Sanctuary City SF Sheriff voted OUT

SF Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi OUT With XFORMER San Francisco County Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi wasn’t a cop anyway.  He was a Leftist poseur who donned a law enforcement uniform in order to further his own perverse Leftist agendas because he could.  And shamed the uniform itself during his ridiculous rule.  He also has the blood of Kate Steinle on his hands.

Now he’s gone.  The citizens of San Francisco voted him out, and a former SFSO Chief Deputy Sheriff named Vicki Hennessy is in.  Even SF voters can act like a broken clock now and then.

Let’s recall: Ross Mirkarimi was the co-founder of the Green Party of Fornicalia.  His claim to fame as a SF Supervisor was to ban plastic bags.  He introduced legislation to legalize marijuana.  He wanted to ban smoking on golf courses.  He introduced the re-naming of Eddy Street to Marcus Garvey Way, because he knew the name change would convince SF Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi Cool Goateeblack residents to stay in the city despite cost of living increases.  He wanted reparations for SF blacks displaced in the 1960s when the Fillmore District was mostly torn down.

Mirkarimi was a heavy advocate of gun control despite the fact that he owned firearms.  One happy note: he had those firearms confiscated, and was convicted of false imprisonment stemming from a domestic violence call where he was initially charged with battery, child endangerment and dissuading a witness.  Good times, eh Ross?  Smack the ol’ wife around, get convicted of false imprisonment and then “somehow” manage to get that conviction expunged?  Good times, eh Ross?  Read about that here.  His firearm was given back due to a plea bargain.  He was Sheriff, after all.

Except for this: if me or any other LEO in Fornicalia were convicted for any domestic-violence-related charge, we would be mandated to forfeit our firearms under Fornicalia law, which in turn means we would forfeit our jobs.

Mirkarimi also had his license suspended when he was involved in an accident with his official County of San Francisco vehicle and did not report the accident to DMV as required by law.  Oddly enough, his county G-ride got repaired.  Imagine that.

Sort of a clue: Mirkarimi did not receive an endorsement from the SF Deputy Sheriff’s Association when he ran for Sheriff.

Finally, if you recall, it was the agenda and directives of Ross Mirkarimi that resulted in the needless death of Kate Steinle on SFs’ Pier 14.  The illegal Mexican suspect had been deported five times.  Despite that, it was the policy of the SFSO — under Mirkarimi — that illegals should not be held.  SFSO asked for the Mexican suspect to be transferred to their agency so that they could free him.

Sanctuary-Cities-CartoonI wrote that San Francisco helped to kill Kate Steinle here.

I wrote that Mirkarimi was personally complicit here.

Ross Mirkarimi, go back to smoking your bags of dope, your fairies, pink ponies, unicorns and purple skies.

One further suggestion: stay the FUCK out of law enforcement.




Matt BevinThe Republican who ran and won the governor’s seat on Tuesday, was OUTSPENT 3-to-1 by the Demorats.  There is no way conservative businessman Matt Bevin should have won.

Yet the Republican won the governor’s spot in Kentucky.  He was only the second Republican to potentially occupy the governor’s desk in 40 years.  Four decades of Demorat rule.

Guess somebody is saying “how did Matt Bevan pull it off?”


In a word.

This does not bode well for Demorats.  Won’t admit it.  Wouldn’t be prudent.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a Republican is now Governor-elect.  This is the Demorats’ pouty-face.

Matt Bevan ran on anti-ObakaKare and he won.  The Demorat turnout sucked.  Guess what?  Cows and bourbon distilleries can’t vote.  And there clearly weren’t enough dead Chicagoans to influence the voting results.


Not only did the Demorats get their asses kicked in Kentucky — installing a white Conservative male as governor of Kentucky — a Conservative black female was elected as Lieutenant Governor, Jenean Hampton.

Jenean Hamptom Lt Gov KentuckyAn Aunt Thomasina.  A sellout.  A black beyotch.  Worse yet: she served in the US military.  An even more craven sellout.

First African American ever in statewide Kentucky office.

This is a woman who has not acknowledged Black Lives Matter.  She has not been educated at the feet of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, or Stokely Carmichael or H. Rap Brown or Eldredge Cleaver or Cinque or Angela Davis.

It gets worse.  Hampton is a TEA Party activist who — gulp — dared to marry not a black male, but a Caucasoid male doctor who also served in the United States Air Force.

Jenean Hampton and HusbandThis a terrible precedent to set for the state of Kentucky.  Reprehensible.  What were the voters thinking?

Not only did a young Caucasoid male win the state house, he brought with him a Conservative young black female as well for Lieutenant Governor.

Because, of course, as we all know, Caucasoids and specifically Republicans/Conservatives are such incredible racists.

But let’s think for a moment: just how many times did Demorats have the opportunity to install a black male or female into a statewide position?

That’s right: all of them.



Soros: no borders, UN uber alles

George-Soros-SCGeorge Soros finally came out and admitted what he is: a billionaire globalist who’d rather have decisions made by a one-world body — for the betterment of all, of course.  No more nation states, no more sovereignty, borders go-to-hell.


Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis: ‘National Borders Are The Obstacle’

by Nick Hallett

Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis.

“This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said.

“This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.”

In a word: yes.  George Soros is encouraging the migrant crisis.  Except that it isn’t a “migrant” crisis; it’s a Muslim invasion.  Let’s be clear.  Words have meanings.

But here is the real doctrine that Soros embraces, fully and completely — finally – exposed.

Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.”

“His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

Repeat: “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

It can only be concluded that George Soros is for the fundamental restructuring of Europe, from one with historical roots, many individual countries with individual cultures, languages, identities — and even secularism — to one grounded in Islam which, of course, is much more than just a religion.  It is a way of patterning the brain itself.

Europe, you see, isn’t being flooded by Buddhists or Hindus — who truly do believe in peace.  It is being flooded with Muslims, of which peace is about the last thing they cherish.  The Borg, spilled blood, pedophilia, clitorectomies, misogyny, no manner of coexistence — those are the things Islam treasures.  Islam is a Death Cult, hijacked by barbarians as it were.  I don’t care what people say Islam may be, I care what Islam truly is and how it is practiced.  Islam is as Islam does, and what it does is pure evil.

Europe doesn’t know it yet, but Europe as it knew itself is doomed.  It is fundamentally changed and there is no going back. German citizens are being told to cover up their Islam and Coexistencedaughters so as “not to offend” young Muslim males.  Again, indicating that the property of “being Muslim” is the most central to all of the invaders.  Not assimilation.  Muslims do not assimilate.  They do not coexist.  It is physically and conceptually foreign and anathema to them.  They do not bend to you; you must bend to them.  Add the GOWP factor and you understand my “Europe is doomed” theme.

Repeat, to Leftist Europeans: there is no going back.  Your governments are seeing to that.

Obama swore that he would fundamentally change America.  He is doing precisely that by purposely loosening our southern borders so that we may be flooded with Mexicans and others who do not belong here — even terrorists who wish to do us physical harm, as well.  They all know how to cross.  Obama is doing it for the votes, so that Demorats may remain in power in perpetuity.  Those members of the GOPEE are going along because of corporatists like Disney who see H1B’ers displacing actual Americans as a cheaper source of labor.  They don’t bitch as much as Americans.  Yet.  Speaking of bitching. ***

But here’s the funny thing.  America is America for a reason.  People wish to come here for a reason.  It is because — for a limited time only, get it while you can! — America is still unlike most every other country.  It is clean, it is good, it was founded by rational men with excellent ideas who believed in the fundamental harnessing of government.  It is — for a limited time only, get it while you can! — a Christian nation.  It is — for a limited time only, get it while you can! — the most free nation on the planet.  Our First and Second Amendments guarantee that — for a limited time only, enjoy them while you can!.

America is America for a reason.  It is what the source country of the applicable illegal invaders isn’t.  But because demography is prophecy — a concept clearly too basic for many Leftists to Grok — the country being invaded will eventually become the country from which the invaders were fleeing.  By dint of human nature.

George Soros is helping to enable this feature here in the United States.  As is Barack Hussein Obama, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Demorats and members of the GOPEE (GOP Establishment Elites).

Without assimilation and immersion into the invaded country, invaders want to continue speaking their language, isolating themselves, insisting on their own laws from their source country, and wanting everyone else to be more like them.  GOWPs enable that mindset by not insisting on immersion and assimilation.

Teddy Roosevelt was prescient when he said:

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

These days, a politician making a similar statement would be boiled in the crucible of public opinion.  That does not, however, lessen the importance of its fundamental truth.  It was a truthful statement then and equally truthful today.

As a nation we don’t learn from history.  George Santayana was right.  I call it “Historical Alzheimers.”  Europe isn’t learning from history either.

Europe is being changed, and not for the better.

We are next.



***  Speaking of bitching?  How about the illegal Syran Muslim invaders who aren’t asking but are instead demanding — by way of a lawsuit — that their Free EuroCheese be delivered with greater alacrity?  Who says you can’t teach a Muslim dog to learn new tricks?

It seems some Europeans actually starting to re-think that “guns are terrible” Euromeme and longing for their own version of a Second Amendment might become a burgeoning trend.  Logic will tend to do that.


GOWPs in LeftyLand

GOWP LeftThink

Figure 1: GOWP (Guilty Overeducated White Person), one each, female, with dreadlocks. Note superior smirk. Knows how your life should be run, better than you.

I own an elitist German car.  Ask any Leftist.  I had just gotten back into said car after having rolled into the local Mendocino market for groceries and snark. When I got into the car I slammed the door with a tad bit more enthusiasm than customary.  My wife asked “what’s wrong?”  She’s prescient that way.

Mendocino, for the uninitiated, is Leftist Central for Mendocino County which, by extension, is pretty much LC for Fornicalia.  Bernie Sanders signs are everywhere.  The young kids wear dreadlocks and hang around Moody’s Organic Coffee Bar.  Uh yeah.  The kids are Caucasoids.  Occasionally an errant young black male makes his way through and is kindly asked to leave the town by its elders.  They have to retain its detached unicorn-and-pink-pony-filled artsy-fartsy air, you see.  As a result, no thump car, hoopti or black gangbanger with shit-stained underwear exposed in sight.  Mendocino has standards.

Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 198Let’s back up a moment.  My wife and I like to vacation by the ocean.  We live in Occupied Fornicalia so that means the Pacific Ocean.  We stay anywhere from Morro Bay in the south up to Eureka in the north.  And points beyond.  For the past two weeks we have been staying in a cottage in Mendocino.  We don’t do motels any more because we don’t much like the public, she and I.  We are both in love with each other that way.  We like to rent cottages and condos and homes.  Something with a full kitchen, big bed, Jacuzzi and a great view.

Occasionally one must needs make a shopping trip.  That happened last night at the store mentioned in the very first paragraph.  And from here the story unfolds.

There is one check stand open.  I am fifth in line with a few things in my hands.  A “few things” because I’ve forgotten my personal shopping bag.  Yes, Mendocino is one of those Leftist towns that has done away with horrible, repressive and environment-killing plastic bags.  You either bring your own or you can pay for a paper bag.  I don’t “pay” for bags.

My “bag” is a large red plastic laundry tub that I carry into a store and shove ahead of me because it mostly doesn’t fit in the aisles and it takes up altogether too much space at checkout.  Some persons have accused me of attempting to make a statement.  I disagree.  I simply find the tub practical.  Who knows just how much stuff you’re going to purchase with each market visit?  I don’t.  I want to be prepared.  I’m just not prepared today.

The guy before me has one of the small wheeled shopping carts favorited by this market.  The checker rings up his stuff, he leaves, the cart is first in line now, about even with the checker.  Three people are behind.  I am now fourth in line.  The three people behind the cart don’t move.  They seem perplexed.  Do we move the cart?  The checker should move the cart.  We shouldn’t move the cart.  We can’t touch it, it isn’t ours.  Will someone think us pushy if we touch the cart and move it out of the way?  The checker is quiet.  The three ahead of me are quiet.  It’s a standoff.  Cart vs GOWP.  At this point the cart is winning.  I can almost hear the gears grinding in the skulls of the three Leftist ‘tards before me.  I can see word balloons above their heads filled with “What do I do?” and “I don’t want to appear to be hasty.” and “What will others think if I make a decision here?”

The cart, however, still keeps winning.

BZ couldn’t take it anymore.  He tapped his Inner Sheepdog.

I stepped in front of all three, shoved the cart brusquely (I like that word) to the left, grabbed three of the wide, hard plastic separators that delineate people’s stuff on the grocery belt, and slapped them down.  “You put your shit here,” I said to the first person.  “You put your shit here,” I said to the second person.  “And you put your shit here,” I said to the third.

All three did as I said.  The checker checked.  The patrons paid.  No one said a word.  A second line was opened.  No one said a word there either.  Customers near the checkout area were quiet as they walked by.  I decided to pay in cash.  “Jesus, you pussies,” I mumbled.  “Get a fucking life.  Make a decision.”  I left the store.  I didn’t get into a Prius.

I’m sure my “performance” was talked about after I left.  They surely didn’t and wouldn’t have the guts to do so in the minute.

Leftist Mendocino, Sphere of GOWP Insanity

Figure 2: Mendocino, CA, Leftist Central for Occupied Fornicalia. Beautiful but insane.

So there you have it.  GOWPs in their finest hour.  Shocked, I tell you.  I shocked them all.  Frankly, I would like to have been a fly on the wall for the next half hour.

I feel sorry for the Mendocino County Sheriff Department deputies — the Sheepdogs — who have to respond to calls for “my dealer has been selling me inferior weed.”  Or most any other call for service in Mendocino.  Beautiful area.  Stupid sheep.

Luckily for Mendocino, wolves not allowed.




As I write this, the door to the outside deck is open.  It is raining in Mendocino and I can hear the drops hitting the skylight overhead.  I can also hear the waves crashing outside near the headlands.  The Jacuzzi is running and the fireplace crackling.  It just doesn’t get any better than this.