in to the US.

Israel built the wall between itself and the “Palestinian Authority” and it works.

But now we’re not much interested in that?

Can we learn from Europe?

Will we learn from Europe?