The GOP is at a “moral disadvantage”?

First, the article from

Brooks: Trump Has Put GOP ‘At a Moral Disadvantage’

by Ian Hanchett

On Friday’s (October 12) “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that President Trump’s behavior “has put the Republicans at a moral disadvantage.”


Hey Brooks and Shields. The president has the proverbial Bully Pulpit. He’s using it — as we expected prior Republican presidents to have done many times on numerous issues but failed to do so. He’s doing nothing that Barack Obama didn’t already do for eight years.

And note the words: under Obama it was “energizing people.” Under Trump it’s “inflaming people.” You’re both partisan hacks. Your words reveal it. You want to see two old, angry white men? You need look no further than Shields and Brooks. Demorats both.

But what is actually revealed in that premise? Easily this: Demorats have predominantly never held the moral high ground. You have to have it to lose it. Except when you never possessed it in the first place. Demorats completely have no sense of facts, history, logic, rationality, proportion, tradition or common sense. But hey, how many Leftists care about that? About 1%. If that much. There’s your “one per-centers.”

At the risk of being risky, let me remind everyone of a common tenet in politics: “meet words with words, and actions with actions.”

When Republicans meet Demorats with words, Republicans either lose or apologize. When Republicans meet Demorat actions with actions, they are accused of heinous acts. Always.

Donald Trump has soiled that tenet. He doesn’t wait to make defensive moves. He makes proactive moves first. He’s not a politician nor is he much interested in the standard Marquess of Queensberry rules. He’s a brawler and a large presence. Freely admitted. He’s a New York real estate tycoon who knows how to cut deals. And how to cut others out of deals.

Obama was never a brawler. He never threw out inciteful rhetoric.

Obama never wanted to kick anyone’s ass.

Obama: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” Good luck finding that video on YouTube. June 13th, 2008: “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy.’ If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

And this:

Sorry, back to President Trump. This guy is 72 years old and outworks most everyone around him — and has for years. He sleeps four to five hours a night. And he has consistently shat on the status quo in DC since his election. Which is why he is simultaneously beloved by some and resoundingly despised by the remainder.

Let there be no mistake. I’m not much interested any more in bipartisanship or compromise or acquiescence or being conciliatory. I want to hose Leftists and Demorats and the American Media Maggots because I know they are wrong and I am right.

I make no bones about it: in their way lies ruin. In Conservatism lies freedom and liberty.

Demorats and freedom are totally incongruent. So when I hear or read of the LDAMM accusing Republicans of any kind of “moral disadvantage,” I larf my arse off and think of losers like Bill Kristol or George Will or John McCain. None of whom are or were actual Conservatives. They were out for themselves.

And therein lies the tale and the truth.

I voted for Donald Trump because, frankly, I wanted him to break shit.

And the more he is opposed, the more firmly I am in his camp. I don’t much care any more what he says. I’m all about deeds, not words. I want results.

“Moral disadvantage.” Right.

Hey Dave: what if Republicans keep the House and the Senate in 25 days? Kinda blows your thin thesis up, yes?

Let me make things even more obvious. I don’t give one whit about any kind of moral advantage. The way Demorats are playing these days, I only care about saving this nation.

And that revolves around one thing: winning.

Kicking Demorat ass.

By any means legal.



Kanye West, the mentally defective token negro/white supremacist/race traitor

All of those terrible things above, yes, said by Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots. Not one of those reprehensible utterances escaped the lips of any Republican or Conservative.

Imagine that. And it all stemmed from a meeting between rapper Kanye West and President Trump, and others, in the Oval Office this past Thursday the 11th. Let’s listen.

Kanye West, essentially, went “stream of consciousness” that day in the presence of the president, retired football great Jim Brown and a horde of reporters.

Kanye West: “If he don’t look good, we don’t look good, this is our president.”

Jim Brown: “You know why I’m here? I’m here to serve.”

Then the American Media Maggots went full tilt racist. Plus. And then some.

Don Lemon thinks Kanye is a “minstrel show.” Don Lemon thinks Kanye’s mother is “rolling over in her grave.” Don Lemon thinks Kanye should go get some mental help. Don Lemon doesn’t seem to care for white people. Which is quite odd, considering his last two boyfriends, John Byrne and Tim Malone, have both been white. Apparently Don Lemon doesn’t mind tapping white sphincters because, I suppose, they’re useful sperm repositories. Where’s the love for black men, Don Lemon? A little Caucasoid Fever, Don Lemon?

Let’s continue. Demorat Representative Jackie Speier said this about the meeting: “I felt like I was sitting in on a psychiatric visit and a commercial for Donald Trump.”

Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote in The Atlantic:

I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye

Kanye West wants freedom—white freedom.

Kanye west, a god in this time, awakened, recently, from a long public slumber to embrace Donald Trump. He hailed Trump, as a “brother,” a fellow bearer of “dragon energy,” and impugned those who objected as suppressors of “unpopular questions,” “thought police” whose tactics were “based on fear.” It was Trump, West argued, not Obama, who gave him hope that a black boy from the South Side of Chicago could be president. “Remember like when I said I was gonna run for president?,” Kanye said in an interview with the radio host Charlamagne Tha God. “I had people close to me, friends of mine, making jokes, making memes, talking shit. Now it’s like, oh, that was proven that that could have happened.”

Bad Kanye. Evil Kanye. Why are no longer a water carrier, you evil bastard? Clearly, Kanye West is a mental defective. But even worse, he’s irrelevant because of his age.

West is 40 years old, a product of the Crack era and Reaganomic Years, a man who remembers the Challenger crash and The Cosby Show before syndication. But he never fell into the bitterness of his peers. He could not be found chasing ghosts, barking at Soulja Boy, hectoring Lil Yachty, and otherwise yelling at clouds. 

Better than yelling at traffic on street corners, I suppose.

So Ta-Nahesi just concludes in that May 2018 article that, as Chris Rock says, Kanye is just “ig’nant.”

What Kanye West seeks is what Michael Jackson sought—liberation from the dictates of that we. In his visit with West, the rapper T.I. was stunned to find that West, despite his endorsement of Trump, had never heard of the travel ban. “He don’t know the things that we know because he’s removed himself from society to a point where it don’t reach him,” T.I. said. West calls his struggle the right to be a “free thinker,” and he is, indeed, championing a kind of freedom—a white freedom, freedom without consequence, freedom without criticism, freedom to be proud and ignorant; freedom to profit off a people in one moment and abandon them in the next; a Stand Your Ground freedom, freedom without responsibility, without hard memory; a Monticello without slavery, a Confederate freedom, the freedom of John C. Calhoun, not the freedom of Harriet Tubman, which calls you to risk your own; not the freedom of Nat Turner, which calls you to give even more, but a conqueror’s freedom, freedom of the strong built on antipathy or indifference to the weak, the freedom of rape buttons, pussy grabbers, and fuck you anyway, bitch; freedom of oil and invisible wars, the freedom of suburbs drawn with red lines, the white freedom of Calabasas.

Kanye isn’t a “real” black man. He isn’t down for the “struggle.” He has no idea how to keep anything “real.” She affirms this with her last words.

And so for Kanye West, I wonder what he might be, if he could find himself back into connection, back to that place where he sought not a disconnected freedom of “I,” but a black freedom that called him back—back to the bone and drum, back to Chicago, back to Home.

Here is Professor Michael Eric Dyson of Georgetown University calling Kanye West a white supremacist.

“This is white supremacy by ventriloquism. A black mouth is moving, but white racist ideals are flowing from Kanye’s mouth.” Seems pretty clear to me: Kanye West is a white supremacist. You heard it from the mouth of a racist himself. What has BZ said for years? “No one is equal until everyone is equal”?

As a Leftist troll instructed me on Twitter: “He’s off his meds.” He can’t be trusted. He’s a massive sycophant. He cannot be provided attention. But I ask: trust to do what? And for whom? And “even if,” doesn’t Kanye West “get” to have an opinion and express it in public? Further, how is it that my Leftist troll knows precisely what’s percolating about in the head of Kanye West? How does my Leftist troll know that Kanye hasn’t been taking his meds for the past month? Is my Leftist troll a psychiatrist? Are any of the LDAMM psychiatrists who diagnose? Hardly. Yet they’re the first to point and say “j’accuse.”

It’s not like black celebrities haven’t been invited to the White House before under the, ahem, “previous administration.” That was just peachy. What’s the difference between then and now? Oh yeah. Political ideology. Support for Trump. Trump is evil. People who support Trump are evil. Therefore Kanye West is evil. I get it.

Furthermore, remember: Leftists do not comport to any definition of a “mob” whatsoever. Don’t say the word. Don’t even think the word.

Candace Owens weighed in.

As did more members of #WalkAway.

As did Tucker Carlson.

Let me tell you what this was, and what you saw.

More indicia to suggest that November 6th might not go well for Demorats.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 10-11-18 with guest KARI BAXTER DONOVAN

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Make no mistake: until November 6th, I’ll be doing my best to point out the obvious: there is great news out there for Conservatives. We must remain positive, and we must get out and vote.

We cannot afford to be smug or complacent with the win involving Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This is the time to double down on resolution, to commit to supporting anything and everything that isn’t a Demorat, a Leftist or the American Media Maggots.

We can’t afford to listen to the bad news Leftists are going to ratchet up and continue to spew about Conservatives and our chances in November. We know they lie, they are biased and they publish falsehoods with impunity. The American Media Maggots are nothing more than the publishing arm of Demorats and Leftists.

We have to vote red in November. We have to keep the House, and we have to keep the Senate. We must mail in our absentee ballots. We can let nothing deter us from appearing at the polls on November 6th, no matter the circumstances, no matter the weather.

Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots want to destroy Conservatives and Conservatism, eliminate us, hurt us both politically and, these days, physically as well. We cannot let this stand.

Commitment. Resolution. Fortitude. Stand up for America and for the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Because if you don’t?

No one else will.

Vote red on November 6th. Keep America great.

Hour 1: BZ spoke to KARI BAXTER DONOVANBZ‘s East Coast Political Goddess — who has her own news site at Populist.Media. Go there for all makes and models of citizen journalism. She weighed in on Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the culture wars involving men and women, Leftists, Leftist violence and various other breaking stories from her website. She also recommended, as an alternate to Facebook, I threw my two cents in for, a social media site I’ve heard about on the radio. KBD was, as per normal, her usual tuned-in, spot-on gracious self!

Hour 2: BZ proffered some Happy Stories as well as updates about Conservative news, the situation regarding Judge Kavanaugh and, of course, a great Kurt Schlichter article! And more!

BZ thanked America’s truckers for listening to the show, and thanked them for the job they do in terms of keeping America moving.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 10-11-18” on Spreaker.

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Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

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