DOJ wants to investigate FBI?

Kabuki TheatreFirst, the story from the

Justice Department May Probe Alleged Bergdahl Ransom Payment

by Shane Harris

The department’s top watchdog is considering whether to review allegations that the U.S. paid for the soldier’s freedom, and what role the FBI played in his release.

The Justice Department’s top watchdog is considering whether to review the legality of any payments that the U.S. government may have made for the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl and what role the FBI played in efforts to free the soldier from captivity in Pakistan, The Daily Beast has learned.

The department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, wrote a letter to a member of Congress this month saying that he had opened a “preliminary inquiry” into the matter, which concerns allegations that the U.S. government paid a ransom for Bergdahl’s freedom, and that in February 2014 the FBI sent a representative to the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan expecting Bergdahl to be released.

Anyone besides me think this is insanity inside of insanity?  The DOJ investigating the FBI for a “payoff” involving Bergdahl?

This is Kabuki Theatre writ large.

Ask yourself: WHY would this occur?

Answer: because the FBI is considering the recommendation of an indictment against Hillary Clinton.

A “preliminary investigation” of the FBI on this ridiculous issue is a proverbial “shot across the bow” to FBI Director James Comey.  Because a source indicates the FBI is going to ask for a Hillary indictment.

Wheels within wheels.

This is DC insanity.



Obama DID filibuster Samuel Alito

Mr Obama can’t stand it that Republicans are indicating they may filibuster any Obama nominee until after November’s election.

How dare they?

Some Republicans have made it clear they believe the next president, Republican or Demorat, should be the one making such a nomination — with the full power of the electorate behind them.

Mr Obama lies once again when he states there is a constitutional requirement to make such an appointment.  There is no constitutional “requirement” for the president to immediately replace a Supreme Court justice.

The American Media Maggots — and Mr Obama himself — seem to mostly so conveniently minimize the fact that Obama filibustered Samuel Alito when he was nominated by a Republican president.

As you can see, Mr Obama verbally tapdances around the question — as he must, because he has been caught.  Having been caught, he says he “regrets” his actions back then.

Uh, no.  He only “regrets” it because he doesn’t want done to him what he did to the Republicans.

Hypocrisy, thy name continues to be Obama.



The Perfect Storm of nominees for Obama, Demorats and Leftists?  That would be Loretta Lynch for SCOTUS and then Kamala Harris to replace Lynch as AG.


Obama will NOT attend Scalia funeral

Obama It's All About MEAnd if that doesn’t tell you all you need to know about Barack Hussein Obama, nothing will.

That fact is confirmed by the NBC News and by

This is not merely a rumor.

Obama will be doing something infinitely more important, like cleaning his fish tank.

I shake my head.  This is the point to which Obama White House politics have devolved.



William Jefferson Clinton did not attend the funeral of Justice Thurgood Marshall.


Hillary’s voice breaks staffers

Hillary Clinton OVERBITESometimes it’s nice to be validated.

I don’t want a Hillary Clinton in the White House not just because she is a sociopathic liar, a serial criminal and someone with NPD, she is as appealing to listen to as nails on a chalkboard or the Aural Nuclear Option: Fran Drescher.

Please click HERE for Hillary Comedic Relief in audio — thanks to Conservative LA.

Can you imagine four years of actually having to hear the voice of Hillary Clinton every damned day?  I pale at the thought.  My ears would require repair and constant utilization of the MUTE button on every piece of electronica in the BZ household.

It would appear Hillary Clinton staffers feel the same way.


Clinton Yelling Stressing Staffers

NASHUA, NH—Sources inside Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign told reporters Wednesday that Mrs. Clinton’s voice has been a source of frustration among the campaign’s staffers. “It has been quite challenging”, intimated an unnamed advisor to Clinton. “During speeches she begins each point in a… well… normal voice, speaking clearly, but then her voice gets louder and louder. By the time she actually makes her point, she is yelling so loudly… it sounds like two cats glued to the back of a goat being fed into a wood chipper. The audiences at campaign stops often looked confused because they don’t understand who she’s yelling at. It’s a problem.”

The problem is not limited to stump speeches according to young volunteer. “It’s just not her speech voice”, he said. “She’ll ask me to go get lunch for the staff or canvas a neighborhood, but if I don’t see her coming it scares the living crap out of me. I think I’ve been having heart palpitations.”

I too would be stressed.  But it makes me smile nevertheless.

Please play the video below if you haven’t yet attacked your back with a whip today like the good Flagellant you are.
