Soros: funding violence against law enforcement

Black Lives Matter Wide BannerIt’s no surprise or secret that 86-year-old Hungarian billionaire George Soros is a Leftist par excellence, who just “happened” to make over $1 billion dollars in one day when he short-sold the British pound in UK’s Black Wednesday crisis of 1992.

But, naturally, because Soros funds Leftist causes the staggering profiteering of Soros simply falls off the radar of the American Media Maggots, et al.  His corporatism is magically acceptable and worthy of ignorance;

Soros has already spent $13 million dollars this election cycle to bring Hillary Clinton to the White House and Demorats back to power in the US Congress.

That as background, from

Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter

by Aaron Klein

George Soros’s Open Society Institute viewed the 2015 Baltimore unrest following the death of Freddie Gray as opening a “unique opportunity” to create “accountability” for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city, according to hacked documents reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem.

The documents further confirm that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.”

The information was contained in a detailed 69-page Open Society report on the agenda of an Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting held in New York October 1 to October 2, 2015.

The report directly states the Open Society views the Baltimore unrest last year as a crisis that can be utilized to carry out the organization’s agenda.

Cue Rahm Emanual, disgraced Mayor of Chicago: “you never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

The so-called “money shot” for Leftists:

Recognizing the need for strategic assistance, the U.S. Programs Board approved $650,000 in Opportunities Fund support to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Our support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement follows other investments that have taken very different paths, including the Dreamers and Occupy Wall Street. USP grantee United We Dream (UWD) for example, a youth-led organization formed in 2009 by undocumented students and other advocates, changed the narrative about undocumented people and continues to be a major player in the immigration reform field.

Ah.  Good to know that the doddering George Soros is still sufficiently cogent to fund and embrace Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

There are, literally, billionaires working against you, good citizens of the United States of America.

And millions of Leftist dollars are funding those who wish to assassinate law enforcement personnel who are black, Caucasoid, Asian, Hispanic, it doesn’t matter.  If you wear a law enforcement uniform you are now a funded target.

Good times.



The Seventh Arrow

It is my pleasure to feature a new voice here at Bloviating Zeppelin.  He is called The Seventh Arrow, and has a unique and distinct take on law enforcement in America.

SEVENTH ARROW Masthead ReferenceYou may reach him on Twitter, @TheSeventhArrow.  He describes himself as a current law enforcement officer with over 14 years of experience, a literary scholar, conservative, photographer, family man and father.

He writes as follows:

Is the Black Lives Matter movement a terrorist organization or do they just support terrorism? What is the difference between the BLM movement and the Taliban? Consider the following and reflect. Look at “18 U.S. Code 2331” defining terrorism, of which I will summarize a portion:

” (Terrorism) (A) involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;”

Now that we have the legal definition, what is the difference between what happened in Dallas, Texas on July 7th, 2016 and what happened in San Bernardino on December 2nd of 2015?

One similarity is they are both acts of terrorism in one form or another. I will let you compare or contrast other similarities — but know our “leaders” do not care for the word “terrorist,” so you won’t hear it from them.

I have the following message for anyone who would support terrorism in this country in ignorance as opposed to malice. In the latter instance I have nothing to say which you would understand. For the ignorant I can only hope that you temporarily break ignorance and hear my words for what they are. If you support the Black Lives Matter movement, listen carefully.

Despite what passive news media shares with you, be diligent in your logic. Regardless of what any of your supposed leaders tell you,  understand the situation for yourself. Do not March like a lamb to the slaughter of truth. Elevate yourself, separate from evil and Join America. Remove yourself from the terrorist notions which are destroying this country.



I hope he will continue to return to Bloviating Zeppelin and provide us with his insight.



Gowdy: “why are gun prosecutions DOWN under Obama?”

Demorat TEMPER TANTRUMExcellent question.

Read this from Trey Gowdy:

Trey Gowdy House DemoratsAs our American tax dollars pay for House Demorats to act like spoiled little children, their perfumed bums sitting upon nice, thick carpet, they prove once again that their views have no basis in reality and demand to — as always — selectively enforce laws and completely disregard others.

Kabuki TheatreDC Kabuki Theater, as Demorats Occupy the House Floor.  Pacifiers all around.



Another murderous weekend in Chicago: ho-hum, who cares?

Chicago PD Father's Day Crime SceneRight.

Because Leftists and the federal government and Obaka and his minions are too busy condemning guns for being the Prime Evil in Orlando.  SQUIRREL!

For the dolts, dafts, proles, Demorats, American Media Maggots, groundlings, Free Cheesers, Leftists, voting felons and Socialists amongst us, they bit.

But in the meantime, this past Father’s Day weekend had any number of Baby Daddies shooting and killing other Baby Daddies.

From the

City records 300th homicide with 13 over Father’s Day weekend

by Alexandra Chachevitch and Peter Nickeas

The city recorded its 300th homicide this weekend and went on to record six others over a 60-hour period that saw 59 people shot, 13 fatally, from Friday afternoon through early Monday morning.

So far this year, about 1,800 people have been shot across the city and more than 200 of those wounded have died of their wounds, according to records kept by the Chicago Tribune. A total of 306 people have been killed this year by shooting, stabbing or other means, Tribune records show.


Five people were fatally shot and nine others were hurt between Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Four of the fatalities occurred in seven hours. The fatalities included a 16-year-old boy who was killed in West Englewood about 9:05 p.m. Friday. He was in the front passenger seat of a car driving through an alley in the 6500 block of South Hamilton Avenue when two males came up and fired shots, according to police.

At least 28 people were wounded, three fatally, in shootings from 8:30 a.m. Saturday to 4:30 a.m. Sunday, the equivalent of somebody shot every 43 minutes. One fatal shooting occurred during a possible murder-suicide in Hyde Park about 9:50 a.m. Saturday, police said. Police responded to the 1400 block of East 54th Street for a well-being check and found a 65-year-old woman with a gunshot wound to the head. A man, 73, also was found shot in the head.

Blood In The StreetI mean, really.  This is getting so tedious.  Leftists keep advocating the killing of blacks and other minorities.  “Don’t look at Chicago.  Move along.  Nothing to see here.”

Check this as well.

Black.  Lives.  Don’t.  Matter.

It’s also clear:lying about Islam doesn’t matter either.