Hillary LIES AGAIN: 15K MORE emails found

Hillary Clinton LIESYes yes, fine, go ahead, be like me.

Shake your head and wonder just where this nation is going — when a politician such as Hillary Rodham Clinton can lie to the American people, violate laws, and the Director of the FBI, James Comey, prefers no charges whatsoever.

Hillary lies about lying.  She lied to Patricia Smith, the mother of a Benghazi victim.  Then she lies about former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

For a refresher:

Judicial Watch released 44 additional Hillary email chains on August 10th:

Then this, from the WashingtonPost.com:

FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

by Spencer S. Hsu

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered 14,900 emails and documents from her time as secretary of state that had not been disclosed by her attorneys, and a federal judge on Monday pressed the State Department to begin releasing emails sooner than mid-October as it planned.

Justice Department lawyers said last week that the State Department would review and turn over Clinton’s work-related emails to a conservative legal group. The records are among “tens of thousands” of documents found by the FBI in its probe and turned over to the State Department, Justice Department attorney Lisa Ann Olson said Monday in court.

The 14,900 Clinton documents are nearly 50 percent more than the roughly 30,000 emails that Clinton’s lawyers deemed work-related and returned to the department in December 2014.

Read that again: “The 14,900 Clinton documents are nearly 50 percent more than the roughly 30,000 emails that Clinton’s lawyers deemed work-related and returned to the department in December 2014.”

This might be a good time to go back above and play that first video from Hillary Clinton again.  I could have sworn she said she turned everything in.

I probably just misheard her misspeak.

Note to Spencer Hsu: check the lug-nuts on your car every day, buddy.  Buying a mirror on a pole in order to look under your vehicle probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either, my friend.



Exposed: gag order on FBI agents in re Hillary

Hillary Clinton FBI InvestigatedFrom FoxNews.com:

‘Gag’ order: FBI confirms special secrecy agreements for agents in Clinton email probe

by Catherine Herridge & Pamela K. Browne

The FBI has confirmed to a senior Republican senator that agents were sworn to secrecy — and subject to lie detector tests — in the Hillary Clinton email probe, an extensive measure one former agent said could have a “chilling effect.”

A July 1 letter sent by a senior deputy to FBI Director James Comey to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, detailed the restrictions on agents. The letter, reviewed by Fox News, confirmed agents signed a “Case Briefing Acknowledgement” which says the disclosure of information is “strictly prohibited” without prior approval, and those who sign are subject to lie detector tests.

“The purpose of this form is to maintain an official record of persons knowledgeable of a highly sensitive Federal Bureau of Investigation counterintelligence investigation,” the agreement attached to the Grassley letter reads, “….I (FBI agent) also understand that, due to the nature and sensitivity of this investigation, compliance with these restrictions may be subject to verification by polygraph examination.”

In other words: the true nature of what was revealed shall never come out, agents.

A “chilling effect” is being kind.  It is a “suppression of freedom” effect.

When something like this occurs, there is always a reason.  What, at your greatest reach, do you possible suppose might be one reason for this?

A gold star for those of you who said “because Hillary and the FBI via the DOJ via Loretta Lynch via Barack Hussein Obama have cut a deal to ensure that the truth is not revealed regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails.”  Plain and simple.

It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to suss that one out.  THE.  FIX.  WAS.  IN.

Hillary Clinton LawsDemorats, Leftists and the like all bleat “this is much ado about nothing.”  I say: REVERSE THE ROLES.  A Republican did the same things Hillary did.  “Off with their head” would be the rallying cry from the American Media Maggots and everyone on the Left as well as Demorats.  There would be no time limit and no minimization.

“Silly wabbit.  Rules are for Proles, Groundlings, Serfs and Commoners.”



Thanks for Spokes for the h/t.

THIS is how an interrogator works

Ladies and gentlemen, the video below is well worth nine minutes of your time.  Finally, a politician — Trey Gowdy — cuts to the proverbial chase with pointed questions that do not utilize mealy-mouthed weasel words and word pablum.  He is nothing but clear.

As a law enforcement officer of 41 years and still a Sheepdog, Comey embarrasses me.  He dishonors his oath and denigrates those 100+ agents who worked for over a year on the Hillary Clinton server case.  I have been attacked on various forms of social media for daring to state the obvious, because those persons have no idea how the criminal justice system works.

Let there be no mistake: James Comey is nothing more than a POLITICAL HACK.  In my best and most gracious estimation, Comey thinks he “took one for his team.”

In my worst and most despicable interpretation, Comey has caved on every ethical principle.  James Comey is not a stupid individual.  Therefore, I can only conclude that his decision was proffered but upon his own career in mind and nothing else.

Shame on you, sir.  Shame on you.

You do not want to hear or read the thoughts I have of you now.

You have betrayed your law enforcement oath.


SHEEPDOG and Sheep


Comey REVEALS his flawed POLITICAL thinking

James Comey, No F B I

Make no mistake.  James Comey is a country-destroying weasel, first for not recommending the prosecution of Hillary Clinton, and second for not placing Hillary Clinton under oath or recording her in any fashion when interviewed on the July 4th weekend.  There is, thusly, no transcript of her interview.

To me it is quite clear that FBI Director James Comey, about whose probity I wrote quite a number of times on the blog, has dishonored his law enforcement oath, showing that he has no fidelity, no bravery and no integrity with regard to his decision to not recommend prosecution of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

But in today’s hearing with Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz as documented at Politico, James Comey revealed his flawed and craven, cowardly political thinking when one is familiar with law enforcement prosecutorial thresholds as I am.

Director Comey determined a manner in which to weasel his way out of recommending the prosecution of Clinton.  At Thursday’s hearing he went out of his way — again, just like Wednesday — to make his own case and then fall back on a position/decision that isn’t his to make.

FBI director: Clinton’s statements were not true

by Nick Gass

FBI Director James Comey confirmed on Thursday that some of Hillary Clinton’s statements and explanations about her email server to the House Benghazi Committee last October were not true, as evidenced by the bureau’s investigation into whether she mishandled classified information.

During an extended exchange with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), Comey affirmed that the FBI’s investigation found information marked classified on her server even after Clinton had said that she had neither sent nor received any items marked classified.

“That is not true,” Comey said. “There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents.”

Asked whether Clinton’s testimony that she did not email “any classified material to anyone on my email” and “there is no classified material” was true, Comey responded, “No, there was classified material emailed.”

“Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?” Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered, “She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.”

Comey admits that Clinton lied.  But here is the difference (that we won’t know precisely because there was no oath and no recording).

You can lie publicly all you want, if people are sufficiently stupid to believe it — like much of the electorate and the American Media Maggots are doltish enough.  But you should not lie to the FBI.  My guess is that Hillary Clinton came relatively clean in 3.5 hours.  And that is why I believe she was not placed under oath and the interview was not recorded.  Things like that make it easier to dispute later when politically necessary.  There is no record and it is not completely official.  As the Church Lady would have said, “how con-veee-nient.”

Gowdy asked whether Clintons’ lawyers read every one of her emails as she had said. Comey replied, “No.”

But here, ladies and gentlemen, comes the crux of the proverbial biscuit.  Please read this carefully, though through Gowdy’s bit of humor:

“In interest of time, because I have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon, I’m not going to go through anymore of the false statements but I am going to ask you put on your old hat. False exculpatory statements, they are used for what?” Gowdy inquired.

Wait for it.

“Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right? Is that right?” Gowdy asked. “Consciousness of guilt and intent.”

Please read the rest of the article here, because we are going to jump to another Politico article.  Politico purposely does not let you make this link.  You have to be smarter than Politico and make the link as I now display to you.  We continue:

Comey: Clinton did not lie to the FBI

by Nick Gass

Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

“We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI,” Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing’s opening exchanges.

Chaffetz then asked whether Clinton lied to the public. “That’s a question I’m not qualified to answer. I can speak about what she said to the FBI,” Comey said.

Weasel words.  Mealy-mouthed.  Word pablum.  You cannot determine that Clinton lied to the public?  You just made your best case that she did.  If she didn’t lie to your agents under oath, and you’re unsure if she lied to the public, then why didn’t you simply say so?  Instead, you went out of your way to say the opposite.  Your statements are conflicting and make no sense whatsoever.

But the most insightful part has arrived.  Comey outs himself:

Chaffetz then asked whether it was that he was just not able to prosecute it or that Clinton broke the law.

“Well, I don’t want to give an overly lawyerly answer,” Comey said. “The question I always look at is there evidence that would establish beyond a reasonable doubt that somebody engaged in conduct that violated a criminal statute, and my judgment here is there is not. “

And this is how James Comey attempts to rationalize his decision.  He states he does not believe his case established guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

NEWSFLASH: It is not UP to YOU, Director Comey, to assemble a case that yields a determination of “beyond a reasonable doubt.”  That threshold is up to the DOJ or more pointedly a Grand Jury, not you or your organization.  All you need to compile a case for submission is “probable cause.”  That’s what real cops and real DAs in America do.  Their jobs.  They stay in their lanes and do their jobs.

Don’t think I don’t see through your cowardice for political purposes, James Comey.

FBI Director James Comey figured out how to cover his own ass by revealing some truths about Hillary Clinton whilst simultaneously making nice with those in DC power positions who could hurt him seriously.  This is Comey’s false justification for his decision.  And it is clearly wrong and damaging.  He created his “out.”

Or did he just believe he “took one for the team”?

In my opinion: no.  He dishonored his oath.



THESE are the American MORONS who are surrendering YOUR RIGHTS

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

— Ronald Wilson Reagan

IGNORANCE IS STRENGTHDo not think for a moment that the dumbing-down of America isn’t purposeful.  It is entirely 100% purposeful, because an uneducated electorate more preoccupied by its focus on Free Cheese, bread and circuses and “safe spaces” is more readily inclined to surrender its freedoms than another.  There is a reason that Eric Arthur Blair wrote quite possibly the two most important books in fiction.  Prescience.

Let the brain-glazing inanity commence:

These are Americans.

These are the persons that Leftists, Demorats, Socialists, Muslims, terrorists and the SEIU depend upon to willingly shrug off their freedoms

Precisely like Democrats.  Or, as I am wont to call them since the beginning of my blog in 2004, Demorats.

Listen to a man who first voted Democrat, speak so clearly in 1964 about our future now in 2016:

Just as Barack Hussein Obama LEADS FROM BEHIND, as he draws his RED LINE and opines about the ISIS J.V. Team.

History drips all about us in many forms.  It is there for us all to see, if we but take the time to actively seek it out because actively seeking it out is now mandated as, otherwise, history is being pulled behind curtains and blinders and hidden from us all.  At best, this nation is bestruck with what I call Historical Alzheimers.  At worst, a concentrated plot is afoot to inculcate falsehoods and fear into the proles, the serfs, the groundlings, the commoners

We are to sacrifice our God-given rights and freedoms at the altar of so-called “sophistication,” Globalism, Progressivism, an “enlightened” view of the world ruled by fear of politically-correct speech.

I’m sorry.  Even in the face of something as ridiculously unethical and perverted as our national FBI Director’s decision, I’m not giving up.

I’m staying right here.