BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 6-7-18

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

We are continuing to have phone issues in the studio so I decided it was going to be a one-man show tonight replete, however, with more buttery political goodness than most normal individuals are accustomed.

Two news stories broke just before the show:

Then the rest of the show ran pretty much as follows:

  • Ron White got thrown out of a bar in New York;
  • Worth playing again: Trump’s Election Night Compilation;
  • SCOTUS rules for Colorado baker — only;
  • SCOTUS rules against hot-and-cold-running abortions for illegals;
  • Jeff Sessions: the most dangerous man in DC so far?
  • Stefan Halper was the Page/Papadopoulos “honey trap;”
  • Halper inserted the Russian Connection;
  • WHO signed off on inserting Stefan Halper?
  • Barack Hussein Obama was completely uninvolved in government;
  • In his case, ignorance is in fact bliss;

Plus more and more and more buttery political goodness exposing the Master of Puppets for eight years following 2008: Barack Hussein Obama.

For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has recently been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-execrable potty-mouthed goodness. Quarter in a hat.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, well, you can’t. No one can. Not even Mark Zuckerberg. Spreaker crapped out last night, entirely. But: good news.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow in the middle of the video. Please SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here. Kindly LIKE us on Facebook. You can FOLLOW us on Twitter @SHRMediaGroup. Please FOLLOW ol’ BZ @BZep. Thanks so much.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. If you wish to interact with myself and the bulk of the chatters, I heartily recommend and invite you into the SHR Media page for complete and utter satisfaction or triple your money back. Only a slight 92% restocking fee involved. Offer not valid in Bolivia or on Zephron.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTube? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



The further incredible tolerance of Sarah Sanders

I’ll readily admit up front that I am a rather judgmental person and my BSTL (Bullshit Tolerance Level) has dwindled over the years as well as my tolerance for ignorance and rudeness. That said even ten years ago I could not have done the job that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is doing today as White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary.

Any semblance of fairness or courtesy displayed to her is gone. Because she is linked to President Trump, the gloves are off. She is, in the minds of Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots as evil as Trump himself as she is doing his bidding, they believe.

You want evidence? Watch and listen to both April Ryan and James Acosta.

Then, Jim Acosta.

Attacked like this every day, my civility would rot after the first session and, clearly, I would be fired.

How Sarah Sanders can take it on the chin like this with ad hominem attacks, attacks on her looks (The Daily Beast calling her a “butch queen”) — ? What about this personal attack from foaming “journalist” Brian Karem?

Then there was the Washington

Then there was this knee-slapping skit from Chelsea Handler. How odd; women attacking women. Oh, right. It’s okay if you’re attacking Conservative women.

Sarah Sanders has to operate with the patience of Job and the grace of a saint under fire like this every day, five days a week and sometimes multiple times per day.

I couldn’t do it.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 6-5-18, with guest DAN BUTCHER

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Right off the bat DAN BUTCHER called in and I played for him the Virginia pursuit of what the media termed an armored personnel carrier but is actually the M577 armored command vehicle.

In relation to that, I talked about the San Diego M-60 Patton tank pursuit from 1995.

I also talked about the Extreme Sandbox franchise where you can drive all kinds of heavy duty construction equipment like graders and bulldozers and excavators — just for an arseload of fun.

After that, I played the Jeff Foxworthy cut about women having more questions than men — a situation that occurs in the BZ household almost every day.

After that, there were “phone issues” though I wrongly believed these issues had been corrected earlier in the day. Heavy sigh.

Dan and I were, off and on roughly every five to seven minutes, able to talk about

  • Federal appeals court okays the Texas ID law;
  • California’s Motor Voter Law has resulted in 10,000 duplicate voter applications;
  • Dan talked about the Texas shooter and the factors involved in creating such a terrible societal monster;
  • BZ announces that Tarzana Joe will be on the show sometime soon;
  • CA Demorat Eric Swalwell wears tinfoil. No doubt about it;
  • We finish the show with revelations about former CIA Director John Brennan.

For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has recently been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-execrable potty-mouthed goodness. Quarter in a hat.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 6-5-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow in the middle of the video. Please SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here. Kindly LIKE us on Facebook. You can FOLLOW us on Twitter @SHRMediaGroup. Please FOLLOW ol’ BZ @BZep. Thanks so much.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. If you wish to interact with myself and the bulk of the chatters, I heartily recommend and invite you into the SHR Media page for complete and utter satisfaction or triple your money back. Only a slight 92% restocking fee involved. Offer not valid in Bolivia or on Zephron.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTube? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



The powder keg beneath US

By most standards, there are seven continents on our planet.

They include Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

I live in North America. The continent direct beneath North America, South America, threatens us in ways I submit altogether too many people don’t recognize, from our politicians to our electorate. You and me, we are aware — and all our bells and klaxons are going off.

We already know that both major US parties — Demorats and Republicans — have been corrupted into promoting the continuing rush of more illegals from Mexico. I value clarity and honesty. So let’s be honest and clear. The Demorats want as many illegals as possible to enter the Untied States because its present citizenry can no longer be counted upon to vote Leftist en masse in perpetuity. The election of Donald Trump was their proverbial Political Turd In The Punchbowl.

And altogether too many EstabliHack Republicans, let’s be blunt, want to utilize immigrants as Cheap Labor. Keep their capitalist friends happy. I have nothing against Capitalism. I just want the playing field tilted towards actual American citizens.

It’s shockingly easy to draw this conclusion — no matter what Republicans say — for one very simple reason. The GOP hasn’t rallied around E-Verify and sent bill after bill demanding that all US businesses comply with its usage. E-Verify isn’t mandatory. It’s just a kinda-sorta-maybe “hint.” I rest my case.

Listen to Ron Paul. He illustrates perfectly why I separate with Libertarians here. He makes a straw man argument instead of the one he should make: real Americans keeping real American jobs.

Mark Krikorian at writes:

In a sense, universal use of E-Verify would be a major step toward making legal status a labor standard. Few employers are tempted to hire children, after all, and that’s only partly out of fear of punishment; it has become a social norm, a habit, not to hire kids. But while it’s easy to tell if a job applicant is an 11-year-old, employers need E-Verify to tell if he’s a legal worker.

Why isn’t E-Verify already in use nationwide? Politics. Democrats in Congress have held E-Verify hostage to amnesty; they consider it a bargaining chip. But the source of the public resistance to amnesty is the belief — the certainty — that it would simply be a replay of 1986, with the promises of future enforcement dropped as soon as the amnesty was complete.

Mandating E-Verify would not only be an important enforcement tool, it would also be an important political step toward resolving our current immigration mess.

In other words, why not try to stop those tempted to enter the US illegally before they actually approach the physical proximity to our southern border? Doesn’t that make the most sense of all — at least in terms of the “jobs” aspect?

Further, H1-B visas are popular in the GOP world because they enable corporations to kick Americans aside for their less expensive and eminently-willing replacements. Check the slant of this article. After all, why shouldn’t Prakeem Prakesh take your job when he’s willing to work at a lesser wage rate than you — the penultimate selfish Americano bastardo/bastardette? You’re a cog. You must be replaced. By a cheaper cog. Doing the same job. You submitted a

Disney has already kicked out Americans for cheaper H-1B imports. Worse yet: those Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements.

Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements.

by Julia Preston

ORLANDO, Fla. — The employees who kept the data systems humming in the vast Walt Disney fantasy fief did not suspect trouble when they were suddenly summoned to meetings with their boss.

While families rode the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and searched for Nemo on clamobiles in the theme parks, these workers monitored computers in industrial buildings nearby, making sure millions of Walt Disney Worldticket sales, store purchases and hotel reservations went through without a hitch. Some were performing so well that they thought they had been called in for bonuses.

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.

“I just couldn’t believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly,” said one former worker, an American in his 40s who remains unemployed since his last day at Disney on Jan. 30. “It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can’t grasp it.”

Disney executives said that the layoffs were part of a reorganization, and that the company opened more positions than it eliminated.

Thank you and fuck you. Get out. Oh yeah. Train your replacement first. But wait; there’s more. Oh so much more.

We haven’t even touch the issue of Merit-Based Immigration, the same type of immigration system Canada has (shhh, quiet, don’t tell anyone) had for years. Chinese immigrants to Canada had to have an occupational skill and a minimum of $10,000 bankable for entry. Okay. For once, Canada had a great idea. Yay Canucks.

Then there is the cry of the “political refugee” or the “asylum” seekers.

Mexico, Central America, South America, is a political, societal, cultural and budgetary powder keg waiting to explode into our North American faces. It isn’t just about Mexico; oh no. So much more.

These days, of course, you’d be stupid to take the former “Mexican Riviera” cruise on any number of cruise lines these days. You’d just as likely be killed or kidnapped at Cabo San Lucas. No more “king’s X” for Cabo. If you want hanging dead bodies, well, look no farther than Cabo.

Six bodies hung from bridges near Mexico’s Los Cabos tourist resort

by Reuters Staff

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – The bodies of six men were found hanging from three different bridges near the Mexican tourist resort of Los Cabos on the Baja California peninsula on Wednesday, local authorities said.

The authorities did not give details on what happened to the men, but drug gangs often hang the bodies of their murdered victims in public to intimidate rivals. Drug gang violence is set to make 2017 Mexico’s deadliest year in modern history.

There were once-friendly tourist areas in Mexico. Not so much now. Maybe it really is time to call for more tequila. On your own back porch. Right here in the US.

Because the dirty little lie, the dirty little concealed truth is, this, from

‘Breathtaking homicidal violence’: Latin America in grip of murder crisis

by Tom Phillips

Region has experienced 2.5 million murders since 2000 and report paints bleak picture of extreme violence and deteriorating security

Latin America has suffered more than 2.5m murders since the start of this century and is facing an acute public security crisis that demands urgent and innovative solutions, a new report warns.

“The sheer dimensions of homicidal violence are breathtaking,” says the report by the Igarapé Institute, a Brazil-based thinktank focused on security and development issues.

The publication, released on Thursday, paints a bleak portrait of what it calls the world’s most homicidal continent.

Wait for it.

Latin America suffers 33% of the world’s homicides despite having only 8% of its population. One-quarter of all global homicides are concentrated in four countries – Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela – all of which are gearing up for presidential elections in which security is a dominant theme.

“Latin America is a large area and there are lots of variations. But as a region – including Mexico down to Central America and South America – the rate of homicide is set to continue increasing up until 2030.The only other places we are seeing similar kinds of increases are in parts of southern and central Africa and some war zones.”

Perchance time to dial back your enthusiasm for a future Mexican, Central or South American vacation fling.

“The overall trend right now in Latin America is one of increasing homicides and deteriorating security,” said Robert Muggah, one of the report’s authors.

“Latin America is a large area and there are lots of variations. But as a region – including Mexico down to Central America and South America – the rate of homicide is set to continue increasing up until 2030.The only other places we are seeing similar kinds of increases are in parts of southern and central Africa and some war zones.”

Then there’s simply the issue of Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro was “elected” again and has been the 63rd president of the country since 2013 under the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. In the meantime, following the reign of Hugo Chavez and his death, Maduro has managed to turn Venezuela into a ruined nation where people have eaten zoo animals, are turning their children over to orphanages because they can’t afford to take care of them, they sell their hair, there are mob riots over food shortages, almost 90% of Venezuelans live in poverty and, on average, have lost 24 pounds.

Currency controls restrict food imports, hyperinflation eats into salaries, and people line up for hours to buy basics like flour. If it can be found at all. Concurrently, prices in Venezuela rose 4,068% in the 12 months to the end of January, according to estimates by the country’s opposition-led National Assembly, broadly in line with independent economists’ figures.

Nations bordering Venezuela are directly affected, of course. From

Colombia, Brazil Deploy More Security Forces to Venezuela Border

by Ryan M. Outtrim

Colombia says it will send more than 2000 more troops to its border with Venezuela, with Brazil replicating the measure.

On Thursday, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said he had ordered the deployment of 3000 additional security personnel to the Venezuelan border. This figure included 2120 more soldiers. He claimed the reason behind such moves was to control problems created by Venezuelan migrants.

Among the new restrictions was the suspension of a daily visitor card for Venezuelans.

Similar border measures have also been introduced by Brazil, which has announced plans to double its border patrols on the Venezuelan frontier.

The new measures come at a time of increased tension between Venezuela’s left-wing government, and the right-wing governments in Colombia and Brazil.

The Venezuelan military is being affected as well. Because, as history indicates, when a dictator loses his military he also loses his safety. From the

‘Pressure Cooker’: Discontent Rises in Venezuela Military as Economy Dives

by John Otis and Juan Forero

The coup plot by disgruntled Venezuelan military officers in March was audacious: Seize control of the capital’s military bases, arrest President Nicolás Maduro and install a provisional government to replace his authoritarian regime.

To avoid detection for a year, conspiring officers eschewed phone calls, texts and emails, and instead sent messages via couriers, said an Army captain who helped plan the thwarted coup. They plotted during seemingly impromptu soccer matches.

Before they could act, though, Mr. Maduro’s intelligence services discovered the plot—described by military analysts as the most serious to date against his government. Authorities quickly arrested nine of the rebel officers, including the head of the largest armored battalion in the capital, and Mr. Maduro’s former interior minister.

Discontent in the barracks is at an all-time high, current and former military officers say. Shortages of food, evaporating salaries and desertions have turned the armed forces into a cauldron of conspiracies against Mr. Maduro, these people say.

One air force lieutenant, who deserted in March after a decade in uniform, said in a telephone interview from Argentina that the collapse of the currency had reduced his monthly paycheck to the equivalent of $10. Unable to afford a car or an apartment, he rode a bicycle to the base and moved in with his wife’s parents.

“What kind of military forces its officers live with their in-laws?” he said.

What’s really going on in Venezuela?

Then there’s Nicaragua. Nicaragua is in revolt these days  President Daniel Ortega’s social security reforms aren’t playing well with the electorate which has created a general anti-government uprising. Recent protests left 27 people dead, shot by government forces. In the meantime Ortega installed his wife as Vice President in 2017. What nepotism? Electoral fraud and censorship abound. At least for the time being, Daniel Ortega is now what he found against in the 80s.

Finally, there’s Mexico itself. Again. Directly adjacent the US. What happens when — not if — Mexico goes hard aport?

The front-runner in Mexico’s July presidential election is Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador (known as AMLO), and he happens to be great friends with Jeremy Corbyn, the massive UK Leftist leader of the Labor Party.

Both AMLO and Corbyn support Maduro, love Communist Cuba and all things a fusion of Communist/Socialist. If AMLO is elected as is forecasted, another potential Venezuela abuts the United States.

There is this, from the


by Dominic Mancini

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

He then declared it as “a human right we will defend,” reports.

This is Mexico itself attempting to Cloward-Piven the entire United States, with Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots in full lock-step. They — the LDAMM — have no idea what that would truly mean for the US.

This is what we want in the United States, US politicians? Are you sure of that, US politicians? From

More than 100 politicians have been murdered in Mexico ahead of Sunday’s election

by Natasha Turak

  • More than 100 politicians in Mexico have been killed since September in the lead-up to the country’s election this Sunday, and more than 13,000 Mexicans have been killed since January.
  • In an 11 year war on drugs, Mexico has failed to control organized crime and criminal infiltration of local governments and law enforcement.
  • Some 20 or so percent of voters remain undecided, and security is expected to be a major factor in how they choose to vote.
Guadalajara, Mexico, June 10, 2018. According to official figures, more than 200,000 people have been murdered and over 30,000 have disappeared since the government launched a controversial military offensive against organized crime in late 2006.

Violence hit a record peak in Mexico last year with over 30,000 murders — and it is not slowing down. More than 100 politicians alone have been killed in the lead-up to the country’s election this Sunday.

Public officials and avtivists in Mexico face deadly threats even in broad daylight. Fernando Puron, a congressional candidate in the border city of Piedras Negras, was taking a selfie with a supporter when a gunman shot him in the head from behind. He was the 112th political hopeful to be killed since September.

The deaths reveal the depth of a crisis Mexico has failed to control: organized crime and criminal infiltration of local governments and law enforcement. And ahead of this weekend’s presidential and congressional elections, no candidate has been able to offer a credible plan to fight it.

Again I ask US politicians: are you sure you want these statistics in the United States? Are you sure you want more Steve Scalise situations, on both sides? Because by keeping the border doors open this is precisely what you are going to get.

More on Venezuela. What wonderful times Maduro has brought to Venezuela.


Venezuela’s hyperinflation at new dizzying high

Venezuela’s sky-high inflation soared to 24,571 percent in the past 12 months, lawmakers said Monday.

President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist government controls most of the country’s economy and is in the midst of an ever-deepening crisis with food and medicine in short supply.

Analysts blame what they call mismanagement of a state-led economy. That includes its control over hard currency, as well as low oil prices. Venezuela depends on crude oil for its earnings.

The government blames US sanctions and businessmen speculating on the problems.

Of course the US is at fault. Ask anyone on any topic. The US is always to blame.

The bottom line is this: literally every country to the south of the United States is either destabilized, in the throes of an evil government, subject to elitists ruling peasants, or in the process of being destabilized whilst killing any number of dissidents.

And it is during these times, concurrently, that Leftists and altogether too many Republicans are either indifferent or pushing hard against border controls for the United States.

The LDAMM are asking; no, demanding — that the same thing occurring in Mexico and farther south be replicated right here in the US: more corruption, more chaos, more bankrupt theories, more Socialism that never works. I’m sorry, we have enough of that right now in the US courtesy of the LDAMM.

Do you see any potential future threats building, I ask?

What happens when an entire continent wants to acquire refugee and/or asylum status in the US?



Sack Heads: AGAINST TYRANNY, Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

The Sack Heads Radio Show on the SHR Media Network is no more; in its stead — same time and day — is the Sack Heads: AGAINST TYRANNY Show (an actual SHAT Show) helmed by Sack Heads Clint and Sack Heads BZ.

Clint and BZ tear through the gristle of today’s screaming headlines and rip out the sinewy Tendons of Truth ensconced within, all from the Hoary Streets of Shatramento, Fornicalia, exposing the trembling toadies, sniveling jackanapes and fripperous fopdoodles infesting Leftist and Progressive ant farms nationally.

Tonight Clint talked about some damned crazy cap and trade scheme wherein California taxed you for your air consumption yet provided tax relief. A tax but a tax credit all in one. And a credit for every homeless or illegal criminal housed on the property. Makes perfect sense. For California.

Clint created the word “adultling.”

We also talked about Leftism run amok, Jerry Brown sending the National Guard to the border, “asshatininity,” “asshattery” and so on. Clint hit on “Reparations Happy Hour” in an Oregon bar and — well — you’ll just have to listen to the rest of it.

Herman Bell, a three-time cop killer, has now achieved the right to vote in the state of New York per Governor Cuomo. Conditional pardons to more than 20,000 parolees.

At least BZ’s conjunctivitis had run its damned grotty course. Thank Gaia for little favors. And thank Gaia for Clint’s animated presence in the show. This is why you want to watch!

There were oh-so-many-more topics and endearing moments in the show — the likes of which you really should partake. We can’t spill the beans here. You’ll just have to click on one of the viewing or listening means. Then sit back and regale in the bulbosity contained therein.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “Sack Heads: AGAINST TYRANNY, Wednesday, 5-30-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow in the middle of the video below. Please SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media YouTube channel!

If you care to watch this episode on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color, like any of the Quinn Martin productions), click right here. Kindly LIKE us and FRIENDus on Facebook.

Please FOLLOW the SHAT Show on Twitter @2againsttyranny.

BZ asks to remind everyone that the hosts only monitor the Shat Room here at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there are Shat rooms on Facebook and YouTube. We can only monitor one Shat room at a time so, please, we ask that you partake of the SHR Media Shat room. Heavy sigh: if only BZ had a producer.

-Want to listen to the SHAT Show archives in podcast? Go here.
-Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media Facebook page here.
-Want to watch past SHAT Shows on YouTube? Go here.

“SHAT is where it’s at.”

Thank you one and all for listening to, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right”!