After Paris, Obama doubles down on stupid

Obama the Muslim.jpgI’m beginning to think that Mr Obama lives in his own little bubble, unaffected by daily and hourly events.  The Obama Vacuum.

The American Media Maggots called George W. Bush “uncurious.”  I would say that Obama is much worse, unable to see that reality which is actually occurring around him.  He is absolutely incapable of learning from history and/or the mistakes of others — not just from a year or 10 or 20 years ago, but within the day.

On Friday, the day of the Paris attack, Mr Obama declared that ISIS is contained.  Mr Obama also declared quite definitively in 2013:

“The global war on terror is over.”
~ Barack Hussein Obama, 23 May, 2013

Inserting his foot into his mouth in ignorance, Mr Obama, having again learned nothing, doubles down on stupid by insisting that the US increase the number of Syrians we purposely import into our own country.

Canadian says that our Mr Obama wants to “increase and accelerate” the number of Syrians we place onto US soil.

Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting

The Associated Press

Screening outposts to be set up in Iraq, Lebanon as U.S. urges Arab nations to do more

The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, torn by four years of civil war and disorder.

How many more?

The White House would not say how many additional refugees it may take in beyond the 10,000, but two senior administration officials said they are seeking ways to increase the number.

Syrian “refugees” are already arriving in New Orleans, Louisiana.  As if NOLA didn’t have enough of its own troubles.

The US is lucky this time around.  Obviously, we have our own Mexican problem at the southern border.  Thank God we don’t border a Muslim state or we too would be flooded and lost as Europe is about to be lost to Islam.

What we’ve discovered even now is that some of the Paris Muslim terrorists came into the country with the flood of Syrian “refugees,” insinuating themselves amidst the crowds, holding Syrian refugee passports.

Obama isn’t cute or intelligent or mistaken or a tad naive.

Obama is downright dangerous to the United States of America.


Obama Is ISIS

Muslim coordinated attacks kill 129 in Paris, 350+ injured

Obama Fiddling As DC BurnsObama fiddles while the US and the world burns. He is “concerned” and “monitoring.”

Our wondrous president today declared that ISIS IS CONTAINED.  From

Obama: ISIS Is Not Getting ‘Stronger,’ We Have ‘Contained’ Them

by Jeff Poor

Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” President Barack Obama seemingly downplayed the threat of ISIS in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Good Morning America.”

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”

“The global war on terror is over.”
~ Barack Hussein Obama, 23 May, 2013


Isn’t timing wonderful?  Just as our CIC (Coward In Chief) makes this statement, all hell explodes in Paris at the hands of ISIS and Islam.  Six or seven attacks occurred in Paris, France, on Friday.

And yes, our sterling, stalwart and courageous president refuses to name Evil.  As Obama said, these are nothing more than garden-variety “extremists.”

Islamic evil.  Let me please repeat that: ISLAMIC EVIL.

Pipes: “Those who make all Islam their enemy not only succumb to a simplistic and essentialist illusion but they lack any mechanism to defeat it. We who focus on Islamism see World War II and the Cold War as models for subduing the third totalitarianism. We understand that radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution. We work with anti-Islamist Muslims to vanquish a common scourge

No group has yet made claim to the attacks, but they will.  Only a fool or our president would leave those attacks unattributed.  Fool and Obama, one and the same.  Parisians were throwing bedsheets out of their windows in order to cover the dead in the streets.

We are seeing the beginnings of an entire paradigm shift, a cultural change, in Europe, that will result in what was once known as European culture kicked to the curb.

A Jihadi Urban Army is emerging in France and in Europe.  ISIS elements are already present in the US, having simply gotten their ankles most.

Is this the Religion of Peace™ versus the Religion of Evil™ ?

What video will it be this time, Mr Obama, responsible for these attacks?  Were they disaffected Muslim workers ill-paid in various Paris businesses?  Were they “poor,” “disenfranchised,” struggling to put food in the mouths of their children?

Or were they simply barbaric thugs destined to kill as many Westerners as possible?

A “hostage situation”?  It was never a hostage situation.  It was a situation destined for death.

More than 140 dead in series of terror attacks: 100 are killed after hostages are taken at theatre. Kalashnikov-wielding gunman opens fire in restaurant. Two SUICIDE bombs detonate near the Stade de France. Gunfire at shopping centre

Parisians were throwing sheets out of their windows so that the dead could be covered.

There were six attack sites.  Suicide bombers blew themselves up.  Gunmen took hostages in a venue.  Gunmen blew themselves up and perhaps first responders.
Survivors climbed out of the concert hall on ladders.  100 people dead there alone.  A mandatory curfew in effect for the first time since WWII.

The attackers shouted “Allahu Akhbar.”

Attackers detonated vests as police moved in.

200 wounded, 80 seriously in Paris.

Ah Islam, the religion of tolerance and peace.



Here’s your Leftist “freedom of speech”

Freedom of Speech, Journalism Professor

This Leftist loon “throwing out” a college journalist isn’t a fellow student.  This is college professor Melissa Click who teaches journalism.  Yep.  Figure that one out.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your “freedom of speech” on US college campuses these days.  Translated: there is no freedom of speech on US college campuses these days.

That face, ladies and gentlemen, is the face of evil, the face of oppression, the raging and insane face of today’s Leftist on your taxpayer-funded college campuses.

It is the face of Melissa Click, assistant professor of mass media at University of Missouri.

She says:

“Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”

From the

‘I Need Some Muscle’: Missouri Activists Block Journalists

COLUMBIA, Mo. — A video that showed University of Missouri protesters restricting a student photographer’s access to a public area of campus on Monday has ignited discussions about press freedom.

Tim Tai, a student photographer on freelance assignment for ESPN, was trying to take photos of a small tent city that protesters had created on a campus quad. Concerned Student 1950, an activist group that formed to push for increased awareness and action around racial issues on campus, did not want reporters near the encampment.

“You need to get out,” Click says.  “No I don’t,” says the male journalist, Mark Schierbecker, lawfully.

He is a student attending that college, on the college campus, on college property.  Just why is it, Leftists, that he needs to leave property that he can lawfully occupy by dint of his position as a student of same?

So here is your “freedom of speech,” Americans, on today’s college campuses.  Campuses that your tax dollars fund.  You pay for Leftists to impede actual freedom of speech.  You do.

He (David Kurpius, Dean of Journalism) also noted that Ms. Click is a faculty member of the communications department, which is separate from the journalism school. He said she holds a “courtesy appointment” with the journalism school that faculty members would take “immediate action” to review.

Even CNN wrote:

Media prof. asks for ‘muscle’ to block student journalist

A Missouri mass media professor is under scrutiny after calling for “muscle” to block out journalists on a public space.

Check their video.

The NY Post says the University of Missouri hosts the world’s worst journalism professor.

The dean of the Missouri School of Journalism on Tuesday lambasted an assistant communications professor and lauded a photojournalism student for their roles in Monday’s viral video showing a confrontation between that student journalist and protesters attempting to block him from shooting photos on a public quad.

The filmed confrontation appeared to show the University of Missouri protesters, including Assistant Professor Melissa Click, engaging in a clear violation of the First Amendment, since the incident occurred in a public space on the campus of a public university.

The truth will out, every once in a while however.

Video can be good or bad.  In this case, video is good.

Oh, one final point.

From the

Media professor who bullied journalists away from University of Missouri protests resigns from her ‘courtesy’ position at the prestigious journalism school

by Ashley Collman and Kiri Blakeley

  • Melissa Click, an assistant media professor at the University of Missouri, was caught trying to force journalists out of a public protest on Monday

  • On Tuesday, Click apologized for her actions and resigned from her ‘courtesy appointment’ with the School of Journalism

  • While she was previously affiliated with the journalism school, Click was on the faculty of the separate College of Arts and Sciences   

  • The video in question shows Click walking up to a cameraman and yelling that he get off the quad where a group of protesters had camped out

  • She tries to knock down his camera and then says: ‘Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here’ 

  • Click has issued an apology for her behavior saying: ‘I regret the language and strategies I used’ 

Obviously, I am chagrined and disappointed.  I expected better from Leftists.

Uh, no.  I larfed my arse off when Click the Chick got kicked to the curb.